15 research outputs found


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    Supplementary Methods and Results4.pdf. Supplementary Methods: Survey Administration: Additional details about how the surveys were administered. Supplementary Results: Clinician Feedback: The results of the clinician survey in Additional file 3 show that clinicians perceive higher patient comfort when using a live interpreter. (PDF 61 kb

    Ethical aspects of professional migration

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    International recruitment is a means by which health and social care services in England have sought to compensate for shortages of local health and social care workers. The ethical aspects of health workforce migration are complex and multi-faceted, and the arguments for and against are well-rehearsed. On the one hand, supporters of international recruitment cite respect for an individual’s right to autonomy,1 the benefits of an ethnically diverse workforce and the opportunities for professional and personal exchange.2,3 However, there are concerns relating to the adverse effects international migration of nurses may have on depleted workforces and healthcare systems, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, which has been heightened due to the global pandemic...</p

    Hydrophobic Antifouling Electrospun Mats from Zwitterionic Amphiphilic Copolymers

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    A porous material that is both hydrophobic and fouling-resistant is needed in many applications, such as water purification by membrane distillation. In this work, we take a novel approach to fabricating such membranes. Using the zwitterionic amphiphilic copolymer poly­(trifluoroethyl methacrylate-<i>random</i>-sulfobetaine methacrylate), we electrospin nonwoven, porous membranes that combine high hydrophobicity with resistance to protein adsorption. By changing the electrospinning parameters and the solution composition, membranes can be prepared with a wide range of fiber morphologies including beaded, bead-free, wrinkly, and ribbonlike fibers, with diameters ranging between ∌150 nm and 1.5 ÎŒm. The addition of LiCl to the spinning solution not only helps control the fiber morphology but also increases the segregation of zwitterionic groups on the membrane surface. The resultant electrospun membranes are highly porous and very hydrophobic, yet resist the adsorption of proteins and retain a high contact angle (∌140°) even after exposure to a protein solution. This makes these materials promising candidates for the membrane distillation of contaminated wastewater streams and as self-cleaning materials

    Vapaaehtoissovittelijoiden kokemuksia lÀhisuhdevÀkivaltatapausten kÀsittelyssÀ

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön aiheena on vapaaehtoissovittelijoiden kokemukset lĂ€hisuhdevĂ€kivaltatapausten kĂ€sittelyssĂ€. Rikos- ja riita-asioiden sovittelulla tarkoitetaan matalankynnyksen palvelua, jossa rikoksen osapuolet voivat yhdessĂ€ sopia asiansa puolueettomien vapaaehtoissovittelijoiden lĂ€snĂ€ ollessa. LĂ€hisuhdevĂ€kivaltatapauksissa tĂ€mĂ€ tarkoittaa sitĂ€, ettĂ€ sovitteluun tulevat voivat kĂ€ydĂ€ lĂ€pi mahdollisia syitĂ€ vĂ€kivaltatilanteen syntyyn. Joissakin tapauksissa sovittelu on vaihtoehto oikeudenkĂ€ynnille, mutta viime kĂ€dessĂ€ syyttĂ€jĂ€ pÀÀttÀÀ nostaako hĂ€n syytteen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ, minkĂ€laisia mahdollisuuksia rikosten sovittelulla on verrattuna perinteiseen oikeudenkĂ€yntimenettelyyn. OpinnĂ€ytetyö on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka aineistonkeruumenetelmĂ€nĂ€ on kĂ€ytetty teemoitettua yksilöhaastattelua. Haastattelin viittĂ€ Helsingin kaupungille lĂ€hisuhdevĂ€kivallansovitteluja tekevÀÀ vapaaehtoissovittelijaa. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin sisĂ€llönanalyysin keinoin. OpinnĂ€ytetyöni tutkimustulosten mukaan lĂ€hisuhdevĂ€kivallan sovittelu voi antaa paljon sekĂ€ vĂ€kivallan tekijĂ€lle ettĂ€ sen uhrille, mutta tiettyjen sovitteluun kuuluvien kriteerien pitÀÀ tĂ€yttyĂ€. Sovittelua ei esimerkiksi voi tehdĂ€ sellaisissa tapauksissa, joissa parisuhteessa on ollut pitkÀÀn jatkuvaa tai ajan kuluessa pahenevaa vĂ€kivaltaa. Sovitteluun valitaan tapauksia, joiden yhteydessĂ€ on tarkasti selvitetty, ettĂ€ osapuolia ei painosteta millÀÀn lailla, vaan he osallistuvat sovitteluun tĂ€ysin vapaaehtoisesti. Onnistuneissa sovitteluissa sovitteluun tulleet ovat saaneet keskustella parisuhteestaan ja omasta elĂ€mĂ€ntilanteestaan, mitĂ€ oikeudenkĂ€ynnissĂ€ ei ole mahdollista tehdĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi sovitteluun tulevia voidaan neuvoa ottamaan yhteyttĂ€ muihin auttaviin tahoihin, kuten esimerkiksi LyömĂ€tön linja tai AA. TĂ€llaisissa tapauksissa sovittelu toimii myös erinomaisena palveluun ohjauksena.The experiences of voluntary mediators in the mediation of domestic violence The purpose of this thesis was to find out what possibilities crime mediation possesses in comparison to traditional litigation procedures. In the present study, the term “mediation” is used to describe a low threshold service, where the parties connected through a crime could work through their issues in the presence of impartial voluntary mediators. In the context of domestic violence, this means that those attending mediation have an opportunity to discuss possible causes for the emergence of violent situations. In some cases, mediation is an alternative to litigation, but ultimately it is up to the prosecutor to decide if charges will be brought. The study was qualitative. The data was collected by interviewing five voluntary mediators of domestic violence of the city of Helsinki. The theme interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data were analyzed using content analysis. The results indicated that the mediation of domestic violence could be of value both to the perpetrators and the victims of domestic violence, under the condition that certain criteria for mediation were met. Mediation could not be used in situations where, for instance, the violence had been a part of the relationship for a long time, or where the pattern of violence had escalated over time. Cases are chosen for mediation when, after thorough investigation, it can be confirmed that the parties involved are not being subjected to any kind of pressure, but are completely consenting participants in the mediation process. In successful mediations, the parties have opportunities to discuss their relationship and their life situations, unlike in litigation processes. In addition, those attending mediation can be advised to get in contact with other helpful organizations, such as the AA and “LyömĂ€tön linja” (transl. “The Unbeatable Line”, an call service committed to stopping and preventing domestic violence, whose services are aimed at assailants). In such cases, mediation can act as an excellent guide to appropriate services

    Quantifying mechanisms of aeolian dust emission: field measurements at Etosha Pan, Namibia

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    Determining the controls on aeolian dust emissions from major sources is necessary for reliable quantification of atmospheric aerosol concentrations and fluxes. However, ground-based measurements of dust emissions at-source are rare and of generally short duration, failing to capture the annual cycle. Here, we provide new insights into dust dynamics by measuring aerosol concentrations and meteorological conditions for a full year (July 2015-June 2016) at Etosha Pan, Namibia, a globally significant dust source. Surface deployed field instrumentation provided 10-minute averaged data on meteorological conditions, aerosol concentration (mg/m3 30), and horizontal dust flux (g/m2/min10). A Doppler LiDAR provided additional data for some of the period. 51 significant dust events were identified in response to strong E-ENE winds. We demonstrate that these events occurred throughout the year and were not restricted to the austral winter, as previously indicated by satellite observations. Peak horizontal flux occurred in the spring (November) due to strengthening erosive winds and highly desiccating conditions increasing surface erodibility. We identify a strong seasonal differentiation in the meteorological mechanisms controlling dust uplift; low-level jets (LLJ) on dry winter mornings (61% of all events), and cold pool outflows (CPO) in humid summer evenings (39% of events). Significantly, we demonstrate a very strong bias towards the contribution of low frequency and high magnitude events, with nearly 31% of annual horizontal dust flux generated by only 6 individual events. Our study demonstrates how longer-term (≈1 year), ground-based, and at-source field measurements can radically improve interpretations of dust event dynamics and controls at major source locations.</p

    Additional file 5: of Retained capacity for perceptual learning of degraded speech in primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimerñ€™s disease

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    ROIs. Representative brain MRI sections showing the neuroanatomical region (delineated in red) used to correct for multiple voxel-wise comparisons, based on prior anatomical hypotheses (see text). This region comprised the inferior frontal gyrus (triangularis + opercularis), anterior temporal lobe, temporal pole, posterior superior temporal gyrus, planum temporale, angular gyrus, supramarginal gyrus and inferior portions of the pre-central and post-central gyri. (PNG 138 kb