3 research outputs found

    Ensuring the right to education for Roma children : an Anglo-Swedish perspective

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    Access to public education systems has tended to be below normative levels where Roma children are concerned. Various long-standing social, cultural, and institutional factors lie behind the lower levels of engagement and achievement of Roma children in education, relative to many others, which is reflective of the general lack of integration of their families in mainstream society. The risks to Roma children’s educational interests are well recognized internationally, particularly at the European level. They have prompted a range of policy initiatives and legal instruments to protect rights and promote equality and inclusion, on top of the framework of international human rights and minority protections. Nevertheless, states’ autonomy in tailoring educational arrangements to their budgets and national policy agendas has contributed to considerable international variation in specific provision for Roma children. As this article discusses, even between two socially liberal countries, the UK and Sweden, with their well-advanced welfare states and public systems of social support, there is a divergence in protection, one which underlines the need for a more consistent and positive approach to upholding the education rights and interests of children in this most marginalized and often discriminated against minority group

    Omöjligt uppdrag. Om rÀttslig styrning och normkollisioner i skolans kompensatoriska uppdrag

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    The thesis aims to analyze how two ideological concepts, “the individual” and “the collective”, impact the Swedish school system from a legal point of view. On basis of the theoretical groundwork drawn up by professor Anna Christensen I claim that one can observe two different normative patterns in the law relevant to the aim and delimitations of the study. The pattern that laid the foundation for the Swedish elementary school is collectivistic and relates to the idea about one school system for everyone, breaking down social barriers. Such a pattern is concerned with integrating students with different capabilities, keeping the collective together as one. The other pattern, which has gradually taken over as the dominant cluster of values, is concerned with the rights of the individual. This second pattern primarily manifests in the legal setting as the right to special education on the basis of the students' special needs, which might lead to the student being separated from the bigger group (collective) in order to meet those needs. The tension between these two patterns is a mirror of the tension between collective and individual values on an ideological level that can be observed in the legal rules, the legal principles and in the social norms dominating in “the pedagogical landscape”. There is, therefore, a “collision of norms”, both within the legal system and between legal and pedagogical norms, which is determinantal to the expediency of the legal regulation. There are few, if any, rules or guidelines to balance these collisions of norms, or to give teachers and headmasters directions regarding which values that should be seen as hierarchically superior. As such it is difficult to predict how the pedagogical profession will choose between integration for the benefit of the collective or segregation to take into account the needs of the individual. No matter the choice, one normative pattern will be overlooked, in violation of the law. Because the legal logic surrounding the school system is largely based on ex-post supervision, the state will criticize the pedagogical choice, no matter what it is. Such an order lays the foundation for lack of effectiveness where it becomes more important to do what is legally correct than that which, from a pedagogical point of view, responds best to the students' respective needs. In order to overcome these shortcomings in legal governance, a choice must be made about if the collective or the individual shall be regarded as worthy of greatest protection, as well as changes in the legal set-up in order for different forms of governance not to counteract each other or the overall purpose of the school system

    Den tvÄhövdade lagen. En undersökning av normerna som reglerar pÄföljden rÀttspsykiatrisk vÄrd

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    Antalet vĂ„ldsbrott i Sverige ökar inte. Inte heller kan man pĂ„visa att brotten blivit grövre. DĂ€remot pekar den mediala bilden pĂ„ att brottsligheten de senaste tio Ă„ren prĂ€glats av idel vansinnesdĂ„d med psykotiska gĂ€rningsmĂ€n. Till följd av detta har opinionslĂ€get avseende straff och vĂ„rd förskjutits till att alltmer omfamna vedergĂ€llningsteorier och prioritera samhĂ€llsskyddande insatser. FĂ€ngelsestraffen blir allt lĂ€ngre och risken att dömas till fĂ€ngelse har mer Ă€n tredubblats jĂ€mfört med 1970-talet trots att forskningen visar att hĂ„rdare straff Ă€r verkningslösa eller rent utav kontraproduktiva. NĂ€r domstolarna konfronteras med misstĂ€nkt psykiskt störda lagövertrĂ€dare stĂ€lls de inför en ytterst komplex situation. Är gĂ€rningsmannen psykiskt störd i lagens hĂ€nseende skall denne primĂ€rt inte dömas till fĂ€ngelse utan ges pĂ„följden rĂ€ttspsykiatrisk vĂ„rd. Endast rĂ€ttsmedicinsk expertis anses ha kompetens att utreda huruvida en gĂ€rningsman lider av en sĂ„dan ”allvarlig psykisk störning” som lagstiftaren avsett, varför rĂ€tten kan sĂ€gas hamna i knĂ€et pĂ„ rĂ€ttspsykiatrikerna. Än mer komplicerat blir det nĂ€r olika expertgrupper kommer till olika slutsats avseende en och samma gĂ€rningsman. RĂ€tten förvĂ€ntas dĂ„ kunna ta stĂ€llning till vilket utlĂ„tande som bĂ€st stĂ€mmer överens med verkligheten varefter de kan göra ett adekvat val avseende pĂ„följd. I normala fall kan rĂ€tten i fall dĂ€r lagen Ă€r oklar – vad innebĂ€r egentligen allvarlig psykisk störning och hur skyddsvĂ€rda Ă€r de olika intressena? – vĂ€nda sig till förarbetena för att utröna lagstiftarens avsikter. De normer som ligger till grund för lagstiftningen hör hemma i ett större sammanhang och hĂ„ller samman de olika rĂ€ttsomrĂ„dena, samtidigt som de ofta speglar den rĂ„dande moraluppfattningen. NĂ€r dessa normer stĂ„r i konflikt med varandra fĂ„r domstolarna ingen vĂ€gledning, varför de tvingas döma mer efter det rĂ„dande rĂ€tts- och opinionslĂ€get Ă€n efter vad lagstiftaren egentligen avsett. Genom historien har samhĂ€llet valt att hantera psykiskt sjuka pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt under olika epoker, men genomgĂ„ende har retoriken kretsat kring tvĂ„ motstĂ„ende poler: Ă„ ena sidan föresprĂ„kas straffrihet och vĂ„rdande insatser och Ă„ andra sidan föresprĂ„kas samhĂ€llsskydd. Pendelrörelsen mellan de bĂ„da normerna har motiverats pĂ„ olika ideologiska, politiska och filosofiska grundvalar och Ă„terfinns Ă€ven i vĂ„r nuvarande lagstiftning och i dess förarbeten