4,036 research outputs found

    Sugar quotas: yes or no? : economic consequences for sector, chain, international market situation and third world

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    Het ministerie van EL&I heeft het LEI gevraagd inzicht te verschaffen in de argumenten voor en tegen voortzetting van het centrale element van de huidige suikermarktordening, de quotering, na september 2015. De centrale vraag daarbij is: Wat zijn de gevolgen voor telers, verwerkende industrie, de andere schakels in de suikerketen en andere belanghebbenden in met name Nederland van voortzetting respectievelijk een fundamentele verandering van het Europese suikerbeleid? De resultaten in dit rapport zijn gebaseerd op literatuuronderzoek, waarmee de factoren die een rol spelen in de suikermarkt zijn geĂŻnventariseerd, en op de toepassing van een aantal modellen. Met de modellen zijn aan de hand van een aantal uitgangspunten de effecten van beleidsveranderingen voor onder meer de productie van suiker, de oppervlakte suikerbieten en de inkomens van suikerbietentelers en de toegevoegde waarde en de werkgelegenheid in het akkerbouwcomplex in Nederland ingeschat

    Vocal Audiometry in Hearing Aid Outcome Measurements

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    Single word repetition in quiet differs drastically from everyday conversation, raising validity issues when quality-of-life-type predictions are made starting from classic vocal audiometry. This report addresses the predictive power of metrics derived from traditional vocal audiometry in assessing real-life outcomes of hearing aid fittings. Correlation and regressions analyses on a dataset from 45 clients show that a weighted combination of metrics correlates reasonably well(R = 0.749, p = 0.016) with questionnaire data, explaining 56% of the variance


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    This volume contains background papers that contributed to discussions between Polish and Dutch agricultural policy makers, held in Warsaw (16-17 July, 2002) and in The Hague (26-27 September, 2002). These meetings took place in the context of the Utrecht Conference in which bilateral meetings on various policy issues are organised. The papers give insights in the agricultural and rural development in both countries and point at the main problems at stake. Further, the contributions discuss the past and present agricultural and rural policies and show to what extent these policies help(ed) to tackle the major problems of the agricultural sector and rural areas. Discussions took place on various issues such as farm retirement and direct payment schemes, competitiveness of the sector and the future developments of the Common Agricultural Policy in an enlarged European Union.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Akkerbouw: inkomensproblemen uiteenlopend

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    De akkerbouw ondervindt twee achtereenvolgende jaren met erg lage inkomens. De resultaten zijn in het lopende jaar volgens de in december door het LEI gepresenteerde prognoses gemiddeld nog slechter dan in het al teleurstellende vorige boekjaar 1999/2000

    Actueel in historisch perspectief: snelle productiegroei voorbij

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    De land- en tuinbouw heeft de laatste ruim 50 jaar een enorme ontwikkeling doorgemaakt. De omvang van de productie is nu ongeveer vijf maal zo groot dan kort na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In dezelfde periode is het gebruik van productiemiddelen ruwweg verzesvoudigd

    Multiple broods from a hole in the wall: breeding Red-and-yellow Barbets Trachyphonus erythrocephalus in southeast Sudan

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    Nesting and breeding behaviour of Red-and-yellow Barbets Trachyphonus erythrocephalus was recorded from a nest in the brick stone-wall of a house in Nanyangacor, south-eastern Sudan in 2005. There were at least five breeding attempts throughout the year, with at least four broods from this single nesting hole. The mean number of days in between broods was 27, and breeding did not appear to be directly related to rainfall

    Globalizing animals:histories for the anthropocene

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    Scholars of globalization tend to write about humans. They are interested in the movements of and connections between people, human-made products, ideas and money. As a result, the natural world generally receives only meagre attention in histories of globalization. In my inaugural lecture, I explore how a more-than-human history of globalization could look like. I do so by focusing on the ways in which the globalization process has changed the interaction between humans and undomesticated animals. The changes are manifold. The infrastructures of globalization – ranging from railroads to pipelines – have influenced the movement of animals. They have contributed to the spread of some species, while hampering the mobility of others. In the twentieth century, furthermore, scientific research has gradually allowed for globally coordinated management regimes that sought to control animal trajectories. Laws, information systems and technologies have been developed to contain or exterminate unwanted animals (such as invasive pests) while protecting others (such as threatened megafauna). Of course, these management regimes cannot be seen independently from the cultural representations of the animals in question. Some representations – for instance in Disney films, tourist folders, or campaigns of international conservation NGOs – have a gained a global reach. By influencing human conceptions and behaviour, they affect concrete animal lives. One can only conclude that undomesticated animals are caught up in the globalization process in multiple ways. The history of globalization is partially shaped by modernist ambitions of control over non-human life forms. Yet, I think this history also offers more optimistic stories. Looking closely, one finds ideas, practices and technologies that seek to attune human and non-human movements in a shared choreography. Such stories can hopefully prove inspirational in rethinking the interaction between humans and non-human life forms for the future
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