144 research outputs found

    Shakespeare's Shrew: Orthodoxy and Carnival

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    Although the Shakespearean comedies have been analysed as festive plays, and more recently even his historical plays and tragedies have been viewed in the light of Bakhtin's theory of Carnival and the carnivalesque, The Taming of the Shrew has been systematically ignored. It would appear that this situation is a result of the misogynist issues the play raises. In seeing The Taming of the Shrew as a carnivalized drama in addition to the other Shakespearean plays already placed in this category, the aim of this thesis is to show that this early comedy is perhaps even more representative of what Bakhtin termed as carnivalized literature than any other play to be found in Shakespeare's canon. This, I would suggest, is related to the intertextual qualities of a text which has interwoven in its three-plot structure popular oral tradition, elements of the Italian commedia, and the domestic clowning conventions. All these three elements are saturated with a system of images appropriate to the culture of Carnival. As a result of this, the text goes deeply into the Carnival grotesque realism described by Bakhtin. Seeing the play form as dialogic in the same way as the Bakhtinian polyphonic novel is, I argue here that The Taming of the Shrew is a dialogue of voices, in which the patriarchal one is dominant. However, the patriarchal voice is not the only one to be heard. The opposing voices threaten the patriarchal authority, even when they seem to agree with it. The play's carnivalesque open-endedness affied to its 'metatheatrical' qualities reveals the contradictions of the dominant ideology. With respect to the controversial issue of the relationship between Shakespeare's The Taming of The Shrew and The Taming of a Shrew, the anonymous text is analysed here as a parody of its sources rather than as a ‘plagiarism' or a 'compilation' of Shakespeare's and Marlowe's works. The similarities and differences between these two texts are seen positively rather than dismissively

    Simulation of BPMN process models: current BPM tools capabilities

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    "The 2016 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'16)"Nowadays, more and more organizations are using Business Process Management (BPM) to prepare themselves to deal, in an effective way, with the increasingly difficult conditions of modern markets. Essential to BPM is the collection of tools which support the operationalization of the business process concept – BPM tools. These tools deal with business process models, which have to be described with a suitable language. In the present, BPMN is considered the standard modeling language to describe business processes. Once a business process is modeled, a process simulation approach might be used in order to find its optimized version. Therefore, the simulation of business process models, such as those defined in BPMN, appears as an obvious way of improving processes. This paper advances work previously published by the authors regarding BPM tools capabilities in terms of the simulation of BPMN process models. In this context a platform to support the characterization of BPM tools regarding process simulation capabilities has been developed. This platform might be helpful to users who want to select the most adequate BPM tool regarding their simulation needs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integração de sistemas de informação de arquivos, bibliotecas e museus: estudo de caso do Município de Ponte de Lima

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    Esta comunicação tem como objetivo dar a conhecer o projeto recentemente implementado no Município de Ponte de Lima intitulado “Repositório de Informação do Município de Ponte de Lima (RIMPL)”. O projeto, pioneiro na administração local em Portugal, visa o acesso facilitado e integrado à informação disponibilizada pelo arquivo, bibliotecas e museus municipais, possibilitando aos cidadãos o acesso global à informação de carácter patrimonial e cultural do Município de Ponte de Lima

    Learn for Yourself: The Self-Learning Tools for Qualitative Analysis Software Packages

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    Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are tools that help researchers to develop qualitative research projects. These software packages help the users with tasks such as transcription analysis, coding and text interpretation, writing and annotation, content search and analysis, recursive abstraction, grounded theory methodology, discourse analysis, data mapping, among several other types of analysis. This paper analyses the new paradigm of self-learning that presents itself increasingly as a competence to support learning in a proactive way. It further analyses education and CAQDAS with emphasis on the use of CAQDAS in educational research and the self-learning of CAQDAS. The study conducted had two main goals: analyse the self-learning tools of CAQDAS and identify CAQDAS's users profile regarding learning. Six software packages were selected: NVivo, Atlas.ti, Dedoose, webQDA, MAXQDA, and QDA Miner. They were then reviewed, taking into account their transversality, language, (self-learning) tools, among several other factors. The results show that there is a considerable demand for information from users regarding the execution of processes in CAQDAS, and that the packages analysed do not guide the user towards the self-learning tools that best fit their learning style

    Análise da força tênsil na cicatrização da parede abdominal de ratos tratados com infliximabe

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do infliximabe, anticorpo monoclonal quimérico humano-murino, sobre a força tênsil da ferida operatória abdominal. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos, linhagem Wistar, machos, sadios, com peso corporal inicial entre 215 e 390 g e 60 e 90 dias de vida foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, E (Experimental) e C (Controle) com 30 animais cada. Os animais do grupo E receberam por via subcutânea, dose única, de 5mg/Kg de infliximabe, via subcutânea e os animais do grupo C receberam, volume equivalente, de solução de NaCl a 0,9%, via subcutânea. Depois de 48h os animais de ambos os grupos foram submetidos à incisão mediana na parede abdominal com 4 cm de extensão incluindo todos os planos que foram reconstituídos com sutura contínua músculo aponeurótica e pele, separadamente, com fio de nylon 5.0. A seguir os animais grupo E foram separados por sorteio simples em três subgrupos denominados E3, E7 e E14 com dez animais e os do grupo C em C3, C7 e C14 e foram submetidos, respectivamente, à reoperação e eutanásia no terceiro, sétimo e 14º dia pós-operatório. A parede abdominal anterior, ressecada dos animais durante a reoperação, foi cortada, com lamina de bisturi nº 15, perpendicularmente à ferida operatória. Cada espécime, em forma de fita, com 6 cm por 2 cm, foi preso pela extremidade de modo que a linha de sutura ficasse eqüidistante dos pontos de fixação do dinamômetro e realizado o teste de resistência tensil. O dinamômetro, aferido a cada série de medidas, foi calibrado para aplicar velocidade do teste de ruptura de 25 mm/min e o valor de ruptura foi expresso em N (Newtons) Antes da eutanásia a veia cava abdominal foi identificada e puncionada para retirada de sangue para dosagem de TNF-α. RESULTADOS: A média da força tensil encontrada para os animais dos subgrupos E3, E7, E14, C3, C7 e C14 foram, respectivamente, 16,03; 18,69; 27,01; 28,40; 27,22; 29,15 e 24,30 N. Nos resultados dos testes de múltiplas comparações foram encontradas diferenças significantes (p< 0,05) entre os subgrupos E3 e E7 quando comparados com C3, C7e C14. CONCLUSÃO: O infliximabe interferiu na cicatrização da ferida da parede abdominal com diminuição da força de ruptura na fase inflamatória e proliferativa.PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of infliximab, a murine/human chimeric monoclonal antibody, on the tensile strength of abdominal wall surgical wounds. METHODS: Sixty Wistar healthy male rats with initial body weight between 215 and 390 g and 60 and 90 days of age were randomly assigned into two groups, E (Experimental) and C (Control) with 30 animals each. Group E animals received a single subcutaneous dose of 5mg/Kg of infliximab, and Group C animals received equivalent subcutaneous volume of a solution of 0.9% NaCl. After 48h, animals from both groups were submitted to a 4 cm median incision in the abdominal wall, including all layers that had been reconstituted with continuous suture of the aponeurotic muscle and skin, with 5.0 nylon thread. Then, Group E animals were separated by simple allotment into three subgroups named E3, E7 and E14 with ten animals each, and those from group C into C3, C7, C14 and were submitted, respectively, the reoperation and euthanasia at the third, seventh and fourteenth postoperative day. The anterior abdominal wall, which was resected during reoperation, was cut with No 15 scalpel lamina perpendicularly to the surgical wound. Each specimen, in the form of a 6 cm x 2 cm strip, was fixed by the extremity so that the suture line was equidistant from the fixation points of the dynamometer, in order to undergo the tensile strength test. The dynamometer, which was gauged for each series of measures, was calibrated to apply velocity to the 25 mm/min rupture test; the rupture value was expressed in N (Newton). Prior to euthanasia, the abdominal vena cava was identified and punctured in order to collect blood for TNF-α dosage. RESULTS: The mean tensile strength found for animals from subgroups E3, E7, E14, C3, C7, C14 were, respectively, 16.03, 18.69, 27.01, 28.40, 27.22, 29.15 and 24.30 N. In the results of the multiple comparisons tests, significant differences (p<0.05) was found between subgroups E3 and E7 compared with C3, C7 and C14. CONCLUSION: The infliximab interfered in the healing of the abdominal wall wound decreasing the rupture strength in the inflammatory and proliferative phases

    Funcionalidades para a promoção do trabalho colaborativo em investigação qualitativa: O caso software webQDA

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    A investigação cientifica sempre se fez e se faz de modo colaborativo. Hoje temos disponível a internet que facilita este processo através de ferramentas de comunicação, a partilha de dados, gestão de tarefas, entre outras. No entanto, a investigação qualitativa tem dado passos tímidos no trabalho verdadeiramente colaborativo. Este artigo apresenta o modelo 4C do trabalho colaborativo, bem como as funcionalidades de colaboração disponíveis na versão atual (2.0) do software de apoio à análise qualitativa webQDA. O estudo foi realizado tendo como base um questionário destinado a compreender a opinião de uma amostra aleatória de utilizadores do Brasil, Espanha e Portugal sobre estas funcionalidades. Os resultados demonstram que as funcionalidades de comunicação, cooperação e coordenação ainda não são devidamente exploradas pelos investigadores. Esperamos que o desenvolvimento da versão 3.0 do webQDA, possa ser beneficiada pela identificação das funcionalidades mais exploradas pelos investigadores e aponte novas potencialidades a serem disponibilizadas.Scientific research has always been done and is done in a collaborative manner. Today we have available the internet that facilitates this process through communication tools, data sharing, management tasks, among others. However, qualitative research has taken timid steps towards a truly collaborative work. This paper presents the 4C collaborative work model as well as the collaboration features available in the current version (2.0) of the qualitative analysis software webQDA. The paper is based on a questionnaire sought to understand the views of a random sample of users in Brazil, Spain and Portugal about these features. The results achieved demonstrate that the communications capabilities, cooperation and coordination are not yet fully explored by researchers. We hope that the development of version 3.0 of webQDA, can be benefited by the identification of the features most exploited by researchers and point to desired new features to be made available

    COVID-19 and Seasonal Flu During the Autumn-Winter of 2020/2021 and the Challenges Lying Ahead for Hospitals

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    The possibility of a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic coexisting with a simultaneous epidemic of influenza and the co-circulation of other seasonal respiratory viruses sets the stage for a perfect storm. Preparing for the Autumn-Winter of 2020/2021 is complex, requiring centralized guidance but local and regional solutions, with strong leadership and a high level of coordination. It is essential to act upstream of hospitals in order to reduce demand on emergency departments, minimizing the risk of transmission that occurs there and the team overload, as well as downstream to ensure capacity for hospitalization and in the hospital itself to optimize resources and organization. The failure of this plan will create unbearable pressure on hospital care. The authors describe the challenges lying ahead for hospitals and the most important measures that should be included in this plan to prepare the Autumn-Winter of 2020/2021 in Portugal.publishersversionpublishe

    Learn by yourself: The Self-Learning Tools for Qualitative Analysis Software Packages

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    Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are tools that help researchers to develop qualitative research projects. These software packages help the users with tasks such as transcription analysis, coding and text interpretation, writing and annotation, content search and analysis, recursive abstraction, grounded theory methodology, discourse analysis, data mapping, and several other types of analysis. This paper focus the new paradigm of self-learning, that presents itself increasingly as a competence to support learning in a proactive way. It further analyses education and CAQDAS with emphasis on the use of CAQDAS in educational research and the self-learning of CAQDAS. The study conducted had two main goals: (1) analyse the self-learning tools of CAQDAS and (2) identify CAQDAS's users learning profile. Six software packages were selected: NVivo, Atlas.ti, Dedoose, webQDA, MAXQDA, and QDA Miner. They were reviewed, taking into account their transversality, language, (self-learning) tools, among other criteria. The results show that there is a considerable demand for information from users regarding the execution of processes in CAQDAS, and that the packages analysed do not guide users towards the self-learning tools that best fit their learning style

    a mixed-method analysis

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    Background: Among the processes to be experienced by any organization during its establishment is the formation of an organizational identity. This process can be understood as the activity and event through which an organization becomes unique in the mind of its members. An organizational identity leads to an identification and both are directly associated with the success of an institution. This study is about a public higher education institution in health in its early years, with distinctive characteristics in the country where it is situated. In spite of having been successful in the graduation of its students it has fragile institutional bases, lack of autonomy and internal problems common to other institutions of this type. Thus, this study was conducted to understand how this institution defined itself among its own members, the elements of its identity and what justified its relative success despite its weaknesses. Methods: A mixed-method approach was used to evaluate how a representative portion of this organization identifies with it. For the qualitative study two focus groups were conducted with transcripts submitted to content analysis proposed by Bardin, culminating in results from which a Likert scale-based questionnaire was elaborated and applied to 297 subjects. Results: There were six central elements of the organizational identity made evident by the focus groups: political / ideological conflict; active teaching and learning methodologies; location / separation of campuses; time of existence; teaching career; political-administrative transformations. The quantitative analysis revealed in more detail the general impressions raised in the focus groups. Most results were able to demonstrate distinct identifications of the same identity with its exposed weaknesses. Conclusions: Lack of autonomy, administrative and structural shortcomings and ideological or political conflicts presented themselves as problems capable of destabilizing the identity of a public higher education institution. On the other hand, one way to combat such problems is through the development of the institution itself, particularly by becoming more active and useful to the community and seeking in a common interest to the higher administration agencies.publishersversionpublishe