52 research outputs found


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    In the space of modern Ukrainian higher education, the tasks of vocational training development and improvement, integration and creating conditions for disabled students’ creative self-realization become really important. In order to create the structure of adapted environment at universities and to promote personal and professional development of all participants at the integrated educational environment, a comprehensive psychological study of the psychological foundations of students' personal self-realization should be done. The research objective: to study psychological characteristics of students’ self-realization studied at integrated groups with investigation of disabled students’ self-attitudes and their correlations with self-actualization, meaningful life orientations and psychological hardiness. Research methods: the test-questionnaire of self-attitudes (S. Pantileev, V. Stolin); Shostrom's Personal Orientation Inventory in adaptation N. Kalin, A.Lazukin; the Test of Meaningful Life Orientation of D.L.Leontev; S.Maddi's Hardiness Scale in adaptation of D.Leontiev, Ye.I. Raskasova; the methods of statistical analysis for empirical data: comparative analysis of average indicators, correlation analysis. The performed empirical study revealed such psychological characteristics of disabled students’ self-attitudes as unrealistic ideas about themselves, their abilities and skills, a tendency to self-blame, low level of self-understanding, which can become obstacles to their effective self-realization. The success of students' self-realization in the integrated educational environment of universities is provided by their internal resources: positive self-attitude, awareness of goals, meanings in life, strength and stability of Self, cooperation with other people, society as a whole.


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    The aim of the research is to investigate and then compare the globalization capacity of modern university lecturers in Ukraine and Lithuania on different stages of their professional development. The strategy which has been chosen for the aim realization is based on a psycho-diagnostic method and comparative approach toward results’ analysis and interpretation. The sample included 302 Ukrainian and 60 Lithuanian lecturers (N = 362). The paper represents a new psycho-diagnostic instrument – a standardized questionnaire GLOBIDMAR – for measuring globalization capacity of academicians from different European countries. Research results allow to compare globalization capacity of university instructors from Ukraine and Lithuania and to discover factors that influence the development of these measures under the conditions of rapid socio-economic, socio-cultural and professional changes. The level of globalization capacity appeared higher one in Lithuanian pedagogues in comparison with Ukrainian ones that affirms a higher level of their readiness to development of their own professional identity in the context of globalization processes in scientific-education area. Lithuanian university lecturers have stably high level of globalization capacity during the whole process of their professional development.KEYWORDS: Globalization capacity, university teaching staff, comparative research.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v66i1.78

    Психологічні чинники життєстійкості випускників школи

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    The article examines the personal qualities of secondary school graduates that determine their hardiness at their professional self-determination. The modern approaches defining hardiness essence and factors, and peculiarities of its development are analyzed. The factors contributing to the enhancement of an individual’s hardiness in the situation of professional self-determination are considered. Hardiness is understood as a holistic phenomenon of a personality that mediates stress impact on psychological well-being and health. Self-understanding and self-acceptance of secondary school graduates, their life goals, and life meanings, confidence in themselves and their capabilities are important. It is the psychological basis of personal resilience and life senses.У статті розглядається особистісні якості випускників шкіл, що визначають їх життєстійкість в період їх професійного самовизначення. Проаналізовано сучасні підходи до визначення сутності та факторів життєстійкості особистості, особливості їх розвитку. Розглянуто чинники, що сприяють підвищенню життєстійкості особистості у ситуації професійного самовизначення. Показано, що життєстійкість є холістичним особистісним феноменом, що опосередковує вплив стресогенних факторів на психологічне благополуччя та здоров’я особистості. Важливе значення та вплив на рівень життєстійкості випускників шкіл мають ступінь їх саморозуміння та самоприйняття, наявність життєвих цілей, смислу життя, впевненість в собі та своїх можливостях, що є психологічною основою особистісної стійкості та смислу життя

    Psychological characteristics of the relationship between mental health and hardiness of Ukrainians during the war

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    ObjectivesThe aim of our survey is to identify psychological features for the relationship between mental health and hardiness of Ukrainians during the war.MethodsThe study involved 608 Ukrainians. We aimed to identify the relationship between mental health and hardiness and determine the differences in the peculiarities of mental health of people with different levels of hardiness. Also we looked for predictors for hardiness.ResultsSubjective hardiness was found to be related to specific manifestation of mental health in the Ukrainian population. Strong correlations were revealed for hardiness with adaptation (ρ = 0.818), emotional comfort (ρ = 0.786), internality (ρ = 0.672), self-perception (ρ = 0.656,), escapism (ρ = −0.632) and mental health (ρ = 0.629). A prognostic model based on linear regression analysis identified the main predictors of personal hardiness and confirmed correlational analysis. Mental health (0.341), emotional comfort (ρ = 0.786), and escapism (−0.576) were found to be good predictors. Altogether 40.1% of Ukrainians scored low, 54.6% medium, and 5.3% high on individual hardiness.ConclusionThe study found that about every 4th Ukrainian demonstrates a low level of personal hardiness, which is accompanied by emotional discomfort and lack of internal locus of control, making them more susceptible to stress and illness. Additionally, they tend to distance themselves which significantly exacerbates the situation. It has been found that Ukrainians with low levels of personal hardiness exhibit escapism (with diversion of the mind to imaginative activity), a destructive defense mechanism that not only prevents effective problem solving but also has long-term negative consequences for their overall health. Consequently, especially people with low hardiness should receive specific support to stabilize their mental wellbeing and health overall

    The Impact of Gender Identity on In-Group Trust

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    The article discusses the problem of the influence of gender identity on intra-group trust. Various scientific views on the category of trust are examined. Attention is also paid to the socio-psychological function of trust. Trust, in turn, is the foundation of the relationship between people and a factor in the effectiveness of cooperation. Having defined gender identity, we can say which form of identification positively affects internal group trust, and therefore the effectiveness of cooperation in a sports team. The article describes what type of gender identification (masculinity, femininity, androgyny) positively affects internal group trust, and does this have any connection with the success of a sports team. Also in the article to answer our tasks: 1) conduct a theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic theories of the formation of gender identity; 2) to study the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of trust and analyze the importance of trust as a component of interpersonal communication in a sports team; 3) conduct a study to determine the gender identity of the person and determine the level of trust in the sports team; 4) analyze the relationship between gender identity and trust in a sports team; 5) to trace the influence of these factors on the success of a football team

    Психометричні властивості шкали “5C Психологічні передумови вакцинації”: українська вибірка

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    Despite the critical situation in Ukraine caused by the russian military invasion, the issue of vaccination remains a priority both during and after the war. Accordingly, attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination are a key aspect for understanding the vaccination issue in general. The purpose of this study is to adapt and validate the Ukrainian version of the “5C Psychological Antecedents of Vaccination” scale, an instrument designed to measure psychological prerequisites for vaccination, and to investigate its psychometric properties in a Ukrainian sample. Methods. Validation was performed on a sample of 392 respondents. The psychometric properties of the scale were assessed using Cronbach's alpha (to determine the measure of internal consistency), exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and correlation analysis with the “Multidimensional Health Locus of Control” (MHLC) scales. Results. Cronbach’s alpha values for the five subscales ranged from .65 to .84, indicating satisfactory to good internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) resulted in a four-factor solution. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the five-factor model was confirmed (according to the comparative fit index (CFI>.95), Tucker-Lewis index (TLI>.95), root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA>.05/RMSEA<. 08), standardized root mean square residual (SRMR<.08)), which corresponds to the original scale “5C Psychological Antecedents of Vaccination” and includes the subscales “Confidence”, “Complacency”, “Constraint”, “Calculation”, “Collective Responsibility”. The correlation analysis revealed significant correlations between the “5C Psychological Antecedents of Vaccination” scale and the “Multidimensional Health Locus of Control” (MHLC) scales, which confirms their convergent and discriminant validity. Discussion and conclusions. The Ukrainian version of the “5C Psychological Antecedents of Vaccination” scale demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties, namely internal consistency, factor structure, convergent and discriminant validity. The Ukrainian version of the “5C Psychological Antecedents of Vaccination” scale can be used to conduct research on a Ukrainian sample.Незважаючи на критичну ситуацію в Україні, яка спричинена російським воєнним вторгненням, питання вакцинації залишається пріоритетним як під час, так і після завершення війни. Відповідно, ставлення до вакцинації від COVID-19 є ключовим аспектом для розуміння проблеми вакцинації загалом. Метою є здійснення адаптації та валідизації україномовної версії шкали “5С Психологічні передумови вакцинації”, інструменту, призначеного для вимірювання психологічних передумов вакцинації, та дослідження її психометричних властивостей на українській вибірці. Методи. Валідизацію здійснено на вибірці з 392 респондентів. Психометричні властивості шкали оцінено за допомогою альфа-критерію Кронбаха (для визначення міри внутрішньої узгодженості), експлораторного факторного аналізу (EFA), конфірматорного факторного аналізу (CFA), кореляційного аналізу зі “Шкалами багатовимірного локусу контролю здоров’я” (MHLC). Результати. Значення альфа-критерію Кронбаха для п’яти субшкал коливалися від .65 до .84, що свідчить про задовільну та добру внутрішню узгодженість. У результаті проведення експлораторного факторного аналізу (EFA) отримано чотирифакторне рішення. За допомогою конфірматорного факторного аналізу (CFA) підтверджено п’ятифакторну модель (згідно з показниками індексу порівняльної придатності (CFI>.95), індексом Такера-Льюїса (TLI>.95), середньоквадратичною похибкою апроксимації (RMSEA>.05/RMSEA<.08), стандартизованим середньоквадратичним залишком (SRMR<.08)), яка відповідає оригінальній шкалі “5С Психологічні передумови вакцинації” і охоплює субшкали “Впевненість”, “Самозаспокоєння”, “Обмеження”, “Розрахунок”, “Колективна відповідальність”. Кореляційний аналіз виявив значні кореляційні зв’язки між шкалою “5С Психологічні передумови вакцинації” та “Шкалами багатовимірного локусу контролю здоров’я” (MHLC), що підтверджує їхню конвергентну та дискримінантну валідність. Дискусія і висновки. Українська версія шкали “5С Психологічні передумови вакцинації” продемонструвала задовільні психометричні властивості, а саме: внутрішню узгодженість, факторну структуру, конвергентну та дискримінантну валідність. Україномовна версія шкали “5С Психологічні передумови вакцинації” може бути використана для проведення досліджень на україномовній вибірці

    Phase diagrams of the AgIn5Se8–AgGaSe2 and AgIn5Se8–Ga2Se3 systems of the quasi-ternary system Ag2Se–Ga2Se3–In2Se3

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    Using X-ray diffraction, differential-thermal and microstructural analyses and microhardness measurements, the quasi-binary systems AgIn5Se8–AgGaSe2 and AgIn5Se8–Ga2Se3 were investigated. Based on the results of the research, their phase diagrams were constructe

    Structural, morphological and photocatalytic properties of nanostructured TiO2/AgI photocatalyst

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    Nanostructured TiO2/AgI photocatalyst under the action of ultraviolet or visible electromagnetic radiation effectively neutralizes organic pollutants in the aqueous environment. It is a nanostructure in which micro- and small mesopores of anatase TiO2 are filled with silver iodide in the superionic state. The content of the α-AgI ion-conducting phase in the volume of ТіО2 pores can be ~20 wt %. To obtain a photocatalyst, titanium dioxide is synthesized by the sol-gel method, using a titanium aquacomplex solution [Ti(OH2)6]3+•3Cl- and a Na2CО3 modifier additive as a precursor. The modifying additive during synthesis ensures the fixation of =О2СО carbonate groups on the surface of oxide material particles. The presence of these groups leads to an increase in both the pore volume and the specific surface area of ТіО2. The specific surface area of carbonized titanium dioxide is 368 m2•g-1, the pore volume is 0.28 cm3•g-1, and their size is 0.9-4.5 nm. To fill the micro- and small mesopores of TiO2 with the superionic α-AgI phase, Ag+ cations are first adsorbed from the AgNO3 solution on the titanium dioxide surface, and then the oxide material is contacted with the KI solution. Compared to the Evonik P25-TiO2 photocatalyst, the nanostructured TiO2/AgI photocatalyst demonstrates a significantly higher efficiency of photodegradation of organic dyes Congo Red and Methyl Orange in visible and ultraviolet radiation. The most active ТіО2/40AgI sample achieved complete degradation of the CR dye in 6 minutes of UV irradiation, while the efficiency of commercial Р25-TiO2 over the same time was only 42%

    Trust in government and its associations with health behaviour and prosocial behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Previous studies suggested that public trust in government is vital for implementations of social policies that rely on public's behavioural responses. This study examined associations of trust in government regarding COVID-19 control with recommended health behaviours and prosocial behaviours. Data from an international survey with representative samples (N=23,733) of 23 countries were analysed. Specification curve analysis showed that higher trust in government was significantly associated with higher adoption of health and prosocial behaviours in all reasonable specifications of multilevel linear models (median standardised β=0.173 and 0.244, P<0.001). We further used structural equation modelling to explore potential determinants of trust in government regarding pandemic control. Governments perceived as well organised, disseminating clear messages and knowledge on COVID-19, and perceived fairness were positively associated with trust in government (standardised β=0.358, 0.230, 0.055, and 0.250, P<0.01). These results highlighted the importance of trust in government in the control of COVID-19