216 research outputs found

    Multicenter, randomized study to optimize bowel for colon capsule endoscopy

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    AIM To assess the cleansing efficacy and safety of a new Colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) bowel preparation regimen. METHODS This was a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled study comparing two CCE regimens. Subjects were asymptomatic and average risk for colorectal cancer. The second generation CCE system (PillCam® COLON 2; Medtronic, Yoqneam, Israel) was utilized. Preparation regimens differed in the 1st and 2nd boosts with the Study regimen using oral sulfate solution (89 mL) with diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium solution (“diatrizoate solution”) (boost 1 = 60 mL, boost 2 = 30 mL) and the Control regimen oral sulfate solution (89 mL) alone. The primary outcome was overall and segmental colon cleansing. Secondary outcomes included safety, polyp detection, colonic transit, CCE completion and capsule excretion = 12 h. RESULTS Both regimens had similar cleansing efficacy for the whole colon (Adequate: Study = 75.9%, Control = 77.3%; P = 0.88) and individual segments. In the Study group, CCE completion was superior (Study = 90.9%, Control = 76.9%; P = 0.048) and colonic transit was more often \u3c 40 min (Study = 21.8%, Control = 4%; P = 0.0073). More Study regimen subjects experienced adverse events (Study = 19.4%, Control = 3.4%; P = 0.0061), and this difference did not appear related to diatrizoate solution. Adverse events were primarily gastrointestinal in nature and no serious adverse events related either to the bowel preparation regimen or the capsule were observed. There was a trend toward higher polyp detection with the Study regimen, but this did not achieve statistical significance for any size category. Mean transit time through the entire gastrointestinal tract, from ingestion to excretion, was shorter with the Study regimen while mean colonic transit times were similar for both study groups. CONCLUSION A CCE bowel preparation regimen using oral sulfate solution and diatrizoate solution as a boost agent is effective, safe, and achieved superior CCE completion. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved

    A Resolved Ring of Debris Dust around the Solar Analog HD 107146

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    We present resolved images of the dust continuum emission from the debris disk around the young (80-200 Myr) solar-type star HD 107146 with CARMA at λ = 1.3 mm and the CSO at λ = 350 μ. Both images show that the dust emission extends over an approximately 10" diameter region. The high-resolution (3") CARMA image further reveals that the dust is distributed in a partial ring with significant decrease in a flux inward of 97 AU. Two prominent emission peaks appear within the ring separated by ~140° in the position angle. The morphology of the dust emission is suggestive of dust captured into a mean motion resonance, which would imply the presence of a planet at an orbital radius of ~45-75 AU

    Dynamically Driven Evolution of the Interstellar Medium in M51

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    Massive star formation occurs in giant molecular clouds (GMCs); an understanding of the evolution of GMCs is a prerequisite to develop theories of star formation and galaxy evolution. We report the highest-fidelity observations of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 in carbon monoxide (CO) emission, revealing the evolution of GMCs vis-a-vis the large-scale galactic structure and dynamics. The most massive GMCs (giant molecular associations (GMAs)) are first assembled and then broken up as the gas flow through the spiral arms. The GMAs and their H_2 molecules are not fully dissociated into atomic gas as predicted in stellar feedback scenarios, but are fragmented into smaller GMCs upon leaving the spiral arms. The remnants of GMAs are detected as the chains of GMCs that emerge from the spiral arms into interarm regions. The kinematic shear within the spiral arms is sufficient to unbind the GMAs against self-gravity. We conclude that the evolution of GMCs is driven by large-scale galactic dynamics—their coagulation into GMAs is due to spiral arm streaming motions upon entering the arms, followed by fragmentation due to shear as they leave the arms on the downstream side. In M51, the majority of the gas remains molecular from arm entry through the interarm region and into the next spiral arm passage

    Molecular Gas in the z=1.2 Ultraluminous Merger GOODS J123634.53+621241.3

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    We report the detection of CO(2-1) emission from the z=1.2 ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) GOODS J123634.53+621241.3 (also known as the sub-millimeter galaxy GN26). These observations represent the first discovery of high-redshift CO emission using the new Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (CARMA). Of all high-redshift (z>1) galaxies within the GOODS-North field, this source has the largest far-infrared (FIR) flux observed in the Spitzer 70um and 160um bands. The CO redshift confirms the optical identification of the source, and the bright CO(2-1) line suggests the presence of a large molecular gas reservoir of about 7x10^10 M(sun). The infrared-to-CO luminosity ratio of L(IR)/L'(CO) = 80+/-30 L(sun) (K Km/s pc^2)^-1 is slightly smaller than the average ratio found in local ULIRGs and high-redshift sub-millimeter galaxies. The short star-formation time scale of about 70 Myr is consistent with a starburst associated with the merger event and is much shorter than the time scales for spiral galaxies and estimates made for high-redshift galaxies selected on the basis of their B-z and z-K colors.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Noise reduction in gravitational wave interferometers using feedback

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    We show that the quantum locking scheme recently proposed by Courty {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 90}, 083601 (2003)] for the reduction of back action noise is able to significantly improve the sensitivity of the next generation of gravitational wave interferometers.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, in print in the Special Issue of J. Opt. B on Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optic

    Dynamically Driven Evolution of the Interstellar Medium in M51

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    We report the highest-fidelity observations of the spiral galaxy M51 in CO emission, revealing the evolution of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) vis-a-vis the large-scale galactic structure and dynamics. The most massive GMCs (so-called GMAs) are first assembled and then broken up as the gas flow through the spiral arms. The GMAs and their H2 molecules are not fully dissociated into atomic gas as predicted in stellar feedback scenarios, but are fragmented into smaller GMCs upon leaving the spiral arms. The remnants of GMAs are detected as the chains of GMCs that emerge from the spiral arms into interarm regions. The kinematic shear within the spiral arms is sufficient to unbind the GMAs against self-gravity. We conclude that the evolution of GMCs is driven by large-scale galactic dynamics --their coagulation into GMAs is due to spiral arm streaming motions upon entering the arms, followed by fragmentation due to shear as they leave the arms on the downstream side. In M51, the majority of the gas remains molecular from arm entry through the inter-arm region and into the next spiral arm passage.Comment: 6 pages, including 3 figures. Accepted, ApJ

    Ozone deposition to a coastal sea : Comparison of eddy covariance observations with reactive air-sea exchange models

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    A fast-response (10 Hz) chemiluminescence detector for ozone (O3) was used to determine O3 fluxes using the eddy covariance technique at the Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory (PPAO) on the south coast of the UK during April and May 2018. The median O3 flux was-0.132 mgm-2 h-1 (0.018 ppbvms-1), corresponding to a deposition velocity of 0.037 cm s-1 (interquartile range 0.017-0.065 cm s-1)-similar to the higher values previously reported for open-ocean flux measurements but not as high as some other coastal results. We demonstrate that a typical single flux observation was above the 2 limit of detection but had considerable uncertainty. The median 2 uncertainty of deposition velocity was 0.031 cm s-1 for each 20 min period, which reduces with the square root of the sample size. Eddy covariance footprint analysis of the site indicates that the flux footprint was predominantly over water (96 %), varying with atmospheric stability and, to a lesser extent, with the tide. At very low wind speeds when the atmosphere was typically unstable, the observed ozone deposition velocity was elevated, most likely because the footprint contracted to include a greater land contribution in these conditions. At moderate to high wind speeds when atmospheric stability was near-neutral, the ozone deposition velocity increased with wind speed and showed a linear dependence with friction velocity. This observed dependence on friction velocity (and therefore also wind speed) is consistent with the predictions from the one-layer model of Fairall et al. (2007), which parameterises the oceanic deposition of ozone from the fundamental conservation equation, accounting for both ocean turbulence and near-surface chemical destruction, while assuming that chemical O3 destruction by iodide is distributed over depth. In contrast to our observations, the deposition velocity predicted by the recently developed two-layer model of Luhar et al. (2018) (which considers iodide reactivity in both layers but with molecular diffusivity dominating over turbulent diffusivity in the first layer) shows no major dependence of deposition velocity on wind speed and underestimates the measured deposition velocities. These results call for further investigation into the mechanisms and control of oceanic O3 deposition

    Efficacy of Sofosbuvir, Velpatasvir, and GS-9857 in Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 2, 3, 4, or 6 Infections in an Open-Label, Phase 2 Trial

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    Background & Aims Studies are needed to determine the optimal regimen for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 2, 3, 4, or 6 infections whose prior course of antiviral therapy has failed, and the feasibility of shortening treatment duration. We performed a phase 2 study to determine the efficacy and safety of the combination of the nucleotide polymerase inhibitor sofosbuvir, the NS5A inhibitor velpatasvir, and the NS3/4A protease inhibitor GS-9857 in these patients. Methods We performed a multicenter, open-label trial at 32 sites in the United States and 2 sites in New Zealand from March 3, 2015 to April 27, 2015. Our study included 128 treatment-naïve and treatment-experienced patients (1 with HCV genotype 1b; 33 with HCV genotype 2; 74 with HCV genotype 3; 17 with genotype HCV 4; and 3 with HCV genotype 6), with or without compensated cirrhosis. All patients received sofosbuvir-velpatasvir (400 mg/100 mg fixed-dose combination tablet) and GS-9857 (100 mg) once daily for 6–12 weeks. The primary end point was sustained virologic response 12 weeks after treatment (SVR12). Results After 6 weeks of treatment, SVR12s were achieved by 88% of treatment-naïve patients without cirrhosis (29 of 33; 95% confidence interval, 72%–97%). After 8 weeks of treatment, SVR12s were achieved by 93% of treatment-naïve patients with cirrhosis (28 of 30; 95% CI, 78%–99%). After 12 weeks of treatment, SVR12s were achieved by all treatment-experienced patients without cirrhosis (36 of 36; 95% CI, 90%–100%) and 97% of treatment-experienced patients with cirrhosis (28 of 29; 95% CI, 82%–100%). The most common adverse events were headache, diarrhea, fatigue, and nausea. Three patients (1%) discontinued treatment due to adverse events. Conclusions In a phase 2 open-label trial, we found sofosbuvir-velpatasvir plus GS-9857 (8 weeks in treatment-naïve patients or 12 weeks in treatment-experienced patients) to be safe and effective for patients with HCV genotype 2, 3, 4, or 6 infections, with or without compensated cirrhosis

    The CARMA Paired Antenna Calibration System: Atmospheric Phase Correction for Millimeter Wave Interferometry and its Application to Mapping the Ultraluminous Galaxy Arp 193

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    Phase fluctuations introduced by the atmosphere are the main limiting factor in attaining diffraction limited performance in extended interferometric arrays at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. We report the results of C-PACS, the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy Paired Antenna Calibration System. We present a systematic study of several hundred test observations taken during the 2009–2010 winter observing season where we utilize CARMA's eight 3.5 m antennas to monitor an atmospheric calibrator while simultaneously acquiring science observations with 6.1 and 10.4 m antennas on baselines ranging from a few hundred meters to ~2 km. We find that C-PACS is systematically successful at improving coherence on long baselines under a variety of atmospheric conditions. We find that the angular separation between the atmospheric calibrator and target source is the most important consideration, with consistently successful phase correction at CARMA requiring a suitable calibrator located ≾6° away from the science target. We show that cloud cover does not affect the success of C-PACS. We demonstrate C-PACS in typical use by applying it to the observations of the nearby very luminous infrared galaxy Arp 193 in ^(12)CO(2-1) at a linear resolution of ≈70 pc (0".12 × 0".18), 3 times better than previously published molecular maps of this galaxy. We resolve the molecular disk rotation kinematics and the molecular gas distribution and measure the gas surface densities and masses on 90 pc scales. We find that molecular gas constitutes ~30% of the dynamical mass in the inner 700 pc of this object with a surface density ~10^4 M_⊙ pc^(−2); we compare these properties to those of the starburst region of NGC 253