42 research outputs found
Real-time frame buffer implementation based on external memory using FPGA
In this paper, design of a real-time video frame buffer with an external memory interface is proposed. In addition, simulation and implementation processes of the design is described. The mentioned system is able to buffer video signals up to 1920×1080 full-HD resolution at 60 Hz frame rate. The memory interface is designed based on an external SDRAM memory and supports burst read/write operations. Input video resolution, video buffer size on memory and burst size of the memory interface are user defined and can be configured.Publisher's Versio
Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 are not increased in dyspeptic patients with Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis.
INTRODUCTION: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a non-invasive microorganism causing intense gastric mucosal inflammatory and immune reaction. H. pylori-induced gastric mucosal cytokine overproduction has been clearly documented previously. The stomach has a large surface area and continuous spill-over of locally produced cytokines into the blood stream is a possibility. There are few and conflicting data on circulatory proinflammatory cytokine levels in patients with H. pylori infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-two dyspeptic patients were enrolled into the study. The presence of H. pylori infection was diagnosed with antral histopathologic examination. After overnight fasting; serum samples were obtained from each patient to determine circulating interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) levels. RESULTS: H. pylori was shown in 30 cases using Giemsa stain in antral histopathologic evaluation. Twelve cases were negative for H. pylori staining. Both the age and sex distribution had an insignificant difference in both H pylori-positive and H. pylori-negative groups. The mean circulatory levels of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-a in both groups were not different. The situation was same in respect to the serum levels of these cytokines and the degree of inflammation, H. pylori density and activation scores according to Sydney classification. CONCLUSION: We could not show elevated circulatory levels of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-alpha in H. pylori-infected cases. We believe that H. pylori-related cytokine activation become concentrated on gastric mucosa and this pathogen-induced local inflammatory cascade does not cause changes in circulatory levels of these cytokines. Moreover, there is no correlation between the levels of serum cytokines and Sydney parameters
Hydraulic Mission at Home, Hydraulic Mission abroad? Examining Turkey’s Regional ‘Pax-Aquarum’ and Its Limits
Water resource development has always been considered as a strategic tool by the Turkish ruling elites to reach food and energy security, as well as to enhance domestic peace and stability since the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Therefore, the concept of “hydraulic mission” fits this strategic understanding, and it has become a prevailing paradigm in Turkey’s water resource development. Many academic works have already been conducted to understand how Turkey has waged an ambitious hydraulic mission by securitizing its water resource development primarily on economic and political bases. However, fewer studies have shown how the Turkish ruling elites have also considered Turkey’s extensive hydraulic development, sanctioned by the hydraulic mission, as a foreign policy tool to enhance its influence at the international level. Drawing primarily upon the concept of opportunitisation and the body of literature that looks at, albeit indirectly, the international aspect of the hydraulic mission, this study fills this gap in the literature by looking at three case studies: The Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP), the Water Export Initiatives to the Middle East, and the Water Transfer Project to Cyprus, namely the Peace Water Project. Being informed by an in-depth investigation of those three case studies, this study argues that ambitious hydraulic development projects conducted by the Turkish government do not only serve to keep peace and stability at the domestic level, but they are also strategic tools to enhance Turkey’s influence abroad. However, this study also shows the limits of Turkey’s hydraulic mission abroad. While Turkey promotes those water initiatives as tools for improving regional peace and stability, they are challenged by the recipient countries on social, economic, and political base
Ahmet Davutoğlu ile Türkiye ve Ortadoğu Politikası Üzerine Söyleşi
1-Cezire: Son 5 yılda AKP İktidarı ile Türkiye dış
Politikada çok önemli adımlar attı. Sizden Türkiye'nin son 5 yılının dış politika
vizyonunu ve temel parametrelerini alabilir miyiz?
Ahmet Davutoğlu: Öncelikle 2002 sonlarında bu hükümet
kurulduğunda dış politikanın bir görüntüsünü vermek lazım ve o kadar nasıl
çıkış yapıldığını görmek vizyonu tanımlamak bakımından daha doğru olur. 2002 sonunda Türkiye belli krizlere
odaklanmış bir görüntü sergiliyordu. Irak'ta hemen çıkması beklenen bir savaş
ve dolayısıyla bir kriz hali, buna karar vermeniz gerekiyor. İkincisi AB sürecinde
Kopenhag Zirvesi'nde o zaman bir karar alınacaktı, bu krizi bir şekilde çözmeniz gerekiyor.
Kıbrıs'la ilgili Arınan planı müzakere aşamasındaydı ve kriz söz konusuydu
Real-time video frame differentiator based on DDR3 SDRAM memory interface
In this paper, design of a real-time video frame differentiator based on an external memory interface is proposed. Furthermore, implementation and simulation processes of the design is discussed. The proposed design is capable of differentiating video frames over time, up to full-HD resolution at 60 Hz frame rate. An external SDRAM memory unit is used within the proposed design and drived by a memory interface. In order to improve the flexibility of the architecture, video resolution, video buffer size on memory and burst size of the memory interface are designed to be user defined and configurable.Publisher's Versio
Demo: Real-time video frame differentiator based on external memory interface
Implementation and demonstration processes of a real-time video frame differentiator based on an external memory interface is described in this paper. The video frame differentiation process is successfully implemented on both low cost and high-end FPGA development boards, then demonstrated by using sample videos at 1024x768@60 and 1920x1080@60 resolutions. Input video resolution, video buffer size on memory and burst size of the memory interface can be configured before implementation.Publisher's Versio