1,494 research outputs found

    Detection of negative energy: 4-dimensional examples

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    We study the response of switched particle detectors to static negative energy densities and negative energy fluxes. It is demonstrated how the switching leads to excitation even in the vacuum and how negative energy can lead to a suppression of this excitation. We obtain quantum inequalities on the detection similar to those obtained for the energy density by Ford and co-workers and in an `operational' context by Helfer. We revisit the question `Is there a quantum equivalence principle?' in terms of our model. Finally, we briefly address the issue of negative energy and the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Diploptene δ13C values from contemporary thermokarst lake sediments show complex spatial variation

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    Cryospheric changes in northern high latitudes are linked to significant greenhouse gas flux to the atmosphere, for example, methane that originates from organic matter decomposition in thermokarst lakes. The set of pathways that link methane production in sediments, via oxidation in the lake system, to the flux of residual methane to the atmosphere is complex and exhibits temporal and spatial variation. The isotopic signal of bacterial biomarkers (hopanoids, e.g. diploptene) in sediments has been used to identify contemporary ocean-floor methane seeps and, in the geological record, periods of enhanced methane production (e.g. the PETM). The biomarker approach could potentially be used to assess temporal changes in lake emissions through the Holocene via the sedimentary biomarker record. However, there are no data on the consistency of the signal of isotopic depletion in relation to source or on the amount of noise (unexplained variation) in biomarker values from modern lake sediments. We assessed methane oxidation as represented by the isotopic signal of biomarkers from methane oxidising bacteria (MOB) in multiple surface sediment samples in three distinct areas known to emit varying levels of methane in two shallow Alaskan thermokarst lakes. Diploptene was present and had δ13C values lower than -38g‰ in all sediments analysed, suggesting methane oxidation was widespread. However, there was considerable variation in δ13C values within each area. The most 13C-depleted diploptene was found in an area of high methane ebullition in Ace Lake (diploptene δ13C values between -68.2 and -50.1‰). In contrast, significantly higher diploptene δ13C values (between -42.9 and -38.8g‰) were found in an area of methane ebullition in Smith Lake. δ13C values of diploptene between -56.8 and -46.9g‰ were found in the centre of Smith Lake, where ebullition rates are low but diffusive methane efflux occurs. The small-scale heterogeneity of the samples may reflect patchy distribution of substrate and/or MOB within the sediments. The two ebullition areas differ in age and type of organic carbon substrate, which may affect methane production, transport, and subsequent oxidation. Given the high amount of variation in surface samples, a more extensive calibration of modern sediment properties, within and among lakes, is required before down-core records of hopanoid isotopic signatures are developed. © Author(s) 2016

    In-situ removal and characterisation of uranium-containing particles from sediments surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

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    AbstractTraditional methods to locate and subsequently study radioactive fallout particles have focused heavily on autoradiography coupled with in-situ analytical techniques. Presented here is the application of a Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope with both backscattered electron and energy dispersive spectroscopy detectors, along with a micromanipulator setup and electron-hardening adhesive to isolate and remove individual particles before synchrotron radiation analysis. This system allows for a greater range of new and existing analytical techniques, at increased detail and speed, to be applied to the material. Using this method, it was possible to erform detailed energy dispersive spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation characterisation of material likely ejected from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant found within a sediment sample collected from the edge of the 30km exclusion zone. Particulate material sub-micron in maximum dimension examined during this work via energy dispersive spectroscopy was observed to contain uranium at levels between 19.68 and 28.35 weight percent, with the application of synchrotron radiation spectroscopy confirming its presence as a major constituent.With great effort and cost being devoted to the remediation of significant areas of eastern Japan affected by the incident, it is crucial to gain the greatest possible understanding of the nature of this contamination in order to inform the most appropriate clean-up response

    Motion of Inertial Observers Through Negative Energy

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    Recent research has indicated that negative energy fluxes due to quantum coherence effects obey uncertainty principle-type inequalities of the form |\Delta E|\,{\Delta \tau} \lprox 1\,. Here ∣ΔE∣|\Delta E| is the magnitude of the negative energy which is transmitted on a timescale Δτ\Delta \tau. Our main focus in this paper is on negative energy fluxes which are produced by the motion of observers through static negative energy regions. We find that although a quantum inequality appears to be satisfied for radially moving geodesic observers in two and four-dimensional black hole spacetimes, an observer orbiting close to a black hole will see a constant negative energy flux. In addition, we show that inertial observers moving slowly through the Casimir vacuum can achieve arbitrarily large violations of the inequality. It seems likely that, in general, these types of negative energy fluxes are not constrained by inequalities on the magnitude and duration of the flux. We construct a model of a non-gravitational stress-energy detector, which is rapidly switched on and off, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of such a detector.Comment: 18pp + 1 figure(not included, available on request), in LATEX, TUPT-93-

    Stochastic Theory of Accelerated Detectors in a Quantum Field

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    We analyze the statistical mechanical properties of n-detectors in arbitrary states of motion interacting with each other via a quantum field. We use the open system concept and the influence functional method to calculate the influence of quantum fields on detectors in motion, and the mutual influence of detectors via fields. We discuss the difference between self and mutual impedance and advanced and retarded noise. The mutual effects of detectors on each other can be studied from the Langevin equations derived from the influence functional, as it contains the backreaction of the field on the system self-consistently. We show the existence of general fluctuation- dissipation relations, and for trajectories without event horizons, correlation-propagation relations, which succinctly encapsulate these quantum statistical phenomena. These findings serve to clarify some existing confusions in the accelerated detector problem. The general methodology presented here could also serve as a platform to explore the quantum statistical properties of particles and fields, with practical applications in atomic and optical physics problems.Comment: 32 pages, Late

    States insensitive to the Unruh effect in multi-level detectors

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    We give a general treatment of the spontaneous excitation rates and the non-relativistic Lamb shift of constantly accelerated multi-level atoms as a model for multi-level detectors. Using a covariant formulation of the dipole coupling between the atom and the electromagnetic field we show that new Raman-like transitions can be induced by the acceleration. Under certain conditions these transitions can lead to stable ground and excited states which are not affected by the non inertial motion. The magnitude of the Unruh effect is not altered by multi-level effects. Both the spontaneous excitation rates and the Lamb shift are not within the range of measurability.Comment: 9 Pages, late

    A single-center, observational study of 607 children & young people presenting with Differences in Sex Development (DSD)

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    Context Differences in sex development (DSD) represent a wide range of conditions presenting at different ages to various health professionals. Establishing a diagnosis, supporting the family and developing a management plan are important. Objective We aimed to better understand the presentation and prevalence of pediatric DSD. Design A retrospective, observational cohort study was undertaken of all children and young people (CYP) referred to a DSD multi-disciplinary team over 25 years (1995-2019). Setting A single tertiary paediatric center. Participants In total, 607 CYP (520 regional referrals) were included. Main Outcome Measures Data were analyzed for diagnosis, sex-assignment, age and mode of presentation, additional phenotypic features, mortality, and approximate point prevalence. Results Amongst the three major DSD categories, sex chromosome DSD was diagnosed in 11.2% (68/607) (most commonly 45, X/46, XY mosaicism), 46, XY DSD in 61.1% (371/607) (multiple diagnoses often with associated features), while 46, XX DSD occurred in 27.7% (168/607) (often 21-hydroxylase deficiency). Most children (80.1%) presented as neonates, usually with atypical genitalia, adrenal insufficiency, undescended testes or herniae. Those presenting later had diverse features. Rarely, the diagnosis was made antenatally (3.8%, n = 23) or following incidental karyotyping/family history (n = 14). Mortality was surprisingly high in 46, XY children, usually due to complex associated features (46, XY girls, 8.3%; 46, XY boys, 2.7%). The approximate point prevalence of neonatal referrals for investigation of DSD was 1 in 6,347 births, and 1 in 5,101 overall throughout childhood. Conclusions DSD represent a diverse range of conditions that can present at different ages. Pathways for expert diagnosis and management are important to optimize care

    Late Quaternary chironomid community structure shaped by rate and magnitude of climate change

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    Much is known about how climate change impacts ecosystem richness and turnover, but we have less understanding of its influence on ecosystem structures. Here, we use ecological metrics (beta diversity, compositional disorder and network skewness) to quantify the community structural responses of temperature-sensitive chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) during the Late Glacial (14 700–11 700 cal a bp) and Holocene (11 700 cal a bp to present). Analyses demonstrate high turnover (beta diversity) of chironomid composition across both epochs; however, structural metrics stayed relatively intact. Compositional disorder and skewness show greatest structural change in the Younger Dryas, following the rapid, high-magnitude climate change at the Bølling–Allerød to Younger Dryas transition. There were fewer climate-related structural changes across the early to mid–late Holocene, where climate change was more gradual and lower in magnitude. The reduced impact on structural metrics could be due to greater functional resilience provided by the wider chironomid community, or to the replacement of same functional-type taxa in the network structure. These results provide insight into how future rapid climate change may alter chironomid communities and could suggest that while turnover may remain high under a rapidly warming climate, community structural dynamics retain some resilience

    The Time-Energy Uncertainty Relation

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    The time energy uncertainty relation has been a controversial issue since the advent of quantum theory, with respect to appropriate formalisation, validity and possible meanings. A comprehensive account of the development of this subject up to the 1980s is provided by a combination of the reviews of Jammer (1974), Bauer and Mello (1978), and Busch (1990). More recent reviews are concerned with different specific aspects of the subject. The purpose of this chapter is to show that different types of time energy uncertainty relation can indeed be deduced in specific contexts, but that there is no unique universal relation that could stand on equal footing with the position-momentum uncertainty relation. To this end, we will survey the various formulations of a time energy uncertainty relation, with a brief assessment of their validity, and along the way we will indicate some new developments that emerged since the 1990s.Comment: 33 pages, Latex. This expanded version (prepared for the 2nd edition of "Time in quantum mechanics") contains minor corrections, new examples and pointers to some additional relevant literatur

    Bluetongue and Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease virus in local breeds of cattle in Kenya

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    AbstractThe presence of bluetongue virus (BTV) and Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease virus (EHDV) in indigenous calves in western Kenya was investigated. Serum was analysed for BTV and EHDV antibodies. The population seroprevalences for BTV and EHDV for calves at 51weeks of age were estimated to be 0.942 (95% CI 0.902–0.970) and 0.637 (95% CI 0.562–0.710), respectively, indicating high levels of circulating BTV and EHDV. The odds ratio of being positive for BTV if EHDV positive was estimated to be 2.57 (95% CI 1.37–4.76). When 99 calves were tested for BTV and EHDV RNA by real-time RT-PCR, 88.9% and 63.6% were positive, respectively. Comparison of the serology and real-time RT-PCR results revealed an unexpectedly large number of calves that were negative by serology but positive by real-time RT-PCR for EHDV. Eight samples positive for BTV RNA were serotyped using 24 serotype-specific real-time RT-PCR assays. Nine BTV serotypes were detected, indicating that the cattle were infected with a heterogeneous population of BTVs. The results show that BTV and EHDV are highly prevalent, with cattle being infected from an early age
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