706 research outputs found

    Sex Differences in Attributions to Positive and Negative Sexual Scenarios in Men and Women With and Without Sexual Problems: Reconsidering Stereotypes

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    People with sexual problems are more likely to attribute negative sexual experiences to themselves, in contrast to sexually functional individuals who attribute negative sexual experiences to external factors such as the circumstance or partner. We investigated attribution patterns in 820 men and 753 women, some of whom reported an orgasmic problem, to assess differences between the sexes and those with and without an orgasmic difficulty. Specifically, using an Internet-based approach, we compared attribution responses to four sexual scenarios, one representing a positive sexual experience and three representing negative sexual experiences. Women were more likely to attribute positive outcomes to their partner than men. Women were also more likely to attribute negative outcomes to themselves than men, but they more readily blamed their partner and circumstances for negative outcomes than men as well. Those with orgasmic problems were less willing to take credit for positive outcomes and more willing to accept blame for negative outcomes. Interaction effects between sex and orgasmic problems further highlighted differences between men’s and women’s attribution patterns. These results are interpreted in the context of traditional notions that men’s attributions tend to be more self-serving and women’s attributions more self-derogatory

    Time Finds Its Place in the Hippocampus

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    In this issue of Neuron, Kraus et al. (2013) show that a population of “time cells” in the hippocampus responds to the passage of time rather than simply reflecting path integration. This study advances our understanding of how time is represented in the hippocampus

    Finasteride as a model for personalized medicine

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    The side effects of Finasteride are currently a subject of controversy. Some studies report minor or acceptable adverse effects, which decrease after a variable period of time so that they do not necessitate terminating Finasteride administration. However, several clinical and neuro-endocrine studies show that some adverse effects persist indefinitely in the form of post-Finasteride syndrome, even after the drug cessation. This paper presents a possible explanation for these inconsistent findings. First, the study design of either informing or not informing patients prior therapy about possible adverse effects can influence the incidence and magnitude of reported adverse effects. Second, structural and information dichotomies of the brain generate four distinct neuronal networks, which are activated through specific cerebral neuromodulators and that are able to support four distinct minds within an individual body. As a conclusion, the “mind psychophysiology” and the corresponding mental impairments differ across individuals, such that not only the prediction of adverse effects should be addressed from a more individualized medical perspective, but also the therapeutic strategies could be tailored to the four distinct mental profiles described. It is a personalized approach that would be applicable to several interrelated domains of neuroscience, like psychology, psychiatry and sexuality. Finally, this perspective may represent a starting point for a more individualized understanding of mental events, perhaps even a step forward in the understanding of the mind-body problem

    Sex Differences in Attributions to Positive and Negative Sexual Scenarios in Men and Women With and Without Sexual Problems: Reconsidering Stereotypes

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    People with sexual problems are more likely to attribute negative sexual experiences to themselves, in contrast to sexually functional individuals who attribute negative sexual experiences to external factors such as the circumstance or partner. We investigated attribution patterns in 820 men and 753 women, some of whom reported an orgasmic problem, to assess differences between the sexes and those with and without an orgasmic difficulty. Specifically, using an Internet-based approach, we compared attribution responses to four sexual scenarios, one representing a positive sexual experience and three representing negative sexual experiences. Women were more likely to attribute positive outcomes to their partner than men. Women were also more likely to attribute negative outcomes to themselves than men, but they more readily blamed their partner and circumstances for negative outcomes than men as well. Those with orgasmic problems were less willing to take credit for positive outcomes and more willing to accept blame for negative outcomes. Interaction effects between sex and orgasmic problems further highlighted differences between men’s and women’s attribution patterns. These results are interpreted in the context of traditional notions that men’s attributions tend to be more self-serving and women’s attributions more self-derogatory


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    Wyoming suppors approximately 20% of the Rocky Mountain population (RMP) of greater sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis tabida), as well as a number of whooping cranes (Grus americana) from the Grays Lake, Idaho flock. Cranes begin arriving on post-migration staging areas in Wyoming in mid-March and disperse to summer habitat in April or May, depending on snow cover. Fall pre-migration, staging peaks around mid-September; most cranes leave the state by 1 October. Wet meadows and gram fIelds were the major habitat types used by cranes in Wyoming 1985-1987. Use in these types ranged from 69- 100% of total observations in any given 2-week period. Important grains included barley, wheat and oats. Wet meadows were typically either seasonally flooded wetlands or flood-irrigated haylands. Alfalfa fields and cattailbulrush (Typha sp./Scirpus sp.) marshes were also important habitats for cranes

    Bait flavor preference and immunogenicity of ONRAB baits in domestic dogs on the Navajo Nation, Arizona

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    Rabies is responsible for an estimated 59,000 human deaths worldwide, and domestic dogs are the primary reservoir and vector of the disease. Among some nations, widespread vaccination has led to elimination of rabies in domestic dogs, yet dogs are still susceptible to rabies infection from interactions with wildlife reservoirs. On Tribal lands in the United States, less than 20% of domestic dogs are vaccinated for rabies, and parenteral vaccination is often unfeasible. Oral rabies vaccination may provide a solution, but a suitable bait flavor and vaccine must be identified. We evaluated 5 bait flavors (bacon, cheese, egg, fish, and sweet) in pairwise flavor-preference trials using placebo Ultralite baits in 26 domestic dogs on the Navajo Nation, Arizona. Each bait flavor was offered a total of 104 times. In all paired comparisons, bacon was more frequently preferred to the alternative. The sweet flavor (the flavor used operationally for oral rabies vaccine (ORV) distribution in Canada) was least preferred. Forty domestic dogs were offered baits containing ONRAB ORV: 14 received the sweet-flavored bait packet and 26 received bacon-flavored baits. Serum was collected from dogs before vaccination and at day 14 and 30 or 37 days after vaccination. Thirty-seven dogs consumed the baits, 2 baits (both sweet flavored) were chewed and spit out, and 1 (sweet flavored) was swallowed without apparent chewing (gulped). Eight dogs had preexisting rabies virus neutralizing antibody (RVNA) titers and 13 naĂŻve dogs failed to seroconvert during the study period. Overall, 27 dogs (67.5%) showed increased RVNA titers after vaccination, including 1 dog who chewed and spit out the bait and all dogs with positive baseline RVNA titers. Geometric mean titers for all dogs that seroconverted during the study period peaked at day 14 (1.2 IU/ mL; n = 24) and decreased slightly by the final sampling day (0.8 IU/mL; n = 27).We conclude that bacon flavor may be a suitable bait flavor for ORV distribution in loosely kept or free-roaming domestic dogs. Seroconversion among dogs who ingested ONRAB-filled baits was variable. Why 13 dogs who consumed ORV baits failed to seroconvert remains unknown. Additional research to improve seroconversion rates in domestic dogs after vaccination with ONRAB is recommended

    Bait flavor preference and immunogenicity of ONRAB baits in domestic dogs on the Navajo Nation, Arizona

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    Rabies is responsible for an estimated 59,000 human deaths worldwide, and domestic dogs are the primary reservoir and vector of the disease. Among some nations, widespread vaccination has led to elimination of rabies in domestic dogs, yet dogs are still susceptible to rabies infection from interactions with wildlife reservoirs. On Tribal lands in the United States, less than 20% of domestic dogs are vaccinated for rabies, and parenteral vaccination is often unfeasible. Oral rabies vaccination may provide a solution, but a suitable bait flavor and vaccine must be identified. We evaluated 5 bait flavors (bacon, cheese, egg, fish, and sweet) in pairwise flavor-preference trials using placebo Ultralite baits in 26 domestic dogs on the Navajo Nation, Arizona. Each bait flavor was offered a total of 104 times. In all paired comparisons, bacon was more frequently preferred to the alternative. The sweet flavor (the flavor used operationally for oral rabies vaccine (ORV) distribution in Canada) was least preferred. Forty domestic dogs were offered baits containing ONRAB ORV: 14 received the sweet-flavored bait packet and 26 received bacon-flavored baits. Serum was collected from dogs before vaccination and at day 14 and 30 or 37 days after vaccination. Thirty-seven dogs consumed the baits, 2 baits (both sweet flavored) were chewed and spit out, and 1 (sweet flavored) was swallowed without apparent chewing (gulped). Eight dogs had preexisting rabies virus neutralizing antibody (RVNA) titers and 13 naĂŻve dogs failed to seroconvert during the study period. Overall, 27 dogs (67.5%) showed increased RVNA titers after vaccination, including 1 dog who chewed and spit out the bait and all dogs with positive baseline RVNA titers. Geometric mean titers for all dogs that seroconverted during the study period peaked at day 14 (1.2 IU/ mL; n = 24) and decreased slightly by the final sampling day (0.8 IU/mL; n = 27).We conclude that bacon flavor may be a suitable bait flavor for ORV distribution in loosely kept or free-roaming domestic dogs. Seroconversion among dogs who ingested ONRAB-filled baits was variable. Why 13 dogs who consumed ORV baits failed to seroconvert remains unknown. Additional research to improve seroconversion rates in domestic dogs after vaccination with ONRAB is recommended

    Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and the Influence of T Regulatory Cells: A Cohort Study in the Gambia

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    The factors associated with the development of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV patients commencing antiretroviral therapy have not been fully elucidated. Using a longitudinal study design, this study addressed whether alteration in the levels of T regulatory cells contributed to the development of IRIS in a West African cohort of HIV-1 and HIV-2 patients. Seventy-one HIV infected patients were prospectively recruited to the study and followed up for six months. The patients were categorized as IRIS or non-IRIS cases following published clinical guidelines. The levels of T regulatory cells were measured using flow cytometry at baseline and all follow-up visits. Baseline cytokine levels of IL-2, IL-6, IFN-(Gamma), TNF-(Alpha), MIP-1(Beta), IL-1, IL-12, IL-13, and IL-10 were measured in all patients

    Lunar drill and test apparatus

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    The design of an experimental lunar drill and a facility to test the drill under simulated lunar conditions is described. The drill utilizes a polycrystalline diamond compact drag bit and an auger to mechanically remove cuttings from the hole. The drill will be tested in a vacuum chamber and powered through a vacuum seal by a drive mechanism located above the chamber. A general description of the design is provided followed by a detailed description and analysis of each component. Recommendations for the further development of the design are included
