226 research outputs found

    Cosmological Limits on the Neutrino Mass from the Lya Forest

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    The Lya forest in quasar spectra probes scales where massive neutrinos can strongly suppress the growth of mass fluctuations. Using hydrodynamic simulations with massive neutrinos, we successfully test techniques developed to measure the mass power spectrum from the forest. A recent observational measurement in conjunction with a conservative implementation of other cosmological constraints places upper limits on the neutrino mass: m_nu < 5.5 eV for all values of Omega_m, and m_nu < 2.4 (Omega_m/0.17 -1) eV, if 0.2 < Omega_m <0.5 as currently observationally favored (both 95 % C.L.).Comment: 4 pages, 2 ps figures, REVTex, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The COS-Dwarfs Survey: The Carbon Reservoir Around sub-L* Galaxies

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    We report new observations of circumgalactic gas from the COS-Dwarfs survey, a systematic investigation of the gaseous halos around 43 low-mass z \leq 0.1 galaxies using background QSOs observed with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. From the projected 1D and 2D distribution of C IV absorption, we find that C IV absorption is detected out to ~ 0.5 Rvir_{vir} of the host galaxies. The C IV absorption strength falls off radially as a power law and beyond 0.5 Rvir_{vir}, no C IV absorption is detected above our sensitivity limit of ~ 50-100 mA˚\AA. We find a tentative correlation between detected C IV absorption strength and star formation, paralleling the strong correlation seen in highly ionized oxygen for L~L* galaxies by the COS-Halos survey. The data imply a large carbon reservoir in the CGM of these galaxies, corresponding to a minimum carbon mass of \gtrsim 1.2×106\times 10^6 MM_\odot out to ~ 110 kpc. This mass is comparable to the carbon mass in the ISM and more than the carbon mass currently in stars of these galaxies. The C IV absorption seen around these sub-L* galaxies can account for almost two-thirds of all WrW_r> 100 mA˚\AA C IV absorption detected at low z. Comparing the C IV covering fraction with hydrodynamical simulations, we find that an energy-driven wind model is consistent with the observations whereas a wind model of constant velocity fails to reproduce the CGM or the galaxy properties.Comment: 18 Pages, 11 Figures, ApJ 796 13

    Mass, Metal, and Energy Feedback in Cosmological Simulations

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    Using Gadget-2 cosmological hydrodynamic simulations including an observationally-constrained model for galactic outflows, we investigate how feedback from star formation distributes mass, metals, and energy on cosmic scales from z=6->0. We include instantaneous enrichment from Type II SNe, delayed enrichment from Type Ia SNe and stellar (AGB) mass loss, and we individually track C, O, Si, and Fe. Following on the successes of the momentum-driven wind scalings, we improve our implementation with an on-the-fly galaxy finder to derive wind properties based on host galaxy masses. By tracking wind particles in a suite of simulations, we find: (1) Wind material reaccretes onto a galaxy on a recycling timescale that varies inversely with galaxy mass. Hence metals driven into the IGM by galactic superwinds cannot be assumed to leave their galaxy forever. Wind material is typically recycled several times; the median number of ejections for a given wind particle is 3, so by z=0 the total mass ejected in winds exceeds 0.5\Omega_b. (2) The physical distance winds travel is fairly independent of redshift and galaxy mass (60-100 physical kpc). For sizable galaxies at later epochs, winds typically do not escape the galaxy halo, and rain back down in a halo fountain. High-z galaxies enrich a significantly larger comoving volume of the IGM, with metals migrating back into galaxies to lower z. (3) The energy imparted into winds scales with M_{gal}^{1/3}, and energy from another source besides SNe (such as photons from young stars) may be required to distributed cosmic metals as observed. (4) The production of all 4 metals tracked is globally dominated by Type II SNe at all epochs. However, intracluster gas iron content triples as a result of non-Type II sources, and the low-z IGM carbon content is boosted by AGB feedback.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. 28 MNRAS pages, 14 figures. Text modified slightly with the largest changes/additions to Section 5.

    Strong Gravitational Lensing and Dark Energy Complementarity

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    In the search for the nature of dark energy most cosmological probes measure simple functions of the expansion rate. While powerful, these all involve roughly the same dependence on the dark energy equation of state parameters, with anticorrelation between its present value w_0 and time variation w_a. Quantities that have instead positive correlation and so a sensitivity direction largely orthogonal to, e.g., distance probes offer the hope of achieving tight constraints through complementarity. Such quantities are found in strong gravitational lensing observations of image separations and time delays. While degeneracy between cosmological parameters prevents full complementarity, strong lensing measurements to 1% accuracy can improve equation of state characterization by 15-50%. Next generation surveys should provide data on roughly 10^5 lens systems, though systematic errors will remain challenging.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Gas Accretion and Galactic Chemical Evolution: Theory and Observations

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    This chapter reviews how galactic inflows influence galaxy metallicity. The goal is to discuss predictions from theoretical models, but particular emphasis is placed on the insights that result from using models to interpret observations. Even as the classical G-dwarf problem endures in the latest round of observational confirmation, a rich and tantalizing new phenomenology of relationships between MM_*, ZZ, SFR, and gas fraction is emerging both in observations and in theoretical models. A consensus interpretation is emerging in which star-forming galaxies do most of their growing in a quiescent way that balances gas inflows and gas processing, and metal dilution with enrichment. Models that explicitly invoke this idea via equilibrium conditions can be used to infer inflow rates from observations, while models that do not assume equilibrium growth tend to recover it self-consistently. Mergers are an overall subdominant mechanism for delivering fresh gas to galaxies, but they trigger radial flows of previously-accreted gas that flatten radial gas-phase metallicity gradients and temporarily suppress central metallicities. Radial gradients are generically expected to be steep at early times and then flattened by mergers and enriched inflows of recycled gas at late times. However, further theoretical work is required in order to understand how to interpret observations. Likewise, more observational work is needed in order to understand how metallicity gradients evolve to high redshifts.Comment: Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springer. 29 pages, 2 figure

    Gas Accretion Traced in Absorption in Galaxy Spectroscopy

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    The positive velocity shift of absorption transitions tracing diffuse material observed in a galaxy spectrum is an unambiguous signature of gas flow toward the host system. Spectroscopy probing, e.g., NaI D resonance lines in the rest-frame optical or MgII and FeII in the near-ultraviolet is in principle sensitive to the infall of cool material at temperatures ~ 100-10,000 K anywhere along the line of sight to a galaxy's stellar component. However, secure detections of this redshifted absorption signature have proved challenging to obtain due to the ubiquity of cool gas outflows giving rise to blueshifted absorption along the same sightlines. In this chapter, we review the bona fide detections of this phenomenon. Analysis of NaI D line profiles has revealed numerous instances of redshifted absorption observed toward early-type and/or AGN-host galaxies, while spectroscopy of MgII and FeII has provided evidence for ongoing gas accretion onto >5% of luminous, star-forming galaxies at z ~ 0.5-1. We then discuss the potentially ground-breaking benefits of future efforts to improve the spectral resolution of such studies, and to leverage spatially-resolved spectroscopy for new constraints on inflowing gas morphology.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springe

    A filament of dark matter between two clusters of galaxies

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    It is a firm prediction of the concordance Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmological model that galaxy clusters live at the intersection of large-scale structure filaments. The thread-like structure of this "cosmic web" has been traced by galaxy redshift surveys for decades. More recently the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) residing in low redshift filaments has been observed in emission and absorption. However, a reliable direct detection of the underlying Dark Matter skeleton, which should contain more than half of all matter, remained elusive, as earlier candidates for such detections were either falsified or suffered from low signal-to-noise ratios and unphysical misalignements of dark and luminous matter. Here we report the detection of a dark matter filament connecting the two main components of the Abell 222/223 supercluster system from its weak gravitational lensing signal, both in a non-parametric mass reconstruction and in parametric model fits. This filament is coincident with an overdensity of galaxies and diffuse, soft X-ray emission and contributes mass comparable to that of an additional galaxy cluster to the total mass of the supercluster. Combined with X-ray observations, we place an upper limit of 0.09 on the hot gas fraction, the mass of X-ray emitting gas divided by the total mass, in the filament.Comment: Nature, in pres

    Numerical simulations of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium

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    In this paper we review the current predictions of numerical simulations for the origin and observability of the warm hot intergalactic medium (WHIM), the diffuse gas that contains up to 50 per cent of the baryons at z~0. During structure formation, gravitational accretion shocks emerging from collapsing regions gradually heat the intergalactic medium (IGM) to temperatures in the range T~10^5-10^7 K. The WHIM is predicted to radiate most of its energy in the ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray bands and to contribute a significant fraction of the soft X-ray background emission. While O VI and C IV absorption systems arising in the cooler fraction of the WHIM with T~10^5-10^5.5 K are seen in FUSE and HST observations, models agree that current X-ray telescopes such as Chandra and XMM-Newton do not have enough sensitivity to detect the hotter WHIM. However, future missions such as Constellation-X and XEUS might be able to detect both emission lines and absorption systems from highly ionised atoms such as O VII, O VIII and Fe XVII.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 14; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    The properties of (sub)millimetre-selected galaxies as revealed by CANDELS HST WFC3/IR imaging in GOODS-South

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    We have exploited the HST CANDELS WFC3/IR imaging to study the properties of (sub-)mm galaxies in GOODS-South. After using the deep radio and Spitzer imaging to identify galaxy counterparts for the (sub-)mm sources, we have used the new CANDELS data in two ways. First, we have derived improved photometric redshifts and stellar masses, confirming that the (sub-)mm galaxies are massive (=2.2x10^11 M_solar) galaxies at z=1-3. Second, we have exploited the depth and resolution of the WFC3/IR imaging to determine the sizes and morphologies of the galaxies at rest-frame optical wavelengths, fitting two-dimensional axi-symmetric Sersic models. Crucially, the WFC3/IR H-band imaging enables modelling of the mass-dominant galaxy, rather than the blue high-surface brightness features which often dominate optical (rest-frame UV) images of (sub-)mm galaxies, and can confuse visual morphological classification. As a result of this analysis we find that >95% of the rest-frame optical light in almost all of the (sub-)mm galaxies is well-described by either a single exponential disk, or a multiple-component system in which the dominant constituent is disk-like. We demonstrate that this conclusion is consistent with the results of high-quality ground-based K-band imaging, and explain why. The massive disk galaxies which host luminous (sub-)mm emission are reasonably extended (r_e=4 kpc), consistent with the sizes of other massive star-forming disks at z~2. In many cases we find evidence of blue clumps within the sources, with the mass-dominant disk becoming more significant at longer wavelengths. Finally, only a minority of the sources show evidence for a major galaxy-galaxy interaction. Taken together, these results support the view that most (sub-)mm galaxies at z~2 are simply the most extreme examples of normal star-forming galaxies at that era.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure