155 research outputs found

    Shakespeare, The Car Salesman

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    Sratford and Avon, the advertising company, are pleased to announce that they have engaged the services of Will Shakespeare, the well-known writer, in their advertising campaign for the newest Detroit automobile, the Starling

    Characterization of Monomethyihydrazine (MMH) Non-Volatile Residue

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    The Space Shuttle program has a unique propellant purity requirement for determination of nonvolatile residue (NVR) in monomethylhydrazine (MMH). TIis requirement differs from the Military Specification procurement specification by requiring a NVR analysis with a limit of less than or equal to 10 milligrams per liter. In June 2008, a routine MMH replenishment delivery was transferred into a NASA KSC owned tanker for future delivery to the Space Shuffle pad MMH storage tank. Per Shuffle standard operating procedure, the receiving tanker was sampled and analyzed for purity and surprisingly it failed the Shuttle use NVR specification limit. Detailed examination of the NVR revealed that it was fundamentally different than the typical MMH NVR. This paper will examine various aspects of NVR determination in MMH and the analytical characterization processes used to identify the NVR

    Smokejumper Magazine, July 2001

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    This issue of the National Smokejumper Association (NSA) Smokejumper Magazine contains the following articles: Kickin’ Cargo/Bum Pilot (Jeff R. Davis), Log of Rookie Smokejumper (Herb Hidu), profiles Phil Stanley, Mike Kreidler, Doug Sutherland and Gregg Phifer, Smokejumper Thwarts Hijacking of Pam-Am Clipper 73 (Chuck Sheley), Anything for a Jump (Chuck Mansfield). Smokejumper Magazine continues Static Line, which was the original title of the NSA quarterly magazine.https://dc.ewu.edu/smokejumper_mag/1031/thumbnail.jp

    UAS Integration in the NAS Project UAS Commericalization Industry Conference

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    Description and Update of NASA UAS in the NAS Projec

    Kinetic Re-Evaluation of Fuel Neutralization by AKGA

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    Baseline characterization testing previously identified alpha-ketoglutaric acid (AKGA) cis a potential alternative to the current standard hydrazine (HZ) family fuel neutralization techniques in use at Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Thus far, the reagent shows promise for use in hardware decontamination operations and as a drop-in replacement for the scrubber liquor currently used in KSC four tower vapor scrubbers. Implementation of AKGA could improve process safety and reduce or eliminate generation of hydrazine-Iaden waste streams. This paper focuses on evaluation of the kinetics of these decontamination reactions in solution. Pseudo first order reaction rate constants with respect to the pyridazine products (6-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyridazine-3-carboxylic acid, (PCA) and 1-methyl-6-oxo-4,5-dihydro-pyridazine-3-carboxylic acid (mPCA)) in the presence of excess AKGA were determined by monitoring product formation using a ultra-violet visible absorption spectroscopy method. The results are presented here in comparison to previous data obtained by monitoring reactant depletion by gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detector (GC-NPD)

    A Comparison of Electron Transport Rate, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Light-Adapted Fluorescence, and Dark-Adapted Fluorescence Between Stipa pulchra and Pennisetium setaceum

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    The purpose of this investigation was to provide an explanation into how the invasive species Pennisetium setaceum, Fountain Grass, is able to outcompete the native California grassland species Stipa pulchra, Purple Needle Grass. We used a light adapted and a dark adapted fluorometer to measure the photosynthetic radiation (PAR), leaf temperature, alpha (α), light adapted fluorescence (Fv’/Fm’), dark adapted fluorescence (Fv/Fm), and the electron transport rate (ETR) on young Fountain Grass and Purple Needlegrass. After collecting and analyzing the data, we concluded that the dark adapted fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was the only statistically significant measurement where the Fv/Fm of S. pulchra is higher than that of P. setaceum which suggests that S. pulchra’s quantum yield of photosystem II is higher and is therefore more efficient. With this result, we are able to state that Fv/Fm is not the reason why Fountain Grass outcompetes Purple Needlegrass

    How a Small Rural University Can Effectively Approach High School Students?

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    Nowadays many small rural universities or colleges are faced with the challenge of how to expand schools\u27 student body. Given the limited budget, these schools need to make preliminary decisions on how to better reach high school students in order to achieve optimal enrollment goals. In this study, a survey was conducted to make an attempt at determining how a small rural university can effectively approach its anticipated target market. The objectives of this study are: 1. to determine how the target audiences hear about the university; 2. to determine who makes the final decisions regarding the target audience’s future education; 3. to identify the most effective advertisement approach to the target audience; 4. to determine the target audience’s media habits. Data are collected and analyzed. The results are presented

    Zeolite Y supported nickel phosphide catalysts for the hydrodenitrogenation of quinoline as a proxy for crude bio-oils from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae

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    This work demonstrates the potential of zeolite Y supported nickel phosphide materials as highly active catalysts for the upgrading of bio-oil as improved alternative to noble metal and transition metal sulphide systems. Our systematic work studied the effect of using different counterions (NH4 + , H+ , K+ and Na+ ) and Si/Al ratios (2.56 and 15) of the zeolite Y. It demonstrates that whilst the zeolite counterion itself has little impact on the catalytic activity of the bare Y-zeolite, it has a strong influence on the activity of the resulting nickel phosphide catalysts. This effect is related to the nature of the nickel phases formed during the synthesis process Zeolites containing K+ and Na+ favour the formation of a mixed Ni12P5/Ni2P phase, H+ Y produces both Ni2P and metallic Ni, whereas NH4 + Y produces pure Ni2P, which can be attributed to the strength of the phosphorus-aluminium interaction and the metal reduction temperature. Using quinoline as a model for the nitrogen-containing compounds in bio-oils, it is shown that the hydrodenitrogenation activity increases in the order Ni2P > Ni0 > Ni12P5. While significant research has been dedicated to the development of bio-oils produced by thermal liquefaction of biomass, surprisingly little work has been conducted on the subsequent catalytic upgrading of these oils to reduce their heteroatom content and enable processing in conventional petrochemical refineries. This work provides important insights for the design and deployment of novel active transition metal catalysts to enable the incorporation of bio-oils into refineries

    Investigation of Salt Tolerance Mechanisms across a Root Developmental Gradient in Almond Rootstocks

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    The intensive use of groundwater in agriculture under the current climate conditions leads to acceleration of soil salinization. Given that almond is a salt-sensitive crop, selection of salt-tolerant rootstocks can help maintain productivity under salinity stress. Selection for tolerant rootstocks at an early growth stage can reduce the investment of time and resources. However, salinity-sensitive markers and salinity tolerance mechanisms of almond species to assist this selection process are largely unknown. We established a microscopy-based approach to investigate mechanisms of stress tolerance in and identified cellular, root anatomical, and molecular traits associated with rootstocks exhibiting salt tolerance. We characterized three almond rootstocks: Empyrean-1 (E1), Controller-5 (C5), and Krymsk-86 (K86). Based on cellular and molecular evidence, our results show that E1 has a higher capacity for salt exclusion by a combination of upregulating ion transporter expression and enhanced deposition of suberin and lignin in the root apoplastic barriers, exodermis, and endodermis, in response to salt stress. Expression analyses revealed differential regulation of cation transporters, stress signaling, and biopolymer synthesis genes in the different rootstocks. This foundational study reveals the mechanisms of salinity tolerance in almond rootstocks from cellular and structural perspectives across a root developmental gradient and provides insights for future screens targeting stress response
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