269 research outputs found

    The Digital Market for Local Services: A one-night stand for workers? An example from the on-demand economy. CEPS Special Report, No. 133/April 2016

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    This case study provides a snapshot of the dynamics in the digital market for locally provided personal services. Based on a case study for a Belgium platform with 14,113 identified workers and 9,459 posted tasks, the findings suggest that the current intermediation is inefficient. Only a limited share of the tasks posted on the platform are being completed, whereas the characteristics of the not-completed tasks are fairly limited. Moreover, just a small share of the workers participating in the platform is actually performing the completed tasks. Their average earnings per hour are in most cases above the minimum wage and even above the median wage in the offline market. At the present time, however, the limited earnings for individual workers prevent this mode of working from becoming an alternative to a conventional job. In addition to the standard determinants of workers’ earnings (e.g. gender, age, occupation, etc.), the characteristics and evaluation mechanism of the platform have a large influence on the distribution of tasks and earnings

    The Digital Market for Local Services: A one-night stand for workers? An example from the on-demand economy

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    This case study provides a snapshot of the dynamics in the digital market for locally provided personal services. Based on a case study for a Belgium platform with 14,113 identified workers and 9,459 posted tasks, the findings suggest that the current intermediation is inefficient. Only a limited share of the tasks posted on the platform are being completed, whereas the characteristics of the not-completed tasks are fairly limited. Moreover, just a small share of the workers participating in the platform is actually performing the completed tasks. Their average earnings per hour are in most cases above the minimum wage and even above the median wage in the offline market. At the present time, however, the limited earnings for individual workers prevent this mode of working from becoming an alternative to a conventional job. In addition to the standard determinants of workers’ earnings (e.g. gender, age, occupation, etc.), the characteristics and evaluation mechanism of the platform have a large influence on the distribution of tasks and earnings.JRC.DDG.02-Foresight and Behavioural Insight

    La reclamación de deudas tributarias entre las administraciones locales

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    La Administración local es cada vez más eficaz en la recaudación de sus deudas tributarias, pero tiene grandes dificultades para cobrar deudas de otras Administraciones. Uno de los principales motivos de esa dificultad es la imposibilidad de realizar directamente la ejecución de los bienes del deudor fuera de su ámbito territorial de competencias, que normalmente se intenta solventar mediante la suscripción de Convenios de colaboración con otras AdministracionesLocal administration has become more effective in collecting its tax revenues. However, it has greater difficulties when it comes to collect taxes due by other administrations. One of the main reasons for this lies on the impossibility for local administrations to execute the assets of debtors located outside their territory. This drawback is normally solved though the recourse to collaboration agreements with other administration

    A melanin-independent interaction between Mc1r and Met signalling pathways is required for HGF-dependent melanoma

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    Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) signaling stimulates black eumelanin production through a cAMP-dependent pathway. MC1R polymorphisms can impair this process, resulting in a predominance of red phaeomelanin. The red hair, fair skin and UV sensitive phenotype is a well-described melanoma risk factor. MC1R polymorphisms also confer melanoma risk independent of pigment. We investigated the effect of Mc1r deficiency in a mouse model of UV-induced melanoma. C57BL/6-Mc1r+/+-HGF transgenic mice have a characteristic hyperpigmented black phenotype with extra-follicular dermal melanocytes located at the dermal/epidermal junction. UVB induces melanoma, independent of melanin pigmentation, but UVA-induced and spontaneous melanomas are dependent on black eumelanin. We crossed these mice with yellow C57BL/6-Mc1re/e animals which have a non-functional Mc1r and produce predominantly yellow phaeomelanin. Yellow C57BL/6-Mc1re/e-HGF mice produced no melanoma in response to UVR or spontaneously even though the HGF transgene and its receptor Met were expressed. Total melanin was less than in C57BL/6-Mc1r+/+-HGF mice, hyperpigmentation was not observed and there were few extra-follicular melanocytes. Thus, functional Mc1r was required for expression of the transgenic HGF phenotype. Heterozygous C57BL/6-Mc1re/+-HGF mice were black and hyperpigmented and, although extra-follicular melanocytes and skin melanin content were similar to C57BL/6-Mc1r+/+-HGF animals, they developed UV-induced and spontaneous melanomas with significantly less efficiency by all criteria. Thus, heterozygosity for Mc1r was sufficient to restore the transgenic HGF phenotype but insufficient to fully restore melanoma. We conclude that a previously unsuspected melanin-independent interaction between Mc1r and Met signaling pathways is required for HGF-dependent melanoma and postulate that this pathway is involved in human melanoma

    Procjena izloženosti UV zračenju tijekom ljetnih mjeseci u Hrvatskoj s pomoću jednostavne približne formule

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    The Tropospheric Ultraviolet-Visible (TUV) model, version 4.2 developed by Madronich (2003) was usedto estimate the extent of ultraviolet (UV) exposure of general population in Croatia over the summer. Solarnoon values (13 h local time, CEST) of the ultraviolet index (UVI) for the period April to October 2004 were calculated for 61 cities in Croatia. The results showed that the risk of sunburn at 13 h local time inclear weather was high between April and September (UVI >7) and very high in July (UVI >10). In July, the UVI exceeded 8 between 11 h and 15 h local time. In this study, we developed a simple approximate formula to estimate UVI. The formula includes data on the time, date, altitude and clouds. The difference between our estimate and the TUV model for the summer months of June, July and August at 10 h to16 h local time was less than 10 %.Tropospheric Ultraviolet-Visible (TUV) model, verzija 4.2 autora S. Madronicha (2003.) upotrijebljen je zaprocjenu izloženosti ultraljubičastom (UV) zračenju stanovništva u Hrvatskoj. Podnevne vrijednosti (13 hprema lokalnom vremenu) ultraljubičastog indeksa (UVI) izračunane su za 61 mjesto u Hrvatskoj za razdobljetravanj - listopad. Rezultati pokazuju da je u 13 h prema lokalnom vremenu rizik od nastanka opeklina izazvanih sunčevim zračenjem u danima bez naoblake visok između travnja i rujna (UVI > 7) te da je rizikvrlo visok tijekom srpnja (UVI >10). U srpnju tijekom dana UV indeks prelazi vrijednost 8 između 11 h i15 h prema lokalnom vremenu. U ovom radu za procjenu UV indeksa razvijena je jednostavna približna formula. Formula omogućava procjenu UV indeksa na temelju podataka o datumu, satu, nadmorskoj visini i naoblaci. Prilikom usporedbe rezultata dobivenih formulom i točnih rezultata dobivenih TUV modelom za ljetne mjesece lipanj, srpanj i kolovoz te razdoblje od 10 h do 16 h među rezultatima dobivena je razlikamanja od 10 %

    Juana Francisca Rubio (1911 – 2008): compromiso político y obra artística durante la Guerra Civil española

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    Juana Francisca Rubio (1911 ¿ 2008): compromiso político y obra artística durante la Guerra Civil española.Juana Francisca Rubio (1911 ¿ 2008) no fue una mujer española más que vivió a lo largo del siglo XX y también a principios del XXI, sino que se ha convertido en nuestro objeto de estudio para superar el estigma con el que la historiografía tradicional la ha clasificado: relegándola a ser conocida casi exclusivamente como la mujer de José Bardasano. Pretendemos demostrar que fue una mujer y artista que plasmó su propia personalidad e idiosincrasia en sus obras. Al tratarse del primer trabajo de investigación de carácter monográfico, hemos centrado nuestra atención en dos áreas muy concretas: por un lado, hemos reconstruido su biografía, en la que hemos aunado los acontecimientos tanto personales como profesionales más significativos e importantes. Esta narrativa la hemos dividido en dos periodos de tiempo, los cuales siguen un orden cronológico: el primero, versa sobre los años que duró el conflicto bélico español en los años 30 del pasado siglo; y, después, hemos tratado de resumir de manera escueta su trayectoria profesional a lo largo de sus años de exiliada republicana y a su vuelta a España. Y, por el otro, hemos llevado a cabo una recopilación de la gran mayoría de sus trabajos artísticos durante aquellos oscuros años. No solo los carteles bélicos, quizá lo más llamativo de su producción, sino otros elementos propagandísticos y sus publicaciones aparecidas en la prensa del momento, las cuales contribuyeron a reforzar el relato gubernamental del gobierno de la Republica en relación a la figura de la mujer y los arquetipos posibles para las actividades propias del género femenino; así como, también, exportar esta imagen tanto en el interior del país como en las demás potencias extrajeras. <br /

    Constraints on the nearby exoplanet Eps Ind Ab from deep near/mid-infrared imaging limits

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    © ESO 2021. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140730The past decade has seen increasing efforts in detecting and characterising exoplanets by high contrast imaging in the near/mid-infrared, which is the optimal wavelength domain for studying old, cold planets. In this work, we present deep AO imaging observations of the nearby Sun-like star ϵ\epsilon Ind A with NaCo (LL^{\prime}) and NEAR (10-12.5 microns) instruments at VLT, in an attempt to directly detect its planetary companion whose presence has been indicated from radial velocity (RV) and astrometric trends. We derive brightness limits from the non-detection of the companion with both instruments, and interpret the corresponding sensitivity in mass based on both cloudy and cloud-free atmospheric and evolutionary models. For an assumed age of 5 Gyr for the system, we get detectable mass limits as low as 4.4 MJM_{\rm J} in NaCo LL^{\prime} and 8.2 MJM_{\rm J} in NEAR bands at 1.5\arcsec from the central star. If the age assumed is 1 Gyr, we reach even lower mass limits of 1.7 MJM_{\rm J} in NaCo LL^{\prime} and 3.5 MJM_{\rm J} in NEAR bands, at the same separation. However, based on the dynamical mass estimate (3.25 MJM_{\rm J}) and ephemerides from astrometry and RV, we find that the non-detection of the planet in these observations puts a constraint of 2 Gyr on the lower age limit of the system. NaCo offers the highest sensitivity to the planetary companion in these observations, but the combination with the NEAR wavelength range adds a considerable degree of robustness against uncertainties in the atmospheric models. This underlines the benefits of including a broad set of wavelengths for detection and characterisation of exoplanets in direct imaging studies.Peer reviewe