2,257 research outputs found

    The resilience of coastal ecosystems: A functional trait‐based perspective

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    Coastal ecosystems provide important services to human population, such as nurseries for fish, carbon storage and coastal protection. However, the pressure faced by these systems due to global changes will strongly challenge the capacity of coastal ecosystems to persist. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the resilience of coastal ecosystems.Here, I propose that combining a resilience framework based on ecosystem properties with the functional trait response–effect framework would allow researchers and managers to quantify the resilience of coastal ecosystems. I place emphasis on salt marsh and sand dunes because of the higher availability of studies for these systems.First, I introduce the resilience framework based on ecosystem properties and, second, I show how adopting a functional trait perspective in this framework would allow researchers to link how environmental changes influence ecosystem properties. In turn, measuring the changes in ecosystem properties would allow researchers to measure the resilience of the system.Synthesis. I reviewed several types of disturbances (e.g. storms and sea-level rise) that are threatening the persistence of coastal ecosystems, with an emphasis on salt marshes and sand dunes. Applying this resilience framework reveals, for instance, that the same suite of traits (e.g. plant density and stiffness) increase marsh resistance to multiple threats (e.g. storms and sea-level rise); yet, these traits vary along environmental gradients (e.g. along estuaries) and, therefore, the resilience of marshes vary accordingly. Overall, this framework would allow researchers to gather crucial insights on the resilience of coastal ecosystems and to set reference marks for measuring their resilience under environmental changes

    Clasificaciones de la Pedagogía General y Pedagogías Específicas : un análisis de las demarcaciones efectuadas por especialistas del campo pedagógico

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    En este trabajo se pretenden revisar y analizar algunas de las clasificaciones y divisiones asignadas a la Pedagogía General y a las Pedagogías Específicas en diversos textos y artículos de especialistas del campo pedagógico. Se abordaran las propuestas realizadas por pedagogos destacados como: Lorenzo Luzuriaga, Santiago Hernández Ruiz y Domingo Tirado Benedi, Francisco Larroyo, Ricardo Nassif, Víctor García Hoz, Ethel Manganiello, Jaume Sarramona, José María Quintana Cabanas, García Areito, Antoni Colom y Alfredo Furlán. Nos preguntamos ¿Qué contribuciones se han reconocido y demarcado para la Pedagogía General en la comprensión y mejora de las prácticas educativas?, ¿Qué Pedagogías específicas se han reconocido en la diferentes propuestas y clasificaciones?, y por último ¿Qué relaciones se establecen ente la Pedagogía y las Pedagogías específicas en dichas divisiones? Una singular comprensión de las prácticas educativas, sus propuestas de mejoramiento han configurado demarcaciones y clasificaciones de la Pedagogía como campo de conocimiento. El carácter totalizador de la Pedagogía en la comprensión y mejora de las prácticas educativas, significo un singular reconocimiento de su carácter y clasificación en el cuadro del campo de los conocimientos sobre lo educativo. La postulación de la Pedagogía como la ?Ciencia de la Educación? reconocía algunas ciencias auxiliares que contribuían al entendimiento de la educación, la consecuente emergencia de las Ciencias de Educación reconfiguran el lugar asignado a la Pedagogía General y consecuentemente de las Pedagogías Específicas, signadas por un reconocimiento y desconocimiento del campo pedagógico

    High order PLS path modeling to evaluate well-being merging traditional and big data: A longitudinal study

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    [EN] We propose using high order partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM) todefine a synthetic Italian well-being index merging traditional data,represented by the Quality of Life index proposed by “Il Sole 24 Ore”, andinformation provided by big data, represented by a Subjective Well-beingIndex (SWBI) performed extracting moods by Twitter. High order constructs,which allow to define a more abstract higher-level dimension and its moreconcrete lower-order sub-dimensions, have gained wide attention inapplications of PLS-PM, and many contributions in literature proposed theiruse to build composite indicators. The aim of the paper is to underline somecritical issues in the use of these models and to suggest the implementation ofa new spurious repeated indicator approach. Furthermore, following somerecommendations proposed on the use of PLS-PM in longitudinal studies, wecompare the situation in 2016 and 2017.De Battisti, F.; Siletti, E. (2020). High order PLS path modeling to evaluate well-being merging traditional and big data: A longitudinal study. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 95-102. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2020.2020.11599OCS9510

    The Surface Potential of Water at Metal-Solution Interfaces

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    Relative values of the surface poitential of water at metal- aqueous solution interfaces at the potential of zero charge are derived by comparing experimental charge-potential curves for various metals. The principle of the method is presented and discussed. Absolute values for all the othe1r mefa~s are obtamed by estimating the absolute value of the surface potential of water on Hg. Three indeipendent routes are suggested. They are described and discussed. Experimental results are presented. The final estima: te sugigests that the surface potential of water on Hg is between 0.07 a1D.d 0.08 V, probably closer to 0.07 V. Water molecules are oriented wUh the oxy,gen atom facing the solid for all the metals investigated. A model is proposed to explaiin the metal-dep\u27endent orientation of water at the 1nterface with electrodes at the potential of ze1ro charge

    Wrack enhancement of post-hurricane vegetation and geomorphological recovery in a coastal dune

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    Coastal ecosystems such as sand dunes, mangrove forests, and salt marshes provide natural storm protection for vulnerable shorelines. At the same time, storms erode and redistribute biological materials among coastal systems via wrack. Yet how such cross-ecosystem subsidies affect post-storm recovery is not well understood. Here, we report an experimental investigation into the effect of storm wrack on eco-geomorphological recovery of a coastal embryo dune in north-eastern Florida, USA, following hurricane Irma. We contrasted replicated 100-m2 wrack-removal and unmanipulated (control) plots, measuring vegetation and geomorphological responses over 21 months. Relative to controls, grass cover was reduced 4-fold where diverse storm wrack, including seagrass rhizomes, seaweed, and wood, was removed. Wrack removal was also associated with a reduction in mean elevation, which persisted until the end of the experiment when removal plots had a 14% lower mean elevation than control plots. These results suggest that subsides of wrack re-distributed from other ecosystem types (e.g. seagrasses, macroalgae, uplands): i) enhances the growth of certain dune-building grasses; and ii) boosts the geomorphological recovery of coastal dunes. Our study also indicates that the practice of post-storm beach cleaning to remove wrack–a practice widespread outside of protected areas–may undermine the resilience of coastal dunes and their services


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    O presente artigo reúne discussões sobre o papel da Extensão Universitária na formação docente considerando fundamentos teóricos e ações realizadas. A orientação metodológica segue princípios da pesquisa-ação e os sujeitos-participantes são professores/as da Educação Infantil e dos Anos Iniciais. Seus objetivos - sob as dimensões do ensino, da pesquisa e da extensão - são: analisar o papel das instituições de Ensino Superior na formação inicial e continuada de docentes; mobilizar os participantes a elaborarem um projeto de investigação e ação docente sobre uma problemática identificada no seu cotidiano; desenvolver ações de formação continuada para professores/as. Como resultados, destacam-se: aprofundamento teórico sobre a formação docente na atualidade e o papel das agências formadoras, participação ativa dos professores participantes por meio da elaboração de projetos com base no cotidiano da sala de aula e contexto da escola, redimensionamento das atividades de ensino vinculadas aos Estágios e efetiva aproximação entre Universidade e Instituições Escolares

    Adverse event reporting and patient safety at a University Hospital: Mapping, correlating and associating events for a data-based patient risk management

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    BACKGROUND: Reporting adverse events (AE) with a bearing on patient safety is fundamentally important to the identification and mitigation of potential clinical risks. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the AE reporting systems adopted at a university hospital for the purpose of enhancing the learning potential afforded by these systems. RESEARCH DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study METHODS: Data were collected from different information flows (reports of incidents and falls, patients' claims and complaints, and cases of hospital-acquired infection [HAI]) at an university hospital. A composite risk indicator was developed to combine the data from the different flows. Spearman's nonparametric test was applied to investigate the correlation between the AE rates and a Poisson regression analysis to verify the association among characteristics of the wards and AE rates. SUBJECTS: Sixty-four wards at a University Hospital. RESULTS: There was a marked variability among wards AE rates. Correlations emerged between patients' claims with complaints and the number of incidents reported. Falls were positively associated with average length of hospital stay, number of beds, patients' mean age, and type of ward, and they were negatively associated with the average Cost Weight of the Diagnosis-related group (DRG) of patients on a given ward. Claims and complaints were associated directly with the average DRG weight of a ward's patient admissions. CONCLUSIONS: This study attempted to learn something useful from an analysis of the mandatory (but often little used) data flows generated on adverse events occurring at an university hospital with a view to managing the associated clinical risk to patients