19 research outputs found

    Narsistik Era Digital: Investigasi mendalam harga diri dan intensitas penggunaan media sosial

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    The rapid development of social media can affect student development, one of which is Instagram which ranks at the top as the social media platform that shows the most narcissistic side. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-esteem and intensity of Instagram social media use with narcissistic tendencies in college students. The population in the study was 941 students. Participants in the study were 281 students using accidental sampling techniques. The instruments in the study used the Guttman scale and Likert scale. The method used for data analysis is multiple regression with the help of SPSS 25.0 for windows. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between self-esteem and intensity of Instagram social media use with narcissistic tendencies in college students. The advice conveyed is able to control feelings when getting praise from other individuals when uploading activities on Instagram and reduce the intensity of Instagram use so as not to become a very intense user (classified as high) which can lead to narcissistic tendencies.   Perkembangan media sosial yang berkembang pesat mampu mempengaruhi perkembangan mahasiswa, salah satunya adalah Instagram yang menempati urutan teratas sebagai platfrom media sosial paling banyak menunjukkan sisi narsistik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara harga diri dan intensitas penggunaan media sosial instagram dengan kecenderungan narsistik pada mahasiswa. Populasi pada penelitian adalah 941 mahasiswa. Partisipan pada penelitian adalah 281 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Instrumen pada penelitian menggunakan skala guttman dan skala likert. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis data adalah regresi berganda dengan bantuan SPSS 25.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara harga diri dan intensitas penggunaan media sosial instagram dengan kecenderungan narsistik pada mahasiswa. Saran yang disampaikan mampu   mengendalikan   perasaan   ketika   mendapatkan   pujian   dari   individu   lain saat mengunggah aktivitas di instagram dan mengurangi intensitas penggunaan Instagram agar tidak menjadi pengguna yang sangat intens (tergolong tinggi) yang dapat memunculkan kecenderungan narsistik

    Identification and ranking of subaerial volcanic tsunami hazard sources in Southeast Asia

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    Tsunamis caused by large volcanic eruptions and flanks collapsing into the sea are major hazards for nearby coastal regions. They often occur with little precursory activity and are thus challenging to detect in a timely manner. This makes the pre-emptive identification of volcanoes prone to causing tsunamis particularly important, as it allows for better hazard assessment and denser monitoring in these areas. Here, we present a catalogue of potentially tsunamigenic volcanoes in Southeast Asia and rank these volcanoes by their tsunami hazard. The ranking is based on a multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) composed of five individually weighted factors impacting flank stability and tsunami hazard. The data are sourced from geological databases, remote sensing data, historical volcano-induced tsunami records, and our topographic analyses, mainly considering the eruptive and tsunami history, elevation relative to the distance from the sea, flank steepness, hydrothermal alteration, and vegetation coverage. Out of 131 analysed volcanoes, we found 19 with particularly high tsunamigenic hazard potential in Indonesia (Anak Krakatau, Batu Tara, Iliwerung, Gamalama, Sangeang Api, Karangetang, Sirung, Wetar, Nila, Ruang, Serua) and Papua New Guinea (Kadovar, Ritter Island, Rabaul, Manam, Langila, Ulawun, Bam) but also in the Philippines (Didicas). While some of these volcanoes, such as Anak Krakatau, are well known for their deadly tsunamis, many others on this list are lesser known and monitored. We further performed tsunami travel time modelling on these high-hazard volcanoes, which indicates that future events could affect large coastal areas in a short time. This highlights the importance of individual tsunami hazard assessment for these volcanoes, the importance of dedicated volcanological monitoring, and the need for increased preparedness on the potentially affected coasts

    Local government's response to the recovery of the tourism sector after the COVID-19 pandemic : case study in Singkawang City, Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the strategy of where to buy soma the Singkawang City Government in restoring the private sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method is descriptive and qualitative, specifically related to the COVID-19 impact mitigation strategy and Singkawang tourism policies. Then analyze the strategic elements of a policy according to the implementation of the O.Jones model. Data was collected by using interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The data is then analyzed using domain data analysis techniques as a researcher's effort to get a general and comprehensive (holistic) picture of the object under study. The findings in this study are 1) a connected tourism COVID-19 impact mitigation policy strategy from the national to local levels in Singkawang in the form of directives, regulations, COVID-19 mitigation programs, and stimulus for buy soma 350 mg economic recovery in the tourism sector; and 2) there are no visible creative efforts based on health protocols in organizing tourism resources, methods, and unit synergies to restore tourism, interpretation of social media-based policies regarding tourist visits has not been measured, and strategies have not been implemented to meet the opportunities for pandemic trend tourism types with models alternative tourism according to health protocols

    Pemodelan Aliran Awan Panas Dengan Menggunakan TITAN2D Untuk Memprediksi Bahaya Awan Panas Gunungapi Merapi Pasca Erupsi 2010

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    Pyroclastic flow modeling in Merapi volcano which occured on November, 1st and 3rd, 2010 is done in order to parameterization input in Titan2D. Titan2D is a software which can be used to model a debris avalanches in the earth surface. Inverse model method had been applied in this research. The model was validated toward run out distance and distribution of pyroclastic deposit in Gendol river. Model validation was done by geoeye satelite image, SPOT 5 satelite image, and field checking. The parameters that already validated was used to predict the next eruption. Prediction was carried out by using several scenarios which characterize index eruption of Merapi. The result of prediction model in Titan2D was applied to produce pyroclastic hazard map in Merapi volcano after 2010 eruption and to develop pyroclastic hazard map which already published by BPPTK. The result of parameterization and validation showed that Titan2D is able to model the distribution of pyroclastic flow with bomb � coarse sand materials. Pyroclastic with surges, very fine sand, and hot blast could not be modelled by Titan2D. The result of prediction in Titan2D gave information the villages having high hazard toward pyrclastic flow in the next eruption. Hargo Binangun, Kepuh Harjo, Umbul Harjo, and Glagah Harjo are the villages which located in high pyroclastic hazard area. Analisis of pyroclastic hazard map based on model toward KRB map showed up the KRB map is only appropriate toward VEI 3 (volume 10 million � 100 million m3). KRB map which produced by digitation of pyroclastic deposit in the previous eruption might change if eruption with VEI 4 occurs and it should be modified following the morphological dynamic of the summit of Merapi

    Perencanaan Rute Evakuasi secara Detail berdasarkan Model Bahaya Aliran Piroklastik Gunungapi Merapi di Desa Kepuharjo

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    menyebabkan kerugian yang besar dan merenggut korban jiwa. Kegiatan evakuasidijalankan oleh pemerintah, utamanya dengan membuat peta zonasi yang disusunberdasarkan radius dari puncak Merapi. Tingkat bahaya Merapi pun sudah diumumkanpihak berwenang melalui berbagai media, baik cetak maupun elektronik. Namun demikian,hal ini ternyata belum cukup menanggulangi kondisi darurat pada saat terjadinya bencana.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan secara detail skenario evakuasi pada saatterjadinya erupsi Merapi yang akan datang. Pemodelan bahaya dilakukan denganmenggunakan berbagai macam parameter dan menggunakan perangkat lunak Titan2D(Darmawan, et al., 2014). Perencanaan skenario ini dilakukan dengan memperhitungkanpermintaan (demand) dan kapasitas lokasi pengungsian (supply). Data tapak bangunandidelinieasi berdasarkan data Foto Udara tahun 2012. Data tersebut digunakan untukpenentuan titik-titik kumpul untuk selanjutnya dilakukan proses evakuasi. Desa Kepuharjodipilih sebagai lokasi penerapan model evakuasi.Tiga skenario diusulkan sebagai hasil dari kajian yang telah dilakukan. Perbedaan dariketiga skenario tersebut ialah lokasi pengungsiannya. Adapun lokasi pengungsian yangdisasar ialah bangunan publik yang memiliki dukungan fasilitas untuk menjadi tempatpengungsian sementara. Penggunaan bangunan publik sebagai lokasi evakuasi disinididasarkan pada asumsi bahwa tidak dibangun rumah hunian sementara atau lokasipengungsian sementara lainnya. Kombinasi evakuasi antara Stadion Maguwoharjo denganfasilitas publik di sekitar Desa Kepuharjo merupakan skenario evakuasi yang disarankan,karena lebih hemat daripada pembangunan hunian sementara.Hal.764-77

    Structural weakening of the Merapi dome identified by drone photogrammetry after the 2010 eruption

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    Lava domes are subjected to structural weakening that can lead to gravitational collapse and produce pyroclastic flows that may travel up to several kilometers from a volcano's summit. At Merapi volcano, Indonesia, pyroclastic flows are a major hazard, frequently causing high numbers of casualties. After the Volcanic Explosivity Index 4 eruption in 2010, a new lava dome developed on Merapi volcano and was structurally destabilized by six steam-driven explosions between 2012 and 2014. Previous studies revealed that the explosions produced elongated open fissures and a delineated block in the southern dome sector. Here, we investigated the geomorphology, structures, thermal fingerprint, alteration mapping and hazard potential of the Merapi lava dome by using drone-based geomorphologic data and forward-looking thermal infrared images The block on the southern dome of Merapi is delineated by a horseshoe-shaped structure with a maximum depth of 8 m and it is located on the unbuttressed southern steep flank. We identify intense thermal, fumarole and hydrothermal alteration activities along this horseshoe-shaped structure. We conjecture that hydrothermal alteration may weaken the horseshoe-shaped structure, which then may develop into a failure plane that can lead to gravitational collapse. To test this instability hypothesis, we calculated the factor of safety and ran a numerical model of block-and-ash flow using Titan2D. Results of the factor of safety analysis confirm that intense rainfall events may reduce the internal friction and thus gradually destabilize the dome. The titan2D model suggests that a hypothetical gravitational collapse of the delineated unstable dome sector may travel southward for up to 4 km. This study highlights the relevance of gradual structural weakening of lava domes, which can influence the development fumaroles and hydrothermal alteration activities of cooling lava domes for years after initial emplacement

    Pemetaan Bawah Permukaan Intrusi Diorit Menggunakan Metode Gravitasi, Magnetik dan AMT di Jiwo Barat, bayat, Klaten, Jawa Tengah

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    In Jiwo Barat, Bayat there is a lithological surface contact between metamorph, the oldest rock in Java and Paleogene Limestone. The subsurface contact hasn't yet discovered. There are controversies about the subsurface contact, some considered it as stratigraphy contact and others as structure contact. Magnetic, Gravity, and AMT data measurements are taken simultaneously in figuring out the subsurface of Jiwo Barat area. Magnetic data are used to identify magnetic field anomaly under lithological contact. From gravity modeling we found subsurface rocks density, by AMT method we collect resistivity value of subsurface rocks. Those three kinds of data will provide a detail description about the anomaly. Magnetic field cross section show high gradient anomaly, 110-1 12 nT at the northern side of surface of lithological contact between metamorphic and limestone. Otherwise, low anomaly (64-70 nT) was revealed at southern part. There is diorite intrusion shown by Gravity modeling with density 2.95 gr/cm3. AMT data provide resistivity value 10 - 4686 Om, describing that there is diorite in the subsurfac