96,650 research outputs found

    Fuel economy and exhaust emissions characteristics of diesel vehicles: Test results of a prototype Fiat 131 NA 2.4 liter automobile

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    The vehicle was tested on a chassis dynamometer over selected drive cycles and steady-state conditions. Two fuels were used, a U.S. no. 2 diesel and a European diesel fuel. The vehicle was tested with retarded timing and with and without an oxidation catalyst. Particulate emission rates were calculated from dilution tunnel measurements and large volume particulate samples were collected for biological and chemical analysis. It was determined that while the catalyst was generally effective in reducing hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide levels, it was also a factor in increasing particulate emissions. Increased particulate emission rates were particularly evident when the vehicle was operated on the European fuel which has a high sulfur content

    Cosmic Strings, Zero Modes and SUSY breaking in Nonabelian N=1 Gauge Theories

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    We investigate the microphysics of cosmic strings in Nonabelian gauge theories with N=1 supersymmetry. We give the vortex solutions in a specific example and demonstrate that fermionic superconductivity arises because of the couplings and interactions dictated by supersymmetry. We then use supersymmetry transformations to obtain the relevant fermionic zero modes and investigate the role of soft supersymmetry breaking on the existence and properties of the superconducting strings.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Effects of heat input rates on T-1 and T-1A steel welds

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    Technology of T-1 and T-1A steels is emphasized in investigation of their weld-fabrication. Welding heat input rate, production weldment circumstances, and standards of welding control are considered

    An evolutionary model with Turing machines

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    The development of a large non-coding fraction in eukaryotic DNA and the phenomenon of the code-bloat in the field of evolutionary computations show a striking similarity. This seems to suggest that (in the presence of mechanisms of code growth) the evolution of a complex code can't be attained without maintaining a large inactive fraction. To test this hypothesis we performed computer simulations of an evolutionary toy model for Turing machines, studying the relations among fitness and coding/non-coding ratio while varying mutation and code growth rates. The results suggest that, in our model, having a large reservoir of non-coding states constitutes a great (long term) evolutionary advantage.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Perturbations in Lineage Specification of Granulosa and Theca Cells May Alter Corpus Luteum Formation and Function

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    Anovulation is a major cause of infertility, and it is the major leading reproductive disorder in mammalian females. Without ovulation, an oocyte is not released from the ovarian follicle to be fertilized and a corpus luteum is not formed. The corpus luteum formed from the luteinized somatic follicular cells following ovulation, vasculature cells, and immune cells is critical for progesterone production and maintenance of pregnancy. Follicular theca cells differentiate into small luteal cells (SLCs) that produce progesterone in response to luteinizing hormone (LH), and granulosa cells luteinize to become large luteal cells (LLCs) that have a high rate of basal production of progesterone. The formation and function of the corpus luteum rely on the appropriate proliferation and differentiation of both granulosa and theca cells. If any aspect of granulosa or theca cell luteinization is perturbed, then the resulting luteal cell populations (SLC, LLC, vascular, and immune cells) may be reduced and compromise progesterone production. Thus, many factors that affect the differentiation/lineage of the somatic cells and their gene expression profiles can alter the ability of a corpus luteum to produce the progesterone critical for pregnancy. Our laboratory has identified genes that are enriched in somatic follicular cells and luteal cells through gene expression microarray. This work was the first to compare the gene expression profiles of the four somatic cell types involved in the follicle-to-luteal transition and to support previous immunofluorescence data indicating theca cells differentiate into SLCs while granulosa cells become LLCs. Using these data and incorporating knowledge about the ways in which luteinization can go awry, we can extrapolate the impact that alterations in the theca and granulosa cell gene expression profiles and lineages could have on the formation and function of the corpus luteum. While interactions with other cell types such as vascular and immune cells are critical for appropriate corpus luteum function, we are restricting this review to focus on granulosa, theca, and luteal cells and how perturbations such as androgen excess and inflammation may affect their function and fertility

    Exploiting Macro-actions and Predicting Plan Length in Planning as Satisfiability

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    The use of automatically learned knowledge for a planning domain can significantly improve the performance of a generic planner when solving a problem in this domain. In this work, we focus on the well-known SAT-based approach to planning and investigate two types of learned knowledge that have not been studied in this planning framework before: macro-actions and planning horizon. Macro-actions are sequences of actions that typically occur in the solution plans, while a planning horizon of a problem is the length of a (possibly optimal) plan solving it. We propose a method that uses a machine learning tool for building a predictive model of the optimal planning horizon, and variants of the well-known planner SatPlan and solver MiniSat that can exploit macro actions and learned planning horizons to improve their performance. An experimental analysis illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    The symbiotic star CH Cygni. III. A precessing radio jet

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    VLA, MERLIN and Hubble Space Telescope imaging observations of the extended regions of the symbiotic system CH Cygni are analysed. These extensions are evidence of a strong collimation mechanism, probably an accretion disk surrounding the hot component of the system. Over 16 years (between 1985 and 2001) the general trend is that these jets are seen to precess. Fitting a simple ballistic model of matter ejection to the geometry of the extended regions suggests a period of 6520 +/- 150 days, with a precession cone opening angle of 35 +/- 1 degrees. This period is of the same order as that proposed for the orbital period of the outer giant in the system, suggesting a possible link between the two. Anomalous knots in the emission, not explained by the simple model, are believed to be the result of older, slower moving ejecta, or possibly jet material that has become disrupted through sideways interaction with the surrounding medium.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Motif-based communities in complex networks

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    Community definitions usually focus on edges, inside and between the communities. However, the high density of edges within a community determines correlations between nodes going beyond nearest-neighbours, and which are indicated by the presence of motifs. We show how motifs can be used to define general classes of nodes, including communities, by extending the mathematical expression of Newman-Girvan modularity. We construct then a general framework and apply it to some synthetic and real networks

    The Microstratigraphy of Two Peat Sequences from Northeastern Newfounland

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    Commonly, the ombrotrophic peats of Newfoundland have a well-defined banded appearance. Each band consists of a light-coloured lower section and a dark upper component. The bands are separated by abrupt recurrence surfaces. The regularity of the bands implies cyclicity. The physical, elemental, micro- and macro-stratigraphies of two banded profiles from the Wesleyville area were examined in an attempt to document the differences and to provide insight into cause. Ash content, fibre content, bulk density, water content and water retention were measured. The latter three showed consistent changes through each profile. There were no obvious patterns in the values for the biologically active elements that were measured (Mg, Cl, Ca, Na, Al, Mn and I), but the curves for Br, V, and U, biologically inert elements, showed systematic variations that appear to reflect variations in peat accumulation rate. The pollen, spore and macrofossil stratigraphies were generally complacent, although the representation of Sphagnum macrofossils and spores varied regularly as did pollen and spore concentrations. Each light-dark sequence appears to reflect a cycle of self-sustaining hydrologie changes involving changes in community composition, and in oxidation and accumulation rate, rather than climate. The cycles appear to be ca. 700 years in length, and are system-wide, but with variable lag times.Les tourbes ombrothrophes de Terre-Neuve présentent d'ordinaire des couches nettement définies. Chaque couche comporte une partie inférieure claire et une partie supérieure foncée. Les couches sont séparées par des surfaces de récurrence abruptes. La régularité des couches suppose l'existence d'un phénomène cyclique. Les micro et macrostratigraphies physique et celles des éléments de deux coupes de deux profils rubanés de la région de Wesleyville ont été étudiés en vue d'en observer les différences et de déterminer les causes de ces différences. Les teneurs en cendres et en fibres, le poids volumétrique, la teneur en eau et la rétention d'eau ont été mesurés. Les trois dernières propriétés ont montré des changements uniformes dans chacune des coupes. Aucune configuration évidente n'est ressortie des valeurs des éléments biologiquement actifs qui ont été mesurés (Mg, Cl, Ca, Na, Mn et I), mais les courbes de Br, V et U, biologiquement inertes, ont montré des variations systématiques qui semblaient refléter les variations du taux d'accumulation de la tourbe. Les stratigraphies du pollen, des spores et des macrofossiles étaient dans l'ensemble insensibles, bien que la représentation des macrofossiles et des spores de Sphagnum variait de façon régulière, tout comme les concentrations de pollen et de spores. Chacune des séquences claire-foncée semble correspondre à un cycle de changements hydrologiques autogénérateurs impliquant des modifications dans la composition de l'association végétale et dans les taux d'oxydation et d'accumulation, plutôt que dans le climat. Les cycles, qui s'étendent à l'ensemble du système, semblent durer environ 700 ans, mais avec des décalages variables.Im allgemeinen treten die ombrotrophen Torfe Neufundlands in gut erkennbaren Streifen auf. Jeder Streifen besteht aus einer leichtgefàrbten unteren Schicht und einem dunklen oberen Teil. Die Streifen werden durch plôtzlich zu Tage tretende Grenzhorizonte getrennt. Die RegelmâBigkeit der Streifen setzt Periodizitàt voraus. Die Milkro- und Makrostratigraphie des physikalischen und elementaren Aufbaus zweier Streifenprofile aus der Gegend von Wesleyville wurden untersucht, um die Unterschiede aufzuzeichnen und um die Ursachen zu ergrùnden. Gehalt an Asche und Fasern, spezifische Dichte, Wassergehalt und Wasserzurùckhaltungsvermôgen wurden gemessen. Die drei letzteren wiesen konstante Wechsel in jedem Profil auf. Keine deutlichen Muster in den Werten der biologisch aktiven Elemente konnten gemessen werden (Mg, Cl, Ca, Na, Al, Mn und I), aber die kurven von Br, V und U, den biologisch inaktiven Elementen, zeigten systematische Variationen, welche die Variationen von Torfansammlungsraten wiederzuspiegeln schienen. Die Pollen-, Sporen- und makrofossilen Stratigraphien waren im allgemeinen unveràndert, wenn auch das Vorkommen von Sphagnum-Makrofossilen und Sporen genauso wie Pollen- und Sporen- konzentrationen regelmâBige Verànderungen aufwies. Jede helldunkel Sequenz scheint einen Zyklus sich selbsttragender hydrologischer Verâderungen wiederzuspiegeln, die viel mehr Verànderungen in der pflanzlichen Zusammensetzung, der Oxydierung und der Akkumulationsrate zur Folge hatten als klimatische Verànderungen. Die Perioden scheinen etwa 700 Jahre gedauert zu haben, betreffen das ganze System aber mit variablen Verzôgerungen
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