1,200 research outputs found

    Changes in neuronal CycD/Cdk4 activity affect aging, neurodegeneration, and oxidative stress.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in human diseases, including cancer, and proposed to accelerate aging. The Drosophila Cyclin-dependent protein kinase complex cyclin D/cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CycD/Cdk4) promotes cellular growth by stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis. Here, we examine the neurodegenerative and aging consequences of altering CycD/Cdk4 function in Drosophila. We show that pan-neuronal loss or gain of CycD/Cdk4 increases mitochondrial superoxide, oxidative stress markers, and neurodegeneration and decreases lifespan. We find that RNAi-mediated depletion of the mitochondrial transcription factor, Tfam, can abrogate CycD/Cdk4's detrimental effects on both lifespan and neurodegeneration. This indicates that CycD/Cdk4's pathological consequences are mediated through altered mitochondrial function and a concomitant increase in reactive oxygen species. In support of this, we demonstrate that CycD/Cdk4 activity levels in the brain affect the expression of a set of 'oxidative stress' genes. Our results indicate that the precise regulation of neuronal CycD/Cdk4 activity is important to limit mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production and prevent neurodegeneration

    Between school and social education

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    Educació social i educació escolar són dos universos? Quina mena d’universos designen aquests dos conceptes o constructes (teòrics, pràctics, institucionals, professionals… )? Des de quin context i des de quina posició d’observador valores o creus que s’hauria de valorar la relació entre aquests universos? Quina relació caldria que tinguessin el món de l’escola i el món de l’educació social? Quina valoració fas de la realitat d’aquesta relació? Quins punts d’encontre i quins punts de desencontre trobes entre l’educació social i l’educació escolar= Els educadors socials tenen i/o han de tenir algun rol en l’àmbit de l’ensenyament o en el marc de l’escola? On? A aquestes preguntes hi responen tres especialistes en el tema.¿Educación social y educación escolar son dos universos? ¿Qué clase de universos designan estos dos conceptos o constructos (teóricos, prácticos, institucionales, profesionales ... )? ¿Desde qué contexto y desde qué posición de observador valoras o crees que debería valorarse la relación entre estos universos? ¿Qué relación sería necesaria que tuviesen el mundo de la escuela y el mundo de la educación social? ¿Qué valoración haces de la realidad de esta relación? ¿Qué puntos de encuentro y qué puntos de desencuentro encuentras entre la educación social y la educación escolar? ¿Los educadores sociales tienen y/o han de tener algún rol en el ámbito de la enseñanza o en el marco de la escuela? ¿Dónde? A estas preguntas responden tres especialistas en el tema.Are social education and school education two universes apart? What kind of universes do these two concepts all constructs refer to (theoretical, practical, institutional, professional, etc.)? From what context and stand point do you judge to believe that the relationship between these universes should be evaluated ? What relationship should there be between the worlds of school and social education ? How do you assess the reality of this relationship? What points of agreement and disagreement can you find between social edu cation and school education? Do and/or should social educators have a role in the teachilng field or the school context? Where? Three specialists in the subject give their answers to these questions

    Arqueología informática: Diseño e implementación de calculadoras Olivetti con Scratch

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    [ES] En el año 1956 la empresa Olivetti desarrolla la máquina de cálculo Olivetti Divisumma 24. Esta se consolida como una de las calculadoras más competentes del mercado debido a las funcionalidades que ofrece. Entre ellas sobresalen la simpleza con la que se pueden realizar cálculos e imprimir el resultado y la capacidad de realizar las 4 operaciones matemáticas básicas. El presente trabajo se centra en el diseño y la implementación de un simulador de la calculadora anteriormente mencionada, el simulador se implementará mediante el lenguaje de programación Scratch. El objetivo principal de realizarlo mediante Scratch es demostrar que con un lenguaje sencillo y accesible a todo tipo de usuarios se puede realizar un proyecto complejo. Por último, una vez implementado el simulador, se elaborará una página web para introducirla en la página del Museo de Informática de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática de manera que se contribuya a la difusión cultural. Respecto a la memoria del trabajo, primeramente se comienza con un análisis del contexto histórico en el que se ubica la calculadora. En el análisis se encuentra también la empresa que la desarrolló y sus creadores. Posteriormente se realiza un breve resumen de las calculadoras más relevante de la empresa Olivetti, incidiendo en la calculadora en la que se inspira el simulador y su funcionamiento. A continuación se explica en rasgos generales el funcionamiento del lenguaje de programación a utilizar y sus elementos. Finalmente, se expone como se ha desarrollado tanto el simulador como la página web para el museo.[CA] L’any 1956 l’empresa Olivetti desenvolupa la màquina de càlcul Olivetti Divisumma 24. Aquesta es consolida com una de les calculadores més competents del mercat a causa de les funcionalitats que ofereix. Entre elles sobreïxen la neciesa amb què es poden realitzar càlculs i imprimir el resultat i la capacitat de realitzar les 4 operacions matemàtiques bàsiques. El present treball se centra en el disseny i la implementació d’un simulador de la calculadora anteriorment mencionada, el simulador s’implementarà mitjançant el llenguatge de programació Scratch. L’objectiu principal de realitzar-ho per mitjà de Scratch és demostrar que amb un llenguatge senzill i accessible a tota mena d’usuaris es pot realitzar un projecte complex. Finalment, una vegada implementat el simulador, s’elaborarà una pàgina web per a introduir-la en la pàgina del Museu d’Informàtica de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Informàtica de manera que es contribuïsca a la difusió cultural. Respecte a la memòria del treball, primerament es comença amb una anàlisi del context històric en què s’ubica la calculadora. En l’anàlisi es troba també l’empresa que la va desenrotllar i els seus creadors. Posteriorment es realitza un breu resum de les calculadores més rellevant de l’empresa Olivetti, incidint en la calculadora en què s’inspira el simulador i el seu funcionament. A continuació s’explica en trets generals el funcionament del llenguatge de programació a utilitzar i els seus elements. Finalment, s’exposa com s’ha desenrotllat tant el simulador com la pàgina web per al museu.[EN] In the year 1956, the Olivetti company developed the Olivetti Divisumma 24 calculation machine. This is consolidated as one of the most competent calculators in the market due to the functionalities it offers. Among them stand out the simplicity with which you can perform calculations and print the result and the ability to perform the 4 basic mathematical operations. The present work focuses on the design and implementation of a simulator of the aforementioned calculator, the simulator will be implemented through the programming language Scratch. The main objective of doing it through Scratch is to demonstrate that with a simple language accessible to all types of users, a complex project can be carried out. Finally, once the simulator has been implemented, a web page will be created to introduce it on the page of the Informatics Museum of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering in order to contribute to cultural dissemination. Regarding the memory of work, first begins with an analysis of the historical context in which the calculator is located. In the analysis is also the company that developed it and its creators. Subsequently a brief summary of the most relevant calculators of the Olivetti company is made, focusing on the calculator on which the simulator is inspired and how it works. Next, the operation of the programming language to be used and its elements are explained in general terms. Finally, it exposed how the simulator and the website for the museum have been developed.Flor Barrio, D. (2019). Arqueología informática: Diseño e implementación de calculadoras Olivetti con Scratch. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/125939TFG

    José Agustín Goytisolo

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    Publicat a ABC

    Analyzing Social Construction of Knowledge Online by Employing Interaction Analysis, Learning Analytics, and Social Network Analysis

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    This article examines research methods for analyzing social construction of knowledge in online discussion forums. We begin with an examination of the Interaction Analysis Model (Gunawardena, Lowe, & Anderson, 1997) and its applicability to analyzing social construction of knowledge. Next, employing a dataset from an online discussion, we demonstrate how interaction analysis can be supplemented by employing other research techniques such as learning analytics and Social Network Analysis that shed light on the social dynamics that support knowledge construction. Learning analytics is the application of quantitative techniques for analyzing large volumes of distributed data ( big data ) in order to discover the factors that contribute to learning (Long & Siemens, 2011, p. 34). Social Network Analysis characterizes the information infrastructure that supports the construction of knowledge in social contexts (Scott, 2012). By combining interaction analysis with learning analytics and Social Network Analysis, we were able to conceptualize the process by which knowledge construction takes place in online platforms

    Phosphorylation-mediated unfolding of a KH domain regulates KSRP localization via 14-3-3 binding

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    The AU-rich element (ARE)-mediated mRNA-degradation activity of the RNA binding K-homology splicing regulator protein (KSRP) is regulated by phosphorylation of a serine within its N-terminal KH domain (KH1). In the cell, phosphorylation promotes the interaction of KSRP and 14-3-3ζ protein and impairs the ability of KSRP to promote the degradation of its RNA targets. Here we examine the molecular details of this mechanism. We report that phosphorylation leads to the unfolding of the structurally atypical and unstable KH1, creating a site for 14-3-3ζ binding. Using this site, 14-3-3ζ discriminates between phosphorylated and unphosphorylated KH1, driving the nuclear localization of KSRP. 14-3-3ζ –KH1 interaction regulates the mRNA-decay activity of KSRP by sequestering the protein in a separate functional pool. This study demonstrates how an mRNA-degradation pathway is connected to extracellular signaling networks through the reversible unfolding of a protein domain.European Molecular Biology Organization 240-2005Italian CIPE-200

    Influencia de la musicoterapia en el Trastorno de espectro autista Grado 1.

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    Language is fundamental in early childhood development and necessary for social skill engagement. Through past decades investigations have dedicated to understand the connection between music and our learning cognitive process, language and symbolic understanding. Investigations that have proven the positive effect in discursive development in people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are two types of music therapy: active and passive. In active therapy, the subject plays an instrument, sings o dance; on the other hand, passive therapy induces patients into a state that allows to have a integration process through listening sessions (20 to 30 minutes) where vibration helps regulate cerebral frequencies. Comparative studies show positive effect with ASD patients in language development, cognitive structures, pattern recognition and verbal intelligence this therapy influence conforms the basis and support later social skills and relationship care.El desarrollo de lenguaje es un pilar fundamental en el desarrollo infantil y necesario para el desarrollo para habilidades sociales. Investigaciones a lo largo de décadas se han dedicado a entender la conexión entre la música y nuestros procesos cognitivos cómo aprendizaje, lenguaje y entendimiento simbólico. Que han demostrado que esta terapia facilita el desarrollo del discurso en pacientes con un trastorno del espectro autista. Existen dos tipos de musicoterapia: activa y pasiva. Donde en la terapia activa el sujeto interpreta un instrumento, canta o danza; por otro lado la terapia pasiva se propone a inducir al paciente a un estado que permita llevar un proceso integro para la persona mediante sesiones de escucha de 20 a 30 minutos donde la vibración y las ondas de la música ayudan a regular las frecuencias cerebrales. Estudios comparativos muestran un efecto positivo con los pacientes en tratamiento en el desarrollo del lenguaje, estructuras cognitivas, reconocimiento de patrones e inteligencia verbal. Conclusiones: Estas influencias de la terapia conforman las bases y soporte que posteriormente ayudan en el sostenimiento de relaciones y habilidades social

    Do potatoes and tomatoes have a single evolutionary history, and what proportion of the genome supports this history?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phylogenies reconstructed with only one or a few independently inherited loci may be unresolved or incongruent due to taxon and gene sampling, horizontal gene transfer, or differential selection and lineage sorting at individual loci. In an effort to remedy this situation, we examined the utility of conserved orthologous set (COSII) nuclear loci to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among 29 diploid <it>Solanum </it>species in the sister clades that include tomato and potato, and in <it>Datura inoxia </it>as a far outgroup. We screened 40 COSII markers with intron content over 60% that are mapped in different chromosomes; selected a subset of 19 by the presence of single band amplification of size mostly between 600 and 1200 bp; sequenced these 19 COSII markers, and performed phylogenetic analyses with individual and concatenated datasets. The present study attempts to provide a fully resolved phylogeny among the main clades in potato and tomato that can help to identify the appropriate markers for future studies using additional species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among potatoes, when total evidence is invoked, one single predominant history is highlighted with complete resolution within and among the three main clades. It also supports the hypothesis of the North and Central American B-genome origin of the tuber-bearing members of <it>Solanum </it>sect. <it>Petota </it>and shows a clear division between A genomes in clades 3 and 4, and B genomes in clade 1+2. On the other hand, when a prior agreement approach is invoked other potato evolutionary histories are revealed but with less support. These alternative histories could be explained by past hybridization, or fast rates of speciation. In the case of tomato, the analyses with all sequence data completely resolved 19 of 21 clades, for the first time revealed the monophyly of five clades, and gave further support for the recent segregation of new species from the former <it>Solanum peruvianum</it>. Concordance analyses revealed and summarized the extensive discordance among COSII markers. Some potential reasons for discordance could be methodological, to include systematic errors due to using a wrong model of sequence evolution, coupled with long branches, or mixtures of branch lengths within COSII, or undetected paralogy or alignment bias. Other reasons could be biological processes such as hybridization or lineage sorting.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study confirms and quantifies the utility of using DNA sequences from different parts of the genome in phylogenetic studies to avoid possible bias in the sampling. It shows that 11–18 loci are enough to get the dominant history in this group of <it>Solanum</it>, but more loci would be needed to discern the distribution of gene genealogies in more depth, and thus detect which mechanism most likely shaped the discordance.</p

    Vineyard area estimation using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery

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    P. 441-452The European Union requires member states to estimate their wine growing potential. For this porpose, most member states have developed or updated vineyard registers. The present study suggests locating vineyards using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery. The work was carried out using Landsat images that were validated for the Designation of Origin "Bierzo", León, SpainS

    Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Multiple Doses of Intravenous Ofloxacin in Healthy Volunteers

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    The safety and pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin in 48 healthy male volunteers were studied in a two-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Ofloxacin (200 or 400 mg) or placebo was administered as 1-h infusions every 12 h for 7 days. Plasma ofloxacin concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Mean harmonic half-lives ranged from 4.28 to 4.98 h in the 200-mg dosing group and from 5.06 to 6.67 h in the 400-mg dosing group. Intragroup comparisons of trough plasma concentration-versus-time data from study days 2 through 7 revealed that steady state was achieved by day 2 of both multiple-dose regimens. Intergroup comparisons of mean harmonic half-lives, the areas under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 12 and 0 to 60 h, clearance, and apparent volume of distribution (area method) revealed that the pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin are dose independent. Both ofloxacin dosage regimens appeared to be reasonably well tolerated. The two dosage regimens of ofloxacin, 200 or 400 mg every 12 h, appear to be safe and provide serum drug concentrations in excess of the MICs for most susceptible pathogens over the entire dosing interval