894 research outputs found

    El lugar y su relación con los recientes debates interdisciplinarios

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    Cet article expose les problbmes relatifs au lieu en tant qu'un concept intégrateur en géographie et dans un champ interdisciplinaire plus large. On montre que l'expérience du lieu est universelle et constitue un aspect élémentaire de la vie, que les différences entre les sciences sociales, les humanités et les sciences naturelles ont morcellé cette expérience, que la culture moderne (spécialement celle de consommation de masse) approfondit ce morcellement lors qu'elle essaie d'offrir une solution, et, finalement, qu'une conception unificatrice du lieu constitue un pont essentiel entre les humanités et les sciences sociales et naturelles.This essay discusses the problems involving place as an intergrating concept within geography and within a larger interdisciplinary arena. It shows that the experience of place is a universal and elemental part of life; that differences among social science, humanities and natural science have segmented this experience, that modem culture -especially mass consumption- reinforces this segmentation while attempting to offer a solution; and that a unified conception of place is an essential bridge among the humanities, social and natural sciences.Este articulo presenta los problemas entomo al lugar como concepto integrador en la geografia y en una arena interdisciplinaris mas amplia. Muestra que la experiencia del lugar es una parte universal y elemental de la vida; que las diferencia~ entre ciencias sociales, humanidades y ciencias naturales han segmentado esta experiencia, y que la cultura moderna, especialmente el consumo de masas, refuerza esta fragmentacion mientras intenta ofrecer una solucion; finalmente, el articulo muestra que una concepción unificada del lugar es un puente esencial entre las humanidades, las ciencias sociales y las ciencias naturales.Aquest article presenta els problemes entorn del lloc com a concepte integrador dins de la geografia i dins d'un context interdisciplinari més ampli. Mostra que l'experiència del lloc és una part universal i elemental de la vida; que les diferencies entre ciències socials, humanitats i ciències naturals han fragmentat aquesta experiència, i que la cultura moderna, especialment la del consum de masses, ha reforçat aquesta segmentació mentre intenta oferir una solució; finalment, l'article mostra que una concepció unificada del lloc és un pont essencial entre les humanitats, les ciències socials i les ciències naturals

    Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh

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    Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh

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    Herd Protection and Herd Amplification in Cholera

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    Recent analysis of results of the 1985 vaccine trial in Bangladesh showed that a killed oral cholera vaccine could provide herd protection (1), and this finding sheds new light on the potential utility of this vaccine and other oral cholera vaccines. Although there may be several mechanisms for herd protection, this finding of herd protection was somewhat unexpected. The nature of the herd protection with cholera vaccine is unlike that with live oral polio vaccine which can be excreted and can infect others, thereby immunizing per-sons who did not receive vaccine directly. By contrast, the cholera vaccine used in this study was inactivated, making it impossible for non-immunized persons to be immunized inadvertently. Another type of herd protection is seen with vaccine for Haemophilus influenzae type b in which the vaccination reduces respiratory carriage of the pathogen, thereby eradicating the reservoir and reducing transmission. Another example is that of measles vaccination which essentially stops transmission when the density of susceptible subjects is reduced below that needed to sustain transmission. Since cholera is transmitted directly from contaminated food or water, the finding of herd immunity seemed not entirely expected. This editorial reviews the evidence for herd protection and introduces new findings from the environmental studies on cholera to suggest a more complete understanding of the mechanisms for herd protection with cholera vaccine. Hopefully, by combining the observations of 'herd protection' with some newer concepts of 'herd amplification'coming from recent environmental studies, we may develop a better understanding of the most efficient ways to control cholera

    BioBot: Innovative Offloading of Astronauts for More Effective Exploration

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    The BioBot concept consists of a robotic rover which is capable of traversing the same terrain as a spacesuited human. It carries the primary life support system for the astronaut, including consumables, atmosphere revitalization systems (e.g., CO2 scrubbing, humidity and temperature management, ventilation fan), power system (e.g., battery, power management and distribution),and thermal control system (e.g., water sublimator, cooling water pump), along with umbilical lines to connect to the supported astronaut. Although not technically part of life support, it would be logical for the BioBot to also provide long-range communications, video monitoring, tool and sample transport, and other functions to enable and enhance EVA productivity in planetary surface exploration.The design reference scenario for this concept is that astronauts involved in future lunar or Mars exploration will be on the surface for weeks or months rather than days, and will be involved in regular EVA operations. It is not unreasonable to think of geologists spending several days inEVA exploration each week over a prolonged mission duration, with far more ambitious operational objectives than were typical of Apollo. In this scenario, each astronaut will be accompanied by a "BioBot", which will transport their life support system and consumables, an extended umbilical and umbilical reel, and robotic systems capable of controlling the position and motion of the umbilical. The astronaut will be connected to the robot via the umbilical, carrying only a small emergency open-loop life support system similar to those contained in every PLSS. The robotic mobility base will be designed to be capable of traveling anywhere the astronaut can walk, and will also be useful as a transport for the EVA tools, science instrumentation, and collected samples. In addition, the BioBot can potentially carry the astronaut on traverses as well. Such a system will also be a significant enhancement to public engagement in these future exploration missions, as the robotic vehicles can also support high-resolution cameras and high bandwidth communications gear to providehigh-definition video coverage of each crew throughout each EVA sortie