9,698 research outputs found

    On the sustainability of the Spanish public budget performance

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    In this paper, we address the issue of whether the current fiscal policy in Spain is sustainable. For this purpose we apply traditional empirical tests of fiscal sustainability proposed in the literature and, in addition, we introduce a deeper univariate analysis of the series involved. Our results show that a structural break seems to have taken place gradually in the Spanish budget performance, allowing to verifying the intertemporal borrowing constraint in a «strong sense», which means that no problems in marketing public debt are expected to arise if fiscal variables follow the pattern of the past in the future. Classification-JEL : E60, F41,: Sustainability, cointegration, structural breaks, intertemporal borrowing constraint.

    The economic effects of exogenous fiscal shocks in Spain: a SVAR approach

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    This paper estimates the effects of exogenous fiscal policy shocks in Spain in a VAR framework. Government expenditure expansionary shocks are found to have positive effects on output in the short-term at the cost of higher inflation and public deficits and lower output in the medium and long term. Tax increases are found to drag economic activity in the medium term while entailing an only temporary improvement of the public budget balance. The application of these results to the analysis of fiscal policy in Spain since the mid-nineties points to the conclusion that the consolidation process does not seem to have involved costs in terms of output growth. Moreover, the stance of fiscal policy has become more counter-cyclical in that period. JEL Classification: E62, H30Fiscal multipliers, Fiscal shocks, VAR

    La poesía española actual y la pintura

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    Esta conferencia tiene por objeto analizar la compleja relaciĂłn de la poesĂ­a española de las Ășltimas dĂ©cadas con las artes. Se trata, en primer lugar, de plantear los principios teĂłricos de la Ă©cfrasis y la imitaciĂłn artĂ­stica desde los orĂ­genes y su desarrollo en la literatura de la contemporaneidad. A continuaciĂłn se realiza un breve recorrido a partir de ejemplos del Modernismo y la GeneraciĂłn del 27 para, finalmente, analizar las diversas manifestaciones de la relaciĂłn entre los dos lenguajes artÍsticos en varios casos recientes, desde la GeneraciĂłn del 50 y los NovĂ­simos hasta la poesĂ­a de las generaciones mĂĄs jĂłvenes.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tec

    The macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in Spain

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    Economic Determinants of Driver's Behavior in Minas Gerais

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    The aim of the paper is to evaluate the behavior of drivers when they face a safe-traffic environment. Some studies suggest that the laws that demand auto makers to produce safer vehicles also stimulate their drivers to drive carelessly, since the cost of driving carefully decreases. Likewise, a safer traffic environment or less dangerous surroundings can stimulate drivers to drive more aggressively and less carefully. This study tries to test whether the undesirable behavior described by Peltzman (1975) is observed on the highways and roads of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Estimates based on data found in the Brazilian Federal Road Police's accident report databank confirm drivers'' lack of attention in safer environments. The results suggest that careless behavior in traffic increases when safer conditions prevail.

    Reflexiones sobre el escribir: a propĂłsito de Henry Miller

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    En la muerte de Miguel Ángel Asturias

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    Jorge Guillén: un poeta de la afirmación

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    Notes sobre premsa polĂ­tica a Mallorca: El CantĂłn Balear 1873-74

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