
CSR Model: Cooperation Between Business Corporation and Surabaya City Government for Improving Competitiveness of SMEs through Green Business Oriented Tiered Training


Community empowerment is one of the important factors that could alleviate people from poverty. One form of empowerment that is quite effective is through training. Surabaya City Government has a community development program through a tiered training to equip poor people with skills so that eventually these people can establish SMEs and to create jobs at least for himself. On the other hand, the corporation or business corporation also has a CSR program, which the CSR program is"actually a business commitment to act ethically, operating legally and contribute to improving the quality of life of employees and their families, local communities, and the wider community. The concept involves responsibility CSR partnerships between governments, corporations, and local communities that are active and dynamic. This paper is about the implementation of the idea of making a model of corporate social responsibility to participate in the program that have been made to alleviate poverty through a tiered training to encourage the formation of competitive SMEs through green bu.siness oriented tiered training. So that both the tiered training program created by the government and CSR programs created by corporations will work in synergy. Data to support the writing of this paper was obtained through in depth interviews with Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) that handles this training to poor communities in Surabaya in order to alleviate poverty through the establisl:lment of competitive SMEs and business actors who have CSR programs to the community

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