425 research outputs found

    Fluid structure in the immediate vicinity of an equilibrium three-phase contact line and assessment of disjoining pressure models using density functional theory

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    We examine the nanoscale behavior of an equilibrium three-phase contact line in the presence of long-ranged intermolecular forces by employing a statistical mechanics of fluids approach, namely density functional theory (DFT) together with fundamental measure theory (FMT). This enables us to evaluate the predictive quality of effective Hamiltonian models in the vicinity of the contact line. In particular, we compare the results for mean field effective Hamiltonians with disjoining pressures defined through (I) the adsorption isotherm for a planar liquid film, and (II) the normal force balance at the contact line. We find that the height profile obtained using (I) shows good agreement with the adsorption film thickness of the DFT-FMT equilibrium density profile in terms of maximal curvature and the behavior at large film heights. In contrast, we observe that while the height profile obtained by using (II) satisfies basic sum rules, it shows little agreement with the adsorption film thickness of the DFT results. The results are verified for contact angles of 20, 40 and 60 degrees

    A Mechanism Linking Two Known Vulnerability Factors for Alcohol Abuse: Heightened Alcohol Stimulation and Low Striatal Dopamine D2 Receptors

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    Alcohol produces both stimulant and sedative effects in humans and rodents. In humans, alcohol abuse disorder is associated with a higher stimulant and lower sedative responses to alcohol. Here, we show that this association is conserved in mice and demonstrate a causal link with another liability factor: low expression of striatal dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs). Using transgenic mouse lines, we find that the selective loss of D2Rs on striatal medium spiny neurons enhances sensitivity to ethanol stimulation and generates resilience to ethanol sedation. These mice also display higher preference and escalation of ethanol drinking, which continues despite adverse outcomes. We find that striatal D1R activation is required for ethanol stimulation and that this signaling is enhanced in mice with low striatal D2Rs. These data demonstrate a link between two vulnerability factors for alcohol abuse and offer evidence for a mechanism in which low striatal D2Rs trigger D1R hypersensitivity, ultimately leading to compulsive-like drinkingFil: Bocarsly, Miriam E.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: da Silva e Silva, Daniel. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Kolb, Vanessa. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Luderman, Kathryn D.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Shashikiran, Sannidhi. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Rubinstein, Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Sibley, David R.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Dobbs, Lauren K.. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unidos. University of Texas at Austin; Estados UnidosFil: Álvarez, Verónica Alicia. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unido

    Convective rear-flank downdraft as driver for meteotsunami along English Channel and North Sea coasts 28–29 May 2017

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    We examine the physical processes that led to the meteotsunami observed along the English Channel and North Sea coasts on 29 May 2017. It was most notably reported along the Dutch coast, but also observed on tide gauges from the Channel Islands to the coast of Germany, and also those in eastern England. From an assessment of multiple observations, including rain radar, LIDAR, satellite, surface observations and radiosonde reports we conclude that the event was driven by a rear flank downdraft in association with a mesoscale convective system (MCS). This downdraft, from a medium level or elevated MCS, led to a hydrostatically forced internal or ducted gravity wave below the MCS. The gravity wave was manifested by a marked rise and fall in pressure, a meso-high, which then interacted with the sea surface through Proudman resonance causing a measured wave of close to 0.9 m in amplitude, and an estimated wave run-up on Dutch beaches of 2 m. Through examination of existing research, we show that the basic assumptions here relating to the formation of the Dutch meteotsunami are consistent with previously described physical processes, and confirm the correlation between the speed of the ocean wave and medium level steering winds. This raises the possibility that high-resolution, coupled, weather-ocean numerical weather prediction (NWP) models can be utilised to predict future events. However, deterministic high-resolution NWP models still struggle with modelling convective systems with sufficient precision because of the chaotic nature of the atmosphere and incomplete observations. A way forward is proposed here to improve forecasting through post-processing of NWP model output by overlaying medium level wind fields with ocean bathymetry

    Metabolic Syndrome Derived from Principal Component Analysis and Incident Cardiovascular Events: The Multi Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC).

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    Background. The NCEP metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a combination of dichotomized interrelated risk factors from predominantly Caucasian populations. We propose a continuous MetS score based on principal component analysis (PCA) of the same risk factors in a multiethnic cohort and compare prediction of incident CVD events with NCEP MetS definition. Additionally, we replicated these analyses in the Health, Aging, and Body composition (Health ABC) study cohort. Methods and Results. We performed PCA of the MetS elements (waist circumference, HDL, TG, fasting blood glucose, SBP, and DBP) in 2610 Caucasian Americans, 801 Chinese Americans, 1875 African Americans, and 1494 Hispanic Americans in the multiethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA) cohort. We selected the first principal component as a continuous MetS score (MetS-PC). Cox proportional hazards models were used to examine the association between MetS-PC and 5.5 years of CVD events (n = 377) adjusting for age, gender, race, smoking and LDL-C, overall and by ethnicity. To facilitate comparison of MetS-PC with the binary NCEP definition, a MetS-PC cut point was chosen to yield the same 37% prevalence of MetS as the NCEP definition (37%) in the MESA cohort. Hazard ratio (HR) for CVD events were estimated using the NCEP and Mets-PC-derived binary definitions. In Cox proportional models, the HR (95% CI) for CVD events for 1-SD (standard deviation) of MetS-PC was 1.71 (1.54-1.90) (P < 0.0001) overall after adjusting for potential confounders, and for each ethnicity, HRs were: Caucasian, 1.64 (1.39-1.94), Chinese, 1.39 (1.06-1.83), African, 1.67 (1.37-2.02), and Hispanic, 2.10 (1.66-2.65). Finally, when binary definitions were compared, HR for CVD events was 2.34 (1.91-2.87) for MetS-PC versus 1.79 (1.46-2.20) for NCEP MetS. In the Health ABC cohort, in a fully adjusted model, MetS-PC per 1-SD (Health ABC) remained associated with CVD events (HR = 1.21, 95%CI 1.12-1.32) overall, and for each ethnicity, Caucasian (HR = 1.24, 95%CI 1.12-1.39) and African Americans (HR = 1.16, 95%CI 1.01-1.32). Finally, when using a binary definition of MetS-PC (cut point 0.505) designed to match the NCEP definition in terms of prevalence in the Health ABC cohort (35%), the fully adjusted HR for CVD events was 1.39, 95%CI 1.17-1.64 compared with 1.46, 95%CI 1.23-1.72 using the NCEP definition. Conclusion. MetS-PC is a continuous measure of metabolic syndrome and was a better predictor of CVD events overall and in individual ethnicities. Additionally, a binary MetS-PC definition was better than the NCEP MetS definition in predicting incident CVD events in the MESA cohort, but this superiority was not evident in the Health ABC cohort

    The intrinsically disordered protein TgIST from Toxoplasma gondii inhibits STAT1 signaling by blocking cofactor recruitment

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    Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins communicate from cell-surface receptors to drive transcription of immune response genes. The parasite Toxoplasma gondii blocks STAT1-mediated gene expression by secreting the intrinsically disordered protein TgIST that traffics to the host nucleus, binds phosphorylated STAT1 dimers, and occupies nascent transcription sites that unexpectedly remain silenced. Here we define a core region within internal repeats of TgIST that is necessary and sufficient to block STAT1-mediated gene expression. Cellular, biochemical, mutational, and structural data demonstrate that the repeat region of TgIST adopts a helical conformation upon binding to STAT1 dimers. The binding interface is defined by a groove formed from two loops in the STAT1 SH2 domains that reorient during dimerization. TgIST binding to this newly exposed site at the STAT1 dimer interface alters its conformation and prevents the recruitment of co-transcriptional activators, thus defining the mechanism of blocked transcription

    Rhoptry proteins ROP5 and ROP18 are major murine virulence factors in genetically divergent South American strains of Toxoplasma gondii

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    Toxoplasma gondii has evolved a number of strategies to evade immune responses in its many hosts. Previous genetic mapping of crosses between clonal type 1, 2, and 3 strains of T. gondii, which are prevalent in Europe and North America, identified two rhoptry proteins, ROP5 and ROP18, that function together to block innate immune mechanisms activated by interferon gamma (IFNg) in murine hosts. However, the contribution of these and other virulence factors in more genetically divergent South American strains is unknown. Here we utilized a cross between the intermediately virulent North American type 2 ME49 strain and the highly virulent South American type 10 VAND strain to map the genetic basis for differences in virulence in the mouse. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of this new cross identified one peak that spanned the ROP5 locus on chromosome XII. CRISPR-Cas9 mediated deletion of all copies of ROP5 in the VAND strain rendered it avirulent and complementation confirmed that ROP5 is the major virulence factor accounting for differences between type 2 and type 10 strains. To extend these observations to other virulent South American strains representing distinct genetic populations, we knocked out ROP5 in type 8 TgCtBr5 and type 4 TgCtBr18 strains, resulting in complete loss of virulence in both backgrounds. Consistent with this, polymorphisms that show strong signatures of positive selection in ROP5 were shown to correspond to regions known to interface with host immunity factors. Because ROP5 and ROP18 function together to resist innate immune mechanisms, and a significant interaction between them was identified in a two-locus scan, we also assessed the role of ROP18 in the virulence of South American strains. Deletion of ROP18 in South American type 4, 8, and 10 strains resulted in complete attenuation in contrast to a partial loss of virulence seen for ROP18 knockouts in previously described type 1 parasites. These data show that ROP5 and ROP18 are conserved virulence factors in genetically diverse strains from North and South America, suggesting they evolved to resist innate immune defenses in ancestral T. gondii strains, and they have subsequently diversified under positive selection

    Regulation of constitutive and alternative mRNA splicing across the human transcriptome by PRPF8 is determined by 5' splice site strength.

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    BACKGROUND: Sequential assembly of the human spliceosome on RNA transcripts regulates splicing across the human transcriptome. The core spliceosome component PRPF8 is essential for spliceosome assembly through its participation in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes for splice-site recognition, branch-point formation and catalysis. PRPF8 deficiency is linked to human diseases like retinitis pigmentosa or myeloid neoplasia, but its genome-wide effects on constitutive and alternative splicing remain unclear. RESULTS: Here, we show that alterations in RNA splicing patterns across the human transcriptome that occur in conditions of restricted cellular PRPF8 abundance are defined by the altered splicing of introns with weak 5' splice sites. iCLIP of spliceosome components reveals that PRPF8 depletion decreases RNP complex formation at most splice sites in exon-intron junctions throughout the genome. However, impaired splicing affects only a subset of human transcripts, enriched for mitotic cell cycle factors, leading to mitotic arrest. Preferentially retained introns and differentially used exons in the affected genes contain weak 5' splice sites, but are otherwise indistinguishable from adjacent spliced introns. Experimental enhancement of splice-site strength in mini-gene constructs overcomes the effects of PRPF8 depletion on the kinetics and fidelity of splicing during transcription. CONCLUSIONS: Competition for PRPF8 availability alters the transcription-coupled splicing of RNAs in which weak 5' splice sites predominate, enabling diversification of human gene expression during biological processes like mitosis. Our findings exemplify the regulatory potential of changes in the core spliceosome machinery, which may be relevant to slow-onset human genetic diseases linked to PRPF8 deficiency

    Dopamine D1 vs D5 receptor-dependent induction of seizures in relation to DARPP-32, ERK1/2 and GluR1-AMPA signalling.

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    Recent reports have shown that the selective dopamine D(1)-like agonist SKF 83822 [which stimulates adenylate cyclase, but not phospholipase C] induces prominent behavioral seizures in mice, whereas its benzazepine congener SKF 83959 [which stimulates phospholipase C, but not adenylate cyclase] does not. To investigate the relative involvement of D(1) vs D(5) receptors in mediating seizures, ethological behavioral topography and cortical EEGs were recorded in D(1), D(5) and DARPP-32 knockout mice in response to a convulsant dose of SKF 83822. SKF 83822-induced behavioral and EEG seizures were gene dose-dependently abolished in D(1) knockouts. In both heterozygous and homozygous D(5) knockouts, the latency to first seizure was significantly increased and total EEG seizures were reduced relative to wild-types. The majority (60%) of homozygous DARPP-32 knockouts did not have seizures; of those having seizures (40%), the latency to first seizure was significantly increased and the number of high amplitude, high frequency polyspike EEG events was reduced. In addition, immunoblotting was performed to investigate downstream intracellular signalling mechanisms at D(1)-like receptors following challenge with SKF 83822 and SKF 83959. In wild-types administered SKF 83822, levels of ERK1/2 and GluR1 AMPA receptor phosphorylation increased two-fold in both the striatum and hippocampus; in striatal slices DARPP-32 phosphorylation at Thr34 increased five-fold relative to vehicle-treated controls. These findings indicate that D(1), and to a lesser extent D(5), receptor coupling to DARPP-32, ERK1/2 and glutamatergic signalling is involved in mediating the convulsant effects of SKF 83822

    Entamoeba histolytica Phagocytosis of Human Erythrocytes Involves PATMK, a Member of the Transmembrane Kinase Family

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    Entamoeba histolytica is the cause of amebic colitis and liver abscess. This parasite induces apoptosis in host cells and utilizes exposed ligands such as phosphatidylserine to ingest the apoptotic corpses and invade deeper into host tissue. The purpose of this work was to identify amebic proteins involved in the recognition and ingestion of dead cells. A member of the transmembrane kinase family, phagosome-associated TMK96 (PATMK), was identified in a proteomic screen for early phagosomal proteins. Anti-peptide affinity-purified antibody produced against PATMK demonstrated that it was a type I integral membrane protein that was expressed on the trophozoite surface, and that co-localized with human erythrocytes at the site of contact. The role of PATMK in erythrophagocytosis in vitro was demonstrated by: (i) incubation of ameba with anti-PATMK antibodies; (ii) PATMK mRNA knock-down using a novel shRNA expression system; and (iii) expression of a carboxy-truncation of PATMK (PATMKΔ932). Expression of the carboxy-truncation of PATMKΔ932 also caused a specific reduction in the ability of E. histolytica to establish infection in the intestinal model of amebiasis, however these amebae retained the ability to cause hepatic abscesses when directly injected in the liver. In conclusion, PATMK was identified as a member of the TMK family that participates in erythrophagocytosis and is uniquely required for intestinal infection