774 research outputs found

    Propulsive force in front crawl swimming

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    To evaluate the propulsive forces in front crawl arm swimming, derived from a three-dimensional kinematic analysis, these values were compared with mean drag forces. The propulsive forces during front crawl swimming using the arms only were calculated using three-dimensional kinematic analysis combined with lift and drag coefficients obtained in fluid laboratories. Since, for any constant swimming speed, the mean propulsive force should be equal to the mean drag force acting on the body of the swimmer, mean values of the calculated propulsive forces were compared with the mean drag forces obtained from measurements on a Measuring Active Drag (MAD) system. The two methods yielded comparable results, the mean difference between them being only 5% (2 N). We conclude that propulsive forces obtained from three-dimensional kinematic analysis provide realistic values. The calculation of the propulsive force appears to be rather sensitive to the point on the hand at which the velocity is estimated and less sensitive to the orientation of the hand

    Brief of requirements of the broiler = Programma van eisen van het vleeskuiken

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    This report lists the brief of requirements of the broiler, based on her needs (also listed). The BoR indicates the actor’s needs with regards to the animal husbandry system. BoR of the main actors are incorporated in the redesign of a broiler husbandry system in the project Tasteful Broilers

    Ichthyosis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, impaired neutrophil chemotaxis, growth retardation, and metaphyseal dysplasia (Shwachman syndrome).

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    The Shwachman syndrome comprises exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, growth retardation, and bone marrow hypoplasia resulting in neutropenia. Clinical, morphological, and ultrastructural studies, as well as hair analysis, were performed in a patient with Shwachman's syndrome and severe ichthyosis. Clinical findings were lamellar ichthyosiform desquamation on the extremities. The hair was scanty and short on the scalp, in the eyelashes, and in the eyebrows. The nails were hyperkeratotic. Morphologic findings were slight, regular acanthosis and severe diffuse hyperkeratosis with variable parakeratosis. The granular layer was thickened. The papillary dermis showed very slight perivascular lymphocyte infiltration. The most prominent ultrastructural finding was the presence of solitary or multiple droplets of varying size in the cytoplasm of the keratinocytes. Hair analysis revealed no abnormalities; the cystine concentration in hair specimens was normal

    The putative proteinase maturation protein A of Streptococcus pneumoniae is a conserved surface protein with potential to elicit protective immune responses

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    Surface-exposed proteins often play an important role in the interaction between pathogenic bacteria and their host. We isolated a pool of hydrophobic, surface-associated proteins of Streptococcus pneumoniae. The opsonophagocytic activity of hyperimmune serum raised against this protein fraction was high and species specific. Moreover, the opsonophagocytic activity was independent of the capsular type and chromosomal genotype of the pneumococcus. Since the opsonophagocytic activity is presumed to correlate with in vivo protection, these data indicate that the protein fraction has the potential to elicit species-specific immune protection with cross-protection against various pneumococcal strains. Individual proteins in the extract were purified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Antibodies raised against three distinct proteins contributed to the opsonophagocytic activity of the serum. The proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Two proteins were the previously characterized pneumococcal surface protein A and oligopeptide-binding lipoprotein AmiA. The third protein was the recently identified putative proteinase maturation protein A (PpmA), which showed homology to members of the family of peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that PpmA was associated with the pneumococcal surface. In addition, PpmA was shown to elicit species-specific opsonophagocytic antibodies that were cross-reactive with various pneumococcal strains. This antibody cross-reactivity was in line with the limited sequence variation of ppmA. The importance of PpmA in pneumococcal pathogenesis was demonstrated in a mouse pneumonia model. Pneumococcal ppmA-deficient mutants showed reduced virulence. The properties of PpmA reported here indicate its potential for inclusion in multicomponent protein vaccines

    Cowel-model geeft bedrijven een welzijnsscore

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    ASG ontwerpt baanbrekende houderijsystemen voor de melkveehouderij – het betreft stallen inclusief de belangrijke schakels in de keten, zoals de aanvoer van krachtvoer en kunstmest. Dit in opdracht van LNV. Het project kreeg de naam Kracht van Koeien. De onderzoekers bouwden onlangs een rekenmodel (Cowel) om de risico- of welzijnsscore van stalsystemen te bepale

    Preparing for climate change: a research framework on the sediment - sharing systems of the Dutch, German and Danish Wadden Sea for the development of an adaptive strategy for flood safety

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    The report proposes a research framework which follows a learning-by-doing approach along the three research lines: monitoring & data analysis, system research & modelling and field experiments (pilots). All studies together will take several decades, partially due to the many questions, partially because studying changes in the system via the above-mentioned research lines takes time. Research programs developed on basis of this framework may focus on a part of the research issue

    Monitoringplan Deltaprogramma Waddengebied : advies voor het toekostbestendig maken van het monitoringsysteem voor waterveilidheid in het Waddengebied

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    Het Waddengebied krijgt de komende eeuw te maken met klimaatverandering. Naarmate de zeespiegel verder stijgt, vraagt het intergetijdengebied van de Waddenzee meer zand en onttrekt dat naar verwachting aan de buitendelta’s en de eilandkusten. Het is dan de vraag of het meegroeivermogen van het gebied voldoende is om de zeespiegelstijging bij te houden

    Design of an RCT on cost-efectiveness of group schema therapy versus individual schema therapy for patients with Cluster-C personality disorder: the QUEST-CLC study protocol

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    Background Given the high prevalence of Cluster-C Personality Disorders (PDs) in clinical populations, disease burden, high societal costs and poor prognosis of comorbid disorders, a major gain in health care can be achieved if Cluster-C PDs are adequately treated. The only controlled cost-effectiveness study published so far found Individual Schema Therapy (IST) to be superior to Treatment as Usual (TAU). Group ST (GST) might improve cost-effectiveness as larger numbers can be treated in (>50%) less time compared to IST. However, to date there is no RCT supporting its (cost-) effectiveness. The overall aim of this study is to assess the evidence for GST for Cluster-C PDs and to improve treatment allocation for individual patients. Three main questions are addressed: 1) Is GST for Cluster-C PDs (cost-) effective compared to TAU? 2) Is GST for Cluster-C PDs (cost-) effective compared to IST? 3) Which patient-characteristics predict better response to GST, IST, or TAU? Methods In a multicenter RCT, the treatment conditions GST, IST, and TAU are compared in 378 Cluster-C PD patients within 10 sites. GST and IST follow treatment protocols and are completed within 1 year. TAU is the optimal alternative treatment available at the site according to regular procedures. Severity of the Cluster-C PD is the primary outcome, assessed with clinical interviews by independent raters blind for treatment. Functioning and wellbeing are important secondary outcomes. Assessments take place at week 0 (baseline), 17 (mid-GST), 34 (post-GST), 51 (postbooster sessions of GST), and 2 years (FU). Patient characteristics predicting better response to a specifc treatment are studied, e.g., childhood trauma, autistic features, and introversion. A tool supporting patients and clinicians in matching treatment to patient will be developed. An economic evaluation investigates the cost-effectiveness and costutility from a societal perspective. A process evaluation by qualitative methods explores experiences of participants, loved ones and therapists regarding recovery, quality of life, and improving treatment. Discussion This study will determine the (cost-)effectiveness of treatments for Cluster-C PDs regarding treatment type as well as optimal matching of patient to treatment and deliver insight into which aspects help Cluster-C-PD patients recover and create a fulfilling life. Trial registration Dutch Trial Register: NL9209. Registered on 28-01-2021