5,910 research outputs found

    Magnetohydrodynamic activity inside a sphere

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    We present a computational method to solve the magnetohydrodynamic equations in spherical geometry. The technique is fully nonlinear and wholly spectral, and uses an expansion basis that is adapted to the geometry: Chandrasekhar-Kendall vector eigenfunctions of the curl. The resulting lower spatial resolution is somewhat offset by being able to build all the boundary conditions into each of the orthogonal expansion functions and by the disappearance of any difficulties caused by singularities at the center of the sphere. The results reported here are for mechanically and magnetically isolated spheres, although different boundary conditions could be studied by adapting the same method. The intent is to be able to study the nonlinear dynamical evolution of those aspects that are peculiar to the spherical geometry at only moderate Reynolds numbers. The code is parallelized, and will preserve to high accuracy the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) invariants of the system (global energy, magnetic helicity, cross helicity). Examples of results for selective decay and mechanically-driven dynamo simulations are discussed. In the dynamo cases, spontaneous flips of the dipole orientation are observed.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures. Improved figures, in press in Physics of Fluid

    Courteous Cars: Decentralized Multiagent Traffic Coordination

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    A major goal in robotics is to develop machines that perform useful tasks with minimal supervision. Instead of requiring each small detail to be specified, we would like to describe the task at a high level and have the system autonomously execute in a manner that satisfies that desired task. While the single robot case is difficult enough, moving to a multirobot behavior adds another layer of challenges. Having every robot achieve its specific goals while contributing to a global coordinated task requires each robot to react to information about other robots, for example, to avoid collisions. Furthermore, each robot must incorporate new information into its decision framework to react to environmental changes induced by other robots since this knowledge may effect its behavior

    Mutant huntingtin enhances activation of dendritic Kv4 K+ channels in striatal spiny projection neurons

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    Huntington\u27s disease (HD) is initially characterized by an inability to suppress unwanted movements, a deficit attributable to impaired synaptic activation of striatal indirect pathway spiny projection neurons (iSPNs). To better understand the mechanisms underlying this deficit, striatal neurons in ex vivo brain slices from mouse genetic models of HD were studied using electrophysiological, optical and biochemical approaches. Distal dendrites of iSPNs from symptomatic HD mice were hypoexcitable, a change that was attributable to increased association of dendritic Kv4 potassium channels with auxiliary KChIP subunits. This association was negatively modulated by TrkB receptor signaling. Dendritic excitability of HD iSPNs was rescued by knocking-down expression of Kv4 channels, by disrupting KChIP binding, by restoring TrkB receptor signaling or by lowering mutant-Htt (mHtt) levels with a zinc finger protein. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that mHtt induces reversible alterations in the dendritic excitability of iSPNs that could contribute to the motor symptoms of HD

    Altitude of the Potentiometric Surface in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer, Spring 2018

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    The Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer is an important surficial aquifer in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) area. The aquifer is generally considered to be an unconfined aquifer (fig. 1; Clark and others, 2011), and withdrawals are primarily used for irrigation (Maupin and Barber, 2005). These groundwater withdrawals have resulted in substantial areas of water-level decline in parts of the aquifer. Concerns about water-level declines and the sustainability of the MRVA aquifer have prompted the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as part of the USGS Water Availability and Use Science Program and with assistance from other Federal, State, and local agencies, to undertake a regional water-availability study to assess the characteristics of the MRVA aquifer, including the potentiometric-surface altitude of the MRVA aquifer for spring 2018, and to provide information to water managers to inform their decisions about resource allocations and aquifer sustainability. The purpose of this report was to present a potentiometric-surface map for the MRVA aquifer using manually measured groundwater-altitude data and daily mean or maximum groundwater-altitude data from wells measured generally in spring 2018, which is after water levels have substantially recovered from pumping in the previous irrigation season and before pumping begins for the next irrigation season, and using the altitude of the top of the water surface in rivers in the area, hereinafter referred to as “surface-water altitude,” generally on April 10, 2018, from streamgages in the area. The term “potentiometric surface” is used in this report because it is applicable for maps of the groundwater-altitude surface in unconfined, semiconfined, and confined aquifers (Lohman, 1972). In this report, the maps of the MRVA aquifer’s groundwater surface are termed potentiometric-surface maps as opposed to water-table maps because, although the MRVA aquifer generally exhibits characteristics of unconfined conditions, where surface-water features may or may not be hydraulically connected, it also exhibits characteristics of confined or semiconfined conditions in some areas at least during part of the year. The location of these areas, where the aquifer is confined or semiconfined, is not well understood or defined (Arthur, 1994; Kleiss and others, 2000). Datasets used attache

    Altitude of the Potentiometric Surface in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer, Spring 2018

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    The Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer is an important surficial aquifer in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) area. The aquifer is generally considered to be an unconfined aquifer (fig. 1; Clark and others, 2011), and withdrawals are primarily used for irrigation (Maupin and Barber, 2005). These groundwater withdrawals have resulted in substantial areas of water-level decline in parts of the aquifer. Concerns about water-level declines and the sustainability of the MRVA aquifer have prompted the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as part of the USGS Water Availability and Use Science Program and with assistance from other Federal, State, and local agencies, to undertake a regional water-availability study to assess the characteristics of the MRVA aquifer, including the potentiometric-surface altitude of the MRVA aquifer for spring 2018, and to provide information to water managers to inform their decisions about resource allocations and aquifer sustainability. The purpose of this report was to present a potentiometric-surface map for the MRVA aquifer using manually measured groundwater-altitude data and daily mean or maximum groundwater-altitude data from wells measured generally in spring 2018, which is after water levels have substantially recovered from pumping in the previous irrigation season and before pumping begins for the next irrigation season, and using the altitude of the top of the water surface in rivers in the area, hereinafter referred to as “surface-water altitude,” generally on April 10, 2018, from streamgages in the area. The term “potentiometric surface” is used in this report because it is applicable for maps of the groundwater-altitude surface in unconfined, semiconfined, and confined aquifers (Lohman, 1972). In this report, the maps of the MRVA aquifer’s groundwater surface are termed potentiometric-surface maps as opposed to water-table maps because, although the MRVA aquifer generally exhibits characteristics of unconfined conditions, where surface-water features may or may not be hydraulically connected, it also exhibits characteristics of confined or semiconfined conditions in some areas at least during part of the year. The location of these areas, where the aquifer is confined or semiconfined, is not well understood or defined (Arthur, 1994; Kleiss and others, 2000). Datasets used attache

    The Roots of Diversity: Below Ground Species Richness and Rooting Distributions in a Tropical Forest Revealed by DNA Barcodes and Inverse Modeling

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    F. Andrew Jones is with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, David L. Erickson is with the Smithsonian Institution, Moises A. Bernal is with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and UT Austin, Eldredge Bermingham is with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, W. John Kress is with the Smithsonian Institution, Edward Allen Herre is with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Helene C. Muller-Landau is with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Benjamin L. Turner is with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.Background -- Plants interact with each other, nutrients, and microbial communities in soils through extensive root networks. Understanding these below ground interactions has been difficult in natural systems, particularly those with high plant species diversity where morphological identification of fine roots is difficult. We combine DNA-based root identification with a DNA barcode database and above ground stem locations in a floristically diverse lowland tropical wet forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, where all trees and lianas >1 cm diameter have been mapped to investigate richness patterns below ground and model rooting distributions. Methodology/Principal Findings -- DNA barcode loci, particularly the cpDNA locus trnH-psba, can be used to identify fine and small coarse roots to species. We recovered 33 species of roots from 117 fragments sequenced from 12 soil cores. Despite limited sampling, we recovered a high proportion of the known species in the focal hectare, representing approximately 14% of the measured woody plant richness. This high value is emphasized by the fact that we would need to sample on average 13 m2 at the seedling layer and 45 m2 for woody plants >1 cm diameter to obtain the same number of species above ground. Results from inverse models parameterized with the locations and sizes of adults and the species identifications of roots and sampling locations indicates a high potential for distal underground interactions among plants. Conclusions -- DNA barcoding techniques coupled with modeling approaches should be broadly applicable to studying root distributions in any mapped vegetation plot. We discuss the implications of our results and outline how second-generation sequencing technology and environmental sampling can be combined to increase our understanding of how root distributions influence the potential for plant interactions in natural ecosystems.FAJ acknowledges the support of a Tupper postdoctoral fellowship in tropical biology and the National Science Foundation (DEB 0453665). Funding was provided by the Smithsonian Institution Global Earth Observatory, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute/Center for Tropical Forest Sciences endowment fund, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute/Frank Levinson fund. We would like to thank Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute for processing research permits. We thank S. Hubbell and R. Condit for access to plot data, S. Schnitzer for liana census data (NSF DEB 0613666), and L. Comita and S. Hubbell for access to seedling data (NSF DEB 0075102 and DEB 0823728). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Marine Scienc

    Reactive Oxygen Species Modulate Coronary Wall Shear Stress and Endothelial Function During Hyperglycemia

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    Hyperglycemia is associated with generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and this action may contribute to accelerated atherogenesis. We tested the hypothesis that hyperglycemia produces alterations in left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) wall shear stress concomitant with endothelial dysfunction and ROS production in dogs (n = 12) instrumented for measurement of LAD blood flow, velocity, and diameter. Dogs were randomly assigned to receive vehicle (0.9% saline) or the superoxide dismutase mimetic 4- hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (tempol) and were administered intravenous infusions of d-glucose to achieve target blood glucose concentrations of 350 and 600 mg/dl (moderate and severe hyperglycemia, respectively). Endothelial function and ROS generation were assessed by coronary blood flow responses to acetylcholine (10, 30, and 100 ng/kg) and dihydroethidium fluorescence of myocardial biopsies, respectively. Indexes of wall shear stress were calculated with conventional fluid dynamics theory. Hyperglycemia produced dose-related endothelial dysfunction, increases in ROS production, and reductions in oscillatory shear stress that were normalized by tempol. The results suggest a direct association between hyperglycemia-induced ROS production, endothelial dysfunction, and decreases in oscillatory shear stress in vivo

    Reactions to Brexit in images : a multimodal content analysis of shared visual content on Flickr

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    In this article, the authors analyze citizens’ reactions to Brexit on social media after the referendum results by performing a content analysis of 5877 posts collected from the social media platform Flickr, written in English, German, French, Spanish or Italian. Their research aims to answer the three following questions: What multimodal practices are adopted by citizens when they react to societal events like Brexit? To what extent do these practices illustrate types of citizenship that are specific to social networks? Can we observe different reactions to Brexit according to the languages used by the citizens? The authors focus on the types of visual content the citizens used to react to Brexit, as well as on what types of social relations this content can particularly create between their authors and the other members of the Flick community. Their article also highlights to what extent these posts shared on Flickr show content that is in favour of, or against, Brexit

    microRNAs in nociceptive circuits as predictors of future clinical applications

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    Neuro-immune alterations in the peripheral and central nervous system play a role in the pathophysiology of chronic pain, and non-coding RNAs - and microRNAs (miRNAs) in particular - regulate both immune and neuronal processes. Specifically, miRNAs control macromolecular complexes in neurons, glia and immune cells and regulate signals used for neuro-immune communication in the pain pathway. Therefore, miRNAs may be hypothesized as critically important master switches modulating chronic pain. In particular, understanding the concerted function of miRNA in the regulation of nociception and endogenous analgesia and defining the importance of miRNAs in the circuitries and cognitive, emotional and behavioral components involved in pain is expected to shed new light on the enigmatic pathophysiology of neuropathic pain, migraine and complex regional pain syndrome. Specific miRNAs may evolve as new druggable molecular targets for pain prevention and relief. Furthermore, predisposing miRNA expression patterns and inter-individual variations and polymorphisms in miRNAs and/or their binding sites may serve as biomarkers for pain and help to predict individual risks for certain types of pain and responsiveness to analgesic drugs. miRNA-based diagnostics are expected to develop into hands-on tools that allow better patient stratification, improved mechanism-based treatment, and targeted prevention strategies for high risk individuals. \ua9 2013 Kress, H\ufcttenhofer, Landry, Kuner, Favereaux, Greenberg, Bednarik, Heppenstall, Kronenberg, Malcangio, Rittner, c\ue7eyler, Trajanoski, Mouritzen, Birklein, Sommer and Soreq

    Sideward flow of K+ mesons in Ru+Ru and Ni+Ni reactions near threshold

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    Experimental data on K+ meson and proton sideward flow measured with the FOPI detector at SIS/GSI in the reactions Ru+Ru at 1.69 AGeV and Ni+Ni at 1.93 AGeV are presented. The K+ sideward flow is found to be anti-correlated (correlated) with the one of protons at low (high) transverse momenta. When compared to the predictions of a transport model, the data favour the existence of an in-medium repulsive K+ nucleon potential.Comment: 16 pages Revtex, 3 ps-figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.
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