182 research outputs found

    Modelos de orientación educativa desde la socioformación

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    El propósito de este capítulo es aclarar cuál es el Modelo de Orientación Educativa más eficaz para guiar el trabajo de los Equipos Psicopedagógicos y Departamentos de Orientación Educativa. Estos Equipos y Departamentos están establecidos en la mayoría de los países del mundo para apoyar la acción tutorial desarrollada, tanto en la Educación Inicial y Básica, como en la de Educación Media Superior. Dado que la Orientación Educativa es solo una pequeña parte de las Ciencias de la Educación y de la Psicología, los Modelos de Orientación Educativa se limitan a tratar de establecer el funcionamiento de los equipos psicopedagógicos y de los departamentos de Orientación Educativa. Por lo que es básico no confundir: “Modelo Educativo” con “Modelo de Orientación Educativa”, como se precisará más adelante

    An overview of the CPRI specification and its application to C-RAN-based LTE scenarios

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    The CPRI specification has been introduced to enable the communication between radio equipment and radio equipment controllers, and is of particular interest for mobile operators willing to deploy their networks following the novel cloud radio access network approach. In such a case, CPRI provides an interface for the interconnection of remote radio heads with a baseband unit by means of the so-called fronthaul network. This article presents the CPRI specification, its concept, design, and interfaces, provides a use case for fronthaul dimensioning in a realistic LTE scenario, and proposes some interesting open research challenges in the next-generation 5G mobile network.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of projects CRAMnet (grant no. TEC2012-38362-C03-01) and EU H2020 5G-Crosshaul Project (grant no. 671598) to the development of this work.European Commissio

    Fatty acid profile as a tool to trace the origin of beef in pasture- and grain-fed young bulls of Retinta breed

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    This research explores the possibility of using the fatty acid profiles of intramuscular fat to authenticate the origin of Retinta breed meat according to different feeding regimes based on the combined use of concentrate and grass or forage (GP, grass pasture; MC, medium concentrate; HC, high concentrate). Young bulls from GP (n=30) were reared on grass pasture and supplement with concentrate in controlled feeders; MC (n=30) and HC (n=15) were reared in farm buildings using 40 and 80% concentrate of total dry matter from diet, respectively. The stepclass function in R was used to perform a stepwise linear discriminant analysis including thirty fatty acids from intramuscular fat. Two fatty acids, 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 were selected as discriminators of the meat origin. Meat from the GP and MC was characterized by higher 22:5 n-3 (p<0.05), while HC meat showed higher 9c18:1 (p<0.05). The use of 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 fatty acids from intramuscular fat resulted in a correct assignation of 100% of beef samples to each of the feeding regimes. Therefore, in addition to serving as an effective tool for discriminating between feeding regimes in the origin of the beef, the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat could help companies to check the authenticity of the meat origin

    Fatty acid profile as a tool to trace the origin of beef in pasture- and grain-fed young bulls of Retinta breed

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    This research explores the possibility of using the fatty acid profiles of intramuscular fat to authenticate the origin of Retinta breed meat according to different feeding regimes based on the combined use of concentrate and grass or forage (GP, grass pasture; MC, medium concentrate; HC, high concentrate). Young bulls from GP (n=30) were reared on grass pasture and supplement with concentrate in controlled feeders; MC (n=30) and HC (n=15) were reared in farm buildings using 40 and 80% concentrate of total dry matter from diet, respectively. The stepclass function in R was used to perform a stepwise linear discriminant analysis including thirty fatty acids from intramuscular fat. Two fatty acids, 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 were selected as discriminators of the meat origin. Meat from the GP and MC was characterized by higher 22:5 n-3 (p<0.05), while HC meat showed higher 9c18:1 (p<0.05). The use of 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 fatty acids from intramuscular fat resulted in a correct assignation of 100% of beef samples to each of the feeding regimes. Therefore, in addition to serving as an effective tool for discriminating between feeding regimes in the origin of the beef, the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat could help companies to check the authenticity of the meat origin

    Study of rapid ionisation for simulation of soft X-ray lasers with the 2D hydro-radiative code ARWEN

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    We present our fast ionisation routine used to study transient softX-raylasers with ARWEN, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic code incorporating adaptative mesh refinement (AMR) and radiative transport. We compute global rates between ion stages assuming an effective temperature between singly-excited levels of each ion. A two-step method is used to obtain in a straightforward manner the variation of ion populations over long hydrodynamic time steps. We compare our model with existing theoretical results both stationary and transient, finding that the discrepancies are moderate except for large densities. We simulate an existing Molybdenum Ni-like transient softX-raylaser with ARWEN. Use of the fast ionisation routine leads to a larger increase in temperature and a larger gain zone than when LTE datatables are used

    Evaluación del modelo educativo constructivista de orientación educativa e intervención psicopedagógica desde el enfoque socioformativo

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    El propósito de esta investigación es identificar y valorar el modelo de intervención que aplican equipos psicopedagógicos concretos en algunos centros de educación básica pública. Metodológicamente, se realizó un estudio descriptivo valorativo mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios con preguntas cerradas a los miembros de dichos equipos psicopedagógicos. Los resultados más importantes fueron que un alto porcentaje de profesionales aplica el denominado enfoque clínico, modelo criticado por toda la literatura científica a causa del bajo impacto que ha ejercido y de los malos resultados que ha obtenido. Por ello, se concluye proponiendo actualizar la normativa y la formación de estos docentes, a fin de encaminarles hacia una práctica psicopedagógica dirigida por el modelo educativo constructivista a través de un enfoque socioformativo por competencias.El propòsit d'aquesta investigació és identificar i valorar el model d'intervenció que apliquen uns equips psicopedagògics en alguns centres d'educació bàsica pública. Metodològicament, es va realitzar un estudi descriptiu valoratiu mitjançant l'aplicació de qüestionaris amb preguntes tancades als membres d'aquests equips psicopedagògics. Els resultats més importants van ser que un alt percentatge de professionals aplica el denominat enfocament clínic, model criticat per tota la literatura científica a causa del baix impacte que exerceix i dels mals resultats que obté. Per això es conclou proposant actualitzar la normativa i la formació d'aquests docents, a fi d'encaminar-los cap a una pràctica psicopedagògica dirigida pel model educatiu constructivista a través d'un enfocament socioformatiu per competències.This study aims to identify and assess a socioformative-based intervention model applied by psychopedagogical teams at public, basic education schools. An evaluative, descriptive study was carried out using a survey of closed-ended questions administered to a group of professionals who work in the field of inclusion. The results showed that a large percentage of professionals are applying the clinical approach; a model that has been criticized in the scientific literature due to its low impact, poor performance and scarce relevance in today's knowledge society. We conclude that the regulations concerning psychopedagogical practice and the training of these professionals should be revised and updated within the framework of the socioformative approach

    Non-Maxwellian electron distributions in time-dependent simulations of low-Z materials illuminated by a high-intensity X-ray laser

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    The interaction of high intensity X-ray lasers with matter is modeled. A collisional-radiative timedependent module is implemented to study radiation transport in matter from ultrashort and ultraintense X-ray bursts. Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption by free electrons, electron conduction or hydrodynamic effects are not considered. The collisional-radiative system is coupled with the electron distribution evolution treated with a Fokker-Planck approach with additional inelastic terms. The model includes spontaneous emission, resonant photoabsorption, collisional excitation and de-excitation, radiative recombination, photoionization, collisional ionization, three-body recombination, autoionization and dielectronic capture. It is found that for high densities, but still below solid, collisions play an important role and thermalization times are not short enough to ensure a thermal electron distribution. At these densities Maxwellian and non-Maxwellian electron distribution models yield substantial differences in collisional rates, modifying the atomic population dynamics

    Nuclear translocation of glutaminase GLS2 in human cancer cells associates with proliferation arrest and differentiation

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    Glutaminase (GA) catalyzes the first step in mitochondrial glutaminolysis playing a key role in cancer metabolic reprogramming. Humans express two types of GA isoforms: GLS and GLS2. GLS isozymes have been consistently related to cell proliferation, but the role of GLS2 in cancer remains poorly understood. GLS2 is repressed in many tumor cells and a better understanding of its function in tumorigenesis may further the development of new therapeutic approaches. We analyzed GLS2 expression in HCC, GBM and neuroblastoma cells, as well as in monkey COS-7 cells. We studied GLS2 expression after induction of differentiation with phorbol ester (PMA) and transduction with the full-length cDNA of GLS2. In parallel, we investigated cell cycle progression and levels of p53, p21 and c-Myc proteins. Using the baculovirus system, human GLS2 protein was overexpressed, purified and analyzed for posttranslational modifications employing a proteomics LC-MS/MS platform. We have demonstrated a dual targeting of GLS2 in human cancer cells. Immunocytochemistry and subcellular fractionation gave consistent results demonstrating nuclear and mitochondrial locations, with the latter being predominant. Nuclear targeting was confirmed in cancer cells overexpressing c-Myc- and GFP-tagged GLS2 proteins. We assessed the subnuclear location finding a widespread distribution of GLS2 in the nucleoplasm without clear overlapping with specific nuclear substructures. GLS2 expression and nuclear accrual notably increased by treatment of SH-SY5Y cells with PMA and it correlated with cell cycle arrest at G2/M, upregulation of tumor suppressor p53 and p21 protein. A similar response was obtained by overexpression of GLS2 in T98G glioma cells, including downregulation of oncogene c-Myc. Furthermore, human GLS2 was identified as being hypusinated by MS analysis, a posttranslational modification which may be relevant for its nuclear targeting and/or function. Our studies provide evidence for a tumor suppressor role of GLS2 in certain types of cancer. The data imply that GLS2 can be regarded as a highly mobile and multilocalizing protein translocated to both mitochondria and nuclei. Upregulation of GLS2 in cancer cells induced an antiproliferative response with cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase