64 research outputs found

    Comparison between the Grape Technological Characteristics of Vitis vinifera Subsp. sylvestris and Subsp. sativa

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    none7siWine has been produced in Georgia since the 6th millennium BC. The processes of cultivar selection and breeding started with wild grapes Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris Gmel. and included multiple introgression events—from the wild to domestication. This article aims at improving the knowledge concerning the history of winemaking through a comparison of the Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris and subsp. sativa. Grapes of Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris were grown in an ampelographic collection and vintages 2017–2020 were analyzed. The obtained data were compared to a wider dataset available in literature concerning Vitis vinifera subsp. sativa, demonstrating the central role of grape morphology in the domestication process. This evidence suggests that the technological value of the cultivars played an important role in the selection process. In vintages 2017, 2018, and 2019, wines were produced with Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris grapes and compared with Cabernet Sauvignon and Saperavi vinifications. For all the vintages, the fermentations took shorter time for wild grape, despite the highest content of total phenols. Learning from the past, Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris might still be an interesting genetic resource for future breeding programs. Furthermore, the possible combination of wild and domesticated grapes can make possible the production of wines with long ageing, exalting their own characteristics.openMaghradze, David; Kikilashvili, Shengeli; Gotsiridze, Olan; Maghradze, Tamar; Fracassetti, Daniela; Failla, Osvaldo; Rustioni, LauraMaghradze, David; Kikilashvili, Shengeli; Gotsiridze, Olan; Maghradze, Tamar; Fracassetti, Daniela; Failla, Osvaldo; Rustioni, Laur

    Analysis of agroclimatic resources for Georgian viticulture

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    One of the results of the “Research Project for the Study of Georgian Grapes and Wine Culture” promoted by the National Wine Agency of the Republic of Georgia was the production of a bilingual handbook for modern viticulture. The first sections of the handbook were devoted to the agrometeorological analysis of environmental resources and limitations, comprising a general analysis of Georgian climate and agrometeorological features, followed by detailed regional cards. The agrometeorological analysis of Georgia was based on daily data collected by National and International networks for the period 1974-2013. Several agrometeorological indexes were calculated in order to define resources and limitations for viticulture for each viticultural region of Georgia, providing fundamental information for grape-growing and wine-making

    Novel loci associated with resistance to downy and powdery mildew in grapevine

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    Among the main challenges in current viticulture, there is the increasing demand for sustainability in the protection from fungal diseases, such as downy mildew (DM) and powdery mildew (PM). Breeding disease-resistant grapevine varieties is a key strategy for better managing fungicide inputs. This study explores the diversity of grapevine germplasm (cultivated and wild) from Caucasus and neighboring areas to identify genotypes resistant to DM and PM, based on 13 Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) loci and phenotypical (artificial pathogen inoculation) analysis, and to identify loci associated with DM and PM resistance, via Genome-Wide Association Analysis (GWAS) on Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) profiles. SSR analysis revealed resistant alleles for 16 out of 88 genotypes. Phenotypic data identified seven DM and 31 PM resistant genotypes. GWAS identified two new loci associated with DM resistance, located on chromosome 15 and 16 (designated as Rpv36 and Rpv37), and two with PM resistance, located on chromosome 6 and 17 (designated as Ren14 and Ren15). The four novel loci identified genomic regions rich in genes related to biotic stress response, such as genes involved in pathogen recognition, signal transduction and resistance response. This study highlights potential candidate genes associated with resistance to DM and PM, providing valuable insights for breeding programs for resistant varieties. To optimize their utilization, further functional characterization studies are recommended

    Culturable Yeast Diversity of Grape Berries from Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi

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    Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi is recognized as the dioecious parental generation of today's cultivars. Climatic change and the arrival of pathogens and pests in Europe led it to be included on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species in 1997. The present work focused on the study of culturable yeast occurrence and diversity of grape berries collected from wild vines. Sampling was performed in 29 locations of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Italy, Romania, and Spain. In total, 3431 yeast colonies were isolated and identified as belonging to 49 species, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, by 26S rDNA D1/D2 domains and ITS region sequencing. Isolates of S. cerevisiae were also analyzed by SSR-PCR obtaining 185 different genotypes. Classical ecology indices were used to obtain the richness (S), the biodiversity (H'), and the dominance (D) of the species studied. This study highlights the biodiversity potential of natural environments that still represent a fascinating source of solutions to common problems in winemaking

    Identifying the Main Drivers in Microbial Diversity for Cabernet Sauvignon Cultivars from Europe to South Africa: Evidence for a Cultivar-Specific Microbial Fingerprint

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    Microbial diversity in vineyards and in grapes has generated significant scientific interest. From a biotechnological perspective, vineyard and grape biodiversity has been shown to impact soil, vine, and grape health and to determine the fermentation microbiome and the final character of wine. Thus, an understanding of the drivers that are responsible for the differences in vineyard and grape microbiota is required. The impact of soil and climate, as well as of viticultural practices in geographically delimited areas, have been reported. However, the limited scale makes the identification of generally applicable drivers of microbial biodiversity and of specific microbial fingerprints challenging. The comparison and meta-analysis of different datasets is furthermore complicated by differences in sampling and in methodology. Here we present data from a wide-ranging coordinated approach, using standardized sampling and data generation and analysis, involving four countries with different climates and viticultural traditions. The data confirm the existence of a grape core microbial consortium, but also provide evidence for country-specific microbiota and suggest the existence of a cultivar-specific microbial fingerprint for Cabernet Sauvignon grape. This study puts in evidence new insight of the grape microbial community in two continents and the importance of both location and cultivar for the definition of the grape microbiome.The YeSViTE project (FP7-IRSES-2013-GA612441) supported the secondments of J.T. and F.V. to the Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and R.F. to the Agrarian University of Georgia (Georgia), and the grape sampling in Tuscany carried out by D.F. This work was also supported by Winetech grant SU IWBT 16-02

    A small XY chromosomal region explains sex determination in wild dioecious V. vinifera and the reversal to hermaphroditism in domesticated grapevines

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    Publis014-agap-029Background In Vitis vinifera L., domestication induced a dramatic change in flower morphology: the wild sylvestris subspecies is dioecious while hermaphroditism is largely predominant in the domesticated subsp. V. v. vinifera. The characterisation of polymorphisms in genes underlying the sex-determining chromosomal region may help clarify the history of domestication in grapevine and the evolution of sex chromosomes in plants. In the genus Vitis, sex determination is putatively controlled by one major locus with three alleles, male M, hermaphrodite H and female F, with an allelic dominance M > H > F. Previous genetic studies located the sex locus on chromosome 2. We used DNA polymorphisms of geographically diverse V. vinifera genotypes to confirm the position of this locus, to characterise the genetic diversity and traces of selection in candidate genes, and to explore the origin of hermaphroditism. Results In V. v. sylvestris, a sex-determining region of 154.8 kb, also present in other Vitis species, spans less than 1% of chromosome 2. It displays haplotype diversity, linkage disequilibrium and differentiation that typically correspond to a small XY sex-determining region with XY males and XX females. In male alleles, traces of purifying selection were found for a trehalose phosphatase, an exostosin and a WRKY transcription factor, with strikingly low polymorphism levels between distant geographic regions. Both diversity and network analysis revealed that H alleles are more closely related to M than to F alleles. Conclusions Hermaphrodite alleles appear to derive from male alleles of wild grapevines, with successive recombination events allowing import of diversity from the X into the Y chromosomal region and slowing down the expansion of the region into a full heteromorphic chromosome. Our data are consistent with multiple domestication events and show traces of introgression from other Asian Vitis species into the cultivated grapevine gene pool. La vigne domestiquée, Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera, cultivée pour la production de fruit et de vin à travers le monde, dérive de la vigne sauvage, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris, sous-espèce endémique de l'Eurasie. Au cours de la domestication, le système de reproduction a évolué de la diécie à l'hermaphrodisme. Nous montrons que la région du sexe est sous le contrôle d'une région chromosomique qui couvre au maximum 154kpbp, moins de 1% du chromosome 2. La caractérisation de ce locus en terme de diversité haplotypique, de signature de sélection et de déséquilibre de liaison a permis de révéler un système de détermination sexuelle de type XY. La petite taille de cette région chromosomique semble indiquer un stade très précoce dans l'évolution de chromosomes sexuels, malgré que la diécie soit le trait ancestral chez toutes les espèces de Vitis, ayant divergé du sous-genre Muscadinia il y a plusieurs millions d'années. L'analyse des distances génétiques entre haplotypes dans le locus du sexe a révélé que l'hermaphrodisme observé chez la vigne domestiquée résulte de la mutation de l'allèle mâle présent chez la vigne sauvage. Le réseau d'haplotypes a montré qu'en plus de la contribution de V. sylvestris, une autre espèce de Vitis asiatique a pu contribuer à la constitution du génome actuel de la vigne cultivée moderne. Ces travaux résultent d'une collaboration entre l'équipe DAAV d'AGAP et l'UMR CBAE (Montpellier)

    Early Neolithic wine of Georgia in the South Caucasus

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    Chemical analyses of ancient organic compounds absorbed into the pottery fabrics from sites in Georgia in the South Caucasus region, dating to the early Neolithic period (ca. 6,000-5,000 BC), provide the earliest biomolecular archaeological evidence for grape wine and viniculture from the Near East, at ca. 6,000-5,800 BC. The chemical findings are corroborated by climatic and environmental reconstruction, together with archaeobotanical evidence, including grape pollen, starch, and epidermal remains associated with a jar of similar type and date. The very large-capacity jars, some of the earliest pottery made in the Near East, probably served as combination fermentation, aging, and serving vessels. They are the most numerous pottery type at many sites comprising the so-called "Shulaveri-Shomutepe Culture" of the Neolithic period, which extends into western Azerbaijan and northern Armenia. The discovery of early sixth millennium BC grape wine in this region is crucial to the later history of wine in Europe and the rest of the world

    Dissecting the susceptibility/resistance mechanism of Vitis vinifera for the future control of downy mildew

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    23CO.NA.VI. 2020 – 8° Convegno Nazionale di Viticoltura, Udine, Italy, July 5-7, 2021openInternationalBothThe Eurasian grapevine (Vitis vinifera), a species cultivated worldwide for high-quality wine production, is extremely susceptible to the agent of downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola. Nevertheless, germplasm from Georgia (Southern Caucasus, the first grapevine domestication centre), characterized by a high genetic variability, showed resistance traits to P. viticola. The cultivar Mgaloblishvili exhibited the most promising phenotype in terms of resistance against P. viticola. Its defence response results in: i) low disease intensity; ii) low sporulation; iii) damaged mycelium; iv) production of antimicrobial compounds such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), whose effectiveness on the pathogen was evaluated by leafdisc assays. At the transcriptomic level, its resistance mechanism is determined by the differential expression of both resistance and susceptible genes. The resistance genes are related to: i) pathogen recognition through PAMP, DAMP and effector receptors; ii) ethylene signalling pathway; iii) synthesis of antimicrobial compounds (VOCs) and fungal wall degrading enzymes; iv) development of structural barriers (cell wall reinforcement). The first putative susceptible gene was the transcription factor VviLBDIf7 gene, whose validation was carried out by dsRNA (double-stranded RNA) assay. In this work, these unique results on plant-pathogen interaction are reviewed with the aim of developing new strategies to control the disease.openRicciardi, Valentina; Marcianò, Demetrio; Sargolzaei, Maryam; Marrone Fassolo, Elena; Fracassetti, Daniela; Brilli, Matteo; Moser, Mirko; Vahid, Shariati J.; Tavakole, Elahe; Maddalena, Giuliana; Passera, Alessandro; Casati, Paola; Pindo, Massimo; Cestaro, Alessandro; Costa, Alex; Bonza, Maria Cristina; Maghradze, David; Tirelli, Antonio; Failla, Osvaldo; Bianco, Piero Attilio; Quaglino, Fabio; Toffolatti, Silvia Laura; De Lorenzis, GabriellaRicciardi, V.; Marcianò, D.; Sargolzaei, M.; Marrone Fassolo, E.; Fracassetti, D.; Brilli, M.; Moser, M.; Vahid, S.J.; Tavakole, E.; Maddalena, G.; Passera, A.; Casati, P.; Pindo, M.; Cestaro, A.; Costa, A.; Bonza, M.C.; Maghradze, D.; Tirelli, A.; Failla, O.; Bianco, P.A.; Quaglino, F.; Toffolatti, S.L.; De Lorenzis, G
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