171 research outputs found

    Selectoscope: A Modern Web-App for Positive Selection Analysis of Genomic Data

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    Selectoscope is a web application which combines a number of popular tools used to infer positive selection in an easy to use pipeline. A set of homologous DNA sequences to be analyzed and evaluated are submitted to the server by uploading protein-coding gene sequences in the FASTA format. The sequences are aligned and a phylogenetic tree is constructed. The codeml procedure from the PAML package is used first to adjust branch lengths and to find a starting point for the likelihood maximization, then FastCodeML is executed. Upon completion, branches and positions under positive selection are visualized simultaneously on the tree and alignment viewers. Run logs are accessible through the web interface. Selectoscope is based on the Docker virtualization technology. This makes the application easy to install with a negligible performance overhead. The application is highly scalable and can be used on a single PC or on a large high performance clusters. The source code is freely available at https://github.com/anzaika/selectoscope

    Basic Principles of Betavoltaic Elements and Prospects of their Development

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    The basic technical principles and means of increase in betavoltaitic elements effectiveness have been analyzed by comparing with their closest analogue – photoelectric semiconductor converters. The geometric parameters of radiation sources for these elements and their capacities have been estimated. It is shown the radiation source 63Ni foil thickness should not exceed a few micrometers, and maximum energy conversion efficiency can achieve ~ 16 %

    Nanosized carbon forms in the processes of pressure–temperature-induced transformations of hydrocarbons

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    The products of thermal conversions of naphthalene, anthracene, pentacene, perylene, and coronene at 8 GPa in the temperature range up to 1300 C have been studied by scanning electron and high-resolution transmission electron microscopies. As a result, it has been established that various nanometer-sized carbon species (spherical and coalesced two-core onion-like carbon particles, faceted polyhedral particles, graphitic ribbons, graphitic folds, and nanocrystalline diamonds) are present in the conversion products together with micron-sized crystallites of graphite and diamond. 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Low-temperature quenching of one-dimensional localised Frenkel excitons

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    We present a theoretical analysis of low-temperature quenching of one-dimensional Frenkel excitons that are localised by moderate on-site (diagonal) uncorrelated disorder. Exciton diffusion is considered as an incoherent hopping over localization segments and is probed by the exciton fluorescence quenching at point traps. The rate equation is used to calculate the temperature dependence of the exciton quenching. The activation temperature of the diffusion is found to be of the order of the width of the exciton absorption band. We demonstrate that the intra-segment scattering is extremely important for the exciton diffusion. We discuss also experimental data on the fast exciton-exciton annihilation in linear molecular aggregates at low temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted to Chem. Phys. Let

    Complex estimation of sports potential of young boar-racers

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    The problem of sports selection is one of the basic theoretical and applied medical and biologic problems of physical training and sports. the Development of the theory of sports selection influences the level of achievements in sport and the development of the sports science as a whole. The purpose of sports activity is the achievement of the greatest possible sports result for a concrete individual. In this connection the researches of the individual opportunities of athletes are acute. This article is devoted to the results of the complex inspections of the strongest and young boar-racers

    Исследование динамических параметров техники плавания юных пловцов с использованием «АРТ–2»

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    Проведенное исследование юных пловцов обоего пола 12–16 лет позволило выявить их специальную подготовленность и дать практические рекомендации тренерам по индивидуальной коррекции тренировочного процесса. Ключевые слова: специальная физическая подготовленность, техника плавания, биологическая обратная связь. = The study of young swimmers of both sexes aged 12–16 revealed their specially trained and provide practical recommendations for the coaches of individual correction of the training process. Key words: special physical training, swimming techniques, biofeedback

    Gamma-ray detector based on high pressure xenon for radiation and environmental safety

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    Gamma-spectrometers based on compressed xenon gas assigned for monitoring the reactors and the radiation background at nuclear power plants, non-proliferation of radioactive materials, supervision and control over the radiation background in the environmentally disadvantaged areas, and other applications, are very promising detectors with excellent performance characteristics. This article reports on the results of the first stage of work on the creation of the portable γ-spectrometer based on compressed xenon that is unique for Ukraine. In order to work with ultra-pure gases under pressure, the complex cryogenic installation for Xe purification and detector filling was designed and manufactured. The installation was made of specially cleaned components, equipped with a heating system for the degassing of the inner walls, and is able of maintaining high vacuum down to 2∙10⁻⁹ mbar. A prototype ionization chamber for the use in portable HPXe detectors was developed and made. For the detector testing, a spectrometric channel based on high-quality electronic components was designed and manufactured. In the initial experiments, a study of the properties of the purified Xe mixed with the dopant H₂ was carried out. The assessment of the lifetime of charge carriers τ in the working gas at a pressure of 30 bar gave the value of τ > 150 μs.Гамма-спектрометри на основі стисненого газу ксенону, що призначені для спостереження і контролю за реакторами і навколишнім фоном на АЕС, нерозповсюдженням радіоактивних матеріалів, радіаційним фоном в екологічно несприятливих зонах і інших застосувань, є дуже перспективними детекторами з відмінними експлуатаційними характеристиками. Дана стаття присвячена результатам першої стадії роботи по створенню унікального для України переносного γ-спектрометра на основі стисненого ксенону. Для роботи з чистими газами під тиском розроблена і виготовлена комплексна кріогенна установка очищення і напуску Xe. Установка створена на основі особливо чистих комплектуючих, оснащена системою прогріву для дегазації внутрішніх стінок і здатна підтримувати високий вакуум до 2∙10⁻⁹ мбар. Розроблено та виготовлено прототип іонізаційний камери для використання в переносних HPXe-детекторах. Для роботи детекторів розроблений і виготовлений спектрометричний тракт на основі високоякісних електронних блоків. В якості перших випробувань проведені дослідження властивостей суміші очищеного Хе з легуючою домішкою H₂. При оцінці часу життя носіїв заряду τ в робочому газі під тиском 30 бар отримані значення τ > 150 мкс.Гамма-спектрометры на основе сжатого газа ксенона, предназначенные для наблюдения и контроля за реакторами и окружающим фоном на АЭС, нераспространением радиоактивных материалов, радиационным фоном в экологически неблагоприятных зонах и других применений, являются очень перспективными детекторами с отличными эксплуатационными характеристиками. Данная статья посвящена результатам первой стадии работы по созданию уникального для Украины переносного γ-спектрометра на основе сжатого ксенона. Для работы с чистыми газами под давлением разработана и изготовлена комплексная криогенная установка очистки и напуска Xe. Установка создана на основе особо чистых комплектующих, оснащена системой прогрева для дегазации внутренних стенок и способна поддерживать высокий вакуум до 2∙10⁻⁹ мбар. Разработан и изготовлен прототип ионизационной камеры для использования в переносных HPXe-детекторах. Для работы детекторов разработан и изготовлен спектрометрический тракт на основе высококачественных электронных блоков. В качестве первых испытаний проведены исследования свойств смеси очищенного Хе с легирующей добавкой H₂. При оценке времени жизни носителей заряда τ в рабочем газе под давлением 30 бар получены значения τ > 150 мкс

    Quasi freestanding graphene on SiC 0001 via cobalt intercalation of zero layer graphene

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    Modification of the electronic and crystal structure of zero layer graphene grown on 6H SiC 0001 after Co intercalation is reported. Using a wide range of techniques including angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, x ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, we found that zero layer graphene on SiC transforms into graphene monolayer as a result of cobalt intercalation. The Dirac cone of amp; 960; band characteristic of quasi freestanding graphene is observed. In combination with high resolution transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy data, we conclude that ultrathin silicide CoSi CoSi2 structure is formed between graphene and SiC substrate. Investigation of magnetic properties reveals ferromagnetic behavior with open hysteresis loop. The results of this work are the basis for further implementation of magneto spin orbit graphene on a semiconducting substrate and are important for the future application of such graphene in spintronic

    IBM-1 description of the fission products 108,110,112^{108,110,112}Ru

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    IBM-1} calculations for the fission products 108,110,112^{108,110,112}Ru have been carried out. The even-even isotopes of Ru can be described as transitional nuclei situated between the U(5) (spherical vibrator) and SO(6) (γ\gamma-unstable rotor) symmetries of the Interacting Boson Model. At first, a Hamiltonian with only one- and two-body terms has been used. Excitation energies and BB(E2) ratios of gamma transitions have been calculated. A satisfactory agreement has been obtained, with the exception of the odd-even staggering in the quasi-γ\gamma bands of 110,112^{110,112}Ru. The observed pattern is rather similar to the one for a rigid triaxial rotor. A calculation based on a Hamiltonian with three-body terms was able to remove this discrepancy. The relation between the IBM and the triaxial rotor model was also examined.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure