267 research outputs found

    La mujer, ¿una alternativa ética?

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    Evaluación docente de pre-grado bajo un enfoque por competencias

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    Формирование модели системы воспитания в школе на основе интеграции общего и дополнительного образования (из опыта работы)

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    Trabajo presentado en la European Hydrogen Energy Conference - EHEC, celebrada en Sevilla (España) del 12 al 14 de mayo de 2014.There is a growing interest in the development of power sources that use renewable fuels and reduce emission of pollutants. This interest is justified by the heightening concern about environmental degradation, energy security as well as the possible exhaustion of the fossil fuel resources. One example is the use of biogas (mainly composed by CH4 and CO2) which is generated from anaerobic digestion of sewage or wastewater [1]. In order to produce hydrogen from this renewable gas, it is necessary a reforming step. There are two alternatives: 1) carbon dioxide reforming (DR: CH4 + CO2 2H2 + 2CO) and 2) steam reforming (SR: CH4 + H2O 3H2 + CO). The first reaction has two drawbacks: the deactivation of the catalyst due to carbon deposition [2] and the participation of reverse water-gas-shift (RWGS: H2 + CO2 H2O + CO) which decreases the amount of the produced hydrogen. On the other hand, steam reforming is the most extended way to produce hydrogen from CH4, but it is necessary to eliminate the CO2 from the feed. Since previous studies [3] had reported good results when La-promoted catalysts, obtained from hydrotalcite-like precursor calcination, were used in dry reforming of methane, this catalyst will be used for these tests. The aim of this work is to study the influence of H2O addition over dry reforming and the addition of CO2 over steam reforming using a La-promoted catalyst obtained from hydrotalcite-like precursor.Financial support from Comunidad de Madrid (DIVERCELCM, S2009/ENE-1475) is gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    China's transboundary hydropower development at home and abroad:Exploring the regulatory interface between international water law and international economic law

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    China, located upstream on most of the major transboundary waters shared with vast populations across Asia, is heavily invested in developing hydropower at home and abroad. Some of this hydropower development involves freshwaters that cross national borders raising complex issues in international law, a situation exacerbated by growing economic, environmental, and regional security pressures. In such a context, where conflicts-of-use are almost certain to arise, it is essential to understand the rules that apply so as to enhance opportunities for enhanced transboundary water cooperation. This paper examines the rules of international water law and international economic law that apply to transboundary hydropower development, with a focus on China as one of the key actors in this field. The aim is to examine the regulatory interface of relevant legal frameworks with a focus on China's approach to transboundary hydropower development at home and abroad. While international economic—and more specifically international investment law—is not directly concerned with international water law, host states and foreign investors must be informed, and take into account, the legal obligations governing transboundary waters. China's position as a major water user (at home) and significant investor (abroad) on transboundary waters, makes it a unique case study for exploring the rules of international law that apply in two different regulatory settings. The work examines the rules of law in each of these domains and reveals the inapparent linkages across these seemingly unconnected areas of international regulation.</p

    Teamwork, peer assessment and double revision of assignments as strategies for teaching quantitative research methods in Sociology

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    Sociology and statistics are part of the study programme in many bachelor's degrees and masters, some of them not focused primarily on quantitative research methods. This is the case of specific business management programmes, where quantitative research methods in sociology appear marginally in a single subject. In such subjects, we think it is necessary to introduce innovative teaching strategies which could motivate and help students in their learning process. METHOD. Here we describe our experience and results after implementing teamwork, peer assessment and double revision of assignments as strategies for teaching quantitative methods applied to sociological research in the Sport Business Management Master (SBMM) of the University of Barcelona. RESULTS. We observed that the grades for teamwork activities are positively correlated among themselves and that the individual grades on peer-assessment activities help to distinguish between higher and lower performing students, because they are positively correlated with final exam grades. DISCUSSION. These strategies are always well-received by students and help them in their learning process. We conclude that peer assessment can be easily combined with teamwork and used in our context as an individual activity instead of a final exam

    Estudio de viabilidad para emprender la creación de una empresa fotográfica en Valledupar en el año 2017

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    El proyecto lleva como nombre: Estudio De Viabilidad Para Emprender La Creación De Una Empresa Fotográfica En Valledupar 2017. Valledupar cuenta con muchos profesionales en fotografía, pero sólo tres tienen enfoque en bebés y lo hacen de manera indirecta, al combinarlo con otras categorías, siendo entre ellas la más importante la de eventos que incluye toda clase de celebraciones como: bautizos, cumpleaños, matrimonios, etc. Teniendo en cuenta que la oferta es poca, hemos decidido poner a disposición del público este servicio, enfocándonos sólo en esta categoría, lo que permite mayor confiabilidad y aceptación en este nicho, ya que se cuenta con la suficiente preparación y el conocimiento en el trato con niños. Por lo cual, este es un factor determinante en esta etapa, que requiere de mucha concentración y ética profesional para lograr la mejor captura. Según el DANE, en promedio mensual, nacen 6.800 bebés en Valledupar, para un total de 81.600 al año, por lo que pretendemos abarcar en el primer año una cobertura del 1%. La finalidad del proyecto es que se realicen todos los estudios pertinentes a la legalización de la conformación de una empresa, organizando toda la estructura interna en cuanto a las necesidades de personal y elementos para la prestación de un servicio diferencial. En síntesis, se tuvieron en cuenta todos los factores en la conformación de un negocio para establecer la inversión, factores de riesgo, rentabilidad, impacto social, medio ambiental y sobre todo la sostenibilidad de éste, con una medición a 5 años aproximadamente.The project is named: Feasibility Study to Undertake the Creation of a Photographic Enterprise in Valledupar 2017. Valledupar has many professionals in photography, but only three have a focus on babies and they do it indirectly, when combined with other categories, among which the most important is that of events that includes all kinds of celebrations such as: baptisms, birthdays, marriages , etc. Taking into account that the offer is small, we have decided to make this service available to the public, focusing only on this category, which allows greater reliability and acceptance in this niche, since we have sufficient preparation and knowledge in the treatment with children. Therefore, this is a determining factor in this stage, which requires a lot of concentration and professional ethics to achieve the best capture. According to the DANE, on a monthly average, 6,800 babies are born in Valledupar, for a total of 81,600 per year, so we intend to cover 1% coverage in the first year. The purpose of the project is to carry out all the relevant studies to legalize the formation of a company, organizing the entire internal structure regarding the needs of personnel and elements for the provision of a differential service. In summary, all the factors in the formation of a business were taken into account to establish the investment, risk factors, profitability, social impact, environmental and above all the sustainability of this, with a measurement of approximately 5 years

    Problemática y diagnóstico de residuos sólidos en el corregimiento de Cañaverales, La Guajira

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    En el corregimiento de Cañaverales, ubicado en el Municipio de San Juan del Cesar al sur del Departamento de La Guajira, uno de los mayores problemas ambientales y de salud pública es el manejo inadecuado de los residuos sólidos y la falta de presencia del servicio de aseo en los corregimientos de la región.In the village of Cañaverales, located in the Municipality of San Juan del Cesar south of the La Guajira, a major problematic for environmental and public health, is the inadequate management of solid waste and the lack of presence of the cleaning service in the districts of the region.Ecólogo (a)Pregrad

    La creatividad a través del aprendizaje autónomo en ambientes virtuales en los niños de la primera infancia en el contexto escolar

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    Cabe destacar que la creatividad comienza desde el primer año de vida, partiendo que el desarrollo de las funciones básicas como la visión, la audición, el lenguaje, las funciones cognitivas y superiores, comienzan a fortalecerse; de allí se ve la necesidad de aprovechar todo este potencial en los pequeños , buscando información que permita fomentar la creatividad; contamos en la actualidad con el universo de la tecnología la cual se constituye en una herramienta fundamental para un aprendizaje autónomo que estimula su desarrollo evolutivo generando prácticas e imaginarios que les ayuda a construir su mundo.It should be noted that creativity begins from the first year of life, starting with the development of basic functions such as vision, hearing, language, cognitive and higher functions, begin to strengthen; From there we see the need to take advantage of all this potential in the little ones, looking for information that encourages creativity; We currently have the universe of technology, which constitutes a fundamental tool for autonomous learning that stimulates their evolutionary development, generating practices and imagery that helps them build their world