7,932 research outputs found

    The Effects of Private Insurance on Measures of Health: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study

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    In this paper we investigate whether the presence of private insurance leads to improved health status. Using the Health and Retirement study we focus on adults in late middle age who are nearing entry into Medicare. Estimation addresses endogeneity of the insurance participation decision in health outcome regressions. Two models are tested, an instrumental variables models, and a model with endogenous treatment effects due to Heckman (1978). Insurance participation and health behaviors enter with a lag to allow their effects to dissipate over time. Separate regressions were run for groupings of chronic conditions. We find that the overall impact of insurance on health tends to be significantly downwards biased if no adjustment for endogeneity is made. With corrections there is a four-fold increase in the insurance effect; yielding a 7 percent increase in the overall health measure for the uninsured. Results are consistent across IV and treatment effects models, and for all major groupings of medical conditions. Thus, the effect of private insurance on health may be larger than previously estimated. As for policy, expanding coverage to the uninsured should result in substantial health improvement. By conjecture, this is likely to reduce the need for health care when individuals retire and enter Medicare, potentially leading to savings.

    A preferred vision for administering schools : a reflective essay

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    The whole process I have gone through in this program has taught many things. I am excited because these lessons do not apply solely to education. These are lessons I have learned to apply to other areas of my life. I never really had a vision for my profession. I think of the words ofLirah Sabir (2000), Principals face many challenges to make each child a success. But what works for me is developing a positive mindset, always thinking of the total learning environment, being the best instructional leader I can be, and never being afraid to stretch my own and others\u27 comfort zones. Being in this program has helped me develop goals I want to reach for others and myself. One of the important lessons I have learned through the last three years was that kids come first. In the decisions I make as an administrator, I must realize the students must be the ones who benefit. Vincent Ferrandino (1999) reminds me in striving to educate children, we must remember to educate the whole child. There is more to each child than meets the eye. I have to look at all aspects of the child to gain a better understanding of the direction to take in decisions. I believe I have gained a great deal of knowledge and understanding through this program. I have spent many years going with the flow of things. I now want to move forward and make a difference in education

    Book Reviews

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    Corporate Psychopaths in Public Agencies?

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    Corporate leaders with psychopathic traits are the subject of a growing scientific literature. Recently, scholars have begun to examine such personalities in public agencies. In this article, we relate psychopathic public leaders to research on toxic and destructive leadership, leader personality disorder, and the Dark Triad/Tetrad of psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, and sadistic personalities. Via a brief scenario, we illustrate how the term “corporate psychopath” might be used by lay employees lacking psychiatric expertise as a catchall term for any one of the four dark types in a leadership role. We argue that dark personalities are found in public agency leadership and could perhaps be increasing in numbers. We highlight their prejudice toward immigrants and implications for public policy affecting minority groups. After outlining organizational responses discussed in the literature, we consider servant leadership as a screening strategy to help select constructive public leaders. Some areas for future research are suggested

    Grain storage management : guide for keeping your grain in top condition (1989)

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    "New 1/89/2M."Storage fungi can cause serious losses in stored grain. They are the cause, not the result, of spoilage. Bin burning, mustiness and heating are often associated with storage molds. In wheat, germ damage or "sick" wheat can occur. Storage fungi invade the genns primarily and preferentially, so both commercial grain and grain held for seed are vulnerable to storage molds.Introduction -- Common storage problems -- Storage molds and their control -- Storage insects and their control -- Aerating and checking grain during storage -- Managing grain in flat stroarage systems -- Observation and actions in management of dry stored grai

    Estimating the Social Welfare Effects of New Zealand Apple Imports

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    This paper provides a demonstration of how a comprehensive economic framework, which takes into account both the gains from trade and the costs of invasive species outbreaks, can inform decision-makers when making quarantine decisions. Using the theoretical framework developed in Cook and Fraser (2008) an empirical estimation is made of the economic welfare consequences for Australia of allowing quarantine-restricted trade in New Zealand apples to take place. The results suggest the returns to Australian society from importing New Zealand apples are likely to be negative. The price differential between the landed product with SPS measures in place and the autarkic price is insufficient to outweigh the increase in expected damage resulting from increased fire blight risk. As a consequence, this empirical analysis suggests the net benefits created by opening up this trade are marginal.International Relations/Trade,

    Globalization and comparative education research: misconceptions and applications of neo-institutional theory

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    As globalization studies have become central to comparative education research, neo-institutional theory has become the focus of many debates among comparative education researchers investigating the effects of globalization on education. Yet, in spite of this focus, many comparative education researchers have difficulty interpreting neo-institutional theory and how it frames comparative education research. In particular, misconceptions persist related to which strand of neo-institutional theory is the most relevant to comparative education research, and whether or not neo-institutional theory advocates for the homogenization of education and society worldwide. This article addresses these misconceptions by explaining the theory in relation to comparative education research using a specific empirical case as an example. The documented theoretical and methodological diversity within the field of comparative education supports the assertion that neo-institutional theory provides a productive framework for understanding and interpreting comparative education phenomena, but that complementary approaches and methods are useful as well.La teoría neo-institucionalista se ha ubicado en el centro de los debates académicos debido al avance y proliferación de los estudios en educación comparada que sitúan los análisis en el en el marco del proceso de globalización. Sin embargo, a pesar de su relevancia para la educación comparada, la teoría neo-institucionalista sigue generando incertidumbre en cuanto a su empleo e interpretación en la investigación educativa comparada. Parte de esta incertidumbre proviene de la malinterpretación de sus principios, variantes y de su capacidad explicativa. Además, aún persisten varios malentendidos sobre el neo-institucionalismo como por ejemplo, la creencia que sostiene que la versión conocida como la “cultura global” es la única variante del neo-institucionalismo relevante a la investigación educativa comparada. Otra suposición errónea es la que considera que la homogeneización cultural global es uno de los objetivos avanzados por los investigadores que aplican el marco teórico neo-institucional para explicar los fenómenos educativos comparados. Este artículo tiene como propósito abordar esos malentendidos a través de un caso de estudio que utilizaremos como ejemplo. El mismo nos permitirá no sólo clarificar los errores sobre la teoría neo-institucionalista sino también demostrar una de las tantas aplicaciones posibles a la investigación comparada en educación. Los resultados nos permiten sostener que las distintas variantes del marco teórico neo-institucionalista son útiles como acercamiento a la problemática de la educación comparada. De la misma forma también dan cuenta de la necesidad de utilizar métodos y formas de aproximación al conocimiento en forma complementaria. La probada riqueza y diversidad teórica y metodológica del neo-institucionalismo en el campo de la educación comparada asevera fehacientemente que el neo-institucionalismo nos provee de un marco teórico productivo para el entendimiento e interpretación de los fenómenos educativos comparado

    Electrical Safety for Center Pivot Irrigation Systems (1993)

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    Many irrigators have received minor tingles while working around electrical irrigation machinery. Under pressure to keep the system running, they tend to ignore warning signs until serious injury occurs. Two electrical inspection surveys (conducted in Nebraska) point out the dangers of such practices