355 research outputs found

    Spinal cord lesion by minor trauma as an early sign of multiple system atrophy

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    Copyright: © 2016 Brum, Reimão, Sousa, de Carvalho and Ferreira. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is characterized clinically by parkinsonism, cerebellar, autonomic, and corticospinal features of variable severity. When the presentation is only parkinsonism, the disease might be difficult to differentiate from Parkinson's disease (PD). We present a case of an 80-year-old man with previous diagnosis of PD. One year after the diagnosis, he had a whiplash cervical trauma due to a tricycle accident caused by a hole in the road. This low-energy trauma caused an unstable C4-C5 cervical fracture with spinal cord injury, which required surgical decompression and stabilization. Neurological examination showed marked postural instability, no rest and postural tremor, finger tapping slowed on the right, spastic tetraparesis (ASIA D) - predominantly on the left side, brisk deep tendon reflexes in the upper and lower extremities, and bilateral extensor plantar response. He also presented with vertical gaze restriction, mild hypometria in horizontal saccades, moderate dysphagia, and dysphonia. As atypical parkinsonism was suspected, he underwent an MRI that revealed conjunction of findings suggestive of parkinsonian-type MSA. In our case, we hypothesize that the loss of postural reflexes, as an early manifestation of MSA, did not allow the patient to have an effective reaction response to a low-energy trauma, resulting in a more severe injury. With this case report, we speculate that the severe spinal lesions caused by minor accidents can be an early sign of postural instability, which may lead to clinical suspicion of neurodegenerative disorder manifested by postural reflexes impairment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metodologias de análise e de classificação das paisagens. O exemplo do projecto Estrela

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    LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGIES. THE EXAMPLE OF THE ESTRELA PROJECT. Landscape ecology studies experience at the moment an increase of interest by researchers, developers and end-users. However, the subject matter is still too dispersed, not only in methods used but also in objects of analysis as well as space and time-scales. Progress on quantitative methods and the use of Geographical Information Systems frequently lead to excessive emphasis on physiognomic patterns to the detriment of landscape dynamics. Furthermore, the study of landscape as a geosystem suffers from problems related to calculation of mass and energy fluxes, which are barely possible, even with the powerful and costly equipment available only in few laboratories. The integrated environmental research, albeit at a more modest level, requires a multidisciplinary approach (defended by many, but seldom applied). The objective of the ESTRELA Project is to study the relations between the physiognomy and dynamics of the landscape in a mountain environment. Geomorphology, climate and vegetation are analysed at three spatial scales. The research carried out on each domain is presented and an example is given of their integration in a sample-site. The conclusion refers to the temporal transformations of the landscape of the Serra da Estrela. The problem of landscape units definition is still under investigation

    Léxico & gramática: uma relação de causa e efeito?

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    Neste artigo, assumimos um enfoque emergentista a fim de traçar o caminho percorrido pela criança durante a conquista progressiva da linguagem articulada. Inscrevendo as primeiras vocalizações, o balbucio e a produção das primeiras palavras dentro de um continuum, ressaltamos que nenhum período do desenvolvimento da linguagem emerge ex nihilo. Nesta perspectiva, repensamos a emergência da gramática fonológic

    A Simple Approach for the Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Mediated by Layered Double Hydroxide

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    The present work introduces a new procedure to obtain gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). AuNPs (77–213 nm) were obtained in the absence of any classical reducing agents in a medium containing Mg2+/Al3+ layered double hydroxide (LDH) and N,N-dimethylformamide. XRD analysis showed the presence of crystalline phases of gold in the Au/LDH composite. The 2θ values of peaks corresponding to the LDH interlayer distance indicated that metallic NPs were deposited on the surface of the material. Furthermore, atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis showed that AuNPs tend to agglomerate in a nonclassical halter-like shape


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    Objetivo: produzir e validar um guia ilustrado como recurso tecnológico de informação para meninos e meninas sobre a vacina contra o Papilomavírus Humano. Método: estudo metodológico, conduzido em ambiente virtual guiado pelo modelo ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation e Evaluation) e pelo Design Instrucional Contextualizado. Participaram da validação de conteúdo e aparência 35 experts da área da saúde e 35 de outras áreas. Na avaliação semântica, participaram 20 meninos e 22 meninas. Resultados: a tecnologia educacional desenvolvida foi um guia ilustrado, constituído de 13 tópicos. A validação de conteúdo global foi 0,91; a validação de aparência, 0,95. Na avaliação, os textos tiveram 94,8% e as ilustrações, 88,8% de acordo total. A versão final constituiu-se de 18 páginas nas versões impressa e digital. Considerações finais: o guia mostrou-se válido e adequado para veicular informações com potencial enquanto recurso didático, para mediar práticas educativas com meninos e meninas sobre a vacina contra o Papilomavírus Humano. Descritores: Papillomavírus Humano. Vacinas contra Papillomavírus Humano. Tecnologia Educacional. Enfermagem em Saúde Pública. Estudo de Validação

    Modified Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill (mNUTRIC) Score as a Prognostic Marker in Cancer Patients / Risco Nutricional Modificado nos Doentes Críticos (mNUTRIC) Pontuação como Marcador Prognóstico em Pacientes com Cancro

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    Background: This study was aimed at evaluating the association of the Modified Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill (mNUTRIC) Score with outcomes in critically ill cancer patients. Methods: It was an observational prospective cohort study in which the patients were followed up for 28 days after their admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The logistic, linear regression models with negative binomial response and the Cox proportional hazards model were used to associate the mNUTRIC score and the outcomes. Results: Sixty patients were included in the study. Cancer patients who had higher values on the mNUTRIC score were older, showed worse performance status, a high C-reactive protein level, a greater need for the use of mechanical ventilation (MV), and stayed longer at the ICU. Additionally, cancer patients with a high nutritional risk were 134.9 times more likely to use MV, with an increase of 7.4 days in their ICU stay. No significant differences were found for not active cancer patients. Twenty-five percent of the patients died during the follow-up. Conclusion: The mNUTRIC score was effective as a predictor of the MV use and ICU length of stay in critical cancer patients. This instrument was capable of identifying patients who required an early nutritional intervention

    Adjustment of the yield for the stand variation in common bean genetic breeding experiments

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o ajuste do rendimento pela variação do estande em experimentos de feijão e propor procedimento para ajustamento por análise de co-variação. Utilizaram-se dados de 33 ambientes do Ensaio Estadual de Feijão do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizaram-se as análises de variação e de co-variação de rendimento e de estande em cada ambiente. Foram considerados quatro modelos de ajustamento alternativos: sem ajuste para a variação do estande; com ajuste para o estande médio geral; com ajuste para os estandes médios dos genótipos; e com ajuste para os estandes médios dos grupos de genótipos. Em 70% dos ambientes, ocorreu efeito linear ou quadrático significativo de estande sobre rendimento e em 85% efeito significativo de genótipo sobre estande. O efeito compensatório manifestou-se com diferentes intensidades nos ambientes. O ajuste do rendimento para a variação do estande, considerando o efeito de genótipos sobre o estande, é importante em ensaios de melhoramento do feijão. É necessário o registro de informações que permitam discriminar a origem da variação do estande.The objective of this work was to evaluate the adjustment of the yield for the stand in common bean experiments and to propose a procedure for the adjustment through covariance analysis. Data from 33 environments of the Common Bean Assay of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, were used. Variance and covariance analyses of yield and stand were proceeded for each environment. Four alternative models were considered: without adjustment for stand; with adjustment for the average stand; with adjustment for the genotypes average stand; and with adjustment for the groups of genotypes average stand. Significant linear or quadratic effects of stand on yield occurred in 70% of the environments and of genotype on stand in 85%. The compensatory effect was manifested with different intensities in the environments. The adjustment of the yield for stand, considering the effect of genotypes on stand, is important in common bean experiments. The record of information to discriminate the origins of the variation of stand is necessary