309 research outputs found

    Investigating the role of Hedgehog/GLI1 signaling in glioblastoma cell response to temozolomide.

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    Resistance to chemotherapy substantially hinders successful glioblastoma (GBM) treatment, contributing to an almost 100% mortality rate. Resistance to the frontline chemotherapy, temozolomide (TMZ), arises from numerous signaling pathways that are deregulated in GBM, including Hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Here, we investigate suppression of Hh signaling as an adjuvant to TMZ using U87-MG and T98G cell lines as in vitro models of GBM. We found that silencing GLI1 with siRNA reduces cell metabolic activity by up to 30% in combination with TMZ and reduces multidrug efflux activity by 2.5-fold. Additionally, pharmacological GLI inhibition modulates nuclear p53 levels and decreases MGMT expression in combination with TMZ. While we surprisingly found that silencing GLI1 does not induce apoptosis in the absence of TMZ co-treatment, we discovered silencing GLI1 without TMZ co-treatment induces senescence as evidenced by a significant 2.3-fold increase in senescence associated β-galactosidase staining, and this occurs in a loss of PTEN-dependent manner. Finally, we show that GLI inhibition increases apoptosis in glioma stem-like cells by up to 6.8-fold in combination with TMZ, and this reduces the size and number of neurospheres grown from glioma stem-like cells. In aggregate, our data warrant the continued investigation of Hh pathway inhibitors as adjuvants to TMZ chemotherapy and highlight the importance of identifying signaling pathways that determine whether co-treatment will be successful

    Diagnosis-based and external cause-based criteria to identify adverse drug reactions in hospital ICD-coded data: application to an Australia population-based study

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    Objectives: External cause International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes are commonly used to ascertain adverse drug reactions (ADRs) related to hospitalisation. We quantified ascertainment of ADR-related hospitalisation using external cause codes and additional ICD-based hospital diagnosis codes. Methods: We reviewed the scientific literature to identify different ICD-based criteria for ADR-related hospitalisations, developed algorithms to capture ADRs based on candidate hospital ICD-10 diagnoses and external cause codes (Y40–Y59), and incorporated previously published causality ratings estimating the probability that a specific diagnosis was ADR related. We applied the algorithms to the NSW Admitted Patient Data Collection records of 45 and Up Study participants (2011–2013). Results: Of 493 442 hospitalisations among 267 153 study participants during 2011–2013, 18.8% (n = 92 953) had hospital diagnosis codes that were potentially ADR related; 1.1% (n = 5305) had high/very high–probability ADR-related diagnosis codes (causality ratings: A1 and A2); and 2.0% (n = 10 039) had ADR-related external cause codes. Overall, 2.2% (n = 11 082) of cases were classified as including an ADR-based hospitalisation on either external cause codes or high/very high–probability ADR-related diagnosis codes. Hence, adding high/very high–probability ADR-related hospitalisation codes to standard external cause codes alone (Y40–Y59) increased the number of hospitalisations classified as having an ADR-related diagnosis by 10.4%. Only 6.7% of cases with high-probability ADR-related mental symptoms were captured by external cause codes. Conclusion: Selective use of high-probability ADR-related hospital diagnosis codes in addition to external cause codes yielded a modest increase in hospitalised ADR incidence, which is of potential clinical significance. Clinically validated combinations of diagnosis codes could potentially further enhance capture

    Preparation, Characterization, and Electrochemical Activation of a Model [Cp*Rh] Hydride

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Inorganic Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b02160.Monomeric half-sandwich rhodium hydride complexes are often proposed as intermediates in catalytic cycles, but relatively few such compounds have been isolated and studied, limiting understanding of their properties. Here, we report preparation and isolation of a monomeric rhodium(III) hydride complex bearing the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl (Cp*) and bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene (dppb) ligands. The hydride complex is formed rapidly upon addition of weak acid to a reduced precursor complex, Cp*Rh(dppb). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction data for the [Cp*Rh] hydride, which were previously unavailable for this class of compounds, provide evidence of the direct Rh–H interaction. Complementary infrared spectra show the Rh–H stretching frequency at 1986 cm−1. In contrast to results with other [Cp*Rh] complexes bearing diimine ligands, treatment of the isolated hydride with strong acid does not result in H2 evolution. Electrochemical studies reveal that the hydride complex can be reduced only at very negative potentials (ca. −2.5 V vs. ferrocenium/ferrocene), resulting in Rh–H bond cleavage and H2 generation. These results are discussed in the context of catalytic H2 generation, and development of design rules for improved catalysts bearing the [Cp*] ligand.University of Kansas Undergraduate Research AwardS10OD016360S10RR024664NSF MRI Grant CHE-162592

    Testing the chondrule-rich accretion model for planetary embryos using calcium isotopes

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    Understanding the composition of raw materials that formed the Earth is a crucial step towards understanding the formation of terrestrial planets and their bulk composition. Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in terrestrial planets and, therefore, is a key element with which to trace planetary composition. However, in order to use Ca isotopes as a tracer of Earth's accretion history, it is first necessary to understand the isotopic behavior of Ca during the earliest stages of planetary formation. Chondrites are some of the oldest materials of the Solar System, and the study of their isotopic composition enables understanding of how and in what conditions the Solar System formed. Here we present Ca isotope data for a suite of bulk chondrites as well as Allende (CV) chondrules. We show that most groups of carbonaceous chondrites (CV, CI, CR and CM) are significantly enriched in the lighter Ca isotopes (δ44/40Ca\delta^{44/40}Ca = +0.1 to +0.93 permill) compared with bulk silicate Earth (δ44/40Ca\delta^{44/40}Ca = +1.05 ±\pm 0.04 permill, Huang et al., 2010) or Mars, while enstatite chondrites are indistinguishable from Earth in Ca isotope composition (δ44/40Ca\delta^{44/40}Ca = +0.91 to +1.06 permill). Chondrules from Allende are enriched in the heavier isotopes of Ca compared to the bulk and the matrix of the meteorite (δ44/40Ca\delta^{44/40}Ca = +1.00 to +1.21 permill). This implies that Earth and Mars have Ca isotope compositions that are distinct from most carbonaceous chondrites but that may be like chondrules. This Ca isotopic similarity between Earth, Mars, and chondrules is permissive of recent dynamical models of planetary formation that propose a chondrule-rich accretion model for planetary embryos.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables 1 supplementary material (1 table

    Silicon isotopes reveal recycled altered oceanic crust in the mantle sources of ocean island basalts

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    EP thanks the Chateaubriand STEM fellowship program for funding. FM thanks the European Research Council under the European Community’s H2020 framework program/ERC grant agreement #637503 (Pristine) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche for a chaire d’Excellence Sorbonne Paris Cité (IDEX13C445) and for the UnivEarthS Labex program (ANR-10-LABX-0023 and ANR-11-IDEX-0005-02). PS thanks the support of the Marie Curie FP7-IOF fellowship “Isovolc”.The study of silicon (Si) isotopes in Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) has the potential to discern between different models for the origins of geochemical heterogeneities in the mantle. Relatively large (∼several per mil per atomic mass unit) Si isotope fractionation occurs in low-temperature environments during biochemical and geochemical precipitation of dissolved Si, where the precipitate is preferentially enriched in the lighter isotopes relative to the dissolved Si. In contrast, only a limited range (∼tenths of a per mil) of Si isotope fractionation has been observed from high-temperature igneous processes. Therefore, Si isotopes may be useful as tracers for the presence of crustal material within OIB mantle source regions that experienced relatively low-temperature surface processes in a manner similar to other stable isotope systems, such as oxygen. Characterizing the isotopic composition of the mantle is also of central importance to the use of the Si isotope system as a basis for comparisons with other planetary bodies (e.g., Moon, Mars, asteroids). Here we present the first comprehensive suite of high-precision Si isotope data obtained by MC-ICP-MS for a diverse suite of OIB. Samples originate from ocean islands in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean basins and include representative end-members for the EM-1, EM-2, and HIMU mantle components. On average, δ30Si values for OIB (−0.32 ± 0.09‰, 2 sd) are in general agreement with previous estimates for the δ30Si value of Bulk Silicate Earth (−0.29 ± 0.07‰, 2 sd; Savage et al., 2014). Nonetheless, some small systematic variations are present; specifically, most HIMU-type (Mangaia; Cape Verde; La Palma, Canary Islands) and Iceland OIB are enriched in the lighter isotopes of Si (δ30Si values lower than MORB), consistent with recycled altered oceanic crust and lithospheric mantle in their mantle sources.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The Na+/Glucose Cotransporter Inhibitor Canagliflozin Activates AMPK by Inhibiting Mitochondrial Function and Increasing Cellular AMP Levels

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    Canagliflozin, dapagliflozin and empagliflozin, all recently approved for treatment of Type 2 diabetes, were derived from the natural product phlorizin. They reduce hyperglycemia by inhibiting glucose re-uptake by SGLT2 in the kidney, without affecting intestinal glucose uptake by SGLT1. We now report that canagliflozin also activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an effect also seen with phloretin (the aglycone breakdown product of phlorizin), but not to any significant extent with dapagliflozin, empagliflozin or phlorizin. AMPK activation occurred at canagliflozin concentrations measured in human plasma in clinical trials, and was caused by inhibition of Complex I of the respiratory chain, leading to increases in cellular AMP or ADP. Although canagliflozin also inhibited cellular glucose uptake independently of SGLT2, this did not account for AMPK activation. Canagliflozin also inhibited lipid synthesis, an effect that was absent in AMPK knockout cells and that required phosphorylation of ACC1 and/or ACC2 at the AMPK sites. Oral administration of canagliflozin activated AMPK in mouse liver, although not in muscle, adipose tissue or spleen. As phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase by AMPK is known to lower liver lipid content, these data suggest a potential additional benefit of canagliflozin therapy compared to other SGLT2 inhibitors

    Divergent compensatory responses to high-fat diet between C57BL6/J and C57BLKS/J inbred mouse strains

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    Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are polygenic disorders with complex pathophysiologies; recapitulating them with mouse models is challenging. Despite 70% genetic homology, C57BL/6J (BL6) and C57BLKS/J (BLKS) inbred mouse strains differ in response to diet- and genetic-induced obesity. We hypothesized these differences would yield insight into IGT and T2DM susceptibility and response to pharmacological therapies. To this end, male 8-wk-old BL6 and BLKS mice were fed normal chow (18% kcal from fat), high-fat diet (HFD; 42% kcal from fat), or HFD supplemented with the PPARγ agonist pioglitazone (PIO; 140 mg PIO/kg diet) for 16 wk. Assessments of body composition, glucose homeostasis, insulin production, and energy metabolism, as well as histological analyses of pancreata were undertaken. BL6 mice gained weight and adiposity in response to HFD, leading to peripheral insulin resistance that was met with increased β-cell proliferation and insulin production. By contrast, BLKS mice responded to HFD by restricting food intake and increasing activity. These behavioral responses limited weight gain and protected against HFD-induced glucose intolerance, which in this strain was primarily due to β-cell dysfunction. PIO treatment did not affect HFD-induced weight gain in BL6 mice, and decreased visceral fat mass, whereas in BLKS mice PIO increased total fat mass without improving visceral fat mass. Differences in these responses to HFD and effects of PIO reflect divergent human responses to a Western lifestyle and underscore the careful consideration needed when choosing mouse models of diet-induced obesity and diabetes treatment