2,791 research outputs found

    Demonstration of Census Data Tools: American FactFinder

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    As a Data Dissemination Specialist, US Commerce Department, Bureau of Census, David is one of 26 in a Bureau of 15,000, engaging citizens and connecting them with Census business, economic, trade and demographic data. He teaches workshops and presentations to data users on how to use Census data tools to mine government data. This high quality data supports business plans, grant opportunities and critical discussion making

    Visualizing and Preparing Census Data with Tableau

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    Are you a user of Tableau Public but struggle to integrate Census downloads into your visualizations? If so, this workshop, intended for users just starting to integrate Tableau into their Census Data visualizations, might be right for you. Throughout this experience, you will learn several tips and tricks on how to format and prepare census data for an easier experience in the Tableau Public environment

    Datasets and Tools that Help Measure America

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    This session will provide an overview of datasets and web tools for the most widely used data accessed on census. gov. This session will provide a live demonstration of where to find enhancements to existing tools and new tools that are available on the public access site of census.gov based on data user feedback the Census Bureau receives at an ongoing basis

    OnTheMap: Finding Labor Pools and Potential Customers with Longitudinal Data

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    This session will introduce Census Bureau’s OnTheMap application. The OnTheMap application is an interactive web-based tool that visualizes Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES) data. Users may extract counts of jobs and workers and information about workers’ inflow and outflow patterns for areas as small as a census block. A live demonstration of how to use the application will be provided

    Updates to Data Access at the Census Bureau

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    This session will provide an overview of updates and new tools for the most widely used data accessed on census.gov. This session will provide a live demonstration of where to find enhancements to existing tools and new tools that are available on the public access site of census.gov based on data user feedback the Census Bureau receives at an ongoing basis. We will also look at the future of data.census, currently in beta, for users to experience and provide feedback during development

    Rainbow Trout Cage Culture and Benthic Production in East-Central South Dakota Dugouts

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    Forty-five cages, encompassing 1.0 m3 of water, distributed between three dugout ponds, were stocked with rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) fingerlings to determine the feasibility of raising annual fish crops. Growth rates were compared between feeding rate (0, 3, and 5% body weight/day [bwt/day]) and stocking rate (35, 52, and 70 fish/cage). Growth was significantly (P ≤0.05) greater at feeding rates of 3 and 5% bwt/day than 0% bwt/day. The fish fed 0% bwt/day decreased in mean weight by 0.7 g; the weight gain for the 3 and 5% bwt/day feeding rates were 47.2 and 45.2g, respectively. Significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in growth were detected between stocking rates. Mean survival for the three feeding rates was 98%. Natural food contribution was significantly lower (P ≤ 0.05) for the 3 and 5% feeding rates, than the 0% bwt/day. Stomachs contained 2.6, 1.3, and 12.8 organisms/stomach for these respective treatments. While cage culture was not commercially feasible due to small harvest site, low stocking rate, and small cage size, trout were large enough for consumption

    The vicinal difluoro motif : the synthesis and conformation of erythro- and threo-diastereoisomers of 1,2-difluorodiphenylethanes, 2,3-difluorosuccinic acids and their derivatives

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    Background: It is well established that vicinal fluorines (RCHF-CHFR) prefer to adopt a gauche rather than an anti conformation when placed along aliphatic chains. This has been particularly recognised for 1,2-difluoroethane and extends to 2,3-difluorobutane and longer alkyl chains. It follows in these latter cases that if erythro and threo vicinal difluorinated stereoisomers are compared, they will adopt different overall conformations if the fluorines prefer to be gauche in each case. This concept is explored in this paper with erythro- and threo- diastereoisomers of 2,3-difluorosuccinates. Results: A synthetic route to 2,3-difluorosuccinates has been developed through erythro- and threo- 1,2-difluoro-1,2-diphenylethane which involved the oxidation of the aryl rings to generate the corresponding 2,3- difluorosuccinic acids. Ester and amide derivatives of the erythro- and threo- 2,3-difluorosuccinic acids were then prepared. The solid and solution state conformation of these compounds was assessed by X-ray crystallography and NMR. Ab initio calculations were also carried out to model the conformation of erythro- and threo- 1,2-difluoro-1,2-diphenylethane as these differed from the 2,3-difluorosuccinates. Conclusion: In general the overall chain conformations of the 2,3-difluorosuccinates diastereoisomers were found to be influenced by the fluorine gauche effect. The study highlights the prospects of utilising the vicinal difluorine motif (RCHF-CHFR) as a tool for influencing the conformation of performance organic molecules and particularly tuning conformation by selecting specific diastereoisomers (erythro or threo).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Economic Data and Tools

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    How many people are commuting into or out of certain areas? Where is the best site location for a new business? Tools such as Census Business Builder and the Local Employment Dynamics program (LED) can answer these types of questions. Learn how they work here

    Engendering Organizational Change: The Brac Case

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    Summary This article analyses the first phase of an ongoing structural intervention which works at the nexus of gender relations, organizational change, and quality improvement, with a large rural development NGO in South Asia. Identifying this new issue, and acquiring and deploying knowledge around it within the organization has involved definition and continuous reiteration of basic premises concerning gender, individual learning and systems development; an organization?wide knowledge building exercise facilitated by a series of structured diagnostic processes; negotiating premises and visions, transferring ownership, and contributing to BRAC's ongoing organizational exercises in strategic visioning and planning. The article reflects on these processes and discusses some critical dilemmas: expanding parameters versus boundary maintenance, the prerequisites for innovation versus institutional bargaining, and change options versus change realities, that is, distinguishing between what is theoretically desirable and what is programmatically possible at what costs and with what effect in a socio?political environment wherein demand for changing gender relations is weak, fundamentalist forces are increasingly dominant, and where existing structural realities ensure that the process of women's empowerment is both non?additive and non?linear. RESUME Engendrer les changements organisationnels: le cas du BRAC Cet article analyse la première phase d'une intervention structurelle soutenue qui opère au niveau des rapports entre les genres, des changements organisationnels et de l'amélioration au sein d'une ONG de développement rural de grande ampleur en Asie du Sud. L'identification de ce nouveau domaine, et l'acquisition et la vulgarisation des connaissances qui l'entourent au sein de l'organisation ont nécessité le cernement et la réitération continue des principes de base concernant le genre, l'acquisition individuelle des connaissances et le développement des systèmes; ainsi que l'instauration au niveau de l'ensemble de l'organisation d'un exercice de consolidation des compétences, réalisé par voie d'une série d'actions diagnostiques structurées; et la négociation des principes et des aspirations, le transfert de propriété, et la possibilité de contribuer aux exercices qui continuent au sein de la structure organisationnelle du BRAC en vue de mettre en valeur la conception et la planification stratégiques. L'article considère ces processus et s'interroge quant à certains dilemmes critiques: l'expansion des paramètres par opposition au maintien des démarcations, les conditions préalables à l'innovation par opposition aux négociations institutionnelles, et les options de changement par opposition aux réalités du changement, à savoir la détermination de ce qui est désirable en principe et possible en pratique, tout en tenant compte des coûts et des effets dans un environnement socio?politique où la demande en changements au niveau des rapports entre les genres reste faible, où les tendances fondamentalistes deviennent de plus en plus dominantes, et où les réalités structurelles existantes veulent que le processus d'habilitation des femmes demeure non?cumulatif et non?linéaire. RESUMEN El cambio organizativo y el género: el caso BRAC El artículo analiza la primera fase de una intervención estructural dentro de un proceso que funciona en el nexo entre relaciones de género, cambio organizativo, y mejora de calidad en una NGO para el desarrollo rural en África del Sur. La identificación de este tema, así como la adquisición y distribución de datos dentro de la organización han requerido definición y continua reiteración de premisas relativas al género, al aprendizaje individual y al desarrollo de sistemas; adquisición de datos a todos los niveles dentro de la organización, facilitada por una serie de procesos estructurados de diagnóstico; negociación de premisas y perspectivas, transferencia de propiedad, y contribución a los actuales ejercicios organizativos de BRAC relativos a planeamiento estratégico. El artículo presenta algunas reflexiones sobre estos procesos y discute algunos dilemas de crítica: la expansión de parámetros versus el mantenimiento de límites, los requisitos para la innovación versus las negociaciones institucionales, y las opciones de cambio versus las realidades del cambio, es decir, la distinción entre lo teóricamente deseable y lo programáticamente posible, con una estimación de costos y efectos en un ambiente sociopolítico en el cual la demanda de cambio en las relaciones de género es débil, las fuerzas fundamentalistas van aumentando su influencia, y las realidades estructurales existentes aseguran que el proceso de conferir poderes a las mujeres no sea linear ni aditivo

    Plenary Session: Census Product and 2020 Census Update

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    The Census Bureau continuously releases items that are new, improved, or updated. See upgrades to the Census Bureau and American Community Survey websites, expanded online mapping, and what releases are planned for the near future. This session will also bring you up-to-date on what is already happening with 2020 Census preparations, including geographic programs and partnership activities. The 2020 Census timeline, recruitment for jobs, and findings from Census research and field tests will be discussed, along with plans for the first-ever online option to complete the decennial census questionnaire