190 research outputs found

    Binding potentials for vapour nanobubbles on surfaces using density functional theory

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    We calculate density profiles of a simple model fluid in contact with a planar surface using density functional theory (DFT), in particular for the case where there is a vapour layer intruding between the wall and the bulk liquid. We apply the method of Hughes et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 142, 074702 (2015)] to calculate the density profiles for varying (specified) amounts of the vapour adsorbed at the wall. This is equivalent to varying the thickness hh of the vapour at the surface. From the resulting sequence of density profiles we calculate the thermodynamic grand potential as hh is varied and thereby determine the binding potential as a function of hh. The binding potential obtained via this coarse-graining approach allows us to determine the disjoining pressure in the film and also to predict the shape of vapour nano-bubbles on the surface. Our microscopic DFT based approach captures information from length scales much smaller than some commonly used models in continuum mechanics.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    On the moving contact line singularity: Asymptotics of a diffuse-interface model

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    The behaviour of a solid-liquid-gas system near the three-phase contact line is considered using a diffuse-interface model with no-slip at the solid and where the fluid phase is specified by a continuous density field. Relaxation of the classical approach of a sharp liquid-gas interface and careful examination of the asymptotic behaviour as the contact line is approached is shown to resolve the stress and pressure singularities associated with the moving contact line problem. Various features of the model are scrutinised, alongside extensions to incorporate slip, finite-time relaxation of the chemical potential, or a precursor film at the wall.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    The contact line behaviour of solid-liquid-gas diffuse-interface models

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    A solid-liquid-gas moving contact line is considered through a diffuse-interface model with the classical boundary condition of no-slip at the solid surface. Examination of the asymptotic behaviour as the contact line is approached shows that the relaxation of the classical model of a sharp liquid-gas interface, whilst retaining the no-slip condition, resolves the stress and pressure singularities associated with the moving contact line problem while the fluid velocity is well defined (not multi-valued). The moving contact line behaviour is analysed for a general problem relevant for any density dependent dynamic viscosity and volume viscosity, and for general microscopic contact angle and double well free-energy forms. Away from the contact line, analysis of the diffuse-interface model shows that the Navier--Stokes equations and classical interfacial boundary conditions are obtained at leading order in the sharp-interface limit, justifying the creeping flow problem imposed in an intermediate region in the seminal work of Seppecher [Int. J. Eng. Sci. 34, 977--992 (1996)]. Corrections to Seppecher's work are given, as an incorrect solution form was originally used.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    A comparison of slip, disjoining pressure, and interface formation models for contact line motion through asymptotic analysis of thin two-dimensional droplet spreading

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    The motion of a contact line is examined, and comparisons drawn, for a variety of models proposed in the literature. Pressure and stress behaviours at the contact line are examined in the prototype system of quasistatic spreading of a thin two-dimensional droplet on a planar substrate. The models analysed include three disjoining pressure models based on van der Waals interactions, a model introduced for polar fluids, and a liquid-gas diffuse-interface model; Navier-slip and two non-linear slip models are investigated, with three microscopic contact angle boundary conditions imposed (two of these contact angle conditions having a contact line velocity dependence); and the interface formation model is also considered. In certain parameter regimes it is shown that all of the models predict the same quasistatic droplet spreading behaviour.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, J. Eng. Math. 201

    Slip or not slip? A methodical examination of the interface formation model using two-dimensional droplet spreading on a horizontal planar substrate as a prototype system

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    We consider the spreading of a thin two-dimensional droplet on a planar substrate as a prototype system to compare the contemporary model for contact line motion based on interface formation of Shikhmurzaev [Int. J. Multiphas. Flow 19, 589 (1993)], to the more commonly used continuum fluid dynamical equations augmented with the Navier-slip condition. Considering quasistatic droplet evolution and using the method of matched asymptotics, we find that the evolution of the droplet radius using the interface formation model reduces to an equivalent expression for a slip model, where the prescribed microscopic dynamic contact angle has a velocity dependent correction to its static value. This result is found for both the original interface formation model formulation and for a more recent version, where mass transfer from bulk to surface layers is accounted for through the boundary conditions. Various features of the model, such as the pressure behaviour and rolling motion at the contact line, and their relevance, are also considered in the prototype system we adopt.Comment: 45 pages, 18 figure

    Fluid structure in the immediate vicinity of an equilibrium three-phase contact line and assessment of disjoining pressure models using density functional theory

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    We examine the nanoscale behavior of an equilibrium three-phase contact line in the presence of long-ranged intermolecular forces by employing a statistical mechanics of fluids approach, namely density functional theory (DFT) together with fundamental measure theory (FMT). This enables us to evaluate the predictive quality of effective Hamiltonian models in the vicinity of the contact line. In particular, we compare the results for mean field effective Hamiltonians with disjoining pressures defined through (I) the adsorption isotherm for a planar liquid film, and (II) the normal force balance at the contact line. We find that the height profile obtained using (I) shows good agreement with the adsorption film thickness of the DFT-FMT equilibrium density profile in terms of maximal curvature and the behavior at large film heights. In contrast, we observe that while the height profile obtained by using (II) satisfies basic sum rules, it shows little agreement with the adsorption film thickness of the DFT results. The results are verified for contact angles of 20, 40 and 60 degrees

    The vicinity of an equilibrium three-phase contact line using density functional theory: Density profiles normal to the fluid interface

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    The paper by Nold et al. [Phys. Fluids 26 (7), 072001 (2014)] examined density profiles and the micro-scale structure of an equilibrium three-phase (liquid–vapour–solid) contact line in the immediate vicinity of the wall using elements from the statistical mechanics of classical fluids, namely density-functional theory. The present research note, building on the above work, further contributes to our understanding of the nanoscale structure of a contact line by quantifying the strong dependence of the liquid–vapour density profile on the normal distance to the interface, when compared to the dependence on the vertical distance to the substrate. A recent study by Benet et al. [J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (38), 22079 (2014)] has shown that this could explain the emergence of a film-height-dependent surface tension close to the wall, with implications for the Frumkin–Derjaguin theory

    Entamoeba histolytica Phagocytosis of Human Erythrocytes Involves PATMK, a Member of the Transmembrane Kinase Family

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    Entamoeba histolytica is the cause of amebic colitis and liver abscess. This parasite induces apoptosis in host cells and utilizes exposed ligands such as phosphatidylserine to ingest the apoptotic corpses and invade deeper into host tissue. The purpose of this work was to identify amebic proteins involved in the recognition and ingestion of dead cells. A member of the transmembrane kinase family, phagosome-associated TMK96 (PATMK), was identified in a proteomic screen for early phagosomal proteins. Anti-peptide affinity-purified antibody produced against PATMK demonstrated that it was a type I integral membrane protein that was expressed on the trophozoite surface, and that co-localized with human erythrocytes at the site of contact. The role of PATMK in erythrophagocytosis in vitro was demonstrated by: (i) incubation of ameba with anti-PATMK antibodies; (ii) PATMK mRNA knock-down using a novel shRNA expression system; and (iii) expression of a carboxy-truncation of PATMK (PATMKΔ932). Expression of the carboxy-truncation of PATMKΔ932 also caused a specific reduction in the ability of E. histolytica to establish infection in the intestinal model of amebiasis, however these amebae retained the ability to cause hepatic abscesses when directly injected in the liver. In conclusion, PATMK was identified as a member of the TMK family that participates in erythrophagocytosis and is uniquely required for intestinal infection

    Low power radiometric partial discharge sensor using composite transistor-reset integrator

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    The measurement of partial discharge provides a means of monitoring insulation health in high-voltage equipment. Traditional partial discharge measurements require separate installation for each item of plant to physically connect sensors with specific items. Wireless measurement methods provide an attractive and scalable alternative. Existing wireless monitoring technologies which use time-difference-of-arrival of a partial discharge signal at multiple, spatially separated, sensors place high demands on power consumption and cost due to a requirement for rapid sampling. A recently proposed partial discharge monitoring system using a wireless sensor network and measuring received signal strength only, has potential cost and scalability advantages. An incoherent wireless sensor incorporating a transistor-reset integrator has been developed that reduces the measurement bandwidth of the PD events and alleviates the need for high-speed sampling. It is based on composite amplifier techniques to reduce the power requirements by a factor of approximately four without compromising precision. The accuracy of the proposed sensor is compared to that obtained using a high-speed digital sampling oscilloscope. Received energies were measured over a 10 m distance in 1 m increments and produced an error within 1 dB beyond 4 m and 3.2 dB at shorter distances, resulting in a measurement accuracy within 1 m