2,916 research outputs found

    The University Library and the development of higher education

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    En el artículo se aborda la importancia que tiene la biblioteca universitaria para el desarrollo de la Educación Superior, como inagotable fuente de conocimiento que cumple con la misión de hacer accesible la información de sus acervos a su comunidad universitaria. Se destacan funciones que se han llevado a cabo en esta institución desde su surgimiento en el siglo XII hasta la actualidad, con la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Se evidencia no sólo su relevancia para el apoyo a la docencia y la investigación, sino como una institución determinante en el desarrollo cultural de sus usuarios.No artigo se aborda a importância que tem a biblioteca universitária para o desenvolvimento da Educação Superior, como inesgotável fonte de conhecimento que cumpre com a missão de fazer acessível a informação de suas acervos a sua comunidade universitária. Destacam-se funções que se levaram a cabo nesta instituição desde seu surgimento no século XII até a atualidade, com a incorporação das tecnologias da informação e as comunicações. Se evidência não só sua relevância para o apoio à docência e a pesquisa, senão como uma instituição determinante no desenvolvimento cultural de seus usuários.The article refers to the importance of the university library for Higher Education as a greater source of knowledge. It also deals with the tasks that have been carried out in this institution since its foundation in the XII century up to now. It also states the different technologies for communication. Besides, its relevance is shown not only to support the academic and research process but also to contribute in the users´ cultural development

    An analytically solvable three-body problem

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    The problem of three particles interacting through harmonic forces is discussed within the Newtonian formalism. By means of a didactic approach, an exact analytical solution is found, and ways to extend it to the N-body case are pointed out.Comment: In Portuguese. To appear in Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica (RBEF

    Estabilidade química, físico-química e microbiológica de polpas de acerola pasteurizadas e não-pasteurizadas de cultivo orgânico.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a estabilidade química, físico-química e microbiológica de polpas de acerola pasteurizadas e não-pasteurizadas, oriundas de cultivo orgânico e armazenadas sob congelamento (-18±2ºC) durante 360 dias. O armazenamento sob congelamento não ocasionou perdas significativas de qualidade das polpas de acerola. No entanto, o tratamento térmico influenciou negativamente nos conteúdos iniciais de alguns componentes, principalmente sólidos solúveis, açúcares solúveis totais e redutores, que apresentaram conteúdos inferiores no início do armazenamento para as polpas pasteurizadas. As polpas pasteurizadas e não-pasteurizadas apresentaram boa qualidade microbiológica do início ao final do armazenamento. Dentre as polpas estudadas, as polpas não-pasteurizadas apresentaram melhores características iniciais de cor. As polpas pasteurizadas garantiram melhores características microbiológicas no que concerne aos aspectos de segurança alimentar

    Existence of positive solutions for a semipositone p-Laplacian problem

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    We prove the existence of positive solutions to a semipositone p-Laplacian problem combining mountain pass arguments, comparison principles, regularity principles and a priori estimates

    El doping un flagelo que afecta el deporte mundial

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    The doping has acquired relevance at present in the field of the sport, caused by the external pressure, the ignorance of the forbidden list of substances and methods, the lesions and physical limitations, it is also achieved by varied actions, this has demanded of organizations like the World Agency Antidoping, the International Olympic Committee and the Convention of the UNESCO for the fight against the doping. In this context is defined as purpose of the work to analyze the doping like a scourge that it affects the world sport on the basis of their history and the consequences of their use. Their origin goes back to the actions that the man executed from the antiquity to increase his yields, in the XX century the death of athletes during the competitions accelerated the process to avoid the consumption of drugs, they notice controls obligatory antidopaje starting from the Olympic Games in 1968. The World Code Antidoping is institute in the 2003 and in the 2015 it was actualice. The medications with doping ends like the eritropoyetina, amphetamines and the steroids, are used in dose that damage the health. In the world exist 26 laboratories antidoping credited, Cuba has one from the 2001. The samples that are analyzed are of urine and blood, protocols exist for these analyses. The genetic doping is the biggest threat for the future, athletes could be manufactured with genetic characteristics that would give him big advantages according to the sport disciplines that they practice. The fight against this fragelo cannot stop.El dopaje ha adquirido actualmente relevancia en el campo del deporte, ocasionado por la presión exterior, el desconocimiento de la lista prohibida de sustancias y métodos, las lesiones y limitaciones físicas, además se logra por variadas acciones, esto ha demandado de organizaciones como la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje, el Comité Olímpico Internacional y la Convención de la UNESCO para la lucha contra el dopaje. En este contexto se define como propósito del trabajo analizar el dopaje como un flagelo que afecta el deporte mundial teniendo en cuenta su historia y las consecuencias de su uso. Su orígen se remonta a las acciones que el hombre ejecutaba desde la antiguedad para aumentar sus rendimientos, en el siglo XX la muerte de atletas durante las competencias aceleró el proceso para evitar el consumo de drogas, se fijan controles antidopaje obligatorios a partir de los Juegos Olímpicos en 1968. El Código Mundial Antidopaje se establece en el 2003 y en el 2015 fue actualizado. Los medicamentos con fines de dopaje como la eritropoyetina, anfetaminas y los esteroides, se utilizan en dosis que dañan la salud. Existen 26 laboratorios antidoping acreditados en el mundo, Cuba tiene uno desde el 2001. Las muestras que se analizan son de orina y sangre, existen protocolos para estos análisis. El dopaje genético es la mayor amenaza para el futuro, se podrían fabricar atletas con características genéticas que le darían grandes ventajas de acuerdo a las disciplinas deportivas que practiquen. La lucha contra este fragelo no puede detenerse

    Narcissism, risk and uncertainties: analysis in the light of prospect and fuzzy-trace theories

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    Purpose This study aims to analyze the relationship between the nonpathological traits of narcissism and decisions under conditions of uncertainty and risk in light of the prospect (PT) and fuzzy-trace theories (FTT). Design/methodology/approach This paper conducted an empirical-theoretical study with 210 Brazilian academics from the business area (accountants and managers), using a self-reported questionnaire to collect data. This paper analyzed the data through descriptive statistical techniques, correlation, test of hypotheses and logistic regression. Findings The results point to a lower disposition of respondents to narcissistic traits, although the characteristics of self-sufficiency, authority, exploitation and superiority have been demonstrated. Most participants chose the sure gain in positive scenarios and risk in light of possibility of losses. However, those with high levels of narcissism showed higher propensity to make risky decisions, both in positive and negative scenarios. Research limitations/implications The empirical results about risky decision-making behavior of individuals with narcissist traits spur further investigation on the impacts of attitudes and behaviors in organizations as they are affected by psychosocial factors. These attitudes and behaviors, reflected in administrative and financial reports, influence future decisions of investors. Originality/value The interaction between the areas of business administration and psychology in regard to the effects of the narcissist personality trait and the FTT is both original and valuable for the business area. The simplest scenario based on the FTT theory can help eliminate issues around the interpretation and complexities of calculations regarding decision-making scenarios in PT format

    Shakespeare e Garrett

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    60 (1-2) Jan.-Jun. 1950, p. 17-72