2,088 research outputs found

    Restructuring Strategies for Mexican Eurobond Debt

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    Unless the international capital markets become widely receptive to refinancing Mexican Eurobonds, by early to mid 1996, the holders of these Eurobonds - Mexico\u27s new bondholder constituency - may find themselves at the center of a restructuring process encompassing a significant portion of the $13 billion of Eurobond debt outstanding. This article discusses strategies for restructuring

    Relation of Trace Metals to Human Health

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    Maximizing Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation\u27s Insurance of Deposits

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    Solid-Propellant Rocket Exhaust Effects /SPREE/ and methods of attenuation, volume I - Project summary

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    Solid propellant rocket exhaust effects and methods of attenuation - project summar

    Politics and Popular Culture: How Some Young Anglophone Canadians Perceive thePolitical Content of the Entertainment Media

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    This research, based on surveys of 456 young Canadians enrolled at universitieswhere English is the primary language of instruction, seeks answers to several basicquestions at the foundation of the inquiry into the impact of popular culture onyoung English-speaking Canadians' political beliefs. It investigates whether youngCanadians actually perceive any political messages in popular culture, and whetherthey think about these themes in a rigorous way. We investigate whether conservativeor liberal youths are more likely to agree or disagree with the politics of popularculture, and to what extent young Canadians' attitudes toward the socio-politicalcontent of the entertainment media are different from US youths' attitudes. Thisresearch also serves to link the passive and active theories of socialization, andto contribute to the debate over the existence of US cultural imperialism.Fondée sur des enquêtes réalisées auprès de 456 jeunes Canadiens inscrits dansdes universités où l’anglais est la principale langue d’enseignement,cette recherche vise à répondre à plusieurs questions cruciales soulevées dans lecadre de l’enquête relative à l’influence de la culture populaire surles convictions politiques des jeunes Canadiens anglophones. Nous examinons nonseulement si les jeunes Canadiens perçoivent réellement quelque message politiqueque ce soit dans la culture populaire et s’ils réfléchissent à ces thèmesd’une manière rigoureuse, mais aussi si des jeunes conservateurs ou libérauxsont plus susceptibles d’être d’accord ou en désaccord avec lapolitique de la culture populaire, et dans quelle mesure les attitudes des jeunesCanadiens à l’égard du contenu sociopolitique des médias de divertissementsont différentes de celles des jeunes Américains. Cette recherche sert également àlier les théories passives et actives de la socialisation, et contribue au débat surl’existence de l’impérialisme culturel américain

    How to Manage the Frequent Flier Miles my Class is Earning

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    Have you ever felt helpless & frustrated? Or maybe you question your chosen profession & how you ended up in this place? Do you feel like you are dealing with the same 1-2 students (those frequent fliers) & their extreme or severe behaviors which are only getting worse, not better? If so, then this may be the class for you. Come learn how to use your monthly classroom data to identify & plan individualized positive behavior supports for students in Tier 3 & Tier 4. We will work through how to identify the function of their behavior, problem solve using guiding questions & a hypotheses to develop a goal/plan for your “Frequent Fliers”. Parents can generalize strategies & implement them in the home setting. Encourage parents to collaborate with their child\u27s teacher to foster positive behavior across all settings

    Energetic ion loss diagnostic for the Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator

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    A diagnostic to measure the loss of energetic ions from the Wendelstein 7-AS (W7-AS) stellarator has been built. It is capable of measuring losses of both neutral beam ions and energetic ions arising from ion cyclotron resonant heating. The probe can measure losses of both clockwise and counterclockwise-going energetic ions simultaneously, and accepts a wide range of pitch angles in both directions. Initial measurements by the diagnostic are reported

    The Tawawa Woods Natural Landmark: I. Survey of Flora and Land Use History

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    Author Institution: Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics ; Department of Science and Mathematics, Cedarville University ; Central State UniversityThe Tawawa Woods Natural Landmark, Wilberforce, Xenia Township, Greene County, OH (39° 43' N, 83° 52' W), and the associated riparian forest corridor along Massies Creek has nurtured at least five human cultures over the past three millennia: Native Americans (Adena ca. 1000 BC, Hopewell ca. 100 BC, and Shawnee in the 17th to early 19th centuries), European Americans, and African Americans. The purpose of this study was to document the land use patterns of these cultures and their influences on the hydrological and botanical characteristics of Tawawa Woods as a basis for understanding the current dynamics of the woods. Archival accounts from photographs, correspondence, departmental board minutes, surveys, maps, and existing physical structures were used to reconstruct prior land use patterns. Historic tree species diversity was estimated using land surveys from 1799-1856. Current tree species composition of Tawawa Woods was estimated using a combination of plot and point-centered quarter sampling methods. Tree and herbaceous species outside plot sample areas were identified by walk-through surveys and documented with photographs. Historic accounts suggest that the number of springs and flow rates had significantly decreased by the beginning of the 20th century. Release of pollutants into Massies Creek, deposits of refuse into the woods, and continued demand for lumber during the late 19th and early 20th centuries may have altered both water tables and biodiversity. Witness tree data identify 15 different tree species, while current surveys recognize 31 tree species and at least 79 herbaceous and vine/shrub species
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