9 research outputs found

    Distinct Stromal Cell Factor Combinations Can Separately Control Hematopoietic Stem Cell Survival, Proliferation, and Self-Renewal

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    SummaryHematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are identified by their ability to sustain prolonged blood cell production in vivo, although recent evidence suggests that durable self-renewal (DSR) is shared by HSC subtypes with distinct self-perpetuating differentiation programs. Net expansions of DSR-HSCs occur in vivo, but molecularly defined conditions that support similar responses in vitro are lacking. We hypothesized that this might require a combination of factors that differentially promote HSC viability, proliferation, and self-renewal. We now demonstrate that HSC survival and maintenance of DSR potential are variably supported by different Steel factor (SF)-containing cocktails with similar HSC-mitogenic activities. In addition, stromal cells produce other factors, including nerve growth factor and collagen 1, that can antagonize the apoptosis of initially quiescent adult HSCs and, in combination with SF and interleukin-11, produce >15-fold net expansions of DSR-HSCs ex vivo within 7 days. These findings point to the molecular basis of HSC control and expansion

    Hematopoietic Stem Cells Are the Major Source of Multilineage Hematopoiesis in Adult Animals

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) sustain long-term reconstitution of hematopoiesis in transplantation recipients, yet their role in the endogenous steady-state hematopoiesis remains unclear. In particular, recent studies suggested that HSCs provide a relatively minor contribution to immune cell development in adults. We directed transgene expression in a fraction of HSCs that maintained reconstituting activity during serial transplantations. Inducible genetic labeling showed that transgene-expressing HSCs gave rise to other phenotypic HSCs, confirming their top position in the differentiation hierarchy. The labeled HSCs rapidly contributed to committed progenitors of all lineages and to mature myeloid cells and lymphocytes, but not to B-1a cells or tissue macrophages. Importantly, labeled HSCs gave rise to more than two-thirds of all myeloid cells and platelets in adult mice, and this contribution could be accelerated by an induced interferon response. Thus, classically defined HSCs maintain immune cell development in the steady state and during systemic cytokine responses

    Mass Cytometric Analysis Reveals Viable Activated Caspase-3+ Luminal Progenitors in the Normal Adult Human Mammary Gland

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    Summary: The normal adult human female mammary gland is a bilayered structure consisting of an outer basal layer and two readily distinguished subsets of cells within the inner luminal layer. We now present a validated methodology for undertaking large-scale multi-parameter mass cytometric analyses of these cell types at single-cell resolution. In addition, we show how combining this approach with in vitro clonogenic assays of the proliferative and signaling responses of normal human mammary cells to epidermal growth factor (EGF) allows additional subsets with different EGF responses to be discerned. This included the identification of a subset of cells within the phenotypically defined luminal progenitor fraction that displays an elevated content of active caspase-3, including some that generate clones in vitro in response to EGF, with immunohistochemical evidence of their presence in situ in fixed preparations of normal human breast tissue. : Knapp et al. identify a subpopulation of progenitors in the human mammary gland that have partially activated an apoptotic program despite retaining some viability and clonogenic potential. As such activation has been linked to genomic instability, these cells may be at increased risk for oncogenic transformation. Keywords: mammary, mass cytometry, cancer, apoptosis, signaling, cell death, genomic instability, single-cell biology, growth factor

    High-Resolution Single-Cell DNA Methylation Measurements Reveal Epigenetically Distinct Hematopoietic Stem Cell Subpopulations

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    Summary: Increasing evidence of functional and transcriptional heterogeneity in phenotypically similar cells examined individually has prompted interest in obtaining parallel methylome data. We describe the development and application of such a protocol to index-sorted murine and human hematopoietic cells that are highly enriched in their content of functionally defined stem cells. Utilizing an optimized single-cell bisulfite sequencing protocol, we obtained quantitative DNA methylation measurements of up to 5.7 million CpGs in single hematopoietic cells. In parallel, we developed an analytical strategy (PDclust) to define single-cell DNA methylation states through pairwise comparisons of single-CpG methylation measurements. PDclust revealed that a single-cell epigenetic state can be described by a small (<1%) stochastically sampled fraction of CpGs and that these states are reflective of cell identity and state. Using relationships revealed by PDclust, we derive near complete methylomes for epigenetically distinct subpopulations of hematopoietic cells enriched for functional stem cell content. : We present a single-cell methylation protocol and novel analytical method to enable high-resolution reconstruction of regulatory states within rare epigenetically distinct subpopulations of highly purified murine and human hematopoietic stem cells. Pairwise single-CpG-based analysis revealed a high degree of redundancy in single-cell epigenetic states. Keywords: epigenetics, single cell, hematopoietic stem cell, DNA methylatio

    A Dominant-Negative Isoform of IKAROS Expands Primitive Normal Human Hematopoietic Cells

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    Disrupted IKAROS activity is a recurrent feature of some human leukemias, but effects on normal human hematopoietic cells are largely unknown. Here, we used lentivirally mediated expression of a dominant-negative isoform of IKAROS (IK6) to block normal IKAROS activity in primitive human cord blood cells and their progeny. This produced a marked (10-fold) increase in serially transplantable multipotent IK6+ cells as well as increased outputs of normally differentiating B cells and granulocytes in transplanted immunodeficient mice, without producing leukemia. Accompanying T/natural killer (NK) cell outputs were unaltered, and erythroid and platelet production was reduced. Mechanistically, IK6 specifically increased human granulopoietic progenitor sensitivity to two growth factors and activated CREB and its targets (c-FOS and Cyclin B1). In more primitive human cells, IK6 prematurely initiated a B cell transcriptional program without affecting the hematopoietic stem cell-associated gene expression profile. Some of these effects were species specific, thus identifying novel roles of IKAROS in regulating normal human hematopoietic cells

    UM171 Enhances Lentiviral Gene Transfer and Recovery of Primitive Human Hematopoietic Cells

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    Enhanced gene transfer efficiencies and higher yields of transplantable transduced human hematopoietic stem cells are continuing goals for improving clinical protocols that use stemcell-based gene therapies. Here, we examined the effect of the HSC agonist UM171 on these endpoints in both in vitro and in vivo systems. Using a 22-hr transduction protocol, we found that UM171 significantly enhances both the lentivirus-mediated transduction and yield of CD34+ and CD34+CD45RA- hematopoietic cells from human cord blood to give a 6-fold overall higher recovery of transduced hematopoietic stem cells, including cells with long-term lympho-myeloid repopulating activity in immunodeficient mice. The ability of UM171 to enhance gene transfer to primitive cord blood hematopoietic cells extended to multiple lentiviral pseudotypes, gamma retroviruses, and non-integrating lentiviruses and to adult bone marrow cells. UM171, thus, provides an interesting reagent for improving the ex vivo production of gene-modified cells and for reducing requirements of virus for a broad range of applications. Keywords: lentivirus, gene transfer, hematopoietic stem cell

    Hematopoietic Stem Cells Are the Major Source of Multilineage Hematopoiesis in Adult Animals

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) sustain long-term reconstitution of hematopoiesis in transplantation recipients, yet their role in the endogenous steady-state hematopoiesis remains unclear. In particular, recent studies suggested that HSCs provide a relatively minor contribution to immune cell development in adults. We directed transgene expression in a fraction of HSCs that maintained reconstituting activity during serial transplantations. Inducible genetic labeling showed that transgene-expressing HSCs gave rise to other phenotypic HSCs, confirming their top position in the differentiation hierarchy. The labeled HSCs rapidly contributed to committed progenitors of all lineages and to mature myeloid cells and lymphocytes, but not to B-1a cells or tissue macrophages. Importantly, labeled HSCs gave rise to more than two-thirds of all myeloid cells and platelets in adult mice, and this contribution could be accelerated by an induced interferon response. Thus, classically defined HSCs maintain immune cell development in the steady state and during systemic cytokine responses