222 research outputs found

    Response to seasonal drought in three cultivars of Ceratonia siliqua: leaf growth and water relations

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    The responses of leaf growth and leaf water relations to seasonal drought were monitored, during two successive years, in three cultivars of Ceratonia siliqua L. growing in the field, in the South of Portugal. In leaves from the current year growth bulk leaf water relations parameters were characterised using pressure-volume analysis, and morphometric measurements of xylem in petioles were undertaken. The three cultivars under study (Galhosa, Espargal and Mulata) differed as to the seasonal pattern of leaf initiation: in Galhosa a sharp peak of leaf initiation occurred in June, soon before the period in which the highest leaf expansion rates were determined; on the other two cultivars (Espargal and Mulata), not only the onset of leaf growth occurred earlier, but they continued producing new leaves throughout the summer period. The diurnal pattern of water relations determined in recently-expanded leaves indicated that Galhosa was the only cultivar in which, during midsummer, leaf water potential was not decreased below the turgor loss point and leaf relative water content remained above 90%. Although no conclusive evidence was found for the occurrence of osmotic adjustment in recently-expanded leaves, during the dry season following leaf formation a seasonal decrease in osmotic potential sufficient to maintain turgor was detected in the leaves of Galhosa but not for the other cultivars. As to the anatomy of the xylem at the petioles, the widest xylem conduits were recorded in Galhosa. This might contribute to explain why in this cultivar midday leaf water potential never decreased below –2.0 MPa even at the end of summer drought season

    Marine Isotope Stage 11c in Europe:Recent advances in marine–terrestrial correlations and their implications for interglacial stratigraphy – a review

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    The interglacial known as MIS 11c (c. 426 000–396 000 years ago) receives intensive international interest because of its perceived role as an analogue for the current interglacial and its importance for understanding future climate change. Here we review the current understanding of the stratigraphy of this interglacial in Europe. This study considers (i) the evidence for the environmental history of this interglacial as reconstructed from the varved lake records from northern Europe, (ii) the climate history of MIS 11c as preserved in the long pollen records of southern Europe and (iii) a comparison of both of these with marine records from the North Atlantic. The result of this review is a discussion of the evidence for millennial and centennial scale climate change found in European records of MIS 11c,the patterns of warming that are seen across this interglacial and the discrepancy in aspects of the duration of this interglacial that seems to exist between the marine and terrestrial records of this warm period. A review of the recent advances in the study of MIS 11c in Europe confirms its importance for understanding both the past evolution of the Holocene and the future patterns of long-term climate change

    Challenges in the Definitive Diagnosis of Niemann–Pick Type C—Leaky Variants and Alternative Transcripts

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    (This article belongs to the Section Genetic Diagnosis)Niemann-Pick type C (NPC, ORPHA: 646) is a neuro-visceral, psychiatric disease caused predominantly by pathogenic variants in the NPC1 gene or seldom in NPC2. The rarity of the disease, and its wide range of clinical phenotypes and ages of onset, turn the diagnosis into a significant challenge. Other than the detailed clinical history, the typical diagnostic work-up for NPC includes the quantification of pathognomonic metabolites. However, the molecular basis diagnosis is still of utmost importance to fully characterize the disorder. Here, the authors provide an overview of splicing variants in the NPC1 and NPC2 genes and propose a new workflow for NPC diagnosis. Splicing variants cover a significant part of the disease-causing variants in NPC. The authors used cDNA analysis to study the impact of such variants, including the collection of data to classify them as leaky or non-leaky pathogenic variants. However, the presence of naturally occurring spliced transcripts can misdiagnose or mask a pathogenic variant and make the analysis even more difficult. Analysis of the NPC1 cDNA in NPC patients in parallel with controls is vital to assess and detect alternatively spliced forms. Moreover, nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) analysis plays an essential role in evaluating the naturally occurring transcripts during cDNA analysis and distinguishing them from other pathogenic variants' associated transcripts.This research was funded by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the project EXPL/BTM-TEC/1477/2021. This work was also financially supported with funding from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/00211/2020) through national funds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Financial inclusion in Mexico ¿Where we are? A theoretical reflection

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    Looking into Mexico’s situation regarding financial inclusion, we find there is a lot to do. Financial inclusion should be a more inclusive and important concept and turn into a global agenda. Therefore, financial inclusion is defined as the access and use of financial services under an appropriate regulation that guarantees protection schemes for consumers and promotes financial education in order to improve financial capabilities in all population segments. During the investigation to approach the concepts of access, use, protection and defense of consumers as well as financial education. It is concluded that the financial inclusion topic not only refers to the number of people linked to the financial system through savings and credit, but also to the efficient access to payment systems and tools. This topic is defined as the ease of access to the range of financial products and services, that allow people to effectively manage their money, regardless of their income level or social status. The importance of implementing this inclusion process is the cost implied by not being prepared for a healthy financial life; the less knowledge one has, the greater the debt incurred, and the quality of life is affected. Heightening, in this way, the economic differences in the population and forcing the policies sought for by the government to compensate for the damage caused by disinformation

    An Evaluation of the Contemporary Uses and Cultural Significance of Mammals in Mexico

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    We evaluated current uses of wild mammals by indigenous and mestizo communities in Mexico by extracting data from 59 sources published or produced between 1987–2017, covering data from 240 localities and 3,905 questionnaires. We then calculated a Cultural Value Index (CVI) previously applied to plants to quantify resource use and assess the cultural significance of each mammal. A total of 82 species were reported, and the animals with the highest cultural importance according to their CVI (in brackets) were two species of deer (Odocoileus virginianus [18.32] and Mazama temama [10.04]), as well as the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus [14.18]), white-nosed coati (Nasua narica [14.75]), collared peccary (Pecari tajaccu [11.90]), northern raccoon (Procyon lotor [11.28]) and spotted paca (Cuniculus paca [9.84]). The most common uses were for food, to reduce the damage or harm they cause, and for medicinal purposes, with O. virginianus, P. lotor, N. narica, and D. novemcinctus frequently hunted for all these reasons. Our analysis also highlighted the hunting of rarer species of national conservation concern, including commercial trading of body parts of the felids Panthera onca, Leopardus pardalis, and Leopardus wiedii. By quantifying the ethnozoological significance of wildlife to indigenous communities, indices such as CVI provide a robust measure of the extent of use and preference for particular species or taxa. This adds to the body of evidence used to develop effective regulations and laws related to harvesting and hunting, and helps promote a more sustainable and long-term approach to the use of natural resources

    Indicadores preditivos do autocuidado – revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Introduction: Self-care is recognized as a crucial concept for nursing care, specifically for rehabilitation nursing. The major goals of this systematic literature review were to identify the predictive indicators of self-care ability in adults, as well as to identify the methods to assess self-care ability in adults.Methodology: It was developed a systematic and precise process method. Then we searched at some data bases that were integrated on the EBSCO Host platform. We accepted studies that were published in academic journals between September 1, 2011 and September 30, 2021. This review includes a total of seven studies.Results: After further research, it was identified three classes of predictive indicators of self-care ability: Personal, Organizational and Social. Also noteworthy is the identification of the validity of use of 2 self-care capacity assessment instruments: Self-care Ability Scale for Elderly and Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale.Discussion: Through the evaluation of these indicators, it is possible to outline strategies to enhance the facilitating factors of self-care and to remove, minimize or overcome the identified barriers, in order to maximize the person's functionality and develop their capacity for self-care.Conclusion: It was infer that, when measuring a patient's self-care abilities, the nurse should consider these three classes and valid assessment instruments. Complemmentary studies are suggested to validate the three classes of indicators.Introducción: El autocuidado es relevante para la Enfermería y para la práctica de la Enfermería de Rehabilitación(1–3). Los objetivos de este estudio fueron identificar los indicadores predictivos de la capacidad de autocuidado de la persona adulta e identificar el(los) método(s) de evaluación de la capacidad de autocuidado de la persona adulta. Metodología: Se realizó Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura (SLR). Los estudios fueron obtenidos en bases de datos insertadas en la plataforma EBSCO Host. Se aceptaron estudios indexados en revistas académicas entre el 1 de septiembre de 2011 y el 30 de septiembre de 2021. Esta revisión incluye siete estudios. Resultados: Se destaca la identificación de tres clases de indicadores predictivos de la capacidad de autocuidado: Personal, Organizacional y Social. También cabe destacar la identificación de la validez de uso de 2 instrumentos de evaluación de la capacidad de autocuidado: Self-care Ability Scale for Elderly y Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale. Discusión: La evaluación de los indicadores permite identificar estrategias para potenciar los factores facilitadores del autocuidado y la superación de barreras, para maximizar la funcionalidad de la persona y desarrollar su capacidad de autocuidado. Conclusión: El Enfermero debe considerar estos indicadores y utilizar Instrumentos de Evaluación válidos para evaluar y controlar la capacidad de autocuidado de la persona. Se sugieren estudios complementarios para validar las tres clases de indicadores identificados.Introdução: O Autocuidado é um conceito relevante para a prática de Enfermagem e particularmente para a Enfermagem de Reabilitação. Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar os indicadores preditivos da capacidade de autocuidado da pessoa adulta e identificar o(s) método(s) de avaliação da capacidade de autocuidado da pessoa adulta. Metodologia: Procedeu-se à Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL). Os estudos foram obtidos através de pesquisa em bases de dados eletrónicas inseridas na plataforma EBSCO Host. Admitiram-se estudos indexados em revistas académicas entre 1 de setembro de 2011 e 30 de setembro de 2021. Foram incluídos 7 estudos na RSL. Resultados: Identificaram-se 3 classes de indicadores preditivos da capacidade de autocuidado: Pessoais, Organizacionais e Sociais. Destaca-se ainda a identificação de validade de utilização de 2 instrumentos de avaliação da capacidade de autocuidado: Self-care Ability Scale for Elderly e Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale. Discussão: Através da avaliação destes indicadores é possível delinear estratégias para potenciar os fatores facilitadores do autocuidado e remover, minimizar ou ultrapassar as barreiras identificadas, de forma a maximizar a funcionalidade da pessoa e desenvolver a sua capacidade de autocuidado. Conclusão: O Enfermeiro deve considerar estas três classes na avaliação da pessoa e utilizar Instrumentos de Avaliação válidos para avaliar e monitorizar a capacidade de autocuidado da pessoa. Sugere-se realização de estudos complementares para validar as três classes de indicadores identificados

    From a Conventional to an Inclusive Teaching Classroom

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    Inclusive education constitutes a point of inclination in policy development and care practices to student populations and social diversity. There are goals and strategies in the Mexican educational system which demonstrate the government’s interest to promote equity and equality opportunities for the entire vulnerable population. These policies are based on the need to recognize the right of people with special educational needs to quality education. Consequently, one of the goals of Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2019-2024, it is a social policy which has actions to offer education for the entire population and sustainable development. Therefore, El Tecnológico Nacional de México contributes with a cross-cutting strategy to the evolution with inclusion, total equality and sustainable development through inclusive education. In this understanding, the purpose of this project is to design an action plan which allows to change a conventional teaching classroom to an inclusive teaching classroom in order to attend people with special educational needs belonging to priority groups of Tecnológico Nacional de México

    Travel Time Estimation from Multiple Data Sources

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    Travel time is the best indicator of the level of service in a road link, and perhaps the most important variable for measuring congestion. This paper presents a method for estimating accurate travel times in toll highways using data from multiple sources, as loop detectors and toll tickets. The proposed methodology consists of a data fusion technique using different travel time estimations in order to obtain a more accurate fused value with less error than individual estimations by itself. Finally results obtained in the application of the methodology to the AP-7 highway, near Barcelona in Spain, are presented.Peer Reviewe

    Plasticity of Dendritic Spines. Not Only for Cognitive Processes

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    Excitatory synaptic transmission is associated with the input of “new” information at synaptic junctions established by dendritic spines. The role that each type of spine plays in the transmission of the synaptic impulses is different. Indeed, there is a close relationship between the shape of spines and the differential processing of the excitatory synaptic information that is relayed to them, influencing in turn the transmission of synaptic information related to several psychoneural processes

    Implementación del mantenimiento productivo total (TPM) para incrementar la productividad en la empresa Miguel Ángel S.A.C 2022

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    El objetivo general de esta investigación es incrementar la productividad de la línea de cocido de la empresa Miguel Ángel SAC aplicando el mantenimiento productivo total. La metodología empleada es de método aplicado, enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño preexperimental con una muestra igual a la población conformada por 7 máquinas de la línea de cocido. Los resultados hallados mostraron que la causa raíz de la baja productividad fue la falta de mantenimiento preventivo y la capacitación insuficiente de los operadores; MTBF, MTTR y disponibilidad de la máquina fueron de 16.22 horas, 8.23 horas y 69.25% respectivamente, de igual forma la productividad de la máquina y mano de obra fue de 235.92 cajas de conservas de pescado / hora máquina y 4 cajas de conservas de pescado / hora hombre, para lo cual se implementó TPM obteniendo MTBF, MTTR y disponibilidad de máquina de 65.76 horas, 3.38 horas y 95.17% respectivamente, y se tuvo un aumento de 25.92 horas efectivas de trabajo, por último, el OEE de la línea de cocido resultó 90.07% mostrando que la producción planificada es productiva. Como conclusión se tuvo que la productividad de máquina y mano de obra aumentaron un total de 18.0% y 89.3% respectivamente