25 research outputs found


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    Market success depends in large part on how well consumer behaviour and perception supplies understand. They need to understand how consumers evaluate products characteristics, gather information regarding various alternatives and use this information to select specific product. The object of this research was to determine consumer perception of Serbian agricultural and food products and especially perception of home made products. In October 2008, a research was conducted in the Belgrade market on a sample of 338 persons. The results were analyzed using univariant statistical analyses. The results of this research can be used by producers for defining marketing activities and by researchers to conduct further research in this field.Traditional agricultural and food products, Territorial competitiveness, Consumers, Republic of Serbia, Agribusiness, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Mogu li komercijalni ribari da utiču na donosioce odluka u Republici Srbiji?

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    Formiranje cena primarnih proizvoda po pravilu nije potpuno slobodno već država u većoj ili manjoj meri vrši uticaj, što je praksa u većini zemalja u svetu. Svako mešanje države u slobodno formiranje cena po pravilu donosi gubitak blagostanja. Postavlja se pitanje razloga za ovakvo delovanje države. Navedenim pristupom država u povoljniji odnosno nepovoljniji položaj stavlja pojedince i određene grupe. Očigledno je da se države svesno odriču dela blagostanja da bi postigle neke druge ciljeve. Posebno je važan način na koji se određuje koja će grupa biti privilegovana a koja oštećena. Osnovno pitanje koje se pri tome postavlja se odnosi na način donošenja odluka. U objašnjenju načina donošenja odluka koriste se dva pristupa, i to: normativni pristup i pristup Nove političke ekonomije. Normativni pristup polazi od pretpostavke da se svaka odluka orijentiše prema datoj ciljnoj funkciji i ciljnim ograničenjima. Normativna analiza se bavi temom formiranja cena proizvoda primarnog sektora u uslovima postojanja opšteg cilja društva, kao i efektima pojedinih državnih mera na ukupnu privredu. Prema ovom pristupu političar niti mora da se pridržava svojih obećanja od juče, niti mora da vodi računa o vremenskoj konzistentnosti svojih odluka. Umesto toga, političar u skladu sa normativnim pristupom pokušava da u svakom momentu maksimira društveno blagostanje. Osnovna hipoteza od koje se polazi glasi da svi koji utiču na donošenje političkih odluka pokušavaju da realizuju lične ciljeve u okviru svojih mogućnosti. Donošenje političkih odluka se može uporediti sa igrom. Tok i rezultat igre zavise sa jedne strane od igrača, a sa druge strane od pravila igre. Igrači su politički akteri koji mogu biti nosioci politike prema tradicionalnoj definiciji, ali takođe mogu biti i organizacije i osobe koje utiču na tok i rezultat politike. Pravila igre su jednim delom utvrđena zakonima, a delimično proizilaze i iz nepisanih pravila ponašanja aktera. Za političare se pretpostavlja da se oni moraju podvrgavati ponovnom izboru u redovnim vremenskim razmacima. Time se objašnjava proces donošenja odluka u demokratskom sistemu. Pretpostavlja se da je cilj političara da maksimiraju dohodak, lični ugled i moć i da oni ove ciljeve najbolje mogu da dostignu obavljanjem neke političke funkcije. Da li bi političari nekim alternativnim zaposlenjem mogli da ostvare veći dohodak, zavisi od uređenja političkog sistema. Ako se, međutim, pođe od nealtruističkog načina ponašanja, političari su preuzimanjem funkcije obelodanili svoje preferencije. Zbog toga se može pretpostaviti da se dohodak, moć, lični ugled i druge varijable koje mogu da ulaze u njihove ciljne funkcije bolje mogu realizovati obavljanjem političke funkcije nego neke alternativne delatnosti. Moć neke grupe određena je između ostalog i njenom veličinom i organizovanošću. Po pravilu veličina grupe i njena organizovanost su negativno korelirane. Primarni proizvođači u Srbiji zbog svoje brojnosti potencijalno predstavljaju značajnu interesnu grupu koju bi političari trebalo da uvažavaju. Ribari u Republici Srbiji su mala grupa koja bi mogla uticati na donošenje odluka koje su vezane za sektor ribarstva. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da objasni odnose političara prema pojedinim interesnim grupama, načine na koje grupe mogu ostvariti uticaj na političare i donosioce odluka u pogledu formiranja cena, kao i položaj ribara kao male grupe birača

    Ispitivanje percepcije potrošača prema poljoprivredno-prehrambenim proizvodima Republike Srbije

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    Market success depends in large part on how well consumer behaviour and perception supplies understand. They need to understand how consumers evaluate products characteristics, gather information regarding various alternatives and use this information to select specific product. The object of this research was to determine consumer perception of Serbian agricultural and food products and especially perception of home made products. In October 2008, a research was conducted in the Belgrade market on a sample of 138 persons. The results were analyzed using univariant statistical analyses. The results of this research can be used by producers for defining marketing activities and by researchers to conduct further research in this field


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    The aim of paper was to asses the use of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) for production of two tomato cultivars (Cedrico and Abellus) in polytunnels in Serbia. RDI plants received 60% of the water that was applied to FI plants and significant saving of water for irrigation and increased in irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were achieved. Yield data for Cedrico cultivar showed no differences between RDI and FI, while due to the bigger sensitivity to drought, yield of Abellus was reduced under RDI. In general, fruit quality (soluble solids, titrable acidity) was sustained or improved in both cultivars under RDI. Economic analyses showed that due to the current low prices of water and electricity in Serbia, the profit increase of Cedrico, similarly to the previously trialed cultivar Amati, was not high under RDI comparing to FI. Reduction of yield and consequent profit for Abellus, indicated that for future commercial growing of tomato under RDI should be used drought resistant cultivars

    Pricing variance swaps by using two methods : replication strategy and a stochastic volatility model

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    In this paper we investigate pricing of variance swaps contracts. The literature is mostly dedicated to the pricing using replication with portfolio of vanilla options. In some papers the valuation with stochastic volatility models is discussed as well. Stochastic volatility is becoming more and more interesting to the investors. Therefore we decided to perform valuation with the Heston stochastic volatility model, as well as by using replication strategy. The thesis was done at SunGard Front Arena, so for testing the replica- tion strategy Front Arena software was used. For calibration and testing of the Heston model we used MatLab


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    Market success depends in large part on how well consumer behaviour and perception supplies understand. They need to understand how consumers evaluate products characteristics, gather information regarding various alternatives and use this information to select specific product. The object of this research was to determine consumer perception of Serbian agricultural and food products and especially perception of home made products. In October 2008, a research was conducted in the Belgrade market on a sample of 338 persons. The results were analyzed using univariant statistical analyses. The results of this research can be used by producers for defining marketing activities and by researchers to conduct further research in this field

    Possible Supply Chain Models for Small Agricultural Producers in Serbia

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    Agricultural production in Serbia is one the most important segments of the national economy. Serbia is exporting more agricultural product than importing. Food processors who are responding to the wholesale and retail demand are looking for commodities with specific attributes. Industrialised agriculture grows and makes the rules on the market. In contrast, it has been recognised for some time that small agricultural producers in Serbia have been under huge economic pressure. As a result of impressive changes in market demand and in agricultural policy small agricultural produces in Serbia need to adjust their production structure. Market developments provide niche opportunities for small producers that are able to differentiate production and respond promptly. To capture these opportunity small farmers could use appropriate supply chains and supply chain strategies as well as decision making strategies for the development of partnership, especially planning for successful marketing. The aim of this paper is to analyse the supply chain models for the small Serbian farmers. The results show that small producers in Serbia face increased competition by big player in the market. The wholesale and retail permanently increase criteria for suppliers. Small producers have possibility to use niche opportunities in approaching consumers

    Experimental determination of double vibe function parameters in diesel engines with biodiesel

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    A zero-dimensional, one zone model of engine cycle for steady-state regimes of engines and a simplified procedure for indicator diagrams analysis have been developed at the Laboratory for internal combustion engines, fuels and lubricants of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac. In addition to experimental research, thermodynamic modeling of working process of diesel engine with direct injection has been presented in this paper. The simplified procedure for indicator diagrams analysis has been applied, also. The basic problem, a selection of shape parameters of double Vibe function used for modeling the engine operation process, has been solved. The influence of biodiesel fuel and engine working regimes on the start of combustion, combustion duration and shape parameter of double Vibe was determined by a least square fit of experimental heat release curve

    Aspects of volumetric efficiency measurement for reciprocating engines

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    The volumetric efficiency significantly influences engine output. Both design and dimensions of an intake and exhaust system have large impact on volumetric efficiency. Experimental equipment for measuring of airflow through the engine, which is placed in the intake system, may affect the results of measurements and distort the real picture of the impact of individual structural factors. This paper deals with the problems of experimental determination of intake airflow using orifice plates and the influence of orifice plate diameter on the results of the measurements. The problems of airflow measurements through a multi-process Otto/Diesel engine were analyzed. An original method for determining volumetric efficiency was developed based on in-cylinder pressure measurement during motored operation, and appropriate calibration of the experimental procedure was performed. Good correlation between the results of application of the original method for determination of volumetric efficiency and the results of theoretical model used in research of influence of the intake pipe length on volumetric efficiency was determined

    Genetic patterns in range-edge populations of Vaccinium species from the central Balkans: implications on conservation prospects and sustainable usage

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    Vaccinium myrtillus L., Vaccinium uliginosum L. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. are perennial, cold-adapted clonal shrubs distributed throughout Europe, northern Asia and North America. Due to their usage in food (berries) and pharmaceutical industry (berries and leaves), their natural populations are exposed to anthropogenic and other impacts that affect their genetic make-up. We analyzed 14 fragmentary distributed and small-sized peripheral populations of these species from the Balkans, which represents the southeastern-European marginal area of their wide European distributions, using RAPD molecular markers. The contemporary genetic patterns in all three species within the Balkans were generally similar, and in comparison to previous reports on populations of these species found in northward Europe, where they have a more continuous distribution, the levels of genetic diversity were more or less halved, genetic differentiation was several times higher, gene flow exceptionally low, and the expected prevalence of clonal individuals was lacking. The population dynamics of all three species within the Balkans was complex and distinct, and was characterized by a past admixture of individuals from discrete populations of the same species and interspecific hybridisation not only between V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea but also between V. uliginosum and V. vitis-idaea, the latter not being reported to date. Conservation measures suitable for preservation of presumably genetically distinct portions of the Balkans' gene pools of studied species have been suggested, while the utility of interspecific hybrids in breeding programs and/or in food/pharmaceutical industry is yet to be assessed.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia {[}III 43007, OI 173030