640 research outputs found

    Doxorubicin-associated Cardiomyopathy: New Approaches to Pharmacological Correction Using 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) Propionate Derivatives

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    The cardioprotective effect of the derivatives (nicotinate, 5-hydroxynicotinate) of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazini- um) propionate) and reference medicine meldonium in the case of doxorubicin (DOX) (20 mg/kg, intraperitoneally for 48 hours) cardiomyopathy was evaluated by the results of a functional test with high-frequency stimulation (480 bpm

    The Statute of the International Criminal Court and Third States

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    This paper examines the principal legal and political effects of the Rome Statute on non-parties. In particular, it explores the significance of the creation of a new powerful international institution for all members of the international community. It discusses the jurisdictional reach of the ICC which will inevitably affect all States. This paper also analyzes possible application of some provisions of the Rome Statute to non-States Parties in so far as these may reflect or generate customary international law. It suggests that despite the traditional principle of treaty law, according to which treaties do not bind Third States, the Rome Statute will affect non-States Parties in many significant ways

    Combined use of arginase II inhibitors and tadalafil for the correction of monocrotaline pulmonary hypertension

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    The concept of the regulatory role of endothelium in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension (PH) is fundamental. To study the protective effects of the selective arginase II inhibitors L207-0525 and L327-0346 in combination with tadalafil in a monocrotaline model of pulmonary hypertension in rat

    Synthesis of Ni/NiO Nanopowder by Thermal Decomposition of Nickel Acetate Amine

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    Ni/NiO nanopowders have been synthesized using thermal decomposition of nickel acetate hexaammine in air. Obtained powders have been characterized by IR-spectroscopy, XRD and TG, DTA, DTG and HR TEM. Thermal decomposition of nickel ammine complexes occurs with forming nickel hydroxide, carbonate and hydroxocarbonate ammines precursors. Mean particle size of nickel and nickel oxide phases in powders depends on temperature. In the temperature range from 350 to 500 degrees Celsius the particle size of nickel oxide has grown from 5 to 25 nm and nickel from 50 to 55 nm. Particle size of 5 nm for nickel hydroxide ammine remained unchanged with temperature. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3481

    МЕНТАЛЬНІ ПІДВАЛИНИ РЕЛІГІЙНОГО СВІТОБАЧЕННЯ Т. ШЕВЧЕНКА (The mental base of T. Shevchenko’s religious world outlook )

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    Стаття присвячена розгляду ментальної специфіки релігійного світогляду Т. Шевченка. У ній представлено основні характеристики релігійності українського народу та проаналізовано вплив етнопсихологічних чинників на їхнє формування. У процесі дослідження з’ясовано, що релігійне світобачення поета тісно пов’язане з українською ментальністю (The article is dedicated to the analysis of the mental base of T. Shevchenko’s religious world outlook. The author elucidates the main traits of the Ukrainian people’s religiousity and analyses the influence of ethnopsychological factors on their development. According to research it makes a conclusion that the poet’s religious world outlook intimately connected with Ukrainian mentality. The lines of this connection were such creations spiritual and world outlooking as: a Christian “cult of the man”, Christian “patriotism”, religious and cult’s aesthetics, “gospelіous Christianity”, religious tolerance. The reflection of deep ethnoreligious bases it watches in the poet’s understanding of God, his creation of image of God’s Mother also in his refusal of religious asceticism. In this article it was investigated that the belief in world outlook of Ukrainian’s people is an individual vital position. The personality always has a charter to choose a religion as for own internal ideal. The Ukrainians are the actors, but not the spectators in their contacts with God. The author believes, that a recognition of a value of every man and different ways of its liberty (in religious sphere also) generated a respect оf Ukrainians to spiritual achievements of other peoples. The Christian “cult of the man”, which was linked with religious tolerance, takes an important place in T. Shevchenko’s world outlook and his creative inheritance. It is an evidence of his spiritual connection with ethnoreligious views. It was elucidated in this article that strict religious asceticism and deep obedience of believers were unacceptable nor for the poet neither for Ukrainians. The God, in their religious views, loves a man. The personality feels an intimate connection in communication with Him, but not a panic fear. The God is their hope and support. He is a personification of justice and, at the same time of love to every man. Such combination permitted to Ukrainians and T. Shevchenko to address freely to God and demand of organizing the order in society. The one of personal traits of T. Shevchenko’s religious views that he stressed in life and creation on the “natural” religion, which rejects a ritual formalism, corresponds to high spiritual and mental needs of the every man. In generally, Ukrainian’s people, in spite of certain liberty in own spiritual world outlook, is very religious, analogously, the religion also took an important place in T. Shevchenko’s life

    Metabolic cardioprotection: new concepts in implementation of cardioprotective effects of meldonium

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    Recent studies confirm the need to find means to correct ischemic / reperfusion injury due to the hemodynamic medicine, which are already known do not have the proper cardioprotective effects. Key issue is the possibility of drug effects on the mitochondria of cardiomyocytes that controls the aerobic metabolism and maintenance of ATP admission into cardiomyocyte