10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of university library impact on students’ academic success

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    U radu se iznosi teorijski okvir vrednovanja knjižnica, a posebno se govori o mogućnostima istraživanja utjecaja zbirki i usluga sveučilišnih knjižnica na akademski uspjeh studenata. Ukazuje se na terminološke probleme vezane uz vrednovanje knjižnica, o važnosti vrednovanja za poslovanje knjižnica, o knjižničnoj statistici, a posebno o mjerenju utjecaja knjižničnih zbirki i usluga na korisnike. U Hrvatskoj se do sada nisu provodila istraživanja utjecaja sveučilišnih knjižnica na korisnike, a istraživanja vezanih uz utjecaj knjižnice na obrazovanje studenata jako je malo i u svijetu. Razlog tome je činjenica da je utjecaje relativno teško izmjeriti, no oni su veoma važni pokazatelji uspješnosti poslovanja određene akademske knjižnice.The paper gives a theoretical framework for library evaluation, and indicates possible effects the library collections and services might have on students’ academic achievement. The paper discusses terminological problems, the importance of evaluation for library performance, library statistics, and focuses on the measurement of impact of library collections and services on their users. So far, there has been no research in Croatia about the impact of university libraries on student academic achievement, and the studies that deal with this topic are rare even around the world. The reason for this lies in the fact that the outcomes are very difficult to measure, and are therefore avoided in measurements. However, they represent extremely important indicators of university library impact on students’ academic performance

    Kootenichela NEXUS

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    Phylogenetic data set in NEXUS file format

    Cascolus ravitis holotype (VAXML/STL format)

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    Virtual specimen of OUMNH C.29698, holotype of Cascolus ravitis. Reconstructed from physical-optical tomographic dataset using SPIERS (http://www.spiers-software.org). For method see Sutton, Rahman and Garwood 2014. Techniques for Virtual Palaeontology. Wiley Blackwell, 208pp. For details of VAXML/STL format see http://palaeo-electronica.org/content/issue-2-2012-technical-articles/226-virtual-palaeontology-toolkit

    NEXUS file for analysis of Cascolus

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    NEXUS format data file associated with Proceedings B articl

    Character list for phylogenetic analysis - PDF format

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    Character list for phylogenetic analysis associated with Proceedings B publicatio

    Thanahita distos holotype - VAXML model and raw serial-grinding data

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    Contains: A) the model of the holotype used in the publication, in VAXML format. This format comprises and XML descriptor and STL-format geometry. See www.spiers-software.org for a free VAXML viewer and details of the specification. B) BMP format raw images from physical-optical tomography (serial grinding). See readme file within appropriate ZIP for more details

    Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat Pekerja Seks Komersial Setelah Mengikuti Konseling Dan Tes HIV/AIDS

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    Voluntary Counseling and Testing HIV/AIDS (VCT) is a two-way counseling or continuous dialogue between counselor and client to prevent HIV transmission, give moral support, information and other supports for people with HIV/AIDS, his family and the environment. The total participants in this research were 7 CSWs. The researcher used in-depth interview to collect the data, which were analyzed by content analysis method. The research showed that the meaning of VCT for CSWs themselves could kept their daily healthy behavior and healthy seeking and also became peer educators after following the VCT process. The government and the voluntary organizations which are concerned with CSWs and HIV/ AIDS should facilitate the CSW\u27s efforts to keep their health oriented after doing VCT with continuous screening