364 research outputs found

    The Total Synthesis Of (-)-cryptocaryol A.

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    A stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-cryptocaryol A () is described. Key features of the 17-step route include the use of three boron-mediated aldol reaction-reduction sequences to control all stereocenters and an Ando modification of the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination that permitted the installation of the Z double bond of the α-pyrone ring.133575-8

    The total synthesis of (-)-cryptocaryol A

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    A stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-cryptocaryol A (1) is described. Key features of the 17-step route include the use of three boron-mediated aldol reaction-reduction sequences to control all stereocenters and an Ando modification of the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination that permitted the installation of the Z double bond of the alpha-pyrone ring131235753584CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP573.564/2008-6sem informação2012/02230-0; 2013/07600-

    Assessment of hygienic conditions of ground pepper (Piper nigrum L.) on the market in SĂŁo Paulo city, by means of two methodologies for detecting the light filth

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    Pepper should to be collected, processed, and packed under optimum conditions to avoid the presence of foreign matter. The hygienic conditions of ground pepper marketted in São Paulo city were assessed in determining the presence of foreign matter by means of two extraction methodologies. This study was carried out during a six-month time period from May to September 2006. The occurrence of light impurities was determined either by the flotation technique following the methodology recommended by AOAC or by enzyme – linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). It was observed that 100% of the examined samples contained insect fragments, and many samples were housing more than one type of foreign matter. Twentytwo percent of samples were unqualified for consumption owing to the occurrence of rodent hairs. For the calibration of ELISA test for quantification of insect contamination level in pepper samples, a range of standard-infested samples was prepared in adding 1, 2, 4, 8 and 10 insects in a control sample to estimate the number of insects in the analyzed samples by measuring optical densities (OD) values with a spectrophotometer. Among the 22 samples, 36.4% of samples presented OD values close to that corresponding to the standard infested with eight insects, 40.9% of samples were comparable to OD of the standard infested with four insects, 18.2% comparable to standard with 10 insects, and 4.5% to the standard with two insects. According to the results observed in the present study, the technique described in AOAC official methods manual was found more suitable for detecting not only the insects but also the additional impurities in analyzed samples, while ELISA is specific to detect myosin from the insect muscle, which undergoes serious degradation with time. Keywords: Pepper, ELISA test , Light filth, AOAC official method

    Exploring the Impacts of Predictor Variables on Success in a Mental Health Diversion Program

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    Since the first Mental Health Court (MHC) in 1997, there has been a steady increase of MHCs all over the country. With the introduction of these new specialty courts have also come to introduction of diversion programs. Diversion programs work to connect offenders who have mental illnesses to community-based mental health treatment services as an alternative to incarceration. Typically, with the completion of the program comes with the benefit of having their charges dropped. Diversion programs aim to reduce recidivism in offenders with mental illness and improve their access to treatment

    Exploring the Impacts of Predictor Variables on Success in a Mental Health Diversion Program

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    Since the first Mental Health Court (MHC) in 1997, there has been a steady increase of MHCs all over the country. With the introduction of these new specialty courts have also come to introduction of diversion programs. Diversion programs work to connect offenders who have mental illnesses to community-based mental health treatment services as an alternative to incarceration. Typically, with the completion of the program comes with the benefit of having their charges dropped. Diversion programs aim to reduce recidivism in offenders with mental illness and improve their access to treatment

    Impact modelling and a posteriori non-destructive evaluation of homogeneous particleboards of sugarcane bagasse

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    With a view to gaining an in-depth assessment of the response of particleboards (PBs) to different in-service loading conditions, samples of high-density homogeneous PBs of sugarcane bagasse and castor oil polyurethane resin were manufactured and subjected to low velocity impacts using an instrumented drop weight impact tower and four different energy levels, namely 5, 10, 20 and 30 J. The prediction of the damage modes was assessed using Comsol Multiphysics Âź . Âź. In particular, the random distribution of the fibres and their lengths were reproduced through a robust model. The experimentally obtained dent depths due to the impactor were compared with the ones numerically simulated showing good agreement. The post-impact damage was evaluated by a simultaneous system of image acquisitions coming from two different sensors. In particular, thermograms were recorded during the heating up and cooling down phases, while the specklegrams were gathered one at room temperature (as reference) and the remaining during the cooling down phase. On one hand, the specklegrams were processed via a new software package named Ncorr v.1.2, which is an open-source subset-based 2D digital image correlation (DIC) package that combines modern DIC algorithms proposed in the literature with additional enhancements. On the other hand, the thermographic results linked to a square pulse were compared with those coming from the laser line thermography technique that heats a line-region on the surface of the sample instead of a spot. Surprisingly, both the vibrothermography and the line scanning thermography methods coupled with a robotized system show substantial advantages in the defect detection around the impacted zone

    Vascular Nox (NADPH oxidase) compartmentalization, protein hyperoxidation, and endoplasmic reticulum stress response in hypertension

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    Vascular Nox (NADPH oxidase)-derived reactive oxygen species and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress have been implicated in hypertension. However, relationships between these processes are unclear. We hypothesized that Nox isoforms localize in a subcellular compartment-specific manner, contributing to oxidative and ER stress, which influence the oxidative proteome and vascular function in hypertension. Nox compartmentalization (cell fractionation), O2− (lucigenin), H2O2 (amplex red), reversible protein oxidation (sulfenylation), irreversible protein oxidation (protein tyrosine phosphatase, peroxiredoxin oxidation), and ER stress (PERK [protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase], IRE1α [inositol-requiring enzyme 1], and phosphorylation/oxidation) were studied in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). VSMC proliferation was measured by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and vascular reactivity assessed in stroke-prone SHR arteries by myography. Noxs were downregulated by short interfering RNA and pharmacologically. In SHR, Noxs were localized in specific subcellular regions: Nox1 in plasma membrane and Nox4 in ER. In SHR, oxidative stress was associated with increased protein sulfenylation and hyperoxidation of protein tyrosine phosphatases and peroxiredoxins. Inhibition of Nox1 (NoxA1ds), Nox1/4 (GKT137831), and ER stress (4-phenylbutyric acid/tauroursodeoxycholic acid) normalized SHR vascular reactive oxygen species generation. GKT137831 reduced IRE1α sulfenylation and XBP1 (X-box binding protein 1) splicing in SHR. Increased VSMC proliferation in SHR was normalized by GKT137831, 4-phenylbutyric acid, and STF083010 (IRE1–XBP1 disruptor). Hypercontractility in the stroke-prone SHR was attenuated by 4-phenylbutyric acid. We demonstrate that protein hyperoxidation in hypertension is associated with oxidative and ER stress through upregulation of plasmalemmal-Nox1 and ER-Nox4. The IRE1–XBP1 pathway of the ER stress response is regulated by Nox4/reactive oxygen species and plays a role in the hyperproliferative VSMC phenotype in SHR. Our study highlights the importance of Nox subcellular compartmentalization and interplay between cytoplasmic reactive oxygen species and ER stress response, which contribute to the VSMC oxidative proteome and vascular dysfunction in hypertensio

    NADPH Oxidase 5 Is a Pro‐Contractile Nox Isoform and a Point of Cross‐Talk for Calcium and Redox Signaling‐Implications in Vascular Function

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    Background NADPH Oxidase 5 (Nox5) is a calcium‐sensitive superoxide‐generating Nox. It is present in lower forms and higher mammals, but not in rodents. Nox5 is expressed in vascular cells, but the functional significance remains elusive. Given that contraction is controlled by calcium and reactive oxygen species, both associated with Nox5, we questioned the role of Nox5 in pro‐contractile signaling and vascular function. Methods and Results Transgenic mice expressing human Nox5 in a vascular smooth muscle cell–specific manner (Nox5 mice) and Rhodnius prolixus, an arthropod model that expresses Nox5 endogenoulsy, were studied. Reactive oxygen species generation was increased systemically and in the vasculature and heart in Nox5 mice. In Nox5‐expressing mice, agonist‐induced vasoconstriction was exaggerated and endothelium‐dependent vasorelaxation was impaired. Vascular structural and mechanical properties were not influenced by Nox5. Vascular contractile responses in Nox5 mice were normalized by N‐acetylcysteine and inhibitors of calcium channels, calmodulin, and endoplasmic reticulum ryanodine receptors, but not by GKT137831 (Nox1/4 inhibitor). At the cellular level, vascular changes in Nox5 mice were associated with increased vascular smooth muscle cell [Ca2+]i, increased reactive oxygen species and nitrotyrosine levels, and hyperphosphorylation of pro‐contractile signaling molecules MLC20 (myosin light chain 20) and MYPT1 (myosin phosphatase target subunit 1). Blood pressure was similar in wild‐type and Nox5 mice. Nox5 did not amplify angiotensin II effects. In R. prolixus, gastrointestinal smooth muscle contraction was blunted by Nox5 silencing, but not by VAS2870 (Nox1/2/4 inhibitor). Conclusions Nox5 is a pro‐contractile Nox isoform important in redox‐sensitive contraction. This involves calcium‐calmodulin and endoplasmic reticulum–regulated mechanisms. Our findings define a novel function for vascular Nox5, linking calcium and reactive oxygen species to the pro‐contractile molecular machinery in vascular smooth muscle cells
