458 research outputs found

    Academic performance and students' teaching assessment in pilot experiments of European Higher Education

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    In this work we show a study based on an analysis of academic marks as well as on a teaching valuation of a students sample participating in a pilot experience for the European Credit System Implantation in the Music Teachers Instruction Course. We also detail the way of evaluating the students and the resources used to valuate the teaching. We analyse the differences between the student’s marks and their opinion about the teaching in two students groups, one of them using a traditional teaching system and the other one using such experience for the European Credit implantation

    Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Optimism According to Gender and Social Context (Urban vs. Rural)

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of Emotional Intelligence on optimistic-pessimistic attitudes in a sample of 177 people from the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spain). The sample consisted of 102 women (57.60%) and 75 men (42.40%), who live in different localities depending on the number of residents (urban and rural context). The instruments used in the study were: The Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R), Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQi-C), and Wong-Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS-S). The results indicated that Emotional Intelligence was positively related to optimism and negatively related to pessimism (p < 0.01). In addition, pessimism was found to be significantly related to the rural context, but not to the urban context. The multigroup Structural Equations model was developed for the gender variable, and it had good structural validity (chi(2) = 96.485; RMSEA = 0.056; GFI = 0.901; CFI = 0.900; IFI = 0.907), which was greater for the female gender. The practical consequences of this study help to understand the usefulness of EQ on optimism-pessimism as an attribute between urban vs. rural areas and the effect of living in socio-culturally different environments

    Emerging Ionic Soft Materials based on Deep Eutectic Solvents

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    PostprintIn the last five years, the use of deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been opening new perspectives towards the creation of novel ionic soft materials as alternatives to expensive ionic liquids. This Mini-Review highlights the progress and advances in soft ionic materials or gels, mostly composed by a DES immobilized within difference matrices, such as linear polymers, polymer networks, biopolymers, supramolecular compounds or organosilane networks. By taking advantage of the DES characteristics and properties in the solid state, this building system delivers a variety of tailor-made materials showing different functionalities (ionic conductivity, self-healing, stretchability and pH-responsiveness) and offers a way to circumvent drawbacks related to shaping and risk of leakage in many technological applications. In this context, we provide a judicious analysis of these emerging ionic soft materials, their properties and applications open in energy, (bio)electronics, drug delivery, analytical chemistry, and wastewater treatment. Perspectives and opportunities for future research directions on this blossoming field are also discussed.Liliana C. Tomé has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 745734. This work was supported by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges (RISE) project under the grant agreement No 823989 “IONBIKE”

    Influencia del optimismo versus pesimismo en la satisfacción vital de estudiantes universitarios

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    Being optimistic or pessimistic is a form of intuitive, premonitory thinking that is conditioned by one’s personal experience. Some authors consider this attitude to be a subjective construction relating to expectations generated, motivation and effort. Others authors consider it to be a personality trait linked to life satisfaction and adaptive response to context. For this study, 561 university students participated, with an average age of 20.31 years (±3.46). The instruments used were the Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The aim of the study was to determine the structure of the LOT-R instrument, since many studies have questioned its unidimensional or twodimensional structure, which compromises the instrument’s validity. Subsequently, it was related to the SWLS through a Structural Equation Model. The results showed that the two-dimensional model (optimism and pessimism) was the most appropriate (χ²/df = 4.36; RMSEA=.072; SRMR=.044; GFI=.960; CFI=.979). Subsequently, the results described above were related to the Life Satisfaction variable, which reinforced the theoretical model proposed. Findings corroborated the double dimensionality of the LOT-R instrument, with a positive relationship between optimism and life satisfaction, and a negative relationship between pessimism and life satisfaction.Ser optimista o pessimista és una forma de pensament intuïtiu, premonitori i condicionat per la mateixa experiència. Diferents autors consideren aquest posicionament una construcció subjectiva relacionada amb les expectatives generades, la motivació i l’esforç. Altres autors, però, el consideren un tret de personalitat lligat a la satisfacció amb la vida i la resposta adaptativa al context. En aquest estudi van participar 561 estudiants universitaris, amb una edat mitjana de 20,31 anys (± 3,46). Els instruments utilitzats van ser: LOT-R i SWLS. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser determinar l’estructura de l’instrument LOT-R, ja que molts estudis n’han qüestionat l’estructura unidimensional o bidimensional, cosa que compromet la validesa de l’instrument. Posteriorment, es va relacionar amb l’escala SWLS mitjançant un model d’equacions estructurals. Els resultats van mostrar que el model bidimensional (optimisme i pessimisme) va ser el més adequat (χ²/gl = 4,36; RMSEA = ,072; SRMR = ,044; GFI = ,960; CFI = ,979). Posteriorment, els resultats descrits anteriorment es van relacionar amb la variable Satisfacció amb la Vida, cosa que va reforçar el model teòric proposat. Les troballes van corroborar la doble dimensionalitat de l’instrument LOT-R, amb una relació positiva entre l’optimisme i la satisfacció amb la vida i una relació negativa entre el pessimisme i la satisfacció amb la vida.Ser optimista o pesimista es una forma de pensamiento intuitivo, premonitorio y condicionado por la propia experiencia. Diferentes autores consideran este posicionamiento una construcción subjetiva relacionada con las expectativas generadas, la motivación y el esfuerzo. Otros autores, sin embargo, lo consideran un rasgo de personalidad ligado a la satisfacción con la vida y la respuesta adaptativa al contexto. En este estudio participaron 561 estudiantes universitarios, con una edad promedio de 20,31 años (± 3,46). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: LOT-R y SWLS. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la estructura del instrumento LOT-R, ya que muchos estudios han cuestionado su estructura unidimensional o bidimensional, lo que compromete la validez del instrumento. Posteriormente, se relacionó con la escala SWLS a través de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados mostraron que el modelo bidimensional (optimismo y pesimismo) fue el más adecuado (χ²/gl = 4,36; RMSEA = ,072; SRMR = ,044; GFI = ,960; CFI = ,979). Posteriormente, los resultados descritos anteriormente se relacionaron con la variable Satisfacción con la Vida, lo que reforzó el modelo teórico propuesto. Los hallazgos corroboraron la doble dimensionalidad del instrumento LOT-R, con una relación positiva entre el optimismo y la satisfacción con la vida, y una relación negativa entre el pesimismo y la satisfacción con la vida

    Innovative Polymers for Next‐Generation Batteries

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    Unformatted postprintLithium-ion batteries are part of modern life, being present in daily-used objects such as mobile phones, tablets, computers, watches, sport accessories, electric scooters, and cars. The next-generation batteries require the development of innovative polymers that help to improve their performance in terms of power density, cyclability, raw materials’ availability, low weight, printability, flexibility, sustainability, or security. This article highlights recent developments in the area of redox-active, electronic/ionic conducting polymers. This includes the development of innovative binders for electrodes, polymer electrolytes, and redox polymers. All these new polymer developments are leading to new battery technologies such as metal–polymer batteries, organic batteries, polymer–air, and redox–flow batteries, which are expected to complement the current lithium-ion technologies in the future.Financial support from the Basque Government, Spanish Government and the European Research Council by Starting Grant Innovative Polymers for Energy Storage (iPes) 306250 is acknowledged. L.P. has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska–Curie grant agreement No 797295

    Early Education Care from Its Practitioners to Achieve Sustainability

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    (1) Background: Early intervention professionals are involved in the reconceptualisation of their service due to the exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, within the family context and aware of the children’s needs, with an impact on their emotional well-being to ensure sustainability. An analysis of their socio–emotional profile and training is increasingly needed to face their professional development effectively; (2) Methods: In this study, 209 early intervention professionals participated (n = 209), with an average age of 37.62 (±9.02). The following instruments were used: Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Wong Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS-S) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9). The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between early intervention (EI) and engagement as predictors of greater life satisfaction using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). (3) Results: There exists a relationship between some dimensions of the instruments used (p < 0.01). The model obtained good structural validity (χ 2 = 3.264; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) =.021; Goodnessof-Fit Index (GFI) = 0.991; Comparative Goodness of Fit Index (CFI) = 0.999; Incremental Fit Index (IFI) = 0.999). Subsequently, the results described above were verified through Bayesian statistics, thereby reinforcing the evidence provided; (4) Conclusions: Findings highlight the importance of providing professionals with emotional tools and strategies, from the educational context, in order to carry out their activity effectively and ensure the sustainability within the current situation, while remaining fully engaged

    Iongel Soft Solid Electrolytes Based on [DEME][TFSI] Ionic Liquid for Low Polarization Lithium-O-2 Batteries

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    Lithium-air/O-2 batteries are a promising battery technology for automotive applications due to their high energy density. However, many challenges need to be solved, particularly the high reactivity of the electrolyte with oxygen superoxide radicals and its low cyclability. In this work, we present a simple and fast way to prepare polymer-based iongel soft solid electrolytes. Thermally and mechanically stable iongels are prepared by fast UV-photopolymerisation exhibiting a high ionic conductivity (similar to 1.2 x 10(-3) S cm(-1) at 25 degrees C). When used as solid electrolytes in lithium symmetrical cells, they can withstand a critical current density of 0.5 mA cm(-2). Performance in Li-O-2 cells showed capacities as large as 3.3 mAh cm(-2), and cycling capability of 25 cycles, exceeding results on liquid-counterpart cells.European Commission's funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie. Grant Number: 76582

    Percepción de la satisfacción percibida por los estudiantes y relevancia profesional del Practicum

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    La investigación presentada propone descubrir y explicar el grado de satisfacción y relevancia profesional de los estudiantes de grados en educación infantil y primaria de la Universidad de Jaén (España) en relación con el Practicum. Los participantes son 537 estudiantes de estos grados. Se emplea una escala para analizar las dimensiones del Practicum. En los análisis realizados se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la variable grado (infantil vs primaria) y el tipo de Practicum (p<.01). Los resultados del estudio de regresión indican que las variables del modelo (Factor 1 y Factor 2) explican el 49.2% de la varianza. En función de los resultados, se proponen como mejoras: potenciar la labor de los centros para participar e involucrarse en el diseño del Practicum para lograr una mayor conexión entre el aula universitaria y la realidad de los centros educativos, integrar el Practicum en el currículum de los estudiantes, y revisar los instrumentos de evaluación para mejorarlos y adaptarlos a las nuevas realidades educativas.The investigation outlined proposes to discover and explain the degree of satisfaction and professional relevance by students of degrees in infant and primary education from the University of Jaen (Spain) in relation to the Practicum. The participants are 537 students from these degree courses. A scale is used to analyse the dimensions of the Practicum. In the different medians analysis performed, statistically significant differences found between the degree variable (infant vs primary) and type of Practicum (p<.01). The regression study results indicate that the model variables (Factor 1 and Factor 2) explain 49.2% of the variance. In light of the results, the following are proposed as improvements: to boost the centres to participate and be involved in the design of the Practicum to achieve greater connection between the university classroom and the reality of schools, to enter the Practicum in the training curriculum of the students, and to review the assessment instruments, improve them and adapt them to new educational realities

    T regulatory lymphocytes and endothelial function in pediatric obstructive sleep apnea.

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    BackgroundObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a low-grade inflammatory disease affecting the cardiovascular and metabolic systems. Increasing OSA severity reduces T-regulatory lymphocytes (Tregs) in OSA children. Since Tregs modulate endothelial activation, and attenuate insulin resistance, we hypothesized that Tregs are associated with endothelial and metabolic dysfunction in pediatric OSA.Methods50 consecutively recruited children (ages 4.8-12 years) underwent overnight polysomnography and fasting homeostatic model (HOMA) of insulin resistance was assessed. Percentage of Tregs using flow cytometry, and endothelial function, expressed as the time to peak occlusive hyperemia (Tmax), were examined. In a subgroup of children (n = 21), in vitro Treg suppression tests were performed.ResultsCirculating Tregs were not significantly associated with either BMI z score or HOMA. However, a significant inverse correlation between percentage of Tregs and Tmax emerged (p&lt;0.0001, r = -0.56). A significant negative correlation between Tregs suppression and the sleep pressure score (SPS), a surrogate measure of sleep fragmentation emerged (p = 0.02, r = -0.51) emerged, but was not present with AHI.ConclusionsEndothelial function, but not insulin resistance, in OSA children is strongly associated with circulating Tregs and their suppressive function, and appears to correlate with sleep fragmentation. Thus, alterations in T cell lymphocytes may contribute to cardiovascular morbidity in pediatric OSA