33 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of zonation in the closed house enclosure on its microclimate conditions and the physical appearance of broilers. This study used 22,000 day old cobb strains broilers divided into four zonation area, i.e., zone 1 = an area 0-30 m from the inlet, zone 2 = 30-60 m from the inlet, zone 3 = 60-90 m from the inlet, and zone 4 = 90-120 m from the inlet. Air temperature and humidity of each zone were recorded daily from day 7 to day 21 st of the rearing period.. On day 28st, a total of 360 chicks were selected randomly from 90 chick each zone for bodyweight  and Uniformity.  This study shows that the environmental conditions of the enclosure were characterized by a tendency for the temperature to increase in the area away from the inlet, on the contrary, the humidity level decreased. However, the differences in the value of these environmental parameters can still be tolerated by chickens, which are body weight, uniformity and mortality  by a fairly normal score. The different zonation in the closed house for broilers was fairly enough to provide a good environmental condition for broilers as observed from broiler performance

    PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG UMBI PORANG (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) SEBAGAI PREBIOTIK PADA RANSUM BROILER TERHADAP BOBOT DAN PANJANG USUS HALUS: Effect of Addition Porang Tuber Flour (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) as Prebiotick on Broiler Feed Against Intestinal Weight and Length

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    Porang Tubers (Amorphophallus oncophillus) contain glucomannan which functions as a prebiotic that can affect the performance and condition of the broiler digestive tract which has an impact on broiler performance. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding elephant foot yam tuber flour (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) to the feed on the weight and length of the small intestine. The parameters observed were the weight and length of the small intestine. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of P0 (basal ration without porang flour), P1 (Ration + porang flour 0.4%), P2 (Ration + porang flour 0.8%), and P3 (Ration + porang flour 1.2%). The treatment was carried out for 35 days starting from the beginning of maintenance. Gastrointestinal tract weight and length were measured when the broilers were 35 days old. The results showed that the P1 treatment had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the weight of the duodenum (0.79 ± 0.09) and the length of the ileum (9.29 ± 1.10) but had no significant effect on the weight of the jejunum (1.79 ± 0.34), Ileum (1.48 ± 0.22) and length of Duodenum (3.21 ± 0.55), Jejunum (8.17 ± 1.08). Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the addition of elephant foot yam tuber flour to a level of 1.2% does not have a negative effect on the length and weight of the small intestine. Keywords: Porang Flour, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, and Small Intestine

    Sistem Kendali Robot Berbasis Visual Dengan Umpan Balik Posisi Dan Orientasi Untuk Penjejakan Obyek Bergerak

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    Sistem kendali robot berbasis visual yang dibangun adalah sistem kendali yang mengintegrasikan informasi visual ke lup servo robot untuk melakukan penjejakan terhadap obyek bergerak dengan delay sekecil mungkin. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pose based visual servo di mana fitur diekstrak dari citra dan digunakan bersama dengan sebuah model geometris dari target dan model kamera. Fitur ini diperlukan untuk mengestimasi posisi dan orientasi target dengan metode least squares menggunakan faktorisasi QR. Pengendali proporsional digunakan untuk memperbaiki akurasi sistem berdasarkan error posisi dan orientasi end-effector robot terhadap posisi dan orientasi yang diinginkan. Sistem kendali robot ini telah mampu melakukan penjejakan terhadap obyek bergerak dengan nilai rataan mutlak error posisi < 1 mm dan nilai rataan mutlak error orientasi < 1°

    Implementasi Bluetooth Instant Messaging Pada Perangkat Seluler

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    Bluetooth Instant Messaging merupakan sistem yang memungkinkan berbagai perangkat Bluetooth dapat saling bertukar informasi atau berkomunikasi tanpa melalui jaringan nirkabel milik operator seluler ataupun Internet. Sistem ini menerapkan arsitektur client-server yang berpedoman pada pola Model View Controller (MVC) dan diimplementasikan pada perangkat seluler (CLDC 1.0, MIDP 2.0, dan JABWT). Fungsionalitas yang dimiliki sistem ini berupa layanan instant message, presence, group, dan content sharing

    Perancangan Cetak Biru Teknologi Informasi

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    Pengelolaan TI perlu direncanakan dan dituangkan dalam bentuk cetak biru TI sehingga organisasi dapat mencegah atau meminimalisasi berbagai hal yang tidak diinginkan. Semakin utuh gambaran mengenai organisasi di masa yang akan datang, maka cetak biru TI yang dirancang akan semakin relevan dan terintegrasi secara wajar dengan tujuan jangka panjang organisasi. Perancangan cetak biru TI dengan Zachman Framework mendefinisikan secara sistematis dan komprehensif aspek-aspek yang harus digali dan diidentifikasi, yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan cara pandang dan fokus kajian. Aspek-aspek yang dimaksud dapat dipetakan ke dalam arsitektur kontekstual, konseptual, data, aplikasi, dan teknologi. Perancangan cetak biru ini memberikan panduan awal bagi penyusunan cetak biru TI untuk berbagai organisasi

    Kualitas Fisik Biskuit Pakan yang Berbeda Bahan Penyusunya

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    This study aims to determine the physical quality (water content, water absorption, and density) of corn leaf biscuits and corn husk biscuits compared with field grass biscuits conducted in the Animal Feed laboratory and the Feed Quality Testing Laboratory of the Polytechnic of Agriculture Development Yogyakarta-Magelang. The study was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 6 replications, namely biscuits from field grass and 15% molasses as a control (P0), corn leaf biscuits and 15% molasses (P1) and biscuits from corn husk and molases 15% (P2). The results of P0, P1 and P2 were equally good, in the physical quality test of the absorption capacity and density of feed biscuits. The lowest water content (P&lt;0.05) was found in corn husk biscuits (P2). It was concluded that the biscuits, corn leaves and corn husk produced the same physical quality of water absorption and feed biscuits density, except for the water content, namely corn husk biscuits (P2) had the lowest water content values ​​compared to corn leaf biscuits and field grass biscuits


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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh pakan yang diberi tepung daun kelor (Moringa oliefera) terhadap performa itik lokal (Anas Sp). Sebanyak 80 ekor itik lokal umur sehari dipelihara hingga umur 10 minggu berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan berupa penambahan tepung daun kelor pada pakan basal dengan level yang berbeda (masing-masing 0 %,1 %, 2%, dan 3 %). Parameter yang diamati yaitu berat badan akhir, pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, konversi pakan, dan mortalitas. Penimbangan bobot badan dan sisa pakan dilakukan setiap minggu selama masa pemeliharaan. Hasil menunjukkan pakan yang diberi tepung daun kelor tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap performa itik lokal pada semua parameter yang diamati (P>0,05).Kata Kunci : Performa Itik Lokal, Tepung Daun Kelo


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    Ultra petita, that is the term, where the judge makes a decision on a case that is not prosecuted or passes more than what is requested, in other words ultra petita is a decision made by a judge on a case that is not prosecuted or decides more than what is requested. In the context of Criminal Procedure Law, the Decision was issued, because the Public Prosecutor's indictment was imperfect and as a form of progressive legal development in which Judges are not only mouthpieces of law but are mouthpieces of justice that are able to provide quality decisions by finding the right source of law. This study aims to identify and analyze the application of the ultra petita principle in decisions on corruption cases and to analyze whether the application of ultra petita decisions is in accordance with the principles in criminal law. This research is a normative research with a case approach, a statute approach, a conceptual approach. The material obtained was in the form of primary legal material and secondary legal material which were analyzed systematically, factually and accurately and then presented descriptively, namely explaining, describing and describing in accordance with the problems that are closely related to this research. The results of the study show that the legal position of ultra petita decisions in corruption cases, especially related to the Susi Tur Andayani case, can be justified because judges have the authority in Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power to explore values that live in society. The aspects of justice, benefit and legal certainty in the application of the ultra petita decision in the Susi Tur Andayani corruption case do not undermine justice in law. The ultra petita decision in the Susi Tur Andayani case focused more on justice and expediency.  Keywords:Ultra Petita Decision;Corruption

    A Review: The Use of In Ovo Feeding in Various Types of Poultry

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    In ovo feeding is one way to increase poultry productivity by providing additional nutrition during the incubation period and can increase embryo growth. Many implementations of in-ovo feeding techniques have been carried out on various types of poultry, but a summary of the use of in-ovo feeding on various types of poultry has never been reported, therefore this study was conducted. This review article aims to determine the use of in-ovo feeding in various types of poultry. This study was conducted based on literature studies by analyzing secondary data and synthesizing research from various data sources originating from nationally accredited journals and reputable international journals that discuss the use of in-ovo feeding in various types of poultry. The study shows that the implementations of in-ovo feeding for various types of poultry have been mostly applied to broiler chickens and native chickens, but only a few in geese, ducks, and quails. In-ovo feeding has several advantages for enhancing nutrition and health, including preserving normal physiological status and preventing disease, so that poultry productivity can be increased