1,306 research outputs found

    The influence of quiet asymmetric magnetosphere on the cutoff rigidities of the main cone

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    Some earlier studies show that cutoff rigidities of cosmic-ray particles in the model magnetospheric fields of internal and external sources have daily variations caused by asymmetry of the magnetic field due to the currents induced at the magnetopause and tail currents. Cutoff rigidities of the charged particles coming down at the middle latitudes are examined in this paper. The mathematical model of the magnetospheric field is based on the merged IMP-HEOS experimental data set and includes all known at the present time current systems of the magnetosphere: magnetopause, ring, and magnetotail currents

    Support and positioning of innovation dual technologies policy in defense industry in the strategy of Russian national branding

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    The theses are devoted to the problem of positioning the policy of dual defense industry technologies in the strategy of national branding of the Russian Federation in the era of growing global challenges and threats. The innovative development of the defense industry is of decisive importance both directly for solving the problem of building up the defense and combat potential of the state, and from the point of view of the locomotive for the development of civil industries and the economy as a whole. Each subject of the defense industry, which has innovative potential, can act as an active actor in the strategy of national branding of the Russian Federation. In addition, the relevant response to the current geopolitical situation is the formation of blocks in the field of defense and security with alternative international partners. One of such blocks is BRICS, cooperation within which is possible both on military-economic (arms export, joint developments) and on the military-political line (joint military exercises and maneuvers) in the interests of approving the idea of a multipolar world

    Mithopoetic Aspects in Contemporary Screen Culture

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    The article explores «the hero’s journey» – a universal mythological formula widely used in the cinema – as it is applied to the film «The Return» by A. Zvyagintsev. Myth here is seen as a way in which the author (director) expresses his concept, as well as a frame through which the reality and the individual destiny are perceived. It is a new mythology that has its origins within archaic and classical mythology, but also absorbs the entire spectrum of current sociocultural transformations. Keywords: screen culture, media, art film, mythopoeia, monomyph, hero’s journe

    Regional social infrastructure management in the system of tools used for improving the quality of life for regional population

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    This paper analyzes the processes in the social sphere and the performance of operating the social infrastructure to improve the population’s quality of life in the Russian regions. Particular attention has been paid to the role of organizational and administrative components, which include the regulation of social infrastructure institutions, planning, and programming that affect the performance of infrastructure facilities utilization. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of social infrastructure management through the congruence of immediate results (dynamics of indicators for social services) and final results (parameters of the population’s quality of life). The working hypothesis of the study was a breach of infrasystemic principle in the infrastructural support for improving the population’s quality of life in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation because of the insufficient effectiveness of public administration. The work on this paper involved using a set of methodological approaches, such as structured, factorial, systemic, and evolutionary approaches, to substantiate the conceptual framework, prepare the method-based approaches, and determine the impact made by the changes in the parameters of social infrastructure facilities on provided services and shifts in the indicators of the population’s quality of life. The paper proposes a method-based approach to quantifying the effectiveness of organizational and administrative components by using the diagnostics of sufficiency in the implementation of infrasystemic principle for the operation of social infrastructure based on elasticity coefficients. The proposed approach and analytical data obtained in the areas, such as health care, education, trade, housing & utilities, culture & sport, allowed ranking the regions of the Ural Federal District and identifying the areas of insufficient effectiveness in the organizational and administrative mechanism used for improving the population’s quality of life as the basis for developing practical recommendations for the executive branch of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and adjustment of socioeconomic policies

    Resources of actor-network theory for daily mobility researches

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    Resources of actor-network theory for daily mobility researches are examined. Reconstruction of social space term from ANT point of view allows understanding daily mobility as a phenomenon providing reproduction of social links.В работе рассматриваются возможности использования акторно-сетевой теории (АСТ) в исследованиях повседневной мобильности. Через реконструкцию понятия социального пространства с позиции АСТ обосновывается возможность исследования повседневной мобильности, в качестве феномена обеспечивающего воспроизводство социальных связей

    Специфика индивидуально-авторского стиля создания цветовой сенсорной образности в поэтическом тексте: лингвокультурологический анализ

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    Sensory perception of the world is the ontological basis of human existence that helps an individual to be oriented in the world. It also helps one to find the path in the most difficult circumstances of social communication. This makes it relevant to pay attention to sensory mechanisms and their functions in various fields of knowledge, from psychology to linguacultural studies. In modern linguistics, the category of sensory imagery is one of the complex phenomena, based on the author’s individual sociocultural experience. This experience is especially vividly realized in a poetic text, which is the highest form of sensory expression. In a poetic text, one can single out an independent block of color information, deliberately embedded in the content by its creators as an additional visual means. At the same time, this functionality of color is determined primarily by the peculiarities of individual author’s style in the creation of sensory visual color imagery.Sensory perception of the world is the ontological basis of human existence that helps an individual to be oriented in the world. It also helps one to find the path in the most difficult circumstances of social communication. This makes it relevant to pay attention to sensory mechanisms and their functions in various fields of knowledge, from psychology to linguacultural studies. In modern linguistics, the category of sensory imagery is one of the complex phenomena, based on the author’s individual sociocultural experience. This experience is especially vividly realized in a poetic text, which is the highest form of sensory expression. In a poetic text, one can single out an independent block of color information, deliberately embedded in the content by its creators as an additional visual means. At the same time, this functionality of color is determined primarily by the peculiarities of individual author’s style in the creation of sensory visual color imagery.Чувственное мировосприятие есть онтологическая основа существования человека, помогающая ему ориентироваться в природном мире. Она же помогает ему ориентироваться и в более сложных обстоятельствах социальной коммуникации. Все это делает актуальным внимание к сенсорным механизмам и их функционированию в самых разных областях знания, от психологии до лингвокультурологии. В современной лингвистике категория сенсорной образности выступает одним из сложных феноменов, в основе своей опирающийся на индивидуальный социокультурный опыт автора. Особенно ярко данный опыт реализуется в поэтическом тексте, представляющим собой наивысшую форму чувственной экспрессии. В таком тексте можно выделить самостоятельный блок информации, передающейся с помощью цвета, сознательно вложенный в содержание его создателями в качестве дополнительного изобразительного средства. При этом подобное функционирование цвета определяется, в первую очередь индивидуально-авторскими особенностями в создании сенсорной зрительно-цветовой образности

    The system of reproduction of social relations

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    В статье предпринята попытка определить понятие воспроизводства социальных отношений с социологической точки зрения. По мнению автора, существующий подход к определению понятия воспроизводства социальных отношений не является социологическим, а развивается в рамках политэкономии. Между тем, воспроизводство социальных отношений – важная социологическая категория и значимый социальный феномен, основная функция которого состоит в поддержании сложившегося предсказуемого социального порядка, отражающего определенную социальную структуру. Используя воспроизводственный и системный подходы автор, выделяет ключевые элементы социальных отношений, которые кладет в основу определения воспроизводства социальных отношений как системы, состоящей из статусно-ролевой, нормативной и ценностно-потребностной подсистем.The author touches upon the problem of sociologists' little attention to the term ―reproduction of social relations‖. While ―social relations‖ is one of the central terms for sociology, actually only Marxist oriented economists concern the question of reproduction of social relations. Undoubtedly the existing approach can‘t be considered as sociological. It is necessary to revise such vision of reproduction of social relations, because the reproduction of social relations is important social phenomenon. The function of this phenomenon is to maintain the social order and the social structure of the society. To solve this problem the author analyzes term ―social relations‖ and clarifies its key elements. Based on these elements and applying reproduction and system approaches the reproduction of social relations is defined as a complex system consisting of interrelated subsystems: status and role subsystem, value and need subsystem, normative subsystem

    Повседневная мобильность пользователей интернет-сетей в социальном пространстве города : магистерская диссертация

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    The dissertation considers daily mobility as grouping factor. Forms and resources of daily mobility are defined. Empirical research of daily mobility directions explores social differentiation of groups and correlation between daily mobility directions and unequal distribution of capitals.В диссертации рассматривается влияние повседневной мобильности интернет-пользователей на процессы группообразования в мегаполисе. Определяются виды повседневной мобильности и ресурсы, обеспечивающие ее осуществление. На основе эмпирического исследования анализируются социальные группы, интеграция и дифференциация которых обусловлена направлениями повседневной мобильности. Исследуется корреляция между направлениями повседневной мобильности населения в городском пространстве и неравномерным распределением капиталов