811 research outputs found

    System-Level Design of Energy-Proportional Many-Core Servers for Exascale Computing

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    Continuous advances in manufacturing technologies are enabling the development of more powerful and compact high-performance computing (HPC) servers made of many-core processing architectures. However, this soaring demand for computing power in the last years has grown faster than emiconductor technology evolution can sustain, and has produced as collateral undesirable effect a surge in power consumption and heat density in these new HPC servers, which result on significant performance degradation. In this keynote, I advocate to completely revise the current HPC server architectures. In particular, inspired by the mammalian brain, I propose to design a disruptive three-dimensional (3D) computing server architecture that overcomes the prevailing worst-case power and cooling provisioning paradigm for servers. This new 3D server design champions a new system-level thermal modeling, which can be used by novel proactive energy controllers for detailed heat and energy management in many-core HPC servers, thanks to micro-scale liquid cooling. Then, I will show the impact of new near-threshold computing architectures on server design, and how we can integrate new on-chip microfluidic fuel cell networks to enable energy-scalability in future generations of many-core HPC servers targeting Exascale computing.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Edge AI Architectures for a Privacy-Preserving IoT Era

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    Charla organizada en la Sala de Grados A, ETSI Informática.The Internet of Things (IoT) has been hailed as the next frontier of innovation where our everyday objects are connected in ways that improve our lives and transform industries, in particular healthcare. In this talk, Prof. Atienza will first discuss the challenges of ultra-low power (ULP) Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) design and communication in edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) nodes for the design of smart devices and wearables in the IoT context. Then, the opportunities for edge AI architectures to conceive the next generation of federated learning systems in healthcare, as challenging use case, will be highlighted as a scalable way to deliver the IoT concept in a privacy-preserving way. This new trend of edge AI-based MPSoC architectures will need to combine new ULP heterogeneous embedded systems, including reconfigurable neural network accelerators, as well as enabling energy-scalable software layers. The final goal is to have edge AI systems that can gracefully adapt the energy consumption and precision of the IoT application outputs according to the quality requirements of our surrounding world. Moreover, they need to be able to personalize their AI algorithms by enabling training on the edge, as living organisms do to operate efficiently in the real world.Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadore

    Thermal Characterization and Thermal Management in Processor-Based Systems

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    The register file is one of the hottest devices in processor-based systems. Leakage reduction techniques and DTM mechanisms require a thermal characterization of the hardware. This paper presents a thermal model to analyze the temperature evolution in the shared register files found on VLIW systems. The use of this model allows the analysis of several factors that have an strong impact on the heat transfer. The results obtained can be used in the design of temperature-aware compilers and place&route tools

    Hunahpú, Ixbalanqué y Xut: análisis de la estructura de un mito tzeltal en el tiempo

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    El sol en la cosmología mesoamericana juega todavía hoy un importante papel en la explicación del tiempo, de las generaciones y del parentesco. Algunas estructuras míticas que funcionan desde periodos prehispánicos muestran como esta idea ha sido vital para los anteriores americanos. Y hoy, a pesar de sus transformaciones, sigue activa, por lo menos, entre los tzeltales de Cancúc.The sun in the Mesoamerican cosmology still plays an important roll explaining the time, the generations and the kinship. Some mythical structures working since prehispanic periods show how this idea has been vital to former Americans. And today, in spite of its transformations, follows assets at least between the Cancuc Tzeltal community

    Los diccionarios on line en un taller de escritura de ELE. Las competencias discursiva y ortoépica

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    A Semi-Supervised Algorithm for Improving the Consistency of Crowdsourced Datasets: The COVID-19 Case Study on Respiratory Disorder Classification

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    Cough audio signal classification is a potentially useful tool in screening for respiratory disorders, such as COVID-19. Since it is dangerous to collect data from patients with such contagious diseases, many research teams have turned to crowdsourcing to quickly gather cough sound data, as it was done to generate the COUGHVID dataset. The COUGHVID dataset enlisted expert physicians to diagnose the underlying diseases present in a limited number of uploaded recordings. However, this approach suffers from potential mislabeling of the coughs, as well as notable disagreement between experts. In this work, we use a semi-supervised learning (SSL) approach to improve the labeling consistency of the COUGHVID dataset and the robustness of COVID-19 versus healthy cough sound classification. First, we leverage existing SSL expert knowledge aggregation techniques to overcome the labeling inconsistencies and sparsity in the dataset. Next, our SSL approach is used to identify a subsample of re-labeled COUGHVID audio samples that can be used to train or augment future cough classification models. The consistency of the re-labeled data is demonstrated in that it exhibits a high degree of class separability, 3x higher than that of the user-labeled data, despite the expert label inconsistency present in the original dataset. Furthermore, the spectral differences in the user-labeled audio segments are amplified in the re-labeled data, resulting in significantly different power spectral densities between healthy and COVID-19 coughs, which demonstrates both the increased consistency of the new dataset and its explainability from an acoustic perspective. Finally, we demonstrate how the re-labeled dataset can be used to train a cough classifier. This SSL approach can be used to combine the medical knowledge of several experts to improve the database consistency for any diagnostic classification task

    Emulation-Based Transient Thermal Modeling of 2D/3D Systems-on-Chip with Active Cooling

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    New tendencies envisage 2D and 3D Multi-Processor Systems-On-Chip (MPSoCs) as a promising solution for the consumer electronics market. MPSoCs are complex to design, as they must execute multiple applications (games, video), while meeting additional design constraints (energy consumption, time-to-market, etc.). Moreover, the rise of temperature in the die for MPSoCs, especially for forthcoming 3D chips, can seriously affect their final performance and reliability. In this context, transient thermal modeling is a key challenge to study the accelerated thermal problems of MPSoC designs, as well as to validate the benefits of active cooling techniques (e.g., liquid cooling), combined with other state-of-the-art methods (e.g., dynamic frequency and voltage scaling), as a solution to overcome run-time thermal runaway. In this paper, we present a novel approach for fast transient thermal modeling and analysis of 2D/3D MPSoCs with active cooling, which relies on the exploitation of combined hardwaresoftware emulation. The proposed framework uses FPGA emulation as the key element to model the hardware components of 2D/3D MPSoC platforms at multi-megahertz speeds, while running real-life software multimedia applications. This framework automatically extracts detailed system statistics that are used as input to a scalable software thermal library, using different ordinary differential equation solvers, running in a host computer. This library calculates at run-time the temperature of on-chip components, based on the collected statistics from the emulated system and the final floorplan of the 2D/3D MPSoC. This approach creates a closeloop thermal emulation system that allows MPSoC designers to validate different hardware- and software-based thermal management approaches, including liquid cooling injection control, under transient and dynamic thermal maps. The experimental results with 2D/3D MPSoCs, based on the UltraSPARC T1 and other industrial platforms from Freescale, illustrate speed-ups of more than three orders of magnitude compared to cycle-accurate MPSoC thermal simulators

    Accelerating Change for Women and Girls: The Role of Women's Funds

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    In recent years, interest in philanthropy for and by women has intensified, accompanied by a growing acceptance of the idea that philanthropic investments in women and girls can accelerate positive change in communities. To understand this evolution in thinking and practice within philanthropy, the Foundation Center partnered with the Women's Funding Network, a global movement of women's funds, to chart the current landscape of philanthropy focused on women and girls and document the specific role played by women's funds

    Reflexiones sobre masculinidades e identidad entre los chamorros de Guam

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    Durante más de cuatrocientos años los habitantes (chamorros) de las islas Marianas han sufrido un proceso continuo de globalización y resistencia adaptativa, que a nuestro juicio, se ha ido definiendo principalmente en la exhibición del cuerpo – femenino, en las relaciones de parentesco; masculino, a través del cuerpo físico – como una matriz creadora de identidad y pertenencia. Siguiendo esta línea de interpretación, queremos proponer aquí la nocentralidad de la experiencia colonial en la construcción corporal de la masculinidad a partir de una narrativa visual que emerge principalmente de la exhibición del cuerpo físico. Palabras clave: masculinidad, Guam, identidad, chamorros, islas Marianas Abstract For more than 400 years the inhabitants of the Mariana Islands, the Chamorros, have experienced a continuous process of globalization and adaptive resistence which has come to be defined mainly through exhibition of the body – feminine in kinship relations, and masculine through the physical body – as the matrix of identity and belonging. Following this line of interpretation, we make an argument for the non-centrality of colonial experience in the bodily construction of masculinity through a visual narrative that emerges principally from the exhibition of the physical body. Keywords: masculinity, Guam, identity, Chamorros, Mariana Island

    Ondas internas en el golfo de Cádiz: implicaciones oceanográficas y morfosedimentarias

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    Texto en inglés de los capítulos 3,4 y 5.El objetivo principal de la presente Tesis doctoral, es el análisis de la variabilidad temporal que gobierna el régimen de corrientes y otras propiedades físicas en el Golfo de Cádiz, poniendo especial énfasis en el papel que tienen los procesos de corta escala espacio-temporal, como los fenómenos de ondas internas generadas en el talud, en la definición de estas estructuras, y en su influencia en la morfología del talud continental. El conocimiento del papel de las corrientes de fondo y los procesos oceanográficos asociados, incluyendo procesos intermitentes (mareas, ondas internas, …), está evolucionando rápidamente. Muchos de estos procesos son poco conocidos, en parte debido a que las observaciones directas son limitadas, si bien pueden generar importantes rasgos deposicionales y/o erosivos a escalas temporales de corto o largo periodo. Para un mejor conocimiento de la sedimentación marina profunda se requiere la interpretación de estos procesos oceanográficos, cuál es su evolución espacial y temporal, cómo afectan a las corrientes de fondo y cómo se ven afectados por la topografía submarina. Sin embargo, dada su complejidad y su variable naturaleza tridimensional y temporal, es necesario que estos procesos se integren en un marco oceanográfico y climatológico con un enfoque multidisplinar que incluya la Geología y la oceanografía Física. Esta integración requiere de una mayor compilación de datos oceanográficos y un mejor conocimiento de la morfología del fondo marino. Con esta tesis se pretende avanzar en el conocimiento de la importancia que tienen los procesos de corto periodo, abordando su estudio desde dos puntos de vista: i) El análisis de las observaciones obtenidas en campañas oceanográficas y en fondeos; ii) Su correlación con los rasgos morfosedimentarios del talud del Golfo de Cádiz