8 research outputs found

    L’esprit de l’art, ou comment la photographie spirite engendra l’art moderne

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    International audienc

    Album et démarches artistiques

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    Si la jeunesse a une littĂ©rature alors que la vieillesse n’en a pas, si les arts plastiques n’ont pas de sectorisation d’ñge, comme les tarifs de chemins de fer, c’est sans doute que la littĂ©rature de jeunesse a la particularitĂ© historique d’avoir croisĂ© l’édition en pleine expansion du xixe siĂšcle Ă  un autre champ trĂšs labourĂ© du mĂȘme temps : l’instruction et l’édification morale des enfants. L’explosion Ă©ditoriale de la littĂ©rature jeunesse d’aujourd’hui en France, comprenant quelques 1500 ..

    Cabinets of Wonder

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    Isi buku ini selain menampilkan koleksi-koleksi dari museum maupun koleksi pribadi juga menjelaskan sejarah di balik tradisi dan koleksi paling terkenal

    Alterations of the axon initial segment in multiple sclerosis grey matter

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    International audienceGrey matter damage has been established as a key contributor to disability progression in multiple sclerosis. Aside from neuronal loss and axonal transections, which predominate in cortical demyelinated lesions, synaptic alterations have been detected in both demyelinated plaques and normal-appearing grey matter, resulting in functional neuronal damage. The axon initial segment is a key element of neuronal function, responsible for action potential initiation and maintenance of neuronal polarity. Despite several reports of profound axon initial segment alterations in different pathological models, among which experimental auto-immune encephalomyelitis, whether the axon initial segment is affected in multiple sclerosis is still unknown. Using immunohistochemistry, we analysed axon initial segments from control and multiple sclerosis tissue, focusing on layer 5/6 pyramidal neurons in the neocortex and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and performed analysis on the parameters known to control neuronal excitability, i.e. axon initial segment length and position. We found that the axon initial segment length was increased only in pyramidal neurons of inactive demyelinated lesions, compared with normal appearing grey matter tissue. In contrast, in both cell types, the axon initial segment position was altered, with an increased soma-axon initial segment gap, in both active and inactive demyelinated lesions. In addition, using a computational model, we show that this increased gap between soma and axon initial segment might increase neuronal excitability. Taken together, these results show, for the first time, changes of axon initial segments in multiple sclerosis, in active as well as inactive grey matter lesions in both neocortex and cerebellum, which might alter neuronal function

    L'album contemporain pour la jeunesse

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    « L’album pour la jeunesse est devenu un puissant foyer de crĂ©ation artistique et le lieu oĂč s’exerce, par excellence, le plaisir de la lecture ». Cette affirmation, formulĂ©e par Jean Perrot en 1988, semble aujourd’hui plus pertinente que jamais. Au tournant du xxie siĂšcle, l’album a diversifiĂ© ses formes et acquis une lĂ©gitimitĂ©, tant dans l’espace scolaire que privĂ©. Ce volume propose d’envisager cet objet Ă  travers des perspectives plurielles. Il s’agit d’abord d’inventorier ces nouvelles formes. Hybride par dĂ©finition, l’album ne cesse de les inventer dans le dialogue renouvelĂ© du texte et de l’image, dans le jeu avec les genres qu’il s’approprie, dans l’emprunt Ă  tous les autres arts auxquels il rend un hommage fervent ou dĂ©calĂ©. Apte Ă  se saisir des textes classiques ou patrimoniaux, il les revisite, les rĂ©Ă©crit, les dĂ©place. L’album est bien le lieu d’une crĂ©ativitĂ© foisonnante dont l’étude attentive de quelques univers trĂšs personnels (Anne Herbauts, BĂ©atrice Poncelet, Philippe Corentin, FrĂ©dĂ©ric ClĂ©ment) montre la richesse. Ce support qui s’interroge aussi sur ses propres capacitĂ©s Ă  reprĂ©senter engage le lecteur dans un mouvement rĂ©flexif qui relĂšve bien d’une dĂ©marche esthĂ©tique. Analyser la place et la fonction que l’album propose au lecteur, les jeux auxquels il le convie, offre un territoire de rĂ©flexion incontournable. Il s’agit alors de caractĂ©riser les figures de lecteur(s), de spĂ©cifier les formes de leur implication ou encore de rĂ©flĂ©chir aux modalitĂ©s d’apprentissage et de formation Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre. DĂ©jouant les certitudes prĂ©alables comme les stratĂ©gies de lecture rĂ©pĂ©titives, chaque album, dans sa singularitĂ© esthĂ©tique, invite ses lecteurs Ă  une expĂ©rience littĂ©raire inĂ©dite, une expĂ©rience de l’intranquillitĂ©

    A Living Cabinet of Breath Curiosities: Somatics, Bio-media, and the Archive

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    Breath builds intimate and physical connections beyond the individual, at the same time as it also poses challenges to sharing experience with others. However, performance has the capacity to archive multidimensional sensory experience and recompose it in a manner that is palpable to an audience. This essay addresses the problem of collecting, re-accessing, and sharing breath, from the indexing of breath as biodata to the use of ‘breath media’ in performance. The phenomenology of breath is interwoven with critical theorization of contemporary interactive biofeedback techniques, and grounded in reflexive analysis of creative practice, specifically the practice research project Breath Catalogue, in which experimental choreography and technology create a cabinet of breath curiosities in performance. This living catalogue — distributed between bio-media and somatic tasks of embodied memory — is contextualized within medical humanities, archive theory, choreographic practices, digital performance, and feminist technology studies