3,453 research outputs found

    Integration of perception and reasoning in fast neural modules

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    Artificial neural systems promise to integrate symbolic and sub-symbolic processing to achieve real time control of physical systems. Two potential alternatives exist. In one, neural nets can be used to front-end expert systems. The expert systems, in turn, are developed with varying degrees of parallelism, including their implementation in neural nets. In the other, rule-based reasoning and sensor data can be integrated within a single hybrid neural system. The hybrid system reacts as a unit to provide decisions (problem solutions) based on the simultaneous evaluation of data and rules. Discussed here is a model hybrid system based on the fuzzy cognitive map (FCM). The operation of the model is illustrated with the control of a hypothetical satellite that intelligently alters its attitude in space in response to an intersecting micrometeorite shower

    The New Testament Concept of the Personal Devil

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    It is the writer’s intention to show on the basis of the New Testament that our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles and evangelists of the New Testament conceived the devil to be a very personal enemy of Our Lord Himself and of the communion of saints, His Church

    A Technique to Derive Improved Proper Motions for Kepler Objects of Interest

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    We outline an approach yielding proper motions with higher precision than exists in present catalogs for a sample of stars in the Kepler field. To increase proper motion precision we combine first moment centroids of Kepler pixel data from a single Season with existing catalog positions and proper motions. We use this astrometry to produce improved reduced proper motion diagrams, analogous to a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, for stars identified as Kepler Objects of Interest. The more precise the relative proper motions, the better the discrimination between stellar luminosity classes. With UCAC4 and PPMXL epoch 2000 positions (and proper motions from those catalogs as quasi-bayesian priors) astrometry for a single test Channel (21) and Season (0) spanning two years yields proper motions with an average per-coordinate proper motion error of 1.0 millisecond of arc per year, over a factor of three better than existing catalogs. We apply a mapping between a reduced proper motion diagram and an HR diagram, both constructed using HST parallaxes and proper motions, to estimate Kepler Object of Interest K-band absolute magnitudes. The techniques discussed apply to any future small-field astrometry as well as the rest of the Kepler field.Comment: Accepted to The Astronomical Journal 15 August 201

    Impulsivity in rodents with a genetic predisposition for excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a lack of a prospective strategy

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    Increasing evidence supports the hypothesis that impulsive decision-making is a heritable risk factor for an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Clearly identifying a link between impulsivity and AUD risk, however, is complicated by the fact that both AUDs and impulsivity are heterogeneous constructs. Understanding the link between the two requires identifying the underlying cognitive factors that lead to impulsive choices. Rodent models have established that a family history of excessive drinking can lead to the expression of a transgenerational impulsive phenotype, suggesting heritable alterations in the decision-making process. In the present study, we explored the cognitive processes underlying impulsive choice in a validated, selectively bred rodent model of excessive drinking-the alcohol-preferring ("P") rat. Impulsivity was measured via delay discounting (DD), and P rats exhibited an impulsive phenotype as compared to their outbred foundation strain-Wistar rats. Steeper discounting in P rats was associated with a lack of a prospective behavioral strategy, which was observed in Wistar rats and was directly related to DD. To further explore the underlying cognitive factors mediating these observations, a drift diffusion model of DD was constructed. These simulations supported the hypothesis that prospective memory of the delayed reward guided choice decisions, slowed discounting, and optimized the fit of the model to the experimental data. Collectively, these data suggest that a deficit in forming or maintaining a prospective behavioral plan is a critical intermediary to delaying reward, and by extension, may underlie the inability to delay reward in those with increased AUD risk

    Peachy Parallel Assignments (EduHPC 2018)

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    Peachy Parallel Assignments are a resource for instructors teaching parallel and distributed programming. These are high-quality assignments, previously tested in class, that are readily adoptable. This collection of assignments includes implementing a subset of OpenMP using pthreads, creating an animated fractal, image processing using histogram equalization, simulating a storm of high-energy particles, and solving the wave equation in a variety of settings. All of these come with sample assignment sheets and the necessary starter code.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Facilitar la inclusión de ejercicios prácticos de programación paralela en cursos de Computación Paralela o de alto rendimiento (HPC)Comunicación en congreso: Descripción de ejercicios prácticos con acceso a material ya desarrollado y probado

    Separation of metal ions on chelating resin

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    Attempts were made to separate components of metal ion mixtures on columns of iminodiacetate type chelating resin. Distribution coefficients of metal ions in the presence of sulfosalicylic acid and citric acid were calculated in order to determine the proper pH for the most efficient separations. Separations of metal ion mixtures using citric acid or sulfosalicylic acid . solutions as eluting agents were, for the most part, successful, although incomplete elution was observed in some cases

    Pyrenean pastoralists observations of environmental change: an exploratory study in Los Valles Occidentales of Aragón

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    21 páginas, 3 tablas[EN] Observations of environmental change by local resource users may be an important source of information about past and current environmental conditions to complement scientific studies and monitoring. In this exploratory, qualitative study, we documented observations of environmental change made by 27 stockmen in the two westernmost valleys of the Central Western Pyrenees of Spain. Pastoralists reported changes in weather, corresponding declines in the flow of mountain springs, and an increase in shrub and tree cover in the mountains. Explanations for the increase in woody plant cover differed in the two valleys; however, the majority of stockmen from both villages believed that the lack of human presence in the mountains contributes to shrub encroachment. Stockmen’s observations of environmental change suggest additional research needs regarding climate and vegetation change in the Pyrenees, and highlight the potential contributions of Pyrenean pastoralists’ local knowledge to environmental monitoring, research and management.[ES] Las observaciones sobre el cambio medioambiental realizadas por usuarios locales pueden ser una importante fuente de información sobre las características medioambientales del pasado y del presente para complementar los estudios científicos y el monitoreo. En este estudio cualitativo documentamos observaciones sobre el cambio medioambiental realizadas por 27 ganaderos en los dos valles más occidentales de los Pirineos centro occidentales españoles. Resumen cambios climáticos relativos a la disminución del caudal de las fuentes de montaña y al aumento de la cubierta vegetal de matorrales y arbolado en las montañas. Las explicaciones sobre el aumento de arbolado difieren en los dos valles; sin embargo la mayoría de los ganaderos de ambos pueblos pensaban que la falta de presencia humana en las montañas contribuye a la invasión del matorral. Las observaciones de los ganaderos sobre los cambios medioambientales sugieren la necesidad de investigaciones adicionales sobre los cambios climáticos y de vegetación en los Pirineos y evidencian las potenciales contribuciones del conocimiento local de los ganaderos para el monitoreo medioambiental, la investigación y la gestión. Las observaciones sobre el cambio medioambiental realizadas por usuarios locales pueden ser una importante fuente de información sobre las características medioambientales del pasado y del presente para complementar los estudios científicos y el monitoreo. En este estudio cualitativo documentamos observaciones sobre el cambio medioambiental realizadas por 27 ganaderos en los dos valles más occidentales de los Pirineos centro occidentales españoles. Resumen cambios climáticos relativos a la disminución del caudal de las fuentes de montaña y al aumento de la cubierta vegetal de matorrales y arbolado en las montañas. Las explicaciones sobre el aumento de arbolado difieren en los dos valles; sin embargo la mayoría de los ganaderos de ambos pueblos pensaban que la falta de presencia humana en las montañas contribuye a la invasión del matorral. Las observaciones de los ganaderos sobre los cambios medioambientales sugieren la necesidad de investigaciones adicionales sobre los cambios climáticos y de vegetación en los Pirineos y evidencian las potenciales contribuciones del conocimiento local de los ganaderos para el monitoreo medioambiental, la investigación y la gestión.We thank the stockmen and residents of the Valleys of Ansó and Hecho for their time and participation; the administrations of the municipalities of Ansó and Hecho, and the Office of Economic Development of the Comarca of Jaca, for their assistance and cooperation; Javier Agguirre for helpful suggestions on our interview protocol, and Isabel Catalán Barrio and Guillermo Bueno for their reviews of an earlier version of this manuscript. This research was supported in part by Fellowships from the Spanish Fulbright Commission and the Center for Collaborative Conservation at Colorado State University.Peer reviewe
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