2,605 research outputs found

    View the label before you view the movie: A field experiment into the impact of Portion size and Guideline Daily Amounts labelling on soft drinks in cinemas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Large soft drink sizes increase consumption, and thereby contribute to obesity. Portion size labelling may help consumers to select more appropriate food portions. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of portion size and caloric Guidelines for Daily Amounts (GDA) labelling on consumers' portion size choices and consumption of regular soft drinks.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A field experiment that took place on two subsequent evenings in a Dutch cinema. Participants (n = 101) were asked to select one of five different portion sizes of a soft drink. Consumers were provided with either portion size and caloric GDA labelling (experimental condition) or with millilitre information (control condition).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Labelling neither stimulated participants to choose small portion sizes (<it>OR </it>= .75, <it>p </it>= .61, CI: .25 - 2.25), nor did labelling dissuade participants to choose large portion sizes (<it>OR </it>= .51, <it>p </it>= .36, CI: .12 - 2.15).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Portion size and caloric GDA labelling were found to have no effect on soft drink intake. Further research among a larger group of participants combined with pricing strategies is required. The results of this study are relevant for the current public health debate on food labelling.</p

    Health-related quality of life in patients with immune mediated inflammatory diseases: A cross-sectional, multidisciplinary study

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    Immune mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) have similarities in pathophysiology and treatment. Not much is known, however, about health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) in IMIDs. We assessed and compared HR-QoL, using the validated EuroQoL 5-dimensions 5-levels questionnaire, in an observational cohort comprising 530 patients (67.5% female, mean age 49 years (95% CI 35.9–50.9), mean disease duration 31.0 months (95% CI 27.2–34.8)), with the following IMIDs: connective tissue diseases (32.6%), uveitis (20.8%), inflammatory arthritis (17.7%), psoriasis (15.5%), vasculitis (6.2%), primary antiphospholipid syndrome (4.2%), and autoinflammatory diseases (2.8%). Patients used either no anti-inflammatory therapy (31.5%), monotherapy (28.7%), or a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs (39.8%). The mean HR-QoL utility score was 0.75 (95% CI 0.72–0.78). Multinominal logistic regression analysis showed a statistically significant association between a very low HR-QoL (utility score (<0.70)) and female sex, rheumatological IMID or psoriasis, smoking or having smoked in the past, and current biological disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs use

    Anisotropic Condensation of Helium in Nanotube Bundles

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    Helium atoms are strongly attracted to the interstitial channels within a bundle of carbon nanotubes. The strong corrugation of the axial potential within a channel can produce a lattice gas system where the weak mutual attraction between atoms in neighboring channels of a bundle induces condensation into a remarkably anisotropic phase with very low binding energy. We estimate the binding energy and critical temperature for 4He in this novel quasi-one-dimensional condensed state. At low temperatures, the specific heat of the adsorbate phase (fewer than 2% of the total number of atoms) greatly exceeds that of the host material.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRL (corrected typo in abstract

    The role of analytical chemistry in exposure science: Focus on the aquatic environment

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    Exposure science, in its broadest sense, studies the interactions between stressors (chemical, biological, and physical agents) and receptors (e.g. humans and other living organisms, and non-living items like buildings), together with the associated pathways and processes potentially leading to negative effects on human health and the environment. The aquatic environment may contain thousands of compounds, many of them still unknown, that can pose a risk to ecosystems and human health. Due to the unquestionable importance of the aquatic environment, one of the main challenges in the field of exposure science is the comprehensive characterization and evaluation of complex environmental mixtures beyond the classical/priority contaminants to new emerging contaminants. The role of advanced analytical chemistry to identify and quantify potential chemical risks, that might cause adverse effects to the aquatic environment, is essential. In this paper, we present the strategies and tools that analytical chemistry has nowadays, focused on chromatography hyphenated to (high-resolution) mass spectrometry because of its relevance in this field. Key issues, such as the application of effect direct analysis to reduce the complexity of the sample, the investigation of the huge number of transformation/degradation products that may be present in the aquatic environment, the analysis of urban wastewater as a source of valuable information on our lifestyle and substances we consumed and/or are exposed to, or the monitoring of drinking water, are discussed in this article. The trends and perspectives for the next few years are also highlighted, when it is expected that new developments and tools will allow a better knowledge of chemical composition in the aquatic environment. This will help regulatory authorities to protect water bodies and to advance towards improved regulations that enable practical and efficient abatements for environmental and public health protection

    Decabromodiphenylether trends in the European environment: bird eggs, sewage sludge and surficial sediments

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    Concern on relatively high levels and the potential bioaccumulation of decabromodiphenylether (BDE209) has led to a European 8-year monitoring program on trends in BDE209 concentrations in birds, sewage sludge and sediments from seven countries. BDE209 was analysed in four environmental matrices: sparrowhawk eggs (UK), glaucous gull eggs (Bear Island, Norway), sewage sludge (UK, Ireland and the Netherlands) and sediment (France, Germany, the Netherlands, UK and Ireland). BDE209 was detected in most of the glaucous gull and sparrow hawk eggs but neither increasing nor decreasing trends in these BDE209 levels were observed. An indication for debromination of BDE209 in sparrowhawk eggs was found. BDE209 concentrations in sediments ranged from very low ng/g (88 ng/g on an organic carbon (OC) basis) concentrations, in the rivers Elbe, Ems, Seine and the Outer Humber, to high μg/g (120 μg/g OC), in the Western Scheldt, Liverpool Bay and River Mersey. Apart from decreasing values in the Western Scheldt sediment no further decreases in BDE209 concentrations were observed over time, neither in sediment nor in sewage sludge showing that the voluntary emissions control program of the bromine industry only had a local effect. In contrast to the sewage sludge samples from the Netherlands (mean 355 ng/g dry weight (dw) or 1026 ng/g OC), the BDE209 concentrations in the UK increased at all sites from 2006 to 2011 (8092 ng/g dw or 22,367 ng/g OC). The BDE209 levels in several UK sediments and sewage sludge were still very high at the end of the program in 2012, most likely caused by frequent use of BDE209 in the textile industry. This may be indicative of the persistence of BDE209 and the limited degradation into lower brominated congeners in sediment, although it cannot be excluded that ongoing BDE209 emissions have played a role as well

    The a-theorem and conformal symmetry breaking in holographic RG flows

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    We study holographic models describing an RG flow between two fixed points driven by a relevant scalar operator. We show how to introduce a spurion field to restore Weyl invariance and compute the anomalous contribution to the generating functional in even dimensional theories. We find that the coefficient of the anomalous term is proportional to the difference of the conformal anomalies of the UV and IR fixed points, as expected from anomaly matching arguments in field theory. For any even dimensions the coefficient is positive as implied by the holographic a-theorem. For flows corresponding to spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance, we also compute the two-point functions of the energy-momentum tensor and the scalar operator and identify the dilaton mode. Surprisingly we find that in the simplest models with just one scalar field there is no dilaton pole in the two-point function of the scalar operator but a stronger singularity. We discuss the possible implications.Comment: 50 pages. v2: minor changes, added references, extended discussion. v3: we have clarified some of the calculations and assumptions, results unchanged. v4: published version in JHE

    Identification strategy for unknown pollutants using high-resolution mass spectrometry: Androgen-disrupting compounds identified through effect-directed analysis

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    Effect-directed analysis has been applied to a river sediment sample of concern to identify the compounds responsible for the observed effects in an in vitro (anti-)androgenicity assay. For identification after non-target analysis performed on a high-resolution LTQ-Orbitrap, we developed a de novo identification strategy including physico-chemical parameters derived from the effect-directed analysis approach. With this identification strategy, we were able to handle the immense amount of data produced by non-target accurate mass analysis. The effect-directed analysis approach, together with the identification strategy, led to the successful identification of eight androgen-disrupting compounds belonging to very diverse compound classes: an oxygenated polyaromatic hydrocarbon, organophosphates, musks, and steroids. This is one of the first studies in the field of environmental analysis dealing with the difficult task of handling the large amount of data produced from non-target analysis. The combination of bioassay activity assessment, accurate mass measurement, and the identification and confirmation strategy is a promising approach for future identification of environmental key toxicants that are not included as priority pollutants in monitoring programs

    The spin dependence of high energy proton scattering

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    Motivated by the need for an absolute polarimeter to determine the beam polarization for the forthcoming RHIC spin program, we study the spin dependence of the proton-proton elastic scattering amplitudes at high energy and small momentum transfer.We examine experimental evidence for the existence of an asymptotic part of the helicity-flip amplitude phi_5 which is not negligible relative to the largely imaginary average non-flip amplitude phi_+. We discuss theoretical estimates of r_5, essentially the ratio of phi_5 to phi_+, based upon extrapolation of low and medium energy Regge phenomenological results to high energies, models based on a hybrid of perturbative QCD and non-relativistic quark models, and models based on eikonalization techniques. We also apply the model-independent methods of analyticity and unitarity.The preponderence of evidence at available energy indicates that r_5 is small, probably less than 10%. The best available experimental limit comes from Fermilab E704:those data indicate that |r_5|<15%. These bounds are important because rigorous methods allow much larger values. In contradiction to a widely-held prejudice that r_5 decreases with energy, general principles allow it to grow as fast as ln(s) asymptotically, and some models show an even faster growth in the RHIC range. One needs a more precise measurement of r_5 or to bound it to be smaller than 5% in order to use the classical Coulomb-nuclear interference technique for RHIC polarimetry. As part of this study, we demonstrate the surprising result that proton-proton elastic scattering is self-analysing, in the sense that all the helicity amplitudes can, in principle, be determined experimentally at small momentum transfer without a knowledge of the magnitude of the beam and target polarization

    Solid phase extraction for removal of matrix effects in lipophilic marine toxin analysis by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    The potential of solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up has been assessed to reduce matrix effects (signal suppression or enhancement) in the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC¿MS/MS) analysis of lipophilic marine toxins. A large array of ion-exchange, silica-based, and mixed-function SPE sorbents was tested. Polymeric sorbents were found to retain most of the toxins. Optimization experiments were carried out to maximize recoveries and the effectiveness of the clean-up. In LC¿MS/MS analysis, the observed matrix effects can depend on the chromatographic conditions used, therefore, two different HPLC methods were tested, using either an acidic or an alkaline mobile phase. The recovery of the optimized SPE protocol was around 90% for all toxins studied and no break-through was observed. The matrix effects were determined by comparing signal response from toxins spiked in crude and SPE-cleaned extracts with those derived from toxins prepared in methanol. In crude extracts, all toxins suffered from matrix effects, although in varying amounts. The most serious effects were observed for okadaic acid (OA) and pectenotoxin-2 (PTX2) in the positive electrospray ionization mode (ESI+). SPE clean-up on polymeric sorbents in combination with the alkaline LC method resulted in a substantial reduction of matrix effects to less than 15% (apparent recovery between 85 and 115%) for OA, yessotoxin (YTX) in ESI¿ and azaspiracid-1 (AZA1), PTX2, 13-desmethyl spirolides C (SPX1), and gymnodimine (GYM) in ESI+. In combination with the acidic LC method, the matrix effects after SPE were also reduced but nevertheless approximately 30% of the matrix effects remained for PTX2, SPX1, and GYM in ESI+. It was concluded that SPE of methanolic shellfish extracts can be very useful for reduction of matrix effects. However, the type of LC and MS methods used is also of great importance. SPE on polymeric sorbents in combination with LC under alkaline conditions was found the most effective method

    In Vivo Outer Hair Cell Length Changes Expose the Active Process in the Cochlea

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    BACKGROUND: Mammalian hearing is refined by amplification of the sound-evoked vibration of the cochlear partition. This amplification is at least partly due to forces produced by protein motors residing in the cylindrical body of the outer hair cell. To transmit power to the cochlear partition, it is required that the outer hair cells dynamically change their length, in addition to generating force. These length changes, which have not previously been measured in vivo, must be correctly timed with the acoustic stimulus to produce amplification. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using in vivo optical coherence tomography, we demonstrate that outer hair cells in living guinea pigs have length changes with unexpected timing and magnitudes that depend on the stimulus level in the sensitive cochlea. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The level-dependent length change is a necessary condition for directly validating that power is expended by the active process presumed to underlie normal hearing