109 research outputs found


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    Saat ini mau tidak mau keterbukaan pasar membuat suatu orientasi baru bagi badan usaha untuk menang dalam persaingan, yaitu memberikan layanan dan menciptakan kepuasan pada pelanggan. Salah satu tugas terpenting dan tersulit bagi seorang manajer dalam rangka orientasi baru tersebut adalah melakukan pengendalian melalui performance appraisal terhadap para karyawan agar orientasi tersebut dapat tercapai, yang biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan performance appraisal pada umumnya. Badan usaha satu dengan lainnya memiliki orientasi yang berbeda satu sama lain, sehingga untuk menunjang tercapainya orientasi badan usaha tersebut perlu adanya performance appraisal yang lebih spesifik. Ketidakjelasan akan apa yang dinilai dan dengan apa karyawan akan dinilai membuat para karyawan merasa frustrasi dan kebingungan, demikian juga sebaliknya hasil penilaian yang tidak berdasar pada orientasi yang tepat akan membuat individu tidak suka mendengar hasilnya, dan para manajerpun juga tidak akan merasa nyaman untuk menyampaikan hasil, terlebih hasil negatif atas penilaian diri karyawan. Para manajer akan khawatir untuk mendapatkan serangan dari para karyawan sesudahnya. Penilaian atas kinerja yang obyektif dan efektif akan banyak gunanya. Dalam bidang pengembangan sumberdaya manusia, performance appraisal ini akan berdampak pada pemberian reward, promosi, memotivasi, pengembangan, pemberian feedback, dan pemenuhan aspek legalitas pemberhentian para karyawan oleh badan usaha apabila yang bersangkutan tidak berorientasi pada tujuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh badan usaha. Persyaratan performance appraisal yang efektif meliputi persyaratan obyektivitas pengukurannya serta pemilihan metode yang tepat. Badan usaha yang berorientasi pada layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan memiliki beberapa ciri. Oleh karena itu performance appraisal yang efektif untuk menunjang badan usaha yang berorientasi pada layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan secara spesifik sangat dibutuhkan untuk dirancang. Selama ini dikenal beberapa performance appraisal, yaitu performance appraisal orientasi hasil dan performance appraisal orientasi proses, di mana masing-masing mempunyai beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan, serta dikenal beberapa cara penilaian, salah satu di antaranya adalah 360 degree appraisal. Pada kesempatan ini akan diperkenalkan cara merancang performance appraisal orientasi hasil dengan performance appraisal orientasi proses yang dikombinasikan dengan pcnilaian secara 360 degree appraisal, dan dinamakan rancangan performance appraisal yang efektif (EPA), dimana rancangan ini berguna untuk mengendalikan karyawan yang bekerja dalam badan usaha yang mementingkan layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan


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    Innovation requires change. In the business environment, resistance to change is deleterious to organizations. The ability to continuously adapt to change enables firms to achieve sustainable value creation and competitive advantage. Major organizational changes for innovation can anticipate resistance, especially if proposed changes alter values and visions related to the existing order. Change may be viewed in terms of the alteration in activities and tasks of the organization. These may range from subtle modifications in procedures and operations (such as continuous improvement or small incremental steps); to transformational radical changes (such as rapid expansion into international markets, mergers or major restructuring in an organization). On the other hand, for firm to be innovative there must be awareness throughout the organization of the need for innovation. Along with the streamlining of operations and processes to improve product and service delivery, the mindset of employees needs to change. Since innovation is an important factor for future growth of any business venture, change management is required for achieving the required business strategies and practices. This case study was conducted to review change that drives innovative management. It was an exploratory study and had been done by using semi-structured interviews with ten managers. The research questions explored were: What were the drivers of change? How did the drivers support organizational objectives and goals? And what was the resistance to change? This firm had Continuous Innovation or Improvement for its corporate culture, and this research showed that it was the most important driver for its change. It was also found that the most important ingredient for successful change management was employee involvement. Therefore, management should pay more attention to human dimensions when implementing change. They have to invest more time in communicating, training and following up on the change system or process. It is important for management to seek and take into consideration the input from employees into procedures for implementing change


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    Performance management is becoming a major requirement for many organizations, due to a good performance management of an organization can make it easier to achieve objectives, further impacts are as an advantage acceleration of sustainable organizations. PT. PJB Surabaya conducts performance management through the creation of a compensation system and employee career management. Compensation system that is applied is in the context of employee performance management is through a system of remuneration and incentives for the employees, while the management system of the careers of employees are done transparently and equitable for every employee to prepare the employees who have integrity and high competence, and professional in carrying out the company's vision and mission. The purpose of this study was to determine how performance management is conducted by PT PJB Surabaya, as well as how is the designs of the compensation system and career management that are conducted by PT PJB Surabaya in order to do the performance management. This research is a study case, which uses primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, while secondary data obtained through observation and analysis of documents. The findings obtained from this research is to know about the compensation system and career management that are conducted for performance management of employees, so PT PJB Surabaya is capable of accelerating sustainable organizational excellence

    CSR Model: Cooperation Between Business Corporation and Surabaya City Government for Improving Competitiveness of SMEs through Green Business Oriented Tiered Training

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    Community empowerment is one of the important factors that could alleviate people from poverty. One form of empowerment that is quite effective is through training. Surabaya City Government has a community development program through a tiered training to equip poor people with skills so that eventually these people can establish SMEs and to create jobs at least for himself. On the other hand, the corporation or business corporation also has a CSR program, which the CSR program is"actually a business commitment to act ethically, operating legally and contribute to improving the quality of life of employees and their families, local communities, and the wider community. The concept involves responsibility CSR partnerships between governments, corporations, and local communities that are active and dynamic. This paper is about the implementation of the idea of making a model of corporate social responsibility to participate in the program that have been made to alleviate poverty through a tiered training to encourage the formation of competitive SMEs through green bu.siness oriented tiered training. So that both the tiered training program created by the government and CSR programs created by corporations will work in synergy. Data to support the writing of this paper was obtained through in depth interviews with Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) that handles this training to poor communities in Surabaya in order to alleviate poverty through the establisl:lment of competitive SMEs and business actors who have CSR programs to the community

    Social capital, tiered entrepreneurship training, and agrotourism development model of Kampung Salak Bojonegoro

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    This which was related to social capital in collaboration for the development of an industrial cluster, in which the concept of agropolitan area development inclines on a micro and local scale. The type of research used was qualitative research. The results of the current study were ( 1) Agropolitan Area Development Model which is inclined on micro and local scale, which is suitable with the social condition and local potency is empowering people to utilize its potential to increase value; (2) The spirit of entrepreneurship is a social capital to support the people for growing into Agribusiness of Kampung Salak through three things, namely salak agribusiness that has been improved in quality, utilization of living environment and daily, and growth of small micro enterprise (SMEs) in the field of processed salak products and salak agro-tourism support system; (3) Tiered Entrepreneurship Training shall increase the competence of business actors in Kampung Salak in accordance with the level of business owne


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    Peranan ilmu psikologi khususnya Psikologi Layanan untuk memahami gambaran kondisi psikologis atau psychograph dari karyawan maupun pelanggan telah lama diakui kegunaannya. Tiap orang dalam hal ini tiap karyawan maupun tiap pelanggan tentu mempunyai psychograph yang berbeda-beda. Hal tersebut menyebabkan tiap karyawan mempunyai konsep persepsi yang berbeda-beda tentang kualitas layanan, maupun efektivitas layanan. Pelanggan tentu saja juga akan mempunyai persepsi yang berbeda-beda terhadap kualitas maupun efektivitas layanan, tergantung dari latar belakang budaya yang berbeda, pendidikan, tingkat sosial, pengalaman psikologis dan sebagainya. Hal tersebut tentunya menyulitkan pelaksana layanan, yang dalam hal ini adalah para karyawan, untuk membangun kepuasan, kepercayaan dan komitmen pelanggan. Sungguh suatu hal yang sulit, karena pada dasarnya manusia itu unik, tidak ada yang persis sama. Paper ini akan mengulas bagaimana peranan Psikologi Layanan dalam membangun konsep, dan persepsi yang sama untuk para karyawan terhadap kualitas layanan dan efektivitas layanan. Juga akan dibahas peranan Psikologi layanan untuk membangun kepuasan, kepercayaan dan komitmen pelanggan, yang dipadukan dengan konsep marketing yang mengutamakan pelayanan prima saat ini, yaitu konsep Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM). Pemahaman terhadap Psychograph Karyawan pada akhirnya akan sangat berguna dalam membangun kesamaan konsep maupun persepsi dari karyawan akan pentingnya kualitas dan efektivitas layanan yang merupakan kunci untuk penerapan Customer Relatioship Marketing. Sedangkan pemahaman terhadap Psychograph pelanggan, pada akhirnya akan sangat berguna untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efektifitas layanan para karyawan terhadap pelanggan yang pada akhirnya merupakan kunci untuk membangun kepuasan, kepercayaan dan komitmen yang hendak dicapai melalui konsep Customer Relationship Marketing


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    – This research raises the spirit of Surabaya City Government to eradicate unemployment and poverty in Surabaya, while higher education also has a vision to reduce unemployment in Surabaya, especially in Indonesia in general by creating entrepreneurial spirit. The issues raised in this study are (1) How is the curriculum of entrepreneurship courses in FBE UBAYA able to build entrepreneurship spirit?; (2) How is the community empowerment practice in Kampung  Nelayan Kenjeran Surabaya?; (3) How to integrate entrepreneurial learning practices with community empowerment in Kampung  Nelayan Kenjeran Surabaya? The method used is qualitative, that is with in depth interview. The result of the research is the integration of entrepreneurship learning practices with the empowerment of the people of the fishermen of Surabaya City who are trading at Sentra Ikan Bulak Surabaya carrying the entrepreneurship spirit at Sentra Ikan Bulak Surabaya


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    Abstrak - Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mengeksplorasi perencanaan suksesi yang ditinjau dari fase Family System yang melihat tentang nilai – nilai dan budaya, komunikasi dan kepercayaan, dan konflik perusahaan. Fase Management System melihat tentang perencanaan dan konsultan bisnis atau penasehat. Kemudian Ownership System yang berfokus pada kesiapan calon suksesor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-eksploratori dengan subyek penelitiannya adalah dua orang pemimpin puncak dan satu orang calon suksesor, di sini terjadi pergantian kepemimpinan sebagian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, dari fase Family System, perusahaan ini memiliki nilai-nilai dan budaya keluarga yang sangat kuat mengenai manajemen dan disiplin, kemudian kejujuran dan saling menghormati. Namun terdapat dualisme kepemimpinan dan perbedaan pendapat yang terjadi di antara para pemimpin. Pada Management System, dijelaskan bahwa tidak terdapat pembagian kerja yang sistematis yang dilakukan oleh kedua pemimpin, tidak memiliki dewan keluarga maupun penasehat keluarga. Padahal pembentukan penasehat keluarga, dapat mengatasi dualisme kepemimpinan. Terakhir pada Ownership System, dijelaskan bahwa calon suksesor sedang menjalani proses pendidikan tinggi dengan mengikuti kesibukan dalam kegiatan organisasi yang tersedia. Pada program pelatihan, kedua pemimpin telah mempersiapkan strategi dengan melakukan transfer pengetahuan melalui penempatan posisi calon suksesor dari bawah dan merata dengan pengawasan intensif yang dilakukan oleh para pemimpin. Kata kunci: Perusahaan keluarga, Family System, Management System, Ownership Syste


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    The Government of Surabaya since 2009 has had a program to reduce poverty in Surabaya. The poverty reduction program in the City of Surabaya is through tiered training for SMEs. The tiered training aims to train groups of poor people in the city of Surabaya to gain the skills for entrepreneurship. At the next level of skills for entrepreneurship was developed into SMEs through training by SKPD City Government of Surabaya. At every level of training undertaken, including to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in the face of the Asean Economic Community(AEC). The research's aim was to determine how a tiered training for SMEs in Surabaya can serve as a strategy to strengthen the competitiveness of SME to face AEC. The subjects in this study is the Surabaya City Government, which in it is Bappeko who designed the strategy and management of the tiered training program, SKPD that plays a role in providing this training to produce entrepreneurs, business groups and SMEs, as well as strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs. SKPDs that are included are the BAPPEMAS and KB, the Department of Labor, Offwe Food Security, Department of Cooperatives and SMEs, Public Health Service, Department of Trade & Industry, as well as the Department of Health, and also the participants that successfully form SMEs. The type of data is primary as well as secondary. Primary data were obtained through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, while the secondary data obtained through the analysis of documents. The research found that SMEs Spaced training organized by the Government of Surabaya plays an important role as a strategy for strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs in the face of AEC
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