189 research outputs found

    News International and corporate power in Britain’s democracy: just the tip of the ‘unelected oligarchies’ iceberg

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    The News International scandal has rightly caused public outrage and led to a sea-change in relations between UK politicians and media moguls. Yet Murdoch’s empire has been only part of a much wider structure of unaccountable power which has exercised a dominant influence over British politics and policy making in the past two decades or more. David Beetham argues that this ‘unelected oligarchy’ extends to the corporate sector as a whole, including the major financial and banking institutions

    Deficits in visual working-memory capacity and general cognition in African Americans with psychosis

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    On average, patients with psychosis perform worse than controls on visual change-detection tasks, implying that psychosis is associated with reduced capacity of visual working memory (WM). In the present study, 79 patients diagnosed with various psychotic disorders and 166 controls, all African Americans, completed a change-detection task and several other neurocognitive measures. The aims of the study were to (1) determine whether we could observe a between-group difference in performance on the change-detection task in this sample; (2) establish whether such a difference could be specifically attributed to reduced WM capacity (k); and (3) estimate k in the context of the general cognitive deficit in psychosis. Consistent with previous studies, patients performed worse than controls on the change-detection task, on average. Bayesian hierarchical cognitive modeling of the data suggested that this between-group difference was driven by reduced k in patients, rather than differences in other psychologically meaningful model parameters (guessing behavior and lapse rate). Using the same modeling framework, we estimated the effect of psychosis on k while controlling for general intellectual ability (g, obtained from the other neurocognitive measures). The results suggested that reduced k in patients was stronger than predicted by the between-group difference in g. Moreover, a mediation analysis suggested that the relationship between psychosis and g (i.e., the general cognitive deficit) was mediated by k. The results were consistent with the idea that reduced k is a specific deficit in psychosis, which contributes to the general cognitive deficit

    Loss of Integrin-linked kinase sensitizes breast cancer to SRC inhibitors

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    SRC is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase with key roles in breast cancer development and progression. Despite this, SRC tyrosine kinase inhibitors have so far failed to live up to their promise in clinical trials, with poor overall response rates. We aimed to identify possible synergistic gene–drug interactions to discover new rational combination therapies for SRC inhibitors. An unbiased genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screen in a model of triple-negative breast cancer revealed that loss of integrin-linked kinase (ILK) and its binding partners α-Parvin and PINCH-1 sensitizes cells to bosutinib, a clinically approved SRC/ABL kinase inhibitor. Sensitivity to bosutinib did not correlate with ABL dependency; instead, bosutinib likely induces these effects by acting as a SRC tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo models showed that loss of ILK enhanced sensitivity to eCF506, a novel and highly selective inhibitor of SRC with a unique mode of action. Whole-genome RNA sequencing following bosutinib treatment in ILK knockout cells identified broad changes in the expression of genes regulating cell adhesion and cell–extracellular matrix. Increased sensitivity to SRC inhibition in ILK knockout cells was associated with defective adhesion, resulting in reduced cell number as well as increased G(1) arrest and apoptosis. These findings support the potential of ILK loss as an exploitable therapeutic vulnerability in breast cancer, enhancing the effectiveness of clinical SRC inhibitors. SIGNIFICANCE: A CRISPR-Cas9 screen reveals that loss of integrin-linked kinase synergizes with SRC inhibition, providing a new opportunity for enhancing the clinical effectiveness of SRC inhibitors in breast cancer

    'Word from the street' : when non-electoral representative claims meet electoral representation in the United Kingdom

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    Taking the specific case of street protests in the UK – the ‘word from the street’– this article examines recent (re)conceptualizations of political representation, most particularly Saward’s notion of ‘representative claim’. The specific example of nonelectoral claims articulated by protestors and demonstrators in the UK is used to illustrate: the processes of making, constituting, evaluating and accepting claims for and by constituencies and audiences; and the continuing distinctiveness of claims based upon electoral representation. Two basic questions structure the analysis: first, why would the political representative claims of elected representatives trump the nonelectoral claims of mass demonstrators and, second, in what ways does the ‘perceived legitimacy’ of the former differ from the latter

    Political strategies of external support for democratization

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    Political strategies of external support to democratization are contrasted and critically examined in respect of the United States and European Union. The analysis begins by defining its terms of reference and addresses the question of what it means to have a strategy. The account briefly notes the goals lying behind democratization support and their relationship with the wider foreign policy process, before considering what a successful strategy would look like and how that relates to the selection of candidates. The literature's attempts to identify strategy and its recommendations for better strategies are compared and assessed. Overall, the article argues that the question of political strategies of external support for democratization raises several distinct but related issues including the who?, what?, why?, and how? On one level, strategic choices can be expected to echo the comparative advantage of the "supporter." On a different level, the strategies cannot be divorced from the larger foreign policy framework. While it is correct to say that any sound strategy for support should be grounded in a theoretical understanding of democratization, the literature on strategies reveals something even more fundamental: divergent views about the nature of politics itself. The recommendations there certainly pinpoint weaknesses in the actual strategies of the United States and Europe but they have their own limitations too. In particular, in a world of increasing multi-level governance strategies for supporting democratization should go beyond preoccupation with just an "outside-in" approach

    What matters to families about the healthcare of preterm or low birth weight infants: A qualitative evidence synthesis

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    Objective We examined what matters to families about the healthcare provided to preterm or LBW infants in hospital and the community, to ensure that care meets the needs of infants and parents. Methods We searched databases to identify eligible studies examining the views and expectations of families. Study quality was assessed using the CASP checklist for qualitative studies. The GRADE-CERQual approach was used to assess confidence in review findings. Studies were sampled and data analysed using thematic synthesis. Results 222 studies (227 papers) were eligible for inclusion. 54 studies (57 papers) were sampled based on data richness, methodological quality, and representation across settings. Eight analytical themes were identified. Confidence in results was moderate to high. What mattered was a positive outcome for the child; active involvement in care; being supported to cope at home after discharge; emotional support; the healthcare environment; information needs met; logistical support available; and positive relationships with staff. Conclusion Although parents and family members reported a variety of experiences in the care of their infant, we found high consistency in what matters to families. Practice Implications This review identifies approaches to improve experiences of parents which are consistent with the Family Centred Care model of healthcare

    Democracia vs. eficiência: como alcançar equilíbrio em tempo de crise financeira

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    Resumo A administração pública é forçada a encontrar um equilíbrio entre eficiência e democracia na definição da sua agenda e curso de ação. Uma das características da administração pública é que todas as decisões devem refletir valores democráticos, para além de serem eficientes. No entanto, a reforma administrativa, motivada por dificuldades financeiras, tende a destacar a importância do desempenho financeiro, em detrimento dos aspetos democráticos nas políticas de gestão pública. Esta pesquisa visa analisar a relação e tensão entre a eficiência e a democracia à luz da mais recente crise financeira global. O trabalho utiliza uma abordagem quantitativa e recolhe dados de governos locais portugueses para testar o argumento de uma relação linear inversa de desempenho financeiro e procedimentos democráticos. Os resultados confirmam o argumento de uma relação inversa, definida por Waldo (1948). Adicionalmente, os resultados também permitem concluir que a crise financeira evidenciou o efeito negativo dos procedimentos democráticos no desempenho financeiro

    Policy mixes for incumbency: the destructive recreation of renewable energy, shale gas 'fracking,' and nuclear power in the United Kingdom

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    The notion of a ‘policy mix’ can describe interactions across a wide range of innovation policies, including ‘motors for creation’ as well as for ‘destruction’. This paper focuses on the United Kingdom’s (UK) ‘new policy direction’ that has weakened support for renewables and energy efficiency schemes while strengthening promotion of nuclear power and hydraulic fracturing for natural gas (‘fracking’). The paper argues that a ‘policy apparatus for incumbency’ is emerging which strengthens key regimebased technologies while arguably damaging emerging niche innovations. Basing the discussion around the three technology-based cases of renewable energy and efficiency, fracking, and nuclear power, this paper refers to this process as “destructive recreation”. Our study raises questions over the extent to which policymaking in the energy field is not so much driven by stated aims around sustainability transitions, as by other policy drivers. It investigates different ‘strategies of incumbency’ including ‘securitization’, ‘masking’, ‘reinvention’, and ‘capture.’ It suggests that analytical frameworks should extend beyond the particular sectors in focus, with notions of what counts as a relevant ‘policy maker’ correspondingly also expanded, in order to explore a wider range of nodes and critical junctures as entry points for understanding how relations of incumbency are forged and reproduced