91 research outputs found

    Toxicity of water treated with Fenton-like ferrite catalyst

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    Recently, there has been a rapid growth in the use of nanoparticles in water treatment processes. However, an important task is to study the toxicity of the materials used and the reaction products formed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the proposed water treatment method on the ecosystem. Algae are excellent model organisms for studying the toxic effects of catalyst nanoparticles. This work investigates the toxicity of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris Beij. (C. vulgaris). The growth rate of C. vulgaris depends on the residual concentration of H2O2, indicating a stressful physiological state of the microalgae. Exposure to sintered cobalt ferrite granules does not affect the growth of freshwater algae. At a residual H2O2 concentration of 11.9 mM, algal cells' morphology, membrane integrity, and viability were severely impaired. Hydrogen peroxide is known to cause oxidative stress, as evidenced by a decrease in the growth rate of C. vulgaris and an increase in the number of dead cells. The study showed that the high residual concentration of H2O2 is the main obstacle to the discharge of treated water into the natural ecosystem

    Cинтез 1,5-діарил-4-арилтіопіролідин-2-онів реакцією арилсульфенілювання N-ариламідів стирилоцтової кислоти

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    The role of the electrophilic intramolecular cyclization (EIC) reaction of unsaturated carboxylic acid amides has been described for the design of arylthio-containing lactams and lactones. In order to identify the effect of the styryl moiety on regioselectivity of the electrophilic intramolecular cyclization process styryl acetic acid amides with electron-donating substituents in para-position of the styryl moiety have been studied. It has been found that these compounds react with phenyl and p-tolylsulfenylchlorides in nitromethane in the presence of lithium perchlorate as a “doping additive” to form 1,5-diaryl-4-arylthiopyrrolidin-2-ones with the yield of 60-66%. It is most likely that the reaction found includes the formation of the episulfonium cation stabilized by the perchlorate-anion followed by 5-endo-cyclization onto the nitrogen atom of the amide group. The structure of the compounds synthesized has been confirmed by their spectral parameters. In particular, the IR-spectra contain strong absorption bands C=O at 1703-1703 cm-1, and 1H NMR-spectra of the compounds obtained are characterized by two protons multiple shifts of the H3 pyrrolidine ring at 2.52-2.64 and 3.08-3.22 ppm, respectively, H4 proton multiple shifts at 3.61-3.76 ppm and H5 at 4.99-5.09 ppm. Formation of the pyrrolidine ring as a result of cyclization has been reliably proven by 13C NMR-spectra with the typical signals of carbon atoms: C3 (37 ppm), C4 (48 ppm), C5 (69 ppm) and C2 (172 ppm).Подчеркнута роль реакции электрофильной внутримолекулярной циклизации (ЭВЦ) амидов непредельных карбоновых кислот для построения сульфанилсодержащих лактамных и лактонных структур. С целью выявления влияния стирильного фрагмента на региоселективность процесса ЭВЦ исследован ряд анилидов стирилуксусных кислот с донорными заместителями в пара-положении арильного ядра. Установлено, что указанные соединения реагируют с фенил- и пара-толилсульфенилхлоридами в среде нитрометана в присутствии эквимолярного количества перхлората лития как «допинг-добавки» с образованием 1,5-диарил-4-арилтиопирролидин-2-онов с выходами 60-66%. Наиболее вероятно, что найденная реакция реализуется по схеме образования стабилизированного перхлорат-анионом эписульфониевого катиона с последующей 5-эндо-циклизацией на атом азота амидной группы. Структура синтезированных соединений подтверждена их спектральными параметрами. В частности, в ИК-спектрах присутствуют интенсивные полосы поглощения групп С=О при 1703-1705 см-1. Спектры ЯМР 1Н характеризуются двумя мультиплетами протонов Н3 пирролидинового цикла соответственно при 2.52-2.64 и 3.08-3.22 м.ч., а также мультиплетами протонов Н4 при 3.61-3.76 м.д. и Н5 при 4.99-5.09 м.д. Формирование в результате циклизации пиридинового ядра надежно доказано спектрами ЯМР 13С с типичными сигналами атомов углерода: С3 (37 м.д.), С4 (48 м.д.), С5 (69 м.д.) и С2 (172 м.д.).Підкреслена роль реакції електрофільної внутрішньомолекулярної циклізації (ЕВЦ) амідів ненасичених карбонових кислот для побудови сульфаніловмісних лактамних та лактонних структур. З метою виявлення впливу стирильного фрагмента на регіоселективність процесу електрофільної внутрішньомолекулярної циклізації досліжено ряд анілідів стирилоцтових кислот із донорними замісниками в пара-положенні арильного ядра. Встановлено, що вказані сполуки реагують із феніл- та пара-толілсульфенілхлоридами в середовищі нітрометану в присутності еквімолярної кількості перхлорату літію як «допінг-добавки» із утворенням 1,5-діарил-4-арилтіопіролідин-2-онів із виходами 60-66%. Найвірогідніше, що знайдена реакція реалізується за схемою утворення стабілізованого перхлорат-аніоном епісульфонієвого катіона із подальшою 5-ендо-циклізацією на атом азоту амідної групи. Cтруктура синтезованих сполук підтверджена їх спектральними параметрами. Зокрема, в ІЧ-спектрах присутні інтенсивні смуги поглинання груп С=О при 1703-1705 см-1. Спектри ЯМР 1Н характеризуються двома мультиплетами протонів Н3 піролідинового циклу відповідно при 2.52-2.64 та 3.08-3.22 м.ч., а також мультиплетами протонів Н4 при 3.61-3.76 м.ч. та Н5 при 4.99-5.09 м.ч. Формування в результаті циклізації піролідинового ядра надійно доведено спектрами ЯМР 13С із типовими сигналами атомів вуглецю: С3 (37 м.ч.), С4 (48 м.ч.), С5 (69 м.ч.) та С2 (172 м.ч.)

    Assessment of senile asthenia syndrome using the Frailty and Edmonton frail scales in elderly and senile patients who underwent emergency abdominal surgery

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    The aim of the work was to compare the effectiveness of the assessment of senile asthenia syndrome using the Frailty and Edmonton Frail scales in elderly and senile patients undergoing emergency abdominal surgery. Materials and methods. The study included 80 patients aged 60 to 89 years with a diagnosis of acute calculous cholecystitis. A correlation was determined between asthenia and the severity of the patient’s condition according to the P-POSSUM scale, the peak value of the increase in the risk of postoperative complications and mortality occurs in patients with a sum of points >32, p = 0.012. The syndrome of senile asthenia using the Edmonton Frail scale was detected in 30 (37.5 %) patients, according to the Frailty scale – 32 (40.0 %), U = 3120.0, p = 0.7862. Results. The main advantage of the Edmonton Frail scale is the examination time of 22 ± 3 min, while with the Frailty scale 360 ± 22 min (U = 24.5, p < 0.0001). Based on the assessment of the severity of the condition using the P-POSSUM scale, we determined a direct correlation of average strength between the presence of asthenia and the number of points: Edmonton Frail subgroup A – rs = 0.81, p = 0.000001. The same results, respectively, on the Frailty scale – rs = 0.78, p = 0.000004. The frequency of complications increases significantly in the category of patients with asthenia, which is confirmed by both the Edmonton Frail scale – 23.3 % (U = 605.0, p = 0.0087), and the Frailty scale – 21.9 % (U = 632.0, p = 0.0150). Conclusions. The frequency of detection of senile asthenia syndrome using the Edmonton Frail and Frailty scale in patients was equivalent (U = 3120.0, p = 0.7862). The Edmonton Frail scale is more convenient to use in urgent situations, and the mean time to diagnose asthenia using it was 22 ± 3 min, while the complete diagnosis using the Frailty scale took 360 ± 22 min (U = 24.5, p < 0.0001). A significant increase in the frequency of postoperative complications was determined in the category of patients with asthenia, confirmed both by the Edmonton Frail scale – 23.3 % (U = 605.0, p = 0.0087), and by the Frailty scale – 21.9 % (U = 632.0, p = 0.0150)

    Термоелектричний прилад для контактного охолодження ока людини

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    The paper presents the results of the development of a thermoelectric device in the form of a monocular dressing for contact cooling of the human eye through the eyelids. The developed device allows controlled local contact cooling of the eye structures through the eyelids and is designed to treat the acute and chronic eye diseases, reduce intraocular pressure, and reduce pain and inflammatory processes of the eye. The design features of the device and its technical characteristics are presented.У роботі наведено результати розробки термоелектричного приладу у вигляді монокулярної пов’язки для контактного охолодження ока людини через повіки. Розроблений прилад дає можливість контрольованого локального контактного охолодження структур ока через повіки та призначений для лікування гострих і хронічних захворювань ока, зниження внутрішньоочного тиску, зменшення больового синдрому та запальних процесів ока. Наведено особливості конструкції приладу та його технічні характеристики

    The Theoretical Description for Chlorantraniliprole Electrochemical Determination, Assisted by Squaraine Dye – Nano-CuS Composite

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    The theoretical description for the chlorantraniliprole electrochemical determination, assisted by the hybrid composite of squaraine dye with CuS nanoparticles has been described. The correspondent reaction mechanism has been proposed, and the correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that the chlorantraniprole electrochemical anodical determination on high potential may be efficiently provided by cupper sulfide nanoparticles, stabilized by the squaraine dye. On the other hand, the oscillatory and monotonic instability is also possible, being caused by DEL influences of the electrochemical stage. DOI:&nbsp;http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.151

    Ukraine – Canada: Modern Scientific Studies

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    У міжнародній колективній монографії вміщено найновіші українсько-канадські суспільно-політичні, історичні, соціально-економічні, філологічні,культурно-освітні та педагогічні дослідження в галузі сучасного канадознавства. Видання складається з трьох книг: перші дві – українською мовою, третя – англійською. Подібне видання виходить в Україні вперше. Для науковців, аспірантів і докторантів, студентів, магістрів і викладачів факультетів міжнародних відносин, іноземної філології, історії, політології та національної безпеки, філології й журналістики, економіки та управління, педагогічної освіти й соціальної роботи, для осередків канадознавста в Україні, українських студій у Канаді, а також усіх, хто цікавиться дослідженнями україно-канадської співпраці в різних сферах

    The Precarity of Progress: Implications of a Shifting Gendered Division of Labor for Relationships and Well-Being as a Function of Country-Level Gender Equality

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    The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a shift toward a more traditional division of labor–one where women took greater responsibility for household tasks and childcare than men. We tested whether this regressive shift was more acutely perceived and experienced by women in countries with greater gender equality. Cross-cultural longitudinal survey data for women and men (N = 10,238) was collected weekly during the first few months of the pandemic. Multilevel modelling analyses, based on seven waves of data collection, indicated that a regressive shift was broadly perceived but not uniformly felt. Women and men alike perceived a shift toward a more traditional division of household labor during the first few weeks of the pandemic. However, this perception only undermined women’s satisfaction with their personal relationships and subjective mental health if they lived in countries with higher levels of economic gender equality. Among women in countries with lower levels of economic gender equality, the perceived shift predicted higher relationship satisfaction and mental health. There were no such effects among men. Taken together, our results suggest that subjective perceptions of disempowerment, and the gender role norms that underpin them, should be considered when examining the gendered impact of global crisis

    Politicization of COVID-19 health-protective behaviors in the United States:Longitudinal and cross-national evidence

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    During the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. conservative politicians and the media downplayed the risk of both contracting COVID-19 and the effectiveness of recommended health behaviors. Health behavior theories suggest perceived vulnerability to a health threat and perceived effectiveness of recommended health-protective behaviors determine motivation to follow recommendations. Accordingly, we predicted that—as a result of politicization of the pandemic—politically conservative Americans would be less likely to enact recommended health-protective behaviors. In two longitudinal studies of U.S. residents, political conservatism was inversely associated with perceived health risk and adoption of health-protective behaviors over time. The effects of political orientation on health-protective behaviors were mediated by perceived risk of infection, perceived severity of infection, and perceived effectiveness of the health-protective behaviors. In a global cross-national analysis, effects were stronger in the U.S. (N = 10,923) than in an international sample (total N = 51,986), highlighting the increased and overt politicization of health behaviors in the U.S

    Intentions to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19:The Role of Prosociality and Conspiracy Beliefs across 20 Countries

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    Understanding the determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake is important to inform policy decisions and plan vaccination campaigns. The aims of this research were to: (1) explore the individual- and country-level determinants of intentions to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, and (2) examine worldwide variation in vaccination intentions. This cross-sectional online survey was conducted during the first wave of the pandemic, involving 6697 respondents across 20 countries. Results showed that 72.9% of participants reported positive intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19, whereas 16.8% were undecided, and 10.3% reported they would not be vaccinated. At the individual level, prosociality was a significant positive predictor of vaccination intentions, whereas generic beliefs in conspiracy theories and religiosity were negative predictors. Country-level determinants, including cultural dimensions of individualism/collectivism and power distance, were not significant predictors of vaccination intentions. Altogether, this study identifies individual-level predictors that are common across multiple countries, provides further evidence on the importance of combating conspiracy theories, involving religious institutions in vaccination campaigns, and stimulating prosocial motives to encourage vaccine uptake.</p

    Predictors of adherence to public health behaviors for fighting COVID-19 derived from longitudinal data

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    The present paper examines longitudinally how subjective perceptions about COVID-19, one's community, and the government predict adherence to public health measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Using an international survey (N = 3040), we test how infection risk perception, trust in the governmental response and communications about COVID-19, conspiracy beliefs, social norms on distancing, tightness of culture, and community punishment predict various containment-related attitudes and behavior. Autoregressive analyses indicate that, at the personal level, personal hygiene behavior was predicted by personal infection risk perception. At social level, social distancing behaviors such as abstaining from face-to-face contact were predicted by perceived social norms. Support for behavioral mandates was predicted by confidence in the government and cultural tightness, whereas support for anti-lockdown protests was predicted by (lower) perceived clarity of communication about the virus. Results are discussed in light of policy implications and creating effective interventions