11 research outputs found

    Reconstructing promoter activity from Lux bioluminescent reporters

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    The bacterial Lux system is used as a gene expression reporter. It is fast, sensitive and non-destructive, enabling high frequency measurements. Originally developed for bacterial cells, it has also been adapted for eukaryotic cells, and can be used for whole cell biosensors, or in real time with live animals without the need for euthanasia. However, correct interpretation of bioluminescent data is limited: the bioluminescence is different from gene expression because of nonlinear molecular and enzyme dynamics of the Lux system. We have developed a computational approach that, for the first time, allows users of Lux assays to infer gene transcription levels from the light output. This approach is based upon a new mathematical model for Lux activity, that includes the actions of LuxAB, LuxEC and Fre, with improved mechanisms for all reactions, as well as synthesis and turn-over of Lux proteins. The model is calibrated with new experimental data for the LuxAB and Fre reactions from Photorhabdus luminescens --- the source of modern Lux reporters --- while literature data has been used for LuxEC. Importantly, the data show clear evidence for previously unreported product inhibition for the LuxAB reaction. Model simulations show that predicted bioluminescent profiles can be very different from changes in gene expression, with transient peaks of light output, very similar to light output seen in some experimental data sets. By incorporating the calibrated model into a Bayesian inference scheme, we can reverse engineer promoter activity from the bioluminescence. We show examples where a decrease in bioluminescence would be better interpreted as a switching off of the promoter, or where an increase in bioluminescence would be better interpreted as a longer period of gene expression. This approach could benefit all users of Lux technology

    A robust and flexible baculovirus-insect cell system for AAV vector production with improved yield, capsid ratios and potency

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    Manufacturing of adeno-associated viruses (AAV) for gene and cell therapy applications has increased significantly and spurred development of improved mammalian and insect cell-based production systems. We developed a baculovirus-based insect cell production system—the SGMO Helper—with a novel gene architecture and greater flexibility to modulate the expression level and content of individual Rep and Cap proteins. In addition, we incorporated modifications to the AAV6 capsid sequence that improves yield, capsid integrity, and potency. Production of recombinant AAV 6 (rAAV6) using the SGMO Helper had improved yields compared to the Bac-RepCap helper from the Kotin lab. SGMO Helper-derived rAAV6 is resistant to a previously described proteolytic cleavage unique to baculovirus-insect cell production systems and has improved capsid ratios and potency, in vitro and in vivo, compared with rAAV6 produced using Bac-RepCap. Next-generation sequencing sequence analysis demonstrated that the SGMO Helper is stable over six serial passages and rAAV6 capsids contain comparable amounts of non-vector genome DNA as rAAV6 produced using Bac-RepCap. AAV production using the SGMO Helper is scalable using bioreactors and has improved yield, capsid ratio, and in vitro potency. Our studies demonstrate that the SGMO Helper is an improved platform for AAV manufacturing to enable delivery of cutting-edge gene and cell therapies

    Compact zinc finger architecture utilizing toxin-derived cytidine deaminases for highly efficient base editing in human cells

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    Abstract Nucleobase editors represent an emerging technology that enables precise single-base edits to the genomes of eukaryotic cells. Most nucleobase editors use deaminase domains that act upon single-stranded DNA and require RNA-guided proteins such as Cas9 to unwind the DNA prior to editing. However, the most recent class of base editors utilizes a deaminase domain, DddAtox, that can act upon double-stranded DNA. Here, we target DddAtox fragments and a FokI-based nickase to the human CIITA gene by fusing these domains to arrays of engineered zinc fingers (ZFs). We also identify a broad variety of Toxin-Derived Deaminases (TDDs) orthologous to DddAtox that allow us to fine-tune properties such as targeting density and specificity. TDD-derived ZF base editors enable up to 73% base editing in T cells with good cell viability and favorable specificity

    Translating dosage compensation to trisomy 21

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    Down\u27s syndrome is a common disorder with enormous medical and social costs, caused by trisomy for chromosome 21. We tested the concept that gene imbalance across an extra chromosome can be de facto corrected by manipulating a single gene, XIST (the X-inactivation gene). Using genome editing with zinc finger nucleases, we inserted a large, inducible XIST transgene into the DYRK1A locus on chromosome 21, in Down\u27s syndrome pluripotent stem cells. The XIST non-coding RNA coats chromosome 21 and triggers stable heterochromatin modifications, chromosome-wide transcriptional silencing and DNA methylation to form a \u27chromosome 21 Barr body\u27. This provides a model to study human chromosome inactivation and creates a system to investigate genomic expression changes and cellular pathologies of trisomy 21, free from genetic and epigenetic noise. Notably, deficits in proliferation and neural rosette formation are rapidly reversed upon silencing one chromosome 21. Successful trisomy silencing in vitro also surmounts the major first step towards potential development of \u27chromosome therapy\u27